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TRA PHAM THU - 0989552182

Unit 6: Preserving our heritage

1 Heritage /ˈherɪtɪdʒ/ Di sản
2 Suggestion /səˈdʒestʃən/ Gợi ý
3 Landscape /ˈlændskeɪp/ Thắng cảnh
4 Monument /ˈmɒnjumənt/ Đài tưởng niệm
5 Temple /ˈtempl/ Đền, đình
6 Architecture /ˈɑːkɪtektʃə(r)/ Kiến trúc
7 Delta /ˈdeltə/ Đồng bằng châu thổ
8 Scenery /ˈsiːnəri/ Phong cảnh
9 Complex /ˈkɒmpleks/ Tổ hợp
10 Biodiversity /baɪəʊdaɪˈvɜːsəti/ Đa dạng sinh học
11 Leaflet /ˈliːflət/ Tờ rơi
12 Mausoleum /mɔːzəˈliːəm/ Lăng tẩm
13 Generation /dʒenəˈreɪʃn/ Thế hệ
1 Preserve /prɪˈzɜːv/ Bảo tồn
2 Recognize /ˈrekəɡnaɪz/ Công nhận
3 Explore /ɪkˈsplɔː(r)/ Khám phá
4 Promote /prəˈməʊt/ Tăng cường, củng cố

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5 Pass down /pɑːs daʊn/ Truyền lại

6 Restore /rɪˈstɔː(r)/ Khôi phục
7 Organize /ˈɔːɡənaɪz/ Tổ chức
8 Develop /dɪˈveləp/ Phát triển
1 Ancient /ˈeɪnʃənt/ Cổ xưa
2 Ordinary /ˈɔːdnri/ Bình thường
3 Historic /hɪˈstɒrɪk/ Mang tính lịch sử
4 Sustainable /səˈsteɪnəbl/ Bền vững
5 Unique /juˈniːk/ Độc đáo
1 Field trip /fiːld trɪp/ Chuyến đi thực tế
2 Cultural value /ˈkʌltʃərəl ˈvæljuː/ Giá trị văn hóa
3 Original state /əˈrɪdʒənl steɪt/ Nguyên trạng
4 Floating market /ˈfləʊtɪŋ ˈmɑːkɪt/ Chợ nổi
5 Pedestrian street /pəˈdestriən striːt/ Phố dành cho người đi bộ
6 Limestone /ˈlaɪmstəʊn Núi đá vôi
mountain ˈmaʊntən/
7 One-pillar pagoda /wʌnˈpɪlə(r) Chùa một cột
8 Flag tower /flæɡ ˈtaʊə(r)/ Cột cờ
9 Imperial citadel /ɪmˈpɪəriəl ˈsɪtədəl/ Hoàng thành
10 Wildlife habitat /ˈwaɪldlaɪ Môi trường sống hoang dã
11 Tourist /ˈtʊərɪst Điểm đến du khách
destination destɪˈneɪʃn/

TRA PHAM THU - 0989552182

Ex I: Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.
1. A. landscape B. habitat C. natural D. central
2. A. monument B. furious C. unique D. cultural
3. A. suggestion B. attraction C. solution D. proportion
4. A. mountain B. tourist C. founder D. hourly
5. A. scenery B. complex C. historic D. calculate
6. A. temple B. delta C. leaflet D. envelope
7. A. preserved B. promoted C. restored D. organized
8. A. limestone B. exciting C. wildlife D. tradition
9. A. pagoda B. tower C. proposal D. location
10. A. programs B. discussions C. statements D. guides
Ex II: Choose a word that has a different stress pattern from others.
1. A. temporary B. generation C. architecture D. mausoleum
2. A. explore B. building C. perform D. discuss
3. A. develop B. ordinary C. imperial D. importance
4. A. destination B. entertainment C. competition D. endangered
5. A. sustainable B. original C. pedestrian D. pavement
6. A. encourage B. direction C. certainly D. condition
7. A. conversation B. communicate C. authority D. exaggerate
8. A. rubbish B. destroy C. local D. harbor
9. A. attention B. division C. souvenir D. important
10. A. usually B. understand C. permanent D. logical
Ex III: Say the words out loud and odd one out.
1. A. century B. lifestyle C. decade D. millennium
2. A. specific B. general C. detailed D. informative

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3. A. command B. request C. reward D. inquiry

