Intermediate list part 2

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PART 2: QUESTION-RESPONSE © PART 2 Directions: You will hear a question or statement and three responses spoken in English. They will ‘not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time. Select the best response to the {question or statement and mark the letter (A), (B), or (C) on your answer sheet. Example Sample Answer Deo ‘You will hear: Where is the meeting room? ‘You will also hear: (A) To meet the new director. (6) Its the first room on the right. (C) Yes, at two o'clock. Your best response to the question ‘Where is the meeting room?" is choice (B), “It's the first room Cn the right” so (B) Is the correct answer. You should mark answer (B) on your answer sheet. The following exercises will help you develop strategies for listening to the questions and choosing the best response. They will help you use context clues to guess what the question and response are about. The exercises will also help you improve your vocabulary in specific ways. VOCABULARY STRATEGIES ‘Listen for words that establish the context. Listen for words associated with these five topics. Occupations Who? Activities What? Time When? Location Where? Reason Why? LISTENING STRATEGIES © Listen to the intonation. Is it a question or a statement? Ifitis a statement, match the topic with the response. Ifit is a question, listen for the first word of the question. Isita question word? who, what, when, where, why, how Isitan auxiliary? is, are, was, were, can, will, etc. Decide what kind of response will answer the question. 1 Listen fora similar response on the audio source QUESTION-RESPONSE 39 QUESTION-RESPONSE: STATEMENTS Practice A DIRECTIONS: Read the questions and the possible responses below. Mark the correct answer. 1, Woraining very hard. Doo (A) They're in the yard. (B) Then!'ll take an umbrella. (©) This training course isn’t easy. 2. got new shoes. ®B®Do® (A) They look very nice. (B) The news I got was old. (C) Please help me choose. 4 i 1 | | i | j 3. This pen doesn’t work. 3 ®DB®Do® (A) She doesn’t work without a pencil. (B) Here, use mine. (©) He does it at work. 4, haven't seen John all week. ®2eoeQ (A) He's away on a trip. (B) You've seen John every day this week. (© Yes, he seems weak. 5. Mary seems like a nice person. ®®oe (A) Llike ice cream, too. (B) He personally doesn’t like mice. (©) Yes, she’s very friendly. 6. can't find my keys. ®2ooe (A) Ian find the peas. (B) Yes, that’s the right kind. (©) Isaw them on your desk. 7. Tove the food in this restaurant. ®2@OoO (A) I'm ready for a rest. (B) Really? I've never eaten here before. (C) You don't like a good meal. 40 LISTENING COMPREHENSION 9%. 10. Tdon’t know how to s (A) It’s easy. I'll show you how. (B) He doesn’t know how to wi (©) Whata nice swimsuit. Susan’s plane doesn’t get in until midnight. (A) Please don’t fight on the train. (B) Susan does look plain at night. (©) That's OK. Ican pick her up. That store is closed on Sunday. (A) This is a really fun day at the shore. (B) _Butit’s open on Monday. (©) Someday we'll store our clothes away. Practice B DIRECTIONS: Look at each of the statements and answer choices in Practice A. Ineach one, circle all the words that are the same or are similar in meaning, if any. Underline all the words that are opposite in meaning, if any. Cross out the words that might sound similar, if any. Not every conversation will have words that are the same, similar, opposite, or sound similar. Example: Gm) © one Gen) (A) She spoke (rst) @) 0 Grrived) after you. same I, I; the, the; first, first SIMILAR came, arrived ‘opposite first, last (©) His Apmé is last on (fhe) list. souND swuLAR came, name QUESTION-RESPONSE 41 Practice C DIRECTIONS: Match these statements with the correct responses. vi is Icame before noon. a. The plane must havea, +hanical problem. 