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DEGREE EXAMINATION July-2021 Examination « First R PHYSIOLOGY ¥ : PrP. © Time: 3 Hours: E ec ee Note: Ansa qui: Hurt our answer wth aad $a prio Marri ynranineswithitebe diagrams, Moc Mats: 10 WRITE AN ESSAY ON THE FOLLOWING (218290) 9. Haz of mamatheu doouvarsiun 1. R80 ar ad mae sun developed breatiasnes and pani mannose the chest radiating to left shoulder, On examination, patient showed Humoral Pee cea ok awn Labret cows andere nee 12. inmnty Gate sen re ree ea gL ) Youve taped aoe : 2° W869 We ewat sextet ear coon ating, WRITE BRIEFLY on tos 3°18, Draw Soper trea coe a NE 16 Aiden one iowa Senet ae at Atari Sat ce 12. Cheyne rapaton 2 838 your old mele pts having symptom of ease pain mma miss outs e Sroeened aug ony sachet led Sea 4g payee () Whats the diagnosis? +5453] Simul B24. Prk Aden on a ©) econo ute macanam ott cen We Cran (2) Bescon aces msec rece 4. Finer WB (3, RédarcteonMgateg naa coms cna Sipe pr eaine opr WRITE SuoRT essay on THe rouLowmG —exs=ay "Ren a Mestanmes {rc eee mili temettaees Scns a aap ca 16. Hoowopha, 4 Roo pin nko etal aay, Seermeanis em bleee ari 5. Netrl anton crconnr 47, Firms er Goons (m6) a ee rae we See one 17. GFR“ Ganon enlace cng 19, Poste fndback mechanism i: eee 722) GR Pl depen (ay 733 | 2. ‘Apoptosin.| laehein parame ieiaahiail vet M8 tara Puysiovocy aren Tine: 3 Hours Ne Aral qa Maro rere i ale Tago ate: WRITE AN ESSAY ON THE FOLLOWING [2™15=30) 8 Organ of Corti. aha A han E90 1. Female aged 48 year presented te snial medicine OPb wat se ft ra tt ampli f wanton faag an past shouer nesses ht Ca Ee seuona of the ceruingrerharandcalimuedeswiosncngoreshngiisres | 8. What ro Cal 7d foot mopping Symoisne geting worse bye weary She wi Sept eee eee ‘lieved from her symptoms only alter rest She also, Complaines al tigan fl erpam a EF oping a eeite and double son “te paion wsdl ses Reese eaeeeerie olive for atovanibedes dreced ogaitthe fostnaplcnceine | 10. Taany eevee eee o APE: 3 Nhe: fours ‘Notes Aucrall uo: [as jor anew wih bldg Max. Marks: 100 a ANESSAY ON THE FOLLOWING = x15=.0) WRITE BRIEFLY On (103-30) ‘64 year mae patent has fag, hypotension, tweedy pute and | 11. mary activ vanspor / ‘eatbossnass,tvestgatons show lw Cerdc ouput, [a+ 7 9] £ aarti INGER (@). Whats Normal Garde ouput and dene card out treme ontop oa (0) Factors influencing Cardiac output. 12. Role of eosinophils in allergic reactions, ys i Ree eee ae een Pane Prana Rely Eby 263A hie iy wy ¥ anne OK Pl Bee (Ey 101 | Pa Sp By © 2._/' 40 year old feral is having dificult in taking breath. Descrite : e SY coats saul ogdaton of osptaon 18. Enfvoblasioss ota Y ™ Gurre atom? nove on pase sage Bh HN rien Aka 1 Aptttonedn Seabee ayn corarape toto Saag 2 bl An 14. Wate ante on innervation and tuncons of swat land 4. Coronary cralatn = Factors determining coronary ctlaton, 15. Ghcoseabeorton in renal bul {Exner Ey Ht CRP Ed ‘Crna ay. 5. Enlrohepat creulaton 16, Surfaciant- physiological sgifcance. 6. Composition and tinction of pancreatic. 17. SCUBA apparatus 7. Transport of Oxygen in blood. 18. ADH action on renal tubule. 8 Describe the importance of Empathy in patient encounter. Ree 9. Draw and explain Cystometrogram. uae pivots SP 284 on 9B 2071 10. Movement of small intestine. 20, _ Extrinstic mechanism of blood coagulation DEGREE EXAMINATION Marci/Aprit 2021 First PHYSIOLOGY PAPER Hours WRITE AN ESSAY ON THE FOLLOWING [2x 15= 30) [An elderly male came 10 OFD with history of tenors a rest. Cin examination, he had cogwheel rity, cifcuty in waking. [2+ 8 + 8] (2) Wats the most probable diagnosis? (©) Which structure ofthe brain is efleced in this condition? What are its components and connections? (€) Explain the pathophysiology of this disease condition and ts treatment. 'A50 year od fomale came to physician wit history of sweling of fac, purple marks on the abdomen and easy bruising. On taking histery she revealed that she has bronchial asthma since 10 years and on bronchodiiatos and steroids since then (2). Whatis the diagnosis? (0) The variation of which hormone eadst this contin. (©) Describe the physiological actions ofthis hormone on various systom of our body. (@) What are the other clinical signs ofthis disease consion and reasons for it? ‘Nowe: Annwerall gusto Marae ouranswer witb dara « N ‘8 Examination R u 4 s WRITE SHORT NOTE ON [@*5= 40) Diferonat botwoon UM and LM econ Describe the functions of cerebellum, Describe the physiological changes during pregnancy. Explain the theories of colour vision, Mention diferent anomalies of colour vision Explain regulation of blood glucose. Add a note on diabetes melts Describe the diferent properties of action potential 12, 13, 14. 15. 