4. A. ancient B. beautiful C. interesting D. heritage
5. A. history B. literature C. research D. economics
6. A. museum B. temple C. pagoda D. cathedral
7. A. valley B. hill C. mountain D. ocean
8. A. commercial B. political C. historical D. information
9. A. custom B. appreciate C. festival D. tradition
10. A. unusual B. weird C. strange D. typical
Ex IV: Match the words to make phrases.
1. field a. singing
2. heritage b. values
3. group c. site
4. cultural d. valleys
5. folk e. markets
6. floating f. state
7. natural g. media
8. original h. beauty
9. green i. streets
10. pedestrian j. trip
11. ordinary k. presentation
12. social l. people
Ex V: Circle the best word.
1. She is writing a leaflet to inform people with/about some ways to preserve
Trang An Scenic Landscape Complex.
2. It is a great way to produce/promote this kind of cultural heritage of
northern Viet Nam.
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3. Mrs. Smith takes/has a boat trip around floating market because she wants
to listen to folk songs.
4. The website was designed to give tourists more information about local
historic/historical sites.
5. They suggest to use/using social media to encourage youngsters to learn
more about heritage sites.
6. He makes/does good use of the social media to express his opinions on
current issues.
7. Our club invites some artists perform/to perform and teach students some
folk singing, dancing and music.
8. They are doing to make cultural heritage more wide/widely known to
people all over the world.
9. One way to preserve/restore cultural heritage is to raise people’s awareness
of its importance.
10. Our group propose set/setting up a folk club to preserve traditional music.
Ex VI: Match.
1. visit a. postcards and souvenirs
2. perform b. novels
3. read c. the world’s heritage
4. tell d. interesting lessons
5. sell e. the old temples
6. open f. some important events
7. preserve g. a local festival
8. hold h. prompt actions
9. play i. folk songs
10. take j. a small shop near the centre
11. attend k. interesting stories

TRA PHAM THU - 0989552182

12. give l. musical instruments

Ex VII: Match the words with their definitions.

1. heritage a. bring back a situation or feeling that existed
2. ancient b. a building used for religious worship
3. preserve c. the history, traditions, buildings and objects that a
country has had for many years and that are
considered an important part of its character
4. promote d. belonging to a period of history that is thousands
of years in the past
5. explore e. being part of the beliefs, customs or way of life of
a particular group of people
6. historical f. to keep a particular quality, feature
7. restore g. a building, statue built to remind people of a
famous person or event
8. traditional h. to help sell a product, service by advertising it or
offering it at a special price
9. temple i. to travel to an area or a country in order to learn
more about it
10. monument j. connected with the past

Ex VIII: Complete the following sentences with words in Ex VII.

1. He is one of the greatest ………………. figures of all time that I admire.
2. We are sorry to announce that efforts to ………………….. the peace in this
country have failed.
3. Westerns did not set out to …………… the world until the fifteenth century.

TRA PHAM THU - 0989552182

4. Foreign visitors are checking in the building which is part of our national
5. Archaeologists are excavating the ruined temples of this ……………..
6. The trade fair will help businesses from Viet Nam to ……………… their
7. Acupuncture has long been a part of ………………. Chinese medicine.
8. Every year, thousands of students pay a visit to ……………. of literature to
wish for good luck and great success in their exams.
Ex IX: Choose the best answer.
1. The city has ………….. a lot of money from the public to restore some of its
ancient sites.
A. increased B. raised C. invested D. borrowed
2. Will the city ………….. people heavily if they damage the cultural heritage?
A. reward B. hit C. hurt D. fine
3. Interesting lessons from the teacher really help us ……………… our cultural
A. will appreciate B. appreciate C. appreciating D. appreciates
4. If youngsters only listen to pop music, folk music and dances will probably
die ……………..
A. off B. down C. out D. over
5. The students can ………… their ideas to the class in the form of an oral
presentation, a leaflet or a poster.
A. present B. tell C. say D. express
6. Thousands of Vietnamese people from all over the country …………… the
national festival every year.
A. participate B. attend C. join in D. take part

TRA PHAM THU - 0989552182

7. When foreigners make innocent mistakes, Vietnamese people can easily

……………. them.
A. acknowledge B. exchange C. forgive D. understand
8. It is common for groups of tourists to get …………… into homes or businesses
to join a meal.
A. invite B. inviting C. invitation D. invited
9. In ………… of export, Vietnam is the second-largest producer of coffee in the
A. fields B. terms C. ways D. areas
10. We know that many of you worry ……….. the environmental impact of mass
A. about B. with C. of D. over
Ex X: Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word CLOSEST in meaning to
the underlined word in each of the following sentences.
1. She is talking about the ecosystem of this area and efforts to preserve it.
A. promote B. conserve C. replace D. repair
2. The complex is famous for its beautiful landscape and long cultural history.
A. notorious B. outstanding C. well - said D. prestigious
3. To reduce the effects of mass tourism, it is recommended that we shouldn’t
pollute the rivers and valleys
A. suggested B. reported C. believed D. required
4. The city has organized successful events that attract a great deal of visitors
around the world.
A. none of B. some of C. plenty of D. several of
5. Some local students won prizes at a contest on preserving Asian cultural
heritage as part of the youth forum.
A. selection B. competition C. exam D. test