2, ___ The meeting is either tomorrow igi now Compas or Friday. b. You'll enjoy the music, I’m sure. 3. ___ I bought two tickets to ¢. Let's take taxis. It’s easier than the concert. parking a car. ‘Our lease expires next month. _d. I'msorry, but Ihad to leave at 11:30. __— Iput the mail on your desk. e. Il open it later. 6, ___ The early morning flight f. In that case, we'll have dinner in is delayed. the cafeteria, _—— The product designer wants 18 Actually, we met yesterday ablue box. without you. __— My favorite restaurant is h. There must be someone with closed today. the qualifications. 9. ____Ilrenta car if you want. i. We should renew it or find a i new space. 10. ____ The applicants aren’t qualified for the job. j. [think red is a better choice. Practice D DIRECTIONS: Write possible responses to these statements. 1. My toothache is becoming really painful. 2. We need someone to write a business plan. 3. A computer virus shut down our network. 4. In the summer, we don’t wear coats or ties in the office. 42 LISTENING COMPREHENSION 5. This letter should be sent overnight. ¢ 6. The training program lasts all week 7. think we're out of printer paper. 8. Our expenses are greater than our revenues. 9. The northbound train is on Track 1. 10. The product warranty is only valid for a year. Practice E DIRECTIONS: Listen to the statements, which are followed by three responses. They are not written out for you. You must listen carefully to understand what the speakers say. You are to choose the best response to each statement. L@O@OoO 6®DOO 2@D@O© z7@0@oO 2D @O © sO ®D © 4@QD@OoO OOO} 5 DOGO vn OD ® © Practice F DIRECTIONS: Listen to the statements, which are followed by three responses. They are not written out for you. You must listen carefully to understand what the speakers say. You are to choose the best response to each statement. .@QO®D® .DOD® 20 @©® OOO} 3 @®DG® .®DO® 4®D@QOO .®D®D ® 5ODO® 0 © ®D © QUESTION-RESPONSE 49 QUESTION-RESPONSE: WHO Practice A DIRECTIONS: Read the questions and the possible responses below. Mark the correct answer. 1. Who turned on the lights? ©o® © (A) They are on all the time. (B) Itisn’t dark outside. (©) Milturn them off. Who makes the decisions in this office? @a®® (A) We get new office supplies every week. (B) She decided on a desk for her office. (C) The office manager usually does. 3. Who ordered two boxes of copy paper? (A) Mary read two newspapers every morning. (B) Tasked for twenty-two cartons of wrapping paper. (C) John put in the order yesterday. 4. Who is in charge of advertising? ®2®oe (A) There was a charge for the ad. (B) The vice president of marketing. (C)He is very large. 5. Whois going to get this memo? ®2®Doe® (A) Everyone in the department. (B) typed the memo myself. (C)They are going together. 6, Who sent you that package? 2eo (A) I'll mail it this afternoon. (B) The stamps cost fifty cents. ; (C) Itcame from the London office. 7. Who left these folders on my desk? ®®@® (A) Martha’s assistant put them there. (B) They're on your desk. (©) Youcan get more folders in the supply room. 44 LISTENING COMPREHENSION 10. Who will be at the meeting tomorrow? (A) The meeting's in the big conference room. (B) All the department heads will be there. (©) Tilbe finished eating soon. Who has read this article? (A) Itwas written by a marketing expert. (B) _It’savery interesting article. (©) Thave, and I thought it was interesting. ‘Who was the last person to leave the office? (A) It lasted a long time. (B) [think Bob was here until 10:00. (©) _ It’s the last office on the left. Practice B o®o-O© DIRECTIONS: Look at each of the questions and answer choices in Practice A. In each one, circle all the words that are the same or are similar in meaning, if any. Underline all the words that are opposite in meaning, if any. Cross out the words that might sound similar, if any. Not every conversation will have words that are the same, similar, opposite, or sound similar. Example: 1) Gee) to (the) office (frst) @) Ged) Go otce Gt (A) She spoke sae 1,1; the, the; first, first SIMILAR came, arrived @) @ Grived) after you. ‘opposie first, last (©) His Rowié is last on (fhe) list. SOUND SLA came, name QUESTION-RESPONSE 45 Practice C fe DIRECTIONS: Match these questions with the correct answers. 