16. Describe the endomatial changes ring menetual eyo, PPhysctogical actions of growth hormone. WRITE BRIEFLY ON [10 3= 30) Describe the enor af fraction and correction to \Wnat ar the boundaries tobe et in doctor pationt relationship, Babinsk's sion LUst the acute cardiac respiratory responses to whole body isotonic ‘Terminal methods pf contraception in both males and females ‘Sattatory conduction, 18. 19. 1 st tne factors affecting conduction velocity in anerve fbr, Name the dassicaion system based on List 6 functions of hypothalamus. List the functions of peat gland Sng Ey 4 Pn Rk ls S$ DEGREE EXAMINATION « 8 DEGREE EXAMINATION November 2020 7 ‘Novenber-2020 First M.B.8.8 Examination t First M585 Examination PHYSIOLOGY 4 PHYSIOLOGY ‘PAPER 1 8 PAPER Ys Hours Nove: Aner ion: Mar ouranewe with table dpa 1 ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS [2 10=20]1 ANSWER THE FOLLOWING quesTIONS Wnts caciac ouput? Explan re repulsion of cardiac expat Grassy Sensory Recopors Exsan her prepares eo) Scent a roe sea a cease crn er ini 2 rece ps pstgy estates evan. stare ec 2. Describe the mechanism of formation of concentrated urine. Adda note Flier fy ernlehens ong ‘on diuresis. B+5+2= 10) GK Pat Bier iy 955, GK Pl Srp Shen E39 10 Pn lh 771A M1 WRITE SHORT NOTE ON THE FOLLOWING —_[5*4=20] Granby tO Papa 8 5. Oral conaceptve pls 4 UNITE SuORT Hovs ON THe FOLLOWING +4220 Failed 3, Enumerate diferent modes of wanspot arose cel membrane. Des retin tn 2 CE 2 pvimary ave wenspert whan example. 4 ifereniate upper mator neuron (UMN) lesan and ower motor neuron Inner EV rn aE 4K Ey 2 eicuetens 4 Maco anemia!" 5. Gone and tconegay 5. Enterohepatic creulaon of Bile sats Gardin ans oRtinge oe Stan ir 2 87 rte ae Oz AR e881 ‘ca of mis aa A a Heese ae Wiotneesse oiaeet iene 7. Hhactieal changes andor basis ef nerve ation potential 7. Explain the role of inspiratory and expiratory muscles in respiration. Cede (Eas Gene re [x2= 19) Mit WRITE BRIEFLY ON THE FOLLOWING (*2=1m | BT Nanton he festres of REM ison 8 _Ustthe neon of CCK -PZ Steer pan lt ces tah 27. ag ERP (kb 18 Graig 98, Whats Aphasia? What ae is types? 9. Functions of Haemoglobin, SE Tt ere 2018 0 0 1 nh Pan ah Ak eee Pe 10. Draw labeled diagram of ECG, nigel ye ‘Gp Bunr rbd | GX lope in 85 Sewing BSE Pa ah (484 a E28 41. Sieur patna kal Bayer 29a ger Eby 3 Senter ath 11. Name the buffers of renal tubules. 12. Lungs compliance. 12, Menton 4 neuromuscular blockers. DEGREE EXAMINATION 7 REE EXAMINATION mut 207 : "at 2019 Pint 165.5,8 Beamination $ Fit 2.8 8 Praminato PHYsioLocY “ PHYSIOLOGY ‘PAPER s PAPER of ho ‘Ness Aral oo Taree nig Max. Marts: 50 vee alana ol anc ween fige capa 17 naga tc SENT ESnghe ane Pa ated earanee hana noe on atlosseorbanan onPannconar eI, Beeenett- f+ eucmentase oeceelinatayeascowlatat oe sce uetnechametieanete teeter Rane pees lean tt acres 2 a rohan Sao of concetatd une, Ad ate emanates daar Rou eat nce one apled spaces 2 on Duretics? r+ 3= 10) hers2=10) Septic Carcietaa sea ee aoe ar : ‘iiont wots ow [Beaemm waite SHORT OTE ow (64-20) 3 Extoptse 3. Enomoto 4. atop sncharuwxoes the Cl erbane, 4 Shei a 5 Detn hypoxia xp pes wi examples. eee te cee peal nana kin ely ebpryaeippeeeaa . Reese 6. Deserbe the movements of smal intestine. Sten By Put to. Amt te Se CREE etn pn cord 7. ert connections Cormunialon ae fivinaiy ibd etl pasa WRITE BRIEFLY On nae semicgumenaimmee tn Jefine ‘space and give its importance. WRITE BRIEFLY ON (5*2= 10) Hit pene oae onan ayer awe tae 8, Hormonal intone acon, SP eeaeeamrayt nace Cormier 8, Feature frets,” 1 ct nes pig 11. Paresympataimenaion win ado, 1. obese ert 12 Name the method of reestrement of cardiac ouput ro, Reeser tia 10 1" 2 Time: 2% Hours M.B.8.S DEGREE EXAMINATION August 2018 First MB.IL8 Examination PHYSIOLOGY PAPER. 1 Define and give normal value of cardiac output. Bry exnain tha ‘actors regulang it Add a note on fs measurement. [2-6 +2 = 10) plan te mechanisms of formation of concentrated urn. Rds. note on desis. (e310) WRITE SHORT NOTE ON Enterohepatic sreulation, Hazards of mismatched blood transfusion, Lang comptance Tiple response 7 ‘Active transport across the cell membrane, WRITE BRIEFLY ON Functions of frge intestine Wenckebach phenomenon. Sag E42) Prana ey 2A i: 30 1 Functions of reteulo enduteial system, Renal threshold for glucose. Intrapleural pressure. 7 [592 ezcazs Note: Anieral qusion trate yourangwer with table agra 1 (a <. 