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Page 12S

Force ocea phychca auseahi ta claa gs

oend o chacge e the hesize shape o1
he SfaAe e s o motfon

Effechal Force th

On fhe basis aaplicomon fosto asé classified

aotno dadeqo itg
1) ConAcun oCe
2 Non-lota oYCe

Cantact Force The FoKtel hich e at on

o bodie lhe they oe ii pi/cics coiahtm ase laledL
Co ntacd oices. 9
Ej ithonal xceiiro iaei Reac Han Foxco
ii ortei Tensioy ereste Ly.a ing cdi
foxe eicexted Lya oaing
vllose exexted on tkino boolie du Collisio

y tuchona Fovce 1-Alheiaalody ssaes bvey a ough

Sa farea o e ac onpabocy iu a direAio
opositeto1hemoion , the bady alag ih
Su fae Contac Tait called the Fi fhoa

hen.a fentomoves tooda ight on the od


the fote s itaion G s onhim DApds he

ehhis ocaesshg u, ationOn the Osd
ii Nommal Readion oLe Nhen a bady laced
an o ufate ne Lody texttlafoxce eq ual
Aoiis oeh d fndoioniand dixerio on the
Suate Horoevey ae oody doesn anv
L Callbecaue the Sukare exexhs a equal and
oP/Orforce ouitonohicdh iiCalleHhe
Nonal Reac ion Forcs 2 o1 heloai
iTeinu hice an geeled by Q t i g -
Jheai body ucusesded LayA gtiuthe
dse s e ls w. nilssieehed eaaclidioca
he a puult Hhe body upoard by a fort e
hich halocei heube ht o ihaooly.7hi
orce deuelofecdiin the stingy sCallehe
tote Teation:

eve loped I the taius,

Llsigul-Aaha hody
fultivhe sBivg
Page 13

Force exexded bya spsia hesAu ho ca

endency Lo elu toii OigiaalE0 forn
silayl,KIhe OAe aeud oka sfing i kept
its ohexendohith i olixe lial Proporha to
thedisplacement and he force oxested is in_
a dixecio oPfosite Bothesliec ton o
displacemsat.This foce s callediAhe xestor1y

A Sping balownceoorkeon itsPaineiple

sitKeshorvivg orce Reso i fore

stectehec sPriug Pulsi mthe oblccts

Dorce exetea duaiug allacion ilhea hao

bodiea colleide they pusla each otne a aye Cult
équal aidof?osiBe fortesac on eceh body-

A oce ona
Adue 1o B AS onhs
ea)tA force
due to A
FoceexexRd ourtngcollisio
Date -

) tEovces
ThePrce g exfetened by bodlies, eVe othoud
beingphysikalourhediaecdiled oNon Cautat
Cunavitalionsb Fox.ceonh2iL s i
wiit Electhostali otorce in

G11avitational oxce the univese eachfaricl

attacdsanotthex padideg becaiae a itswiot Thi.
eattxatt Letaeenzaa i e Pa xticla,
ucallsA Ahe ac Vitofional foxce
A Col falls dosnahea ieleaed

ThForce ovalic hody dueAo elaxths 1octacician

ual called he orea ai 3r urCauco fh0
u movene n sthe booy fosadshe eatth ie

li Elctostate arc - o ike chsas yepel

Lohileo unlilxe chegsi atfiact ecchafe
nhefaxcer betdernHhechaygai
Called he
elehxoslatic foxe.
Alhem a Coab u uLhed.oa adry haiyc
aeBs choxqed andit brauah near th.e Snall Lik
Page 139

oPe the pex bits atsacts tocs Hhe (b

liiy Maqnehk foxce-iTallkehes poles epel
eack.othetblhileAso r lilkeiaquetic foleg atfect
o cah oherTheFoice.fthe naunefie Poleg
i called he Maqus HFonce e

a Lady is in a slae of neatthen itlill ztmain

inthal sBcde,lasd iabauy iina stateo atiou
Hhenit oilll Conlinusuaith the same elncity in
he sam diréc touliiule8 aexiema oxce u

Theofen oaa aliat by vislue alkitla it

saeithex chanésits slate loheinds to claage the skate

AFoxce u hod an exttima Cause'Llkiclatendk io tlhauge

heshade k rest et she slaBt ot notiono_c okiecd
Neoton's fiast ioLA Can be undeastood ia the follaaie
Aan Paxks iideciaitioaoInextia
i)definitio aface

Mass aind Ineitig

Moisi nth.ciule aincitia abody aeade he

În meu ecotex ihaineta, abad-laugaOrelgthe
la esistaate o he aellfn the A state dud hdha

eiaig dtahiaokiida vhod o

neha e s áLodyi otrestadill

Conlinuo lo emnin at est e umlexs nexAenal torce
app ie
Jo n
lnerdio aaian oody ia tatalslotdia in
hen Rd oill toutiuue Ho aie oc HMeltamae speca
R Me scme dneeHaa unlen an txt tim force
anplisdko chaueits saheuli A
Page 1 y

inea Momeius

he Fosce Kcquedtostoeasovigady
dixeth rofa ioua fo the oaLs and Velocih
he body icaled aeax Momea tuna
The iatar Momenua dennte
w o el o
aeax Hoatau e a bady u the osut i t -
MA aad Velacity