1, ____ Wholeft the copy machine on? _a, Ms. Marsden gave me this job. 2, __ Who was the winner of the b. Ourlegal office suggested her | lottery? name. i 3. ___ Who did not receive a paycheck? _¢. I wrote all of it myself. 4. ___ Who came to work during the d. The boss never misses a day even snowstorm? in bad weather 5. ____ Who recommended the new The shipping clerk won $14 lawyer? nillion. 6, ____ Who answered your e-mail f. Idid not get one. 2 pera te g: I think everybody drove today. 7. Who rode the subway this ‘ een Mr. King sent mea very nice answer. 8. __ Who fix 2 pe 4. Idid, but I'm still making copies. 9, __ Who hired you? , oe j. 1 go toa very good mechanic on 10. ___ Who helped you write this report? State Street. Practice D DIRECTIONS: Write possible answers to these questions. 1. Who designed this building? 2. Whois working in the mailroom? 3. Whois making coffee? 4. Who typed this letter? 48 —_USTENING COMPREHENSION be 6 8. 9 10. ‘Who is the new secretary? z ‘Who is going to the conference next week? Who took this telephone message? Who uses this desk? Who can fix the coffee machine? Who will be at the dinner tonight? Practice E DIRECTIONS: Listen to the questions, which are followed by three responses. They are not written out for you. You must listen carefully to understand what the speakers say. You are to choose the best response to each question. 1®®O® OOO} OOO} 2@0@©® 2. @2 DOD @® OD ® 4@QD@QO .®O@OE 5 ©D®O® v0. © ®D © Practice F DIRECTIONS: Listen to the questions, which are followed by three responses. They are not written out for you. You must listen carefully to understand what the speakers say. You are to choose the best response to each question. 1 a 3. 4. 5 Beo DS ® BOO 202 @@® @®oe®Q ss DO ® aBOoQ ,®®@® @®®® 0 ©OO® QUESTION-RESPONSE 47 QUESTION-RESPONSE: WHAT Practice A correct answer. 1. What do you see on his desk? (A) There are papers and books on it. (B) His desk is in the corner. (©) It’s onhis desk. 2. What street do they live on? (A) They live on New York Avenue. (B) That's where we live. (©) Thisis a busy street. 3. What did the printer do with our order? (A) We ordered more envelopes. (B) The print has an odor. (©) He misplaced it. 4. What does this briefcase cost? (A) He spoke briefly. (B) It’s onsale for $150. (C)_ Most my briefcase. 5. What are you doing after work? (A) I'm going home. (B) like my work very much, (©) Weare late for work. 6. What did you buy at the store? (A) It’s not a big store. (B) _I’srightby my house. (©) Igot some batteries. 7. What do you want for lunch? (A) Justa sandwich. (B) Let's eat at 12:30. (C)_ It doesn’t cost much. 8. What did your boss tell you? (A) Idon’t want to sell it. (B) She asked me to help with the project. (©) Don’t tell me about it, 48 LISTENING COMPREHENSION pinecrions: Read the questions and the possible responses below. Mark the ®@Oo 9. What will we discuss at the meeting? (A) The meeting is at 10:00. (B) We'll talk about next year's budget. (©) Let's goby bus. 10. What is in that bag? (A) It’sanew book I bought. (B) ll take it back. (©) This bag is too heavy. Practice B ao @®o-@© DIRECTIONS: Look at each of the questions and answer choices in Practice A. In each one, circle all the words that are the same or are similar in meaning, if any. Underline all the words that are opposite in meaning, if any. Cross out the words that might sound similar, if any. Not every conversation will have words that are the came, similar, opposite, or cound similar. Example: @ Gx@ t0 (9 oftice (Fist) same (A) She spoke (frst) SIMILAR @) 0 Grrived) after you. oposite (©) His Hwié is last on (the) list. SOUND siMLaR 1]; the, the; first, first came, arrived first, last came, name (QUESTION-RESPONSE 49 a 2 3. Practice C _—— What is this machine used for? __— What is your profession? —— What did your doctor tell you? _— What's for lunch? __— What is the best way to get there? What did they do last Saturday? _—— What's on TV tonight? }. ___ What's on that shelf? —— What do you like to read? . What do you want a pen for? 50 LISTENING COMPREHENSION ce DIRECTIONS: Match these questions with the correct answers. a. Tuna fish sandwiches. . b. I'man accountant. . The train is the cheapest and most comfortable. 