8 DEGREE EXAMINATION & August 20 3 MBBS Eeamination a PHYSIOLOGY rire Wax Marks: 50 Detine synapse. Discuss synaptic ransmision of impulses in dota Mention any Tour properties of synapse tere 2=%0) Name the pancreaicharmones, Describe tal function fing Aeeadariatierigesoe emote tent thre Gone nore on ceetean eet eee ipa neiceiaan Beattie patel ‘hae sion stein Intra uerine contraceptive device Parkinsonism lla Myasthenia aravis Alor nr aw oo Bisnis See emcee eases : PHYSIOLOGY my mr Time: 3 Hours i ‘Note + Annverallquetion: Hanae your answer with wabl digrams Max, Marks: 100 WRITE AN ESSAY ON THE FOLLOWING [1#4#10=15]_ WRITE BRIEFLY ON [10*3=30) 1, Whatis arterial blood pressure. What are the factors affecting arterial Immunoglobulin 2 Hisiarreespeigomeuy ue aerate ee rele Se eeeatecettereee eete at aaaerai v2, Howcis'©Y carted inthe biog wha Dissociation Cive_| 12 ABO blood group system ed et Ll eenee See uaa bse RMSE | Seto euaticroaretrase Se en murmenn a Eemade WRITE SHORT ESSAY ON THE FOLLOWING — [8x5 = 40] Sentai E75 Pr eh 4 en Spee eco Ferrans Si en ea tana 1 crim Seen tne sore sla hea csr 18, Brava mal andi s Bebacmsidgerces SE ees ear ba mmr tee eee ee 6 Whats GER Vow tis measuca” epi eiceaea ear ue are, Perera rer ir eee Same parma 1 Saracen o, Soe See ere lent aval eae ene semen eee eens ear eee ak ice 18, lesion lx o. Siaibis tins een Cee ee eae ll see ene 10. 65 year old male patient presented with intense itching and progres- area eae Ui trees elt Ea tee yi ate pat rene ‘ ae ly deepening jaundice, He gives 110 clay cores om Efe 20. A410 year old child presented with bleeding gum and pin head sized ‘greenish-yellow sclera is having soratch marks over the body an (ietetetet) Betis 6) Wialseancaenaiet P| Wasltecleremrenie™ f) Miypeeesaems ane, bleeding points over the skin. OE he Is having pallor with generalized Iymph node enlargement. Investigations revealed Hb - Zgmid,plate- Fat count - 30000/cumm, total WBC count -1.Slacicumm. Petiphera ‘smear shows lymphoblasts. Answer the following questions (1+1+1) (a) Whatis the mos likely diagnosis (&) Why he is having bleeding tendency (©) Whats the abnormaity in platelet count ‘January - 2021 = PHYSIOLOGY a i : a ee ie Ro cate nc et: a a ae eee Assay on Tus ouowNG 4, 2, ty Pall sn, lan Sees 1. What is exjhcopoesis? What are the diferent steps Involved | ton. She i guna history of naan a eens vat omen os ne "| Seemann Pl races 6) ie Se en a B ie ecreenc ote —— Mate eens ee, | eee ee eee i Scere cater eats erence erle 1 Sasees a fg coe ce meme temtme mm a aoe = WRITE SHORT ESSAY ON THE FOLLOWING — [8x5 =40] (eran lide tt ria 3. Fluid compartments In the body 13. Functional Residual Capacity (FRC) dio Ey Path Eh Ain 2 eee ie role eae ay eel ean sar recnumemermea a egg bee Semen cemeetrare (GR Ps Bevery: 165 CK Pal eB 884 18. Lymphatic Groulation | ces eee 8. te cocaine Se (GAP ho B18 |G Pt gp 8 18, Conducting systom Inheart | ances ee Sei a eee ee ew Ame ‘8. Pathophysiology of Shock 20. A 60 year old Male chronic smoker presented in the casualty with A een ‘severe central chest pain of more than one hour duration associated ih sweating and radiating pan tam ete) ‘What Is your dinical agnosie? 5} Menton at east one abnormal ECG fading taken nan ECB {akon 6 hours after onset of pain (6) Mention about wo risk factors fr this pain eine T Flrst M 3.0.8 Examination ® Paysiovocy y aren ‘ Tine: 3 Hours : Nae Aelia jaan a gs a. ais: 00 Mareneaeet ORTH OLLONING | Uesetnitrs] ——() Wyisnonang taps ohio ewomaiyn "Rens deren: romenes edad tom nyo dani on a} Domspsam arama beihyighomones a aahesied” hal se Moses n ht i ah naar hormone? How the thyroid homone secretion i aco He w/t rsa tn anny a wrure axrerzy on (103-30) a ih a a 1, BRITE BRIEFLY on 2 ann inpamidaltact? Deserve he orgin and couse ofan =a ye Penta oa nee eae ay OF 12. Crave dagen endcaian nara ten RRITE SHORT ESSAY ON THE FOLLOWING [8 5=10] ' 13. Waleran Dogreaton 3. ly Sango (Bay NIP Ped An Bs et oa tl ot 4 | enor kn serene 4 Funetons of Cerebelum : Bast Aina} ron Strata tC aoe a nites 7 Pennell gh 16. Functions of Testosterone Ore i rane tny mse wisn eure 17. Drawa neat dagtam of Thalamus and Label the nce i iy 48, Refred Pan 8 Seton Rete. carrspitoy ausmens ding oxce te ai 9. Uterine changes during Menstruation Be ciel oth aces ag tom ng yak Sai ecg one meer nh 20. Nod yea of oma presented whist aking ‘nani caine 7 ging Gr cen scone a 7 vomiting. id Buffalo hump like appearance. (1+1+1 10, 30 year old male presented with severe headache and vomiting, fades, Puple Soe an Examination revealed sicuy or vison ona rea eI) (0) Mitisyou Doar of vision snesge par ens eaiectta ose level? (a) What may be the cause for this? (6) What change you can expect in blood glucose le (6) Why is he having headache and vomiting? ££ Time: 2% Hours 1 DEGREE EXAMINATION 29 r Fret M8 08 Examination : PHYSIOLOGY 4 m1 3 Explain the regulation of blood pressure by the baroreceptors. List 1 tee soln tates ofhamortage shock nd te bas of ath Pesci) Stato the locaton of chemorecepters