3 a bodý h aAgmnnd velotidyty so


SMomRnttina a Veciay uaniti h

The S.[ unit o manentua Rml


Chonae t Moasaltewaol1

Canq.ei Ao eintu np a

The a te chauge Moea-um

Rete ok chovge o Mounentt ma

ass xaccetevahon

Th ae ate schoae Maeuno he

on0 Olmdacceleyctisal n

Neatovn's secod loto ioMotio

Ihe accelealiniaupcaducedaa bodlyudiieetly
Pxoporioaa tothe face applita ou it

The foce needea to praduce ajaivesoècelection

i o body: ii diketly paafnxs tnal o the
Ma ahe laody

Ad owshaisa m a
K A a K =Costaut
Page 13

Whe n=dda hia

oe found itha

The S1 unit force eaton N

oNedadion F
Meotoo sHhe Foxce ohich ohen acts o
a body oMoL k hoduce an aceleration

Ihe CS uait oorceDyne

Neoton ode
Nestou's scod \ao faAt Rate a
hang e sMowentum

The Rale aclane a Monentu i the lrodu

o maiaasnd accelaraHonin


Hoeve bxce iaa fxoduei a mass and acielec tior

AP Amv
v Atde

So l e have saltd that,The aela chnse

eMoimentunoa body idieetly pxofhxtional
to the opflied fovce nd tale place in he dircco
inshich he foyce at is
Neaton's Thid La e Miíog
To eeoyatkom,thexe iAaiequal dad npfas.tie
eac io

Snon inttaactin ho Lodie hee a

acHon and eac Ho foKcu pxe seat:The AHion
Ond xeottion forceeaet oat difettnt
hodies Loua e Gxavilatian

The oces atfrordionLehaeein teso Pari
lotzaus o theix iassei i Calleal the navilatinna
Foxte eattxac tioa
ax he magidde his foxceNeLatouga ve
olab kuoan a leioton't lauo
obiekk in the univexte attxacts evexy
othe nkjsshs oh a foxce hchi ofohion
Page1 S

o he oduc theiymosse a nivesly

abioual to he Squae oHhe listante etoten

fi t
le htxe be tusooOnie masse m nsl
a t a: se faxaion Y. The orce attoction
ac ting beharen laev
F m,

Atexcovmbiui D 2

F mm2

GzlCaaslentat ofbxtionaltdyalilh
kuon 0 g1aitational Coslant

The Valut a a eaaini saae at al plat

andit u ade fend indlependeato árticle
nature atikLtempe va tare MediuaneLe

lnit and value aG d o i nd

F G M m


Neotou xmee
hexeoxe, S]unitaf G

Thevalue G U 6S1 x 1o Nka

The ovitatoual Cous tamA[G ia de Fiueda

the foxce sctroc Ho aciu lae tsfen ts0
mcsS.e each oA ka ëlaced olala
disda ule a mele fro e oc 0the

oCeue o ixovity

The occe dA ahicl ae éardh otrac is a

ileáecd kárcalked hsFareedue to (uravity
AOP Concider a" boaly afaal M k
1ele n Hae oce duaorluiaity uy
Page 1 4 7

7 xIo xS 9b

a Taki hewo egh am S6Xlok
aind he ad u eash 630x16 m
Thu he axih atkxacls a body A wwa1 -
oxe ot 1.8 N Aoaxdls Cee
ACCele xcdiog dueo GixcaAh

heaoVex abjects falla oiaonds he oxh ande

Hae laataate o Jaitaton arce aloueat aid
Say hat He objsls axe in fce \oll

Theaiau san oaje adcy free Ce i an

ácceleoed Dne. This ocelexeion ig kuoLa
auelexali ou olue in mxavity

Acelea ton due lo Cizavd i deuated hy

J s nid 2 a Vector quanity

Accelealioa due Lo uravity i ne ccae For all


Relathon Leaeein aa

etq be he accelexation due to sxavity ot a

eloae onosMaud adiuwRRy the Nedon
lao matiog Hhe foxe due to kavetynna lody,
malim Dn eaz ils Suxface l e

y the Nealo's 1avidatiomal lauo Hais attacve
once venoy 2 h o o o

m R
/ s 1in

te mo onn tey th

TEeinolion aafxeely kbdy alling body a oda

thxone Vexically puoaxcl a Due dimansinal
notlon undex q3avity
4 a Lody eely faillag thenaa
hroue puocrd th

The equa lion or a ely fallieg laody oithiaitial

velotity u-o ia temu are
silaly a (o a LalyandaaNetially
et a distante 7
thadial velocity 'u'h eae equatiou are
i u 29

Moss aad lale iahE

a The amaat a nattey cautained ino boaly
H u secalerquasatity. 4+ s S[uit u lka
44 doesnH cloauge Loith shaye aplate eted

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