4d. To record my telephone calls. e. To exercise more and eat less. f, There’s an interesting program about science. g- [want to write down a phone number. h. They went to the movies. i. Paper and envelopes. j- Tenjoy novels. Practice D DIRECTIONS: Write possible answers to these questions. L 4. 5 9. 10. What did you put on my desk? What is your favorite food? What did you do last night? What are you looking for? What is the book about? What do you do on your birthday? What did she wear to the party? What did you get in the mail? What happened to your phone? What did they do in New York? QUESTION-RESPONSE 5] Practice E DIRECTIONS: Listen to the questions, which are followed by three responses. They are not written out for you. You must listen carefully to understand what the speakers, say. You are to choose the best response to each question. L®@OO 20D @ © 2D Oo ® 4D@@® 5®D® © 6®2O@ 2@®® . © ® © x®DOO vn © ® © Practice F DIRECTIONS: Listen to the questions, which are followed by three responses. They are not written out for you. You must listen carefully to understand what the speakers say. You are to choose the best response to each question. 1 a 9000060000 00000680000 0000000000 10. 52 LISTENING COMPREHENSION QUESTION-RESPONSE: WHEN Practice A DIRECTIONS: Read the questions and the possible responses below. Mark the correct answer. 1. When are you leaving for France? ®®o© (A) like living in France. (B) Notsince 1945, (©) My plane leaves at 7:45. 2. When will the meeting be over? Boe (A) In about two hours. (B) ll meet you later. (©) Wetalked it over. 3. When can we expect our check? ®B2@®Oe® (A) We did a thorough check already. (B) We didn’t expect him so soon. (©) We will send your check out tomorrow. 4, When does the weather turn cold? @2Oo®Q (A) Usually not until December. (B) We'll go whether you are there or not. (©) Therain turned to snow yesterday. 5. When will the project be finished? @Go®®® (A) We finished the project on time. (8) Next month, we hope. (C)_ Yes, we predict it will be finished. 6. When will the plane arrive? ®®oe (A) It'll be here in about 25 minutes. (B) They plan to arrive. (C) Inever drive. 7. When did you call him? @®e®oeo (A) You can call me tomorrow. (B) Everyone calls him Bob. (©) Ispoke to him last night. QUESTION-RESPONSE 53. 8. When do you have lunch? (A) Tusually eat around noon. (B)_Lalways go to the cafeteria downstairs. (©) Thad a really big lunch. 9, When did Jane start her new job? (A) That job took a long time. (B) She hegan it last month. (©). She really likes her work. 10. When will the copy machine be fixed? (A) The machine is broken. (B) made some copies this morning. (C)_ Someone will come to repair it tomorrow. Practice B sound similar, if any. similar. Example: 0) GB) 1G) otce (al) nn (A) She spoke ss) SIMILAR ®) ()) Gerved) after you. oppose (©) His Bomté is last on (the) list. soUND smmLaR 54 LISTENING COMPREHENSION ®B® © DIRECTIONS: Look at each of the questions and answer choices in Practice A. In each one, circle all the words that are the same or are similar in meaning, if any. Underline all the words that are opposite in meaning, if any. Cross out the words that might Not every conversation will have words that are the same, similar, opposite, or sound L,Iythe, the; first, first came, arrived first, last came, name Match these questions with the correct answers. 1 When are you leaving? a. She got back last week. 2, ___ When did you notice the problem? _b. I'm leaving at noon. 3. —__ When do you think he will arrive? ¢. I'll telephone him tomorrow. 4, ___ When are you taking the exam? d._ After I study more, I'll take it. 5. ___ When will you call your lawyer? _e, I received it this morning. 