regulating respiration. Specify ‘8 thet ole, ‘WRITE SHORT NOTE ON Bx4= 20) 3 Peptic ulceration Base CColuar immunity & “Mechanism of action of anticoagulants : Renal glucose reabsorption 1. Factors affecting glomeruirfitration rate WRITE BRIEFLY ON Lymphoedema Facilitated difusion [Bx 2=10) ‘Mention functions of Spleen Pacemaker potential : Micturtion reflex [: i" tas 2 ‘Note Anwerall quetions tate youranawer with stable diagrams 8 DEGREE EXAMINATION July 2019 First M.B.B:S Examination PHYSIOLOGY PAPER AL Max. Marks: 50 raw labeled dagram to show the origin, couse and terination of the coricospinal rats List he features fhemiplega, — [6+4=10] Name the hormones involved in somatic growin, Quine the rle of each [8=t0) WRITE SHORT NOTE ON [5*4=20) Endogenous analgesia system ‘raw te "Dark adaptation’ curve and explain the mechanisms involved ‘Basis and testing of conductive deafness Features of Cushing's syndrome Spinal shock Sanger tric pamroan eee en spemaacg et oe: 2 ours we, ee enanen 7 DEGREE EXAMINATION ra Uhantenite . ras oer ‘PAPER <1 s PAPER. Note + Ansoerall questions Mstrate our answer with stable diagram: ‘Max, Marks: 50 Describe the composition, functions and rogulaion of exocrne’ pancreas eo {10} Expo in deta to nour ogulaon of oapkaon nd. nese on sivop apnoea 19} WRITE SHORT NOTE ON Oe xanzoy Megalobastic anemia, cause and foatures Oxygen dissociative uve, Define GFR and expan in deal the factors affecting it (Get thw ih 12 Ck ae 8 Draw a neat labeled diagram showing ECG waves and intervals and ‘add a note on Einthoven slaw. Intrinsic mechanism of coagulation. Sean Fa D1 Pde ey. 7A ay 01 WRITE BRIEFLY ON (5*2= 10) Post prandia alkaline tide Surfactant, composition and functions. Ledge Fb 11 Pn Bll 47 A by 8 Laplace taw, E Eosnophi Define Homaostas and name the various feedback mechanisms. ‘1. Describe the pain pathway in detal Add 9 note on referred pain, ng me '3 Gating Theory of pan, intesis er unions of myroxme. Ada a nate on rane 110) ra katie En em BRITE ston nore on [5x4=20) Rl othyetaars in ears eguon Funct otis Ee WRITE BRIEFLYON (8x22 19) Corpus kteum Sing 8. Pram Rl Ey 957A Som (Gk 6G Pl pty 38 Sarcomere Gk alae C13 Pape (a 29 Functions of cerebrospinal fd Sm Ey 36 Pra Bly Eh 94K Sn Fg) 2 | (ikl S990 CX Pa pe 18 Retlex Ae, Sig 8 Pr Ry 64 Kt a 80 2) Rat ky MVC Pde Ey 08 Diabetes Melts. Seman 4 ra ay 0 AK ay 68 10 1", 1 Time: 2% Hours M.B.B.S DEGREE EXAMINATION " 5 DEGREE EXAMINATION Jul - 2018 7 July 2018 First M.B.B.S Examination u First M.B.B.8 Examination PHYSIOLOGY 4 PHYSIOLOGY PAPER: 8 PAPER Draw a neat diagram showing the structure of respiratory membrane ‘andre the hemodynamic factors influencing the exchange of gases ‘2eross the membrane 110) Gkasope tan 80 : Define GER and describe in detail the factors influencing glomerular ‘ration 0) Sete yA ae | ‘WRITE SHORT NOTE OW [5*4=29) Lymn Sg i | Pa a A a 6 ge eit 0 oka Seni Eb 308.20 Pk ais Es | A do 0” 2508) Feels a rate Sewn $9 Prat a 5 om Bl 221) ostve feedback mechanism Seman 81 Pr ad Eh AK a 58) (Gk ra fle 9 Pipe Ey Hamburger shit | Se ry [5x2=10) Exocytosis, Carats body Pu 4 ly) a Bi 18 Paap 50 Exjtivopoiein Stuer EO Pk al Ey 4K a 8) End dasioic volume” Eman i Ps Rl 075 patos Lew "Note: Anweall oetine rate yuranewer with table diagrams y 2 Max. Marks: 50 ‘Descibeindetalthe synthesis, storage and release of thyroxine. [10] Deserbe the connections and functons of thalamus. WRITE SHORT NOTEON Spermatogenesis cng Prt Ey Pupllary refexes 110) Dorsal column pathway and is functions bun fy 18 Pr BE ‘Metabolic functions of cortisol GE hi 6 CK Pa Spr OE Parays's agtans nag (E39 Pe By Eh 201 on Ee WRITE BRIEFLY ON Bx2=10) ‘Any two tess for pregnancy nui Eb $4 Pra bE 9A 9 3 2 Rheobase ae Chromatolysis Cretinism (Garo En GK Pg 2 87 Castration Pk Rak 7 a E18 0) Fit M818 Examination PHYSIOLocy PAPER. Time: 2% Hours i Note: Answerall rein en 1) Enumerate the res 2 BES GS Sinnott aden of nto Selb aehe doi syn ooo . 3. Coronary circulation s a Beg ea ees ‘Sebo Ei 74\LPR Es 204K Ey 6 5. Sliladiany e© ckrtsepe tay ae 6. Heat oss iechanism in the Body ‘Seman E83 LPR 108A So ly 7. Sixt glomerular apparatus Soman Ed 22 LPR 54K ye Fi i GR Pale ay Write BRIEFLY OW 8. PRinterval Shae 2. Hiab’ 2 8 P= tome ea Sen E2920 LPR | by 1 29 10. Anticoagulants” — el Gi ert 38 Pal p23 11. gular ens pulse Sn 9 FR by 24K Ey 292 Gk hal Rgr E21 Caer 6 12. Gyanosis SSER|GIOF corer. Explain the new and cca regulation of respirations” vein Ie ne ria e246 40) [5x 2= 10) orcad 2 DEGREE EXAMINATION December 2017 Peeve a | Max, Mars: 50 Ke. Teraen ard Rncins ot yada vats aezvzva'= 40) tata anne wth wd meena ayn iste hmotgen rein ae iE SitoRT Note on Boos wan on cto of Grown hormone and factors (es e=i9) (5x4=29 Si ey