Notification against Requirement of sparable manpower for transfer to NCL

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(qRiI sliFIT ifl T{ir uqtrT) (A Govt of lndia undertaking)
c. {r.qt*.*.Rwrr Coal Bhawan Premise No.4, MAR Plot No AF-lll
eTfr rff{, ilgr€w+,w.(. oln.rilre S: AA-1A, NewTown, Rajarhat, Kolkata 700156
(.W.tll CIN: 123109W81973GO1028844
(.(.:1-A,{eKI{,|.fdfd,etffi fdt Phone: O33 2324 4712, Fax - 033 2224 6527
Website -
S. ofr{.q?r u3rG,wB1973Goro28844 gs'qERE frqfi
rDill: 033 2324 4ttz,irw - OSg 2324 6527
A Maharatna Compani
t-td - gmmpnir.cil@coalindia. in
tEgfter w .wW-. coa Ii
d.ia,,i n

(qfi 3lrq (s fr:9001 :2015, ent W *: 14001 :2015 tlti snt $s *:9001 :20t5 Tf,rFril r*ffil
dE{ fr': cruc-sB/M ptRecfi.t J t I frqie': 20.06.2024
The Director (P), ECL,BCCL,WCL :

Sub: RgquireFent of Fitter/Helper. Electrician/Helper & Welder/Hetoer at NGL.

Dear Sir/Madam,
This is to inform you that NCL is in urgent need of following categories of manpower whose details
are mentioned below for operation and maintenance activities:

Sl.No. Designation Requirement

1 Fitter/ Helper 1206
2 Electrician/ Helper 525
3 Welder/ Helper 132

ln this context, it is requested to spare sufficient willing employees from your subsidiary in terms
of the Scheme for re-deployment of surplus manpower by grant of incentive circulated vide
O. M no. Cl UC-s B/M P/OM/S u rplus Manpower/3 1 dated 19.06.2024

As such, wide publicity may be given seeking applications from willing, regular employees in the
above mentioned designations.

On receipt of applications at your end, the compiled list in the enclosed format clearly speciffing
that the said employees are sparable may be sent to this office.
The whole exercise for collections of applications and forwarding to CIL may be completed within
15 days. A weekly report of the applications received is also required to be sent as per Annexure-

It is pertinent to mention that this will be treated as Administrative transfer and the following
benefits will be extended by the company the employee joins on transfer.
i. Grant of One-time incentive of Rs 1,00,000
ii. Transfer grant (1/3rd of one month's basic pay)
iii. Settling in Allowance (for distance more than 32 kms- 2/3rd of one month's basic pay)
iv. Travelling Allowance as per entitlement.
v. Joining time- leave of 6 days, plus one day extra for every S00 kms.
vi. Reimbursement of transportation of household goods as per entitlement of TA rules.
Thb b being issued with the approvalof Competent Authority.

Encl: As above
hpr- l^tvy
Copy to: @@'
T€[sdtriF' (*.qr. \nt elr.€ I
1. D(P&tR),CtL
2, D(P),NCL
3. ED(Co-ordination), CIL
4. TS to D(P&|R), CIL

Annexure -A

PIofgrma of elieible sparable emolovees

S.No Name of u.M Designation DOB DOA Place vc/Dc Consent

employee No of Status for
Posting sparability

Verified & signed (with seal)

General Manager (MP&|R)

(of concerned subsidiary)

4nnpTqre -B

Weeklv Repgrt

Name of Subsidiary Vacancv Notified No. of Applications Regeivgd


Verified & signed (with seal)

General Manager (MP&!R)

(of concerned subsidiary)

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