6. ____ When did you get the package? _f. He sentit yesterday. — When did Mrs. Schmidt return _g. He’s expected on the 10:30 plane. from vacation? hi. Let's get together tomorrow 8 Whon can T see yan? morning. 9. ___ When did John send that e-mail__i, As soon as Thave enough money. message? i Thecame aware of it last month. 10. When will you buy a new car? i tee Practice D DIRECTIONS: Write possible answers to these questions. 1. When can you revise the report? 2. When will the store be painted? 3. When did they develop this new product? 4. When did she join the firm? 5. When are you going to go on vacation? 6. When did you see Sally? QUESTION-RESPONSE 55 7. When will the new computers arrive? 8. Whenis the office party? 9. When will your membership expire? 10. When was this office last cleaned? Practice E [ee] | piections: Listen to the questions, which are followed by three responses. They are not written out for you. You must listen carefully to understand what the speakers say. You are to choose the best response to each question. Beexaveene 0600000000 0000000000 0600000000 cr Practice F a DIRECTIONS: Listen to the questions, which are followed by three responses. They are not written out for you. You must listen carefully to understand what the speakers say. You are to choose the best response to each question. Bwtesterne rr 0000000000 00000006800 0000000000 56 LISTENING COMPREHENSION QUESTION-RESPONSE: WHERE Practice A DIRECTIONS: Read the questions and the possible responses below. Mark the correct answer. 1. Where is the cafeteria? DeOeo® (A) Coffee usually keeps me awake. (8) Inthe basement of the next building. (©) I's open until midnight. 2. Where will you be waiting? ®2®e (A) By the front door. (B) weigh about 185 pounds. (C)_Thisis the waiting room. 3. Where did you find your glasses? 2ooO (A) On the floor of my car. (B) The glasses were dirty. (©) Yes, Twould like a glass of water. 4. Where is the nearest phone? Q2Oae® (A) don’t know her phone number. (B) My home is miles from here. (C)_ There is one in my office. 5. Where is the conference room? @e@eaoe (A) The conference starts in ten minutes. (B) Turn left at the end of the hall. (©) We do not have individual rooms. 6. Where's the hotel? ®B2eoo (A) If'snear the airport. (B) Ididn’t tell anyone. (©) Itsnot an expensive hotel. 7. Where did you leave your cell phone? o@®Oo® (A) Your phone is ringing. (8) He sells phones. (C)_ think Left it on the bus. QUESTION-RESPONSE 57 8, Where does Lucy work? (A) Her office is downtown. (B) She works very hard. (©) Let’s walk in the park. 9. Where did you go on your vacation? (A) The room is vacant. (B) We flew to Miami. (©) Itwasa great vacation. 10. Where’s a good place to get dinner? (A) Ithink you're getting thinner. (8) Iprefer a late dinner. (©) There’s a nice restaurant on the corner. Practice B sound similar, if any. similar. Example: 0) to (ihe) office (firs) SAME (A) She spoke Gt) SIMILAR 8) 0) Gnved) after you. oprosite (C)_ His Bpeié is last on (the) list. SOUND SIMILAR 58 LISTENING COMPREHENSION ks DIRECTIONS: Look at each of the questions and answer choices in Practice A. In each one, circle all the words that are the same or are similar in meaning, if any. Underline all the words that are opposite in meaning, if any. Cross out the words that might Not every conversation will have words that are the same, similar, opposite, or sound 1]; the, the; first, first came, arrived first, last ‘came, name af 2 3. Practice C DIRECTIONS: Match these questions with the correct answers. 1, ____ Where will the bus stop? a, There's a newsstand in the lobby. 2, __ Where are you meeting your _b, Itstops at the next corner, — She started in high school and 3. ___ Where did she study English? then continued on her own. 4, ____ Where were you last night? 4. They will meet me here. 5. ___ Where can Ibuy anewspaper?_e, Istayed at the office until 6. ___ Where did you grow up? Se 7, ___ Whereis the magazine lent your There's garage/n the building 8. Wherein Me. Salerian’ ffc0? 