ior icon steernnieie nate wali ED Enrttay 13 akrsope to Eig rl meet aeounnny Brown sequard Syndrome Sebi ti RP ip Em Be2=10), piety“ ai Sreceubnrmaes ba Ke Eo 173 ise : Scumcinutaneta DEGREE EXAMINATION August -2017 First MB.B.6 Examination PHYSIOLOGY PAPER. es ‘New Anweral gueion: Hrateoranowe with tle diagras Time: 24 Hours 41, Define mean arterial blood pressure, Describe the various factors 7 regulating it (2+8= 10) jroup system. Mention the effects of she oney about enthabastons + 243= 10) Biiety describe ABO blood mismatched blood transfusion foetal. ‘WRITE SHORT NOTE OW | [8x4=20) {Gastrointestinal hormones which inuence pancreatic juice secretion, nas ona boay perro? Bese termorequon in cold Describe ie ole TH ymphoeyle in munity. iain rie he gorensar fran te? a Oaygan dsocation cue. eas ines mm" Ana CCaraiac muscle action potential Facitaiédeifison isi tiny ais °° yan iembrane disease" Wes gaage om HRM CP DEGREE EXAMINATION “August - 2017 First M.B.B.S Examis PHYSIOLOGY PAPER tion Max. Marks: 50 Define pain. Describe the pathway for pain sensation with neat diagram. plain refered pai, Basti synthesis storage, release & functions of thyroid hormones. Shan adoes WoT SR A Enumerate the unctons of basal ganglia, What ae the cnical features of parkinsonism? Senna Et #95828 El 2 esérbe Various stages invaived in spermatogenesis and factors atfecing t Senn 616128 3A Eb 69 tat‘ patios ciacopbon? Give physiol bai of tal contraception, ‘Bean he functions of mid ear What ar the tests for hearing? aeramaerecage == Snag B05 LPR Ei 0A Ey) 18 Ged sctpe ggg hare 20 30 Taste buds Hata tigre [5x 2=10) Renal tieshold Yor glucose, america” ‘Whats REM ana RIREM slegp. 7 Serial ells. 4. Composition and functions of ile 5. Mechanism of DEGREE EXAMINATION M.B.B.S DEGREE EXAMINATION. " 8. urmter 20 r Pa Fv nbs Benn : reas toot PHYSIOLOGY 4 PHYSIOLOGY “PAPER 1 s ree vo a5 Time: 2% Hours 1 Define Hypertension. Descibe bity the physiological principles i Underying pathogenesis and management of Hypertension Reds aetg ‘Bat Airway Resisianas- Clive ts mmal VSRGEE List the factors iy Sees ly FS prcios ory hn PAE Passages Tei Seb ig) WRITE SHORT NOTES OW [5x 4=20) 3. SodumPolassiumATPase RR pair apn GE htm | Gl Pldng Ey td of Sembig 2 FRE SAK n b 2 6. Regulation of Sodium exertion by kidney 7. Abnormalities in Haemoglobin synthesis Sontag E01 LPR Aa by Ot [cement a 10. Aimentary Giycosura a eee 12 Desmosemes”°*"™ cm a ns Note: Anral quesions: lara ouranewer with tbl dag (v 3. Define terns. “Growth and Developmen? Lat he factors alec them Descrbe bit ahysnagcal aspect (24+243+3=10) Nae capers of ie a Gow Pa rcors, Der ety hero tea ear earn Beis WRITE SHORT NOTES ON Be Properties of Neve Fibers Sut Ey 8 EPRI 2 1 inerawal reflex Control of testicular activity ‘Somatosensory Cortex Snhnger 95 [LPR E18 GG ha eB 21 Pl Sapee™ 86 Fertization and implantation of ovum Sung E1215 LPR Ei 4 AK 2 WRITE BRIEFLY ON Miniature end pate potential Solna Eb 27 LPR Ed 4 San Ee 18 ka (Bi: 5 Catabolc Nervous System [x2=10) Isometric Muscle Convacion Senn Ei LPR (E104 iE 10 Colostrum Senn LPR 7 Ui ‘Types of smooth muscles Gi Par i Ey 191K Page OE 20 2 3. 4 5. 6. 7. WRITE BRIEFLY ON Intrinsic mechanism of blood coagul " : 2% Hours M.B.8.5 DEGREE EXAMINATION August - 2016 First M.B.B.S Examination PHYSIOLOGY PAPER‘ ‘What is hemoglobin and what are it functions? What factors are required for its formation and discuss catabolism of hemoglobin? [2+2+3+3=10] Somblngn (Ee GK Pl Bhi ( Et) 78\6 Define cardiac output? How is it measured in man? Discuss the physiological factors influencing cardiac output? [2+3 +5 = 10] Sealing (9° E61, 623.621 LPR (6° Ed) 475 AK (Ed) (Yo): 32 GK Pat lei 4 Ed ape WRITE SHORT NOTE ON Active transport across cell membrane? Sembulngam (Ed 55 LPR(O* E24 Khan Ea) (Vk GX. Pat eer Ey 7 Blood buffers in reg 131 (0° Bi) 30D) AK ercaaz Note: Answerall questions: Mlutrate youranswer with suitable diagrams. 7 v 10, "1 12, DEGREE EXAMINATION August - 201 First M.B.B.8 Examination PHYSIOLOGY PAPER“ Describe the functions of growth hormone. Add a note on effec ofits hypersecretion. 