Mancini Opinion

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COPY IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS OF NORTHAMPTON COUNTY, ‘COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA. CIVIL DIVISION JILL MANCINI, : Plaintit, No €-48-CV-2022-02511 COUNTY OF NORTHAMPTON, Defendant. STATEMENT OF REASONS Factual and Procedural History 3 ‘The above-captioned tigation concems a protracted and convoluted employment dispute between Appellant Jill Mancini and the County of Northampton the “County”. Mancini was first employed by the County asa part-time asitant distro atorney withthe Northampton County District Attomey’s Office in 2001. (PABB00012), During her tenure, John Sto was lected as County Executive who tabbed Karl Longenbach o serve as the County Soletr. PAR000005 {Alter serving as County Solicitor for year, Longenbuch decided the County would benefit from having a fll-sime assistant solicitor ha coul, ver alia, provide institutional ‘knowledge and be inmune fom the poiieal back and forth (PA13000006). Then-exceutive Stoffa agreed andl approved the proposal fora filme asistnt solicitor. Id, Northampton County Council subsequently pased Resolution 80-06 establishing one fulltime assistant itor position, While the positon was discussed with one other individual, Mancini was the only candidate interviewed by Longenbach (PAB000010}"' Longenbach and Stofa eventully "The Court notes tha, inthe 2014 proceedings, Mancini acknowledged the existence of negates of how she vas hived tw eater service employe, sting that twas tin the dons Sense.” (PAB QO0016-17) Lina hired Mancini a the full-+ime assistant solieitor on February 26, 2007. In 2012, a second full- time assistant solicitor positon was created, 12013, John Brown was elected to the office of County Executive and subsequently ‘nominated Victor Seomillio, squire to serve as County Solicitor. @PABOD0022). Prior to assuming office, Seomilio and Brown decided to restructure the solicitors offic by eliminating ‘bot ul-ime assist solicitor postions to pxportedly promote efiienoy and save taxpayer money. (2AR000022-29. On orsbout December 23, 2013, Scomilio advise Mancini hat both {alltime assistant solicitor postions would be eliminated in the coming year. (PADOOO0I7-18), ‘Northampton County Council fer hearing the proposal presented by Scomilio, passed ‘Resolution eliminating both ulsime assistant soliito positions on January 23,2014 “The County subsequetl provided Mancini with noice tat she was being lad off fective February 17,2014 vi etter on January 27, 2014. PABOOOO4G-£7). The Notice included a copy of Northampton County Employee Policy Manual Section 3.525. The tie also sated[ere ate no fl ime positions peseily existing within Northampton County Solcit’s Ofc,” and“[b]y providing this note, this fc in no way lates or implies dha the

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