5 gn my desk, 9. ___ Where can we park the car? keene 2 4, It’s right across the street. j. Down the hall to the left. Practice D IRECTIONS: Write possible answers to these questions. Where are you going to play golf? Where are the supplies kept? Where will the new employee sit? Where can I buy a used car? Where did you file the insurance policies? Where is the sugar? QUESTION-RESPONSE 59. 7. Where did you buy your new suit? : 8. Where will the party be? 9. Where will you be tonight? 10. Where can I put these books? Practice E bee) DIRECTIONS: Listen to the questions, which are followed by three responses. They are not written out for you. You must listen carefully to understand what the speakers say. You are to chodse the best response to each question. LO @oO 2® ® © 3. ®D ® © 4 © ® © 5 © ® © 6®®@® 2 @®®@® 2®DOO®O ,@O® ®© 0 © ® © Practice F fel DIRECTIONS: Listen to the questions, which are followed by three responses. They are not written out for you. You must listen carefully to understand what the speakers say. You are to choose the best response to each question. L1.®@O 20®2@ © 3 ®D OO 4 @®D®@® 5®DOO® DOO 2@@G® .ODO®Q .DOo® vn © ® © 60 LISTENING COMPREHENSION QUESTION-RESPONSE: WHY Practice A pirEcTions: Read the questions and the possible responses below. Mark the correct answer. 1. Why were you late? Bo ® (A) Loverslept this morning. (B) Youate very late last night. (©) Milbe there at eight o'clock. 2. Why can’t she come with us? ®Oo (A) She has too much work to do. (B) We can’t go with her. (©) She came by bus. 3. Why do first-year students study economics? OO) (A) They need the large, economy-size package. (8) It’sa college requirement. (C)_ Yes, I caught the train at the station. 4. Why is the door closed? ®Beoe® (A) The wind blew it open. (B) Because I want some peace and quiet. (C)_ Her closet is full of clothes. 5. Why was the meeting postponed? ®2@OooeO (A) Yes, we met today. (B) Please post a notice about yesterday's meeting. (©) The lawyers had not finished writing their reports. 6. Why did you stay late at the office? ®®e® (A) Thad lot of work to do. (B) Please wait in my office. . (©) Tlspend the day at the office. 7. Why is Sam looking for a new job? ®@®o (A) He knew about that job. = (B) He booked a flight for Japan. (©) He wants to make more money. (QUESTION-RESPONSE 8. Why hasn’t that package arrived yet? (A) They'll arrive by jet. (B) They just mailed it yesterday. (©) Thaven’t learned how to drive yet. 9. Why isn’t Mr. Lee here today? (A) He doesn’t hear well. (B) He's ata conference in New York. (©) He usually sits here. 10. Why does it feel cold in here? (A) Yes, it’s really old. (B) It’snot very near. (©) Someone left the window open. Practice B sound similar if any. similar. Example: © to ine) office (first) SAME (A). She spoke >) SIMILAR @) 0 (arrived) after you. ‘oPPosnE (©) His tpn is last on (®) list. SOUND SIMILAR 62 LISTENING COMPREHENSION DB@Ooe DIRECTIONS: Look at each of the questions and answer choices in Practice A. In each one, circle all the words that are the same or are similar in meaning, if any. Underline all the words that are opposite in meaning, if any. Cross out the words that might Not every conversation will have words that are the same, similar, opposite, or sound 1,1; the, the; first, first came, arrived first, last ‘came, name Practice C DIRECTIONS: Match these questions with the correct answers. 1, ___ Why are you wearing a suit? a. No one was available to meet until this after 2, ___ Why isn’t the water hot? a areata cae : iis wea ca b. The air conditioner is broken. delayed? «, It’s my birthday today. 4. ___ Why did she move to Japan? 4. He had an appointment this fternoon. 8. ___ Whyis the window open? ee . There's no hot water heat 6. ____ Why aren’t there any envelopes? ee ea f. Lforgot to order the offi 7. —_— Why do you look so tired? Fe tela aaa supplies. 