17 +3= 10) Semiteg iy (5x 4=20] Sembee 100 ‘Spermatogenesis i199 LER (Eb 92K te" E177 GK Pol WRITE BRIEFLY ON [5*2=10) Electroencephalogram (EEG) © Sygust 2015 PHYSIOLOGY PAPEL ime: 2% Hours Now: Ann eect tepals, ten Sarasa esate a on HEITE snogr nore on 7 SE SEPIA Fao pat nana deal AS Bescrive the tate of haemoglobin ofthe damaged RECs folowing taornlyel. Outine intrinsic pathway of cloting, Add a note on anticoagulants, Enierohepatic circulation and its physiological importance, Functions, hormonal regulation of exocrine pancreatic secretion, Ware nrurry on seam Bele aiken Geserbe any four actors atfecting situelSe zane) orfeks ‘Cause and normal duration of P-R interval Draw a diagram for innérvation ofthe urinary bladder. Explain the proximal tubular ‘handling of Na+. isos EGF and mention ts normal value, List any two factors that exca4z tions Mwai oun with enable dagrem Deine cardiac output? Descne the various factors regula Saat wee nie 2 PO a August 2015 PHYSIOLOGY oe 1. Deserbo the connections, funcions and efecto ‘Deserbe te actons and equation ofinsuln. Exe the bas Imalabotws mots Tek ‘WRITE SHORT NOTE On 3. Betine myopia. Explain the method of ts correction, 4, Functions of middie ear. Capp eaea dal tb gon wa anton ©. Feit trina and pyloogin bani 1. ef ogateron Waite BraeeLy on Resting membrane Seri ©, Faclaeiiehing eprint 10. indicate f ovtation 1. 7 xa R Max, Marks: 0 RSet a 9) 1sx2. 2.8 DEGREE EXAMINATION ‘November 2014 '$ Examination PHYSIOLOGY PAPER: Time: 2% Hours Describe the folowing aspocis of coronary blood fow [3+ + 4= 70] (a) Phasie flow (©) Metabokc regulation {2}. Evidences of myocardial ischemia 10. 1. 12 ‘Bases the Uptake, anspor and delivery of oxygen. {2+ 6+2= 10) eqanereuoes noRweR™ — ‘Abnormalities of haemoglobin synthesis Kiismatched bleed ranstoaisa Roi of seophageal spines "8 eae “=m ea delim om Mie E08 aan weniniy or trae Bhi i Role of gastrin Datine ative transport. Wits the factors affecting it gnng examples. [x2= 10) : "Nowe Answerallqcition: trate youranswer with table digrams 10 1. 12 ‘Nowenter=2018 First M.B.B.8 Hxamination PHYSIOLOGY Pare Max. Marks: 50 Describe the connections and functions of prefrontallobe. isthe elfets os lesion: er a= iO) ‘Besar the nofmanal regulation of talcum metabotsm. (6+ 4= 10), quran mower” Visual pathway and effects ofits lesions at various levels, Stun 18687 LPRI fl 1 nt 8 0 ochleamlcrophonics egos i | LPR Ei: a En 2 9 ‘rama rat and effec of lesion at internal capsule, Gitar [8x4=20] iy iter 08a ‘SuPer waited on Rigor mors Seng 890 LER 1 AK 18 Princlpe immunological tt of pregnancy Staton StL 36a a Bb (5x 2=10] uneti® of placenta ‘ark adaptations“ “"" Physiological importance of offacton. in erst O05 1 ney Sumo wepueder Huey CE ea eusouy “Zh as aber TE ws carro ranoia oe | rere Sag peop yaisoostd Hh saree eras rT -apeude oon “th mown aos evan dorm gene eee sor emnersnnrnt ie TEE gaye joy “OF | sa Cm mint 1 geen oe pau ater 8 weber rates 3h aemanenene tet une tian eae 1ysuqooye sooes equased ‘oisnyp pare) ued quade Bunpoq erosnuIREN —°S \ lorezes} eons utir roa to=zxs) BOs 1 sp cea 2 OFF 106 TBAT se um pneg exo iC OER MEAT EAGER spoye ovepeH “L voewapacyemsed L ncn nteraroiacs oehnenrs 22 sors ero 976 1 a ae A is ‘ej Jo vonduosge pue uoRseBig “9 vnonso oso corrd aeprane tm nets) es PL HD suey spe Aemuged hneues seo S| “uoqnn6ep Jo aseus eoGufieud s ain asieat ate, sm irmveen werner mearamrs 2 neta Macrame Peptmn omnes aS oon saa: aopenne 9 pogeu ag vetrg edoneuediy swede eum soFoouuhe 2 a 4 2800 ae TASES * | prove onltipvomnm loaves) pavespumerée pa simpe ageanseg | (oy vapuyfeuryuusuEpeuweureojno>jo jem eased _-Z taapeere eee : eM ames ncaa TG mo [a aye poy ‘exbueb yeseg jo suoroury ‘suonpeUHCD eYl equseg pe yBuyeinBar fasog “1 See SRoven ow quoted ‘anssaid pooig eveue waw sue —“L og sven EH Tp PR ln mse no oan Rey TO ———eaoererervnswnnvseéeeeeeeee ‘soy 5.2 sou soTOIsAHa . vhaava vouenera Sm We 4 ASOT0ISAHd g ‘102. ebm t wonwuramest SAN 5 NOW YHINYXa a3¥030 S0'8 1 ‘oes hn x NOLWNINYX aaa See sm . $244 pue uoruyog ~ enodsy 2 sieprosip deais uowwoo \ m8 Tem ANAT . setnomerarernwmearess so ny spt 28 sMOUEA SEMEN 44 oro baee stent acares se un» BUA&Q0SKY JO o0yo OUONID ob Seep ee es ® vo nen OBEN ono peg ein ene 7 inner a mtn lo=zxs] nowtaania suman ° | ‘(b= zxs] coeur, MO Mtaua wana ® . WF OE ha mar S200 04 em ORNL saps, narnio eet tetearontiemroleeosemed —t ‘eyes uomumed pur xeyel uoRDaIo Ny 9 mxennomoroneniorn —& vss rr tn negara oer ee bra Ta 9847 0s at montanes va enaerinn eee ____Monenare enuicy veer seupeso —¢ lero nono ese Buneinbos sovouIOH “yr aa Hi opane menitaoee ty \vog2etio0 e\g pue ofo UI 00 eNNDEHION —*e z ‘suyseju yeuls jo swewenoyy —-¢ loz= xs} USO S10N ImOMe axram loz=rxs) oy pu MO SOM GORD ERE popes MTT mTH tea tguepanetl : Ca enasUou! Bunp seBueys eupein pue UeueRd yeuoWNoY arg ssnasiq Z| YOHEAVEE Je UoHIEINBO: pue suOHoU uoRIEedwoo OM z 0 er 9 tpg eerie esnedeld bseeedeeisaenmanag ony vr] for = 2 +21 Aynise opus vo uosnou jou eutwes jo vores Bue {Pht Sg hue uo us poy vousnbeoo ponerse oa WPsnt oshoye emus spuls epenu /oUeep peIeNe|eMED 1 URL UUEIBEpaneuNLoeETOttoY eu IM ore CuO a EN os 9000 20H nen gro mn mR “em YAM ON ‘oy 22001 nav . aaa A9070ISAHd a ASOTOISAHE wasna a wonwanarees Se 358 ¥ oe gman , NovMiNyxa 3auoza S'='aW £0 O08) 8 HTH ts auorpuAs ssensip Airendsoy 24 