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This might be the most valuable thing you’ll

read about Instagram

No yapping, no bullshitting, just straight value

First things rst, why would you even listen to me

or take my advice?

Multiple millions of followers & over 1 billion views

all done with organic content

Do I have to say anything else?

Instagram is the absolute easiest platform to grow

on at the moment, no doubt

There are a couple of things that you must have in

check before you even start because this is what
will set you apart & stand out.

Consistency and Commitment in Building an


Building an audience is a long-term commitment

that requires consistent e ort and patience. Many
people start with the expectation of quick success,
but this is rarely the case. But in today’s day and
age, it’s the absolute easiest time to grow an
audience and go viral, especially with Instagram.
More people are consuming than ever, which
means more views, more followers, and more
money to be made.

Overcoming Discouragement
Many people get discouraged by a lack of
immediate followers or engagement. Focus on
providing value and sharing interesting, high-
quality posts rather than worrying about immediate

Consistency Over Results

Many people fail because they can't maintain
consistency. They start strong but stop when they
don't see immediate results, or they slow down
when they start seeing some success.

The key is to keep doing the work, regardless of

the immediate outcome. This builds the trait of
consistency, which is crucial for long-term
The amazing thing is…
Growing speci cally a theme on Instagram takes
absolutely zero skills and it doesn’t require that
much time to make and post the content.

And the amazing about it is that over time the

content that you post will have more leverage,
you’re reaching more people with basically the
same content format, with the same amount of
time you’re putting in.

This content format will change everything for

you and it will BLOW UP your account,

You go on TikTok and download viral videos in the

chosen niche

I would go even further with this and make my fyp

on TikTok to be speci cally content that you’re
gonna post about on your Instagram

I would go for videos with over 500k views only.

You can use the app “CapCut” to do all this, it’s
free and it is beginner-friendly

You are now adding lters, e ects, and captions on

the videos depending on the content you make
rebrand it for your page

You can do a white/ black background make the

video you downloaded smaller and add this exact
headline on all of your videos

“Imagine if only there was a page dedicated to

(your niche)”

People will visit your pro le more, will follow you

more, and will engage with your content more.
Now let’s get into more speci c things that will
ensure your success on Instagram

Tailor Your Explore Page and Reels:

• Engagement Techniques: To optimize your

explore page, engage with content that is
similar to your niche multiple times a day. Like,
save, and comment on posts from popular
accounts within your niche. This helps
Instagram understand your interests.

• Content Curation: Curate your content so it

re ects a consistent theme. If your niche is
tness, ensure that all your posts, stories, and
reels are related to tness tips, workouts,
nutrition, and motivation.

• Avoid o -topic posts that could confuse your

audience or the algorithm.

• Account Segmentation: Consider having

separate accounts for personal use and niche
Engagement Polls
Utilizing Polls in Captions:

• Poll Implementation: Use polls to engage

your audience actively. Polls can be simple,
such as "Do you prefer cardio or strength
training?" or more speci c, like "Have you tried
intermittent fasting?" The goal is to encourage
interaction and get your audience involved in
the conversation.

• Poll Analysis: Analyze the responses to

understand your audience's preferences and
tailor future content accordingly. For example,
if a signi cant number of followers prefer home
workouts, focus more on creating content
around that topic.

• Caption Integration: Integrate polls naturally

within your captions. Start with a hook,
introduce the poll, and then provide value. For
instance, "Struggling to choose the best
workout? Vote below and see what others
Captions Strategy
Structured Format for Captions:

• First Line - Hook: Craft compelling hooks that

stop scrollers in their tracks. This could be a
provocative question, a surprising fact, or a
relatable statement. For example, "Did you
know you can burn more calories with these 5
simple exercises?”

• Main Body: Deliver value in the main body of

your caption. This could be through
storytelling, sharing personal experiences, or
providing actionable tips. Ensure your content
is informative and engaging, and adds value to
your followers.

• Source Credit: If your content is inspired by or

derived from another creator, credit them
appropriately. This builds credibility and fosters
goodwill within the community.

• Call to Action (CTA): Encourage followers to

take speci c actions, such as "Save this post
for later," "Tag a friend who needs to see this,"
or "Comment your thoughts below." A strong
CTA drives engagement and interaction.
• Hashtags: Place relevant hashtags at the end
of your caption. (Only if you don’t have a
following yet)

• Use 5-10 hashtags, preferably using the

biggest ones.



E ects and Filters

Enhancing Your Content:

• E ect Selection: Choose e ects that enhance

the visual appeal of your content without
overpowering it. E ects should complement
the theme and tone of your page. For instance,
use vibrant lters for energetic tness videos
and softer lters for relaxing yoga content.

• Subtle Enhancement: E ects should enhance

the content subtly. Overly dramatic lters can
distract viewers and detract from the message.
Aim for a consistent aesthetic that aligns with
your brand.
• Platform Features: Utilize e ects available on
Instagram, as using the platform's features can
sometimes result in better reach. Instagram
tends to promote content that showcases its
latest tools and features.

Turn O Facebook Recommendations

Focusing on Instagram Growth:

• Recommendation Settings: Go to your

Instagram account settings and disable the
option for cross-posting to Facebook. This
ensures that your e orts and engagement are
focused solely on growing your Instagram

• Growth Metrics: Concentrate on your

Instagram growth metrics, such as follower
count, engagement rate, and reach. Focusing
on one platform allows for more accurate
tracking and optimization of your strategies.

• Audience Building: Building a dedicated

audience on Instagram can be more e ective if
you’re not diverting tra c to other platforms.
This helps create a loyal and engaged
community within Instagram.

Pinned Content
Maximizing High-Performing Posts:

• Pinning Strategy: Identify your top-performing

posts after 30 days and pin them to the top of
your pro le. This keeps high-engagement
content visible and attracts new followers.

• Pinned Comments: On viral posts, use pinned

comments to highlight important information or
calls to action. For example, pin a comment
that encourages followers to check out a link in
your bio or to follow for more tips.

• Content Rotation: Periodically rotate pinned

content to keep your pro le fresh and highlight
di erent high-performing posts over time.
Optimizing Your Instagram Bio
Crafting a Compelling Bio:

• Keyword-Rich Bio: Include relevant keywords

that describe your niche. This improves your
pro le's discoverability in searches. For
example, a tness page could include
keywords like "workouts," "nutrition," and
"healthy living.”

• Value Proposition: Clearly state what value

you o er to followers. For example, "Daily
tness tips and personalized workout plans.”

• Community-Focused CTA: Include a call to

action that encourages visitors to engage. For
instance, "Join our tness community! Follow
for daily tips and motivation.”

• Conciseness: Keep your bio concise and

engaging. You have limited space, so make
every word count.
Keywords on Videos
Enhancing Video Discoverability:

• Adding Keywords: When creating videos, add

relevant keywords by typing them in small text
and placing them inconspicuously in the video.
This helps the algorithm categorize your
content and show it to the right audience.

• Keyword Placement: Place keywords related

to your content in strategic parts of the video,
such as the corners, where they won't distract
viewers but will still be picked up by the

- Huston

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