8, _ Why did George leave after lunch? she wanted to study Japanese 9 —— Why don’t you takea vacation 1m too busy at work this month. this month? i, Lalways w work. 10. Why did he send you those epee Ss flowers? j. Ididn’t sleep well last night. Practice D DIRECTIONS: Write possible answers to these questions. i Why are you smiling? Why does she sit next to the window? Why isn’t this project finished yet? Why won't the car start? Why is the door closed? Why didn’t you make coffee? QUESTION-RESPONSE 63 Why did you bring an umbrella? ae Why can’t John come to the party? Why do you always take the bus? Why aren’t you hungry now? Practice E DIRECTIONS: Listen to the questions, which are followed by three responses. They are not written out for you. You must listen carefully to understand what the speakers say. You are to choose the best response to each question. 0000000000 0000000000 0000000000 Practice F 1 ae 3. 4. DIRECTIONS: Listen to the questions, which are followed by three responses. They are not written out for you. You must listen carefully to understand what the speakers say. You are to choose the best response to each question. 0000000000 0000000000 0000000000 64 LISTENING COMPREHENSION QUESTION-RESPONSE: HOW Practice A DIRECTIONS: Read the questions and the possible responses below. Mark the correct answer. How much time do you have? ®B®e® (A) About ten o’clock. (8) Thave another hour. (©) _ Just this watch. 2. How much does a new computer cost? DOO (A) Without keyboard or monitor, it’s about $500. (B) We have six new computers. (©) Thoughtit last month. 3. How will you get home?" o® © (A) Tusually get home around 5 P.M. (B)_Assoonas it stops raining. (©) Milprobably walk. 4. How often does the bus come? ®2@OoOQ (A) always take the bus. (B) Every five minutes until six o'clock. (©) The bus stops in front of my house. 5. How many more file cabinets do you need? ®D®De® (A) We need five or six more (B) I filed more than a hundred letters today. (©) Yes, Ineed to file my taxes soon. 6. How long did the meeting last? eo2eoe (A) Itwas the last meeting of the week. (B) Only about thirty minutes. (©) About fifteen people were there. 7, How soon can you finish this report? ®2ooe (A) Ican have it for you by tomorrow morning, (8) I'mexpecting an important call soon. (©) This is very big room. QUESTION-RESPONSE 65 8, How can Imake copies? (A) Take all the copies you need. (B) _Inced ten copies. (C) Use the copy machine in my office. 9. How long is that article you wrote? (A) _Ittook about a week. (B) It’s fifteen pages. (C)_It’sabout the economic situation. 10. How was your trip? (A) Iwent there last week. (B) _Itwas very pleasant and relaxing. (©) Tread a tour book. Practice B sound similar, if any. similar. Example: @) Gad) to (tne) office (first) same (A). She spoke SIMILAR © (0 Genved) after you. orrosie (©) His fbmfé is last on (he) list, soUND snatan 66 LISTENING COMPREHENSION DIRECTIONS: Look at each of the questions and answer choices in Practice A. In each ‘one, circle all the words that are the same or are similar in meaning, if any. Underline all the words that are opposite in meaning, if any. Cross out the words that might Not every conversation will have words that are the same, similar, opposite, or sound I; the, the; first, first came, arrived first, last ‘came, name Practice C DIRECTIONS: Match these questions with the correct answers. 1 Bs —— How big is the conference room? _a. It’s bigger than the one we're innow. ___. How many people were at the meeting? b. Not very far—less than five meters. __— How did you know my first name? ¢. About a dozen, if you count the officers. _— How soon does the bank close? ; 4, In about an hour. How far can you see without your glasses? e. Your secretary told me. 6. ___ How long does it take to get there? £. Call me on my cell phone. 7. How often do you take a vacation? _g, Just once a year. 8. ____ How much money do you need? h. About three hours by car. 9. __ How can I get in touch with you? i, Only a few dollars. 10. ____ How did you get here today? I drove my car. Practice D DIRECTIONS: Write possible answers to these questions. 