TRA PHAM THU - 0989552182

6. The objective of the campaign is to involve young people in the preservation

of the world heritage.
A. theme B. topic C. title D. goal
7. Thanks to vibrant culture and history, Vietnamese people have made an
unforgettable impression on the world.
A. energetic B. fashionable C. long lasting D. famous
8. The people of Vietnam are one of the most important aspects of the
country’s unique identity.
A. strategic B. vital C. main D. influential
Pham Thu Tra - 0989552182
9. They take pride in their rich history and culture and are always eager to
share it with others.
A. willing B. hopeful C. excited D. joyful
10. The sense of national pride is apparent in everyday life, through traditional
music, cuisine and festivals.
A. obvious B. vague C. definite D. certain
Ex XI: Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word OPPOSITE in meaning
to the underlined word in each of the following sentences.
1. It is interesting to know that the landscape is not changed or damaged by
human activities.
A. destroyed B. ruined C. managed D. restored
2. Viet Nam possesses an array of intangible cultural heritages that have been
recognized by UNESCO.
A. opaque B. visible C. vague D. clarified
3. Vietnam is a populous country which is home to 54 ethnic groups, each with
their own unique language and culture.
A. empty B. wealthy C. peaceful D. crowded

TRA PHAM THU - 0989552182

4. People in the North are known for their hard work, caution whereas those in
the South have a more liberal life.
A. poor B. reserved C. disrespectful D. hopeless
5. Family is highly valued and deeply rooted in society.
A. considered B. priceless C. disapproved D. disrespected
6. For many travellers, the Vietnamese way of life remains a compelling
A. attractive B. appealing C. transparent D. dull
7. The abundance of communal spaces lead to a collective lifestyle.
A. private B. individual C. group D. collaborative
8. Vietnamese are not used to the Western idea of personal space for private
A. disapprove B. disrespect C. unfamiliar D. dislike
9. Vietnam is now one of the world’s most inspiring destinations because of
our breathtaking landscapes.
A. unpleasant B. ugly C. plain D. thrilling
10. We have the same origin, which makes us have some similar
A. different B. various C. diverse D. outstanding
Ex XII: Complete the sentence with the correct form of the word provided.
1. There are events for young people to experience and learn about ……………..
performing arts. (TRADITION)
2. One of the best solutions is to create a ………………… habitat suitable for local
wildlife. (SUSTAIN)
3. Our problem is the young people’s lack of ………………. about cultural
heritage. (KNOW)
4. Heavy ……………….. can prevent people from destroying cultural sites and
items. (PUNISH)
TRA PHAM THU - 0989552182

5. This heritage site is promoted as a popular …………… destination on social

media. (TOUR)
6. The research findings have provided ……………….. information for us to make
the final decisions. (VALUE)
7. This allows locals and …………….. tourists to learn more about Vietnam’s
cultural history. (INTERNATION)
8. The ………………. rainforests of central Vietnam are perfect for growing coffee
beans. (MOUNTAIN)
Pham Thu Tra - 0989552182
9. My daughter wants to learn folk songs and some traditional ………….
instruments at the weekends. (MUSIC)
10. I’ve ever visited the country that has …………….. promoted its cultural
heritage through tourism. (SUCCEED)
Ex XIII: Fill in the gap with a suitable word given in the box.
cultural experience landscape damage occasions
generation heritage promotion festival architecture

1. Special events are organized to celebrate our local festivals and participants
can also discuss ……………. - related issues.
2. In this country, both individuals and companies have to pay the fine for any
………………. to heritage sites or objects.
3. The unique ……………….. in this city which is on the world heritage list is
famous worldwide.
4. ……………… heritage enriches the individual lives of citizens, which is a driving
force for the cultural sector.
5. The heritage reflects the beauty of Vietnam’s natural …………… and the
richness of its culture.
6. Hoi Giong is a traditional ………….. held annually in many areas of Hanoi to
commemorate and praise the success of the hero Thanh Giong.
TRA PHAM THU - 0989552182

7. UNESCO has played a significant role in supporting our efforts in the

………………. of traditional heritage values.
8. We all admire the older …………… as they lived through the war and extreme
9. The warmth and friendliness of Vietnamese people are one of the things
that make Vietnam travel such an unforgettable …………………..
10. Most Vietnamese homes have an ancestral altar where food is offered on
special ……………….


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