wisunerd ZL Xp ae ceaep ngs veh sonny orancmtirraxoweomiamnrrers | ee aes amr tm tenceHeT fey nosey m9 seer tree el ete uoter2eg Kenies jojenues 1) doh ou es met cister ny Iso alr a st oF me 4 ocI mA ND ct 4d a my 190 Ora ce me votedserreouny 04 ‘uinein sled “OL “amend $90 re AMEN Coa) . ene a6 ene 6 re conor en opine f..nrac serra ne sno O02 OLY ie OHO oy a sc 04 or nmr ir 8 eT Te gc ba wwe) Sete pie) ‘uesy io) oo, -p | COZ xsl ko x1aarwa sinus loezxs1 xo saad aunt 15 ornate Ben RSTO ors mary ae eu en meg © hodsiea annze Kepuooeg 2 Seiwa spouou Snidooeaueg 2 ot a-2.terra ant eter mee te (2 mem nee aT pn aca 7 ‘wsIueWboU S80lT8=y ‘ovoBoieueas 9 tenant meas opt a mee seat tar hen nome | 7 «als Kinpow ene -g fuidios Wonoemtes won og mame BI bemoan eerste ns TS gauoudy SOSKBOAKH oy ‘soing Oun8e 40 suoNsun) pub vonIsoduioD > - Ti rsierigaaecateas Oo ozs} xossox ions ima fereyxs) NO Siow iwons wun opapee Soi" Sia Se inet Bs sea pct (obas ++ 11 adie seins jo wowanscous jo peu os e@insep Bossa a el i rd «| Saasiglhiiioees meres Jar ta woreda | wen aun ete BH Ad ot Se voce opses os 4. oa ca, Bat | Hopeger sd calidad ogi ve aa iS ence ues tonandon ewes | WERE sek do oor a euen) 6:00 208 Ty i in ee RAC RY HR son 220, rena 5 rane ADOTOISAHA ‘ A@OT0ISAHE ‘hoe Gn * ‘10250 x i NoLLWNINWxa aaMoaa s8ew » are mare : erga ‘sad pue uoniuyeq ~ eIseydy “spna ese, ‘sof ul spououl andooeneo uy BLIEN 10 ppp Jo suonouny ou UORUONY foezxs) No TANI GLA ‘vopeynno 3 subis vuoyount seyrosnuounoN ‘snweye jo suoqoung ss voRouny posh, sony epsnus jo sodh loz =¥ xs) Mo ALON LHOHS SLRS for=s+s) orury so uo vonerqa1208P DOL eS 3 8 sneirs sien weudsoomes Jo WeIBE Parane © MEO _Lovouuoy gor o yore jo wsIEYPeU lor=z+rer] to enim exe yeyrt seuouroy Mueumid JOVEIUE Ou OWEN os wen EN wae AOOTIBAHE ‘agua a We ‘Ob . loezxs) loz=¥xs] lor=ves) ui “UoneynBeco pooya I pENON anssaid eunajd emu Zh _,uees s1 1 104M “sisouekD ouod ‘Lh spunos yeou yo uononpord oy 88neD “OF spiny Apoqyo uennquisia 6 ‘uavadty onoeey —-@ No X1gania Siri “sonjenjeunou no4p yun sonpedeo pue sounjon Buy “Z ‘ayes vanes seIsowoj6 jo voneNBoy 9 tnyes jo suogoury pue vonsodueg ‘ayo suoqoury pue uoysoduco ou equseq ‘psn eynquuen jo fenuenod voney *E No SLOW ZYOHS Sin woyske ogKouugy vo tou ® sip onnenjonnonvesns E voyendsa jo uovensay 1 lor=r+yedl ete pinou ow wera sveuso Acasa e-9uL 90} 9 “map gen i ama otc aM rommy oN “Ss $86 00 ng a1 1:90 fw 694 to ‘pho enqaueus Anqemnove Jo siseq errs ‘Se ordnance ane TO {9 Tr 8 eM “yeuzea sns0) pooyq Jo suoqoun4 J sere TN ony 9 meus tbr. ton ao wo somes srr oc ‘See pu Sap U Sueuogardonopeves jo suonoy Meer mserrn ‘uonoe9s 404 Jo sop MOAR aU see SAY ut OEE Rt ha a Uuotsia snojag, soe SOY 4 8059S mn: ‘Waueen sy u!pasn Srup e Jo siseq eaojoIsAyd pue WsIvosUDLeg lovezxs} ‘x21 poo, Jo uogenBas u sMWEIELAOdKY Jo foe, ‘suompufs sBuusno J sameos ssavabojeweds Weer} xo @10N LHOHS ALTA tor) exces © pve uo suooun 2 uo tou € phe BUE 0 uoHOUN) pue iia jo suo jeuotoun} au) aul SvoreWUOD ou ee tou sneb ‘2eusehu Lo sou pe pu uosSsveu Sy BUUN 70 INN SOAS ay u oO e $ z Si ew amen Me HAT Wed aon sno omtrnay zomg BOND Is tomo tora cab Ci er ee 089 up fir tea-dmtinmsyoiaroerrmenmia oe esuodser ei, socncomrnns etme 0a tn a eee Sosouiomeue snovBiouewy 5 (m0 Ore emcee en ones lov=zxsl ie red Ses aoer rion or 99-4 tape, utmost ete E ‘werden sopiosp anise pue oxrnuSGE UI Dede eNNPOL, 9 LS ENT ese EET ms en tare ‘wonerove Keuaing § outed wrewceg +> © ssoodouuhig loz=9 xs} No SL0N 1wOHS anL log : kavoiew sso0 uo s}oue ppysoueuadu ea ag pue snos8 poor ou Uta LBusnos8 pongo seeH escaasNe asia fo ‘weap ajaeins 2 yam anssaud p00. 0 ueendoy fur eriounss uowharl cpormaconea ete rowel oye) oytaoaiee oth uroe9. Soren euLou sae hn sseNaNd js up weston Ome 0+ Sahu pue amssand oasep oiasson tsts Anssa boogDaeg 5 Suen 20H rena nena rene RSM isN mon 2-90, wae : : baa A907018AHe " ADOOISAHe sonewrueed sum w 014 n anes SN YIN int 4 ey Fanwary 2012 z= ® fanuary 2012 First M.B.B.S Examination u First M.B.8.8 Examination ene 3 PHYSIOLOGY am aren Tie: 2 Hours Ties Ansell ions Ht our wth grim Max Mart: 50 JL esse ne conpnion cons senate gases J. Exp Re pa ate adn 10) Scien wea atic nigger 2. Describe he actions of ovarian hormones 2 Dasa counter creo mute system athe rey. {10 Seneca cene tag 0 ae i ene tarte ti 1 cr oo WRITE SHORT HOTEON +4229 3. MRITE SHORT NOTE OW er Ree ee ere te Pitas tnctonondcncalinpatarce? Nee Ee Ani Sen iy L282 En Tan em Sa 4. hot Srted pan a aay soc LP yn yn ec mt duar (tay wo Gk tna 109 eet ane 5 Draw a neat agra of ight ex pathway an abe nee Ant se Py 4 2 a eRe tae Meson ero 6, Functions of Lmbic sytem. Ere bs cep Ba 1 erect cgrete 7. Braw and abel waves f E66 (Electro Carhogram) ami planing mebossn males ee aicribepmiue ‘Git Ee E05] GX a ge 123 (WRITE BRIEFLY ON 5*2= 10) WRITE BRIEFLY oN fox2=10) a Seino ation 8. Drawa diagram of sarcomere and label Sota HE 1a 8 Stthewnta nnn otc a. Functons af spieen 9. Refractory per. Ee CPRA 4K nly perme ea 5 cPR 4x Eby 40. Gross matching of blood 10, Wheres area number 44 located? What sts functions? eee a bee 7 Aan fy 0 se re ch | 4K ny 6 ‘se hati ch pr 88 Ste rc tin 5" 11. Functions of mph 1, Functons of mea Gebatnoc iets Wl CkMoape Ete Gk nde be 40K Me E180 12, Hear sounds. 12, Rarenogenital syérome. Se 509 A iE 2 Heeiaanherae rh iearne ee ara eration GED depo Sota vet svcd ea 8 Time: 2% Hours y 2 8 DEGREE EXAMINATION July 2011 First M.B.B.S Examination PHYSIOLOGY PAPER ezendz Note: Ansueral usin: lara youranswerwithetbledaga 5 DEGREE EXAMINATION July 2018 M.B.BS Examination PHYSIOLOGY PAPER Max. Marks: 50 Explain the hormonal phase of pancreatic juice secreton Watis hypoxia? Cassy it Expain them in bef. Seng Es LPR EE WRITE SHORT NOTE ON Antcoaguanis. Enptrobasoss Fetal Venous Retu 7 Senn LP ly 74K 8 Gk at GPa a? ‘fal ney. Sogn LP 4 7 Heart sounds Ex hdtir (Es FHGKMInpe Oy ‘WRITE BRIEFLY ON Endocytosis Carotid bodes. Sweat lands. What is Tubular maximum for cose (TRG). (19) (19) [5x4=20) 18x2= 10), ‘Ant Diuretic Hormone (ADH) 1 | 10. 1" 12 \What is Puberty? Mention the changes that occur uring puberty in females. (2+8=10) (xa Lope Eto 1 Mention the formation, composition and functions of Cerebro Spinal Pu (eS) Braeee tay Et 05 00 ne 0 an WRITE SHORT NOTE ON (5*4=20) Define Resting Membrane Potential. What is its ionic basis? Senta EE LPR Ey 8 An By ‘GK rtf 0 KP pe by 28) List the diferences between upper motor neuron lesion (UMN) and Tower motor nauron lesion (LAIN) Staten Es IEPA Edy 20K 6 {GK pt ir (Ey 8 pe OE 88 st the important effects of Adrenaline on diferent issues. Senha BD AR on 9 ‘Adcison’s disease, ‘Sh El 6 LPR El AK Eb i. 8 ‘Mention common erors of Refraction, its causes andthe corrections. [5*2=10) Mention the propertes of Receptors eae gaara Taste buds. ££ DEGREE EXAMINATION Jamaary 2011 First M.B.B.8 Exam PHYSIOLOGY PAPER: 1 Time: 2% Hours 4. Define arterial blood pressure. Menton its normal valves; Explain the 7 e@gulation of blood pressure Tieteo=ta) 2. Describe reabsorption of water in Renal tubules. Add anoteon Diabetes insipdus, (ee2= th) ‘WRITE SHORT NOTE ON (5x42 29 3, Various stages of Asphyxia, 4. Functions of skin 5, Jaundice . 6. Mechanism of Hydrochloric acid secretion in stomach. (Sh nee it GR Petpet 7. Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR). ‘WRITE BRIEFLY ON 8, Mitochondria. 8 Fer gebby SIL Pb: M4 in 1 em ot 12, Dot vie capacty and menton vale. ‘Nowe Aelita youre wth wil dra 1 5 DEGREE EXAMINATION Sanoary 2011 First M..B.8 Examination PHYSIOLOGY Parent Max Mars: $0 ‘Whats Retard Pan? Elan te hecres cf Rllered Pan and meron ftw eranpus. (edeaeaet0] Merton normal od calcu ee. Exon non ts equate 0) WRITE SHORT NOTE OX (x42 20) What ie spermatogenesis? Mention factors whicn regulate Sspermatogenes'. ‘Visual pathway. : Henin th actons of chemicals at Newe-muscuar uncons. ti Ghoinesterase | (b)Curare (6) Physostigmine. Mik ejection retex tsi are pan WRITE BRIEFLYON Corpus iuteum. [gx2=10) Goran son Functions of middle ea. Hom apy thom 1 nly 2000 Y First M.R.B.S Examination . PHYSIOLOGY « “Pare 3 Time: 2% Hours 7 ‘Nowe: Annee all nein Marat rane Classi leucocytes Give an account of development and functions of 1 ‘ferent Levsacytes. [10) 10, "1 12, DEGREE EXAMINATION 8.8.5 DEGREE EXAMINATION say Flest M.8.8.8 Examination PHYSIOLOGY ren Mas. Mark: $0 What are tne actions of Thyra Hormones on tabohsm? Give an account myponcroon pd soreare 0) laces the mechanism of regulation of ourbody temperature. (10) | 2 ian ne necnanan a WRITE SHORT NOTEON [sx4=20, Cristini ie ee a laa ee ee 3, Recommodation refexes == Se eee etacaeanas 6 Ba Serotec eta CaMslope EN Senbng E57 LPR E18 doe ae 5. Diabetes melitus and diabetes Inspiaus, Ses ELA Bi 71 hn Bh ee eeetlrenprererrsmerprrerr Lng surfactant and ts applied aspects Goniraceptve methods. Teal ve B cls. 7. Resting membrane potenial Sen Ei 12 LAR E37 Ain ly 1 9 {| Sere touetterreabare ncsamean WRITE BRIEFLY ON WRITE BRIEFLY ON (5x2=19) Enjvopoitin. 8, Menarche, Menopause Sg LPR EA Bl 8 Len he 3 ao Pati Bie sats manele 9%. Ggantam Shon by 59 LP Ey Aoi yt Son 4 wo Pan by. Cl pe Gx patina Function of Gatin 40. Astigmatism Gk retin i big 1 GERM np by ah Senter in 1 0Kheeen Othe ae Tidal volume. 11. Waves of EEG. . Sl Ey 14 699A Bl | ‘ny CF in Sidi i Pca | Sere Sel El LPR il 457A a ey i): 28 GE Mitecdr Phi HUGE Aigo Ng TTT Seng (Ei 3,105 | LR? E148 AK Jin Ee 12 80 (GK. Pl ever Ey, 849K Pl pee E12

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