1 3. How much is this table? How do you turn on the computer? How often do you play tennis? How old are his children now? How soon will you be leaving for your trip? How long is the movie? QUESTION-RESPONSE 67 7. How far is the post office from here? Loa 8. How do you like your new job? 9. How many envelopes do you need? 10. How late did they arrive? Practice E DIRECTIONS: Listen to the questions, which are followed by three responses. They are not written out for you. You must listen carefully to understand what the speakers say. You are to choose the best response to each question. 1®®O 2®@® © 32 ®® © 4®D ODO 5 ®®® 6D Oe 72 @® OD ®D © © ® © 0 © ®O © Practice F DIRECTIONS: Listen to the questions, which are followed by three responses. They are not written out for you. You must listen carefully to understand what the speakers say. You are to choose the best response to each question. 9000000009 9090000809 0660606000 68 LISTENING COMPREHENSION QUESTION-RESPONSE: AUXILIARIES Practice A DIRECTIONS: Read the questions and the possible responses below. Mark the correct answer. 1 5. Have you used a word processing system before? (A) [processed it before I left yesterday. (B) Yes, we were trained on them at school. (©) It’salong process. Did you send the report to the board members? (A) ” Yes, they reported to the board. (B) No, I’m waiting for your signature on the report. (©) They said the report was boring. Can you take me to the train station? (A) Of course. I'l get my coat and we'll go. (B) Yes, I caught the train at the station. (©) We took a long time coming from the station. Would you send this by overnight mail? (A) _I’msorry. It's too late for overnight service. (B) I mailed this to you last night. (C)_ No, overnight mail isn’t too expensive. Are the lawyers working on the new contracts? (A) My lawyer’s name is Ramon Carerra. (B) Yes, Icontacted her by phone. (©) Lasked them to get started this morning. Will we discuss the budget at tomorrow's meeting? (A) Yes, it's the first item on the agenda. (B) Yes, the meeting is tomorrow. (©) Yes, we'll take a bus to the meeting. Do we need to order more office supplies? (A) Ijust ordered some yesterday. (B) wanted to give her a surprise. (©) Yes, that machine is out of order. (QUESTION-RESPONSE ®®o® 69 (8. Are you going to the office party tonight? (A) T'llbe there three nights. (B) _Yes,1'm looking forward to it (©) _ It's the last office on the right. 9. Can you take this check to the bank for me? (A) Tl check on it right away. (B) Certainly. 1l take it there after lunch. (©)_ It’s the bank across the street. 10. Have you worked here very long? (A) Itwon’t take long to finish. (B) No, it’s nota long way from here. (©). Istarted this job just last month. Practice B sound similar, if any. similar. Example: a ; Game) to (fe) office (>) SAME (A) She spoke (frst) SIMILAR ®) (0) Grnved) after you onposite (©) His npwie is last on 9) list. SOUND SIMILAR 70 LISTENING COMPREHENSION @Q@2@oO.- pinECTIONS: Look at each of the questions and answer choices in Practice A. In each one, circle all the words that are the same or are similar in meaning, if any. Underline all the words that are opposite in meaning, if any. Cross out the words that might Not every conversation will have words that are the same, similar, opposite, or sound 1,1; the, the; first, first came, arrived first, last ‘came, name Practice C DIRECTIONS: Match these questions with the correct answers. sh Can you work late this evening? 2. ____ Are they opening a branch office? Is there more paper in the supply room? —_ Has the contract been signed? 5. _____ Will the chairperson resign? 6, ___ Did John get here on time today? ——— Has the mail arrived yet? 8. ___ Were you calling about a package for me? 9, ____ Do you have my phone number? 10. ____ Do you know how to fix this fax machine? Practice D DIRECTIONS: Write possible answers to these questions. 1. Didn't you buy a new car? 2. Have you given the new clerk something to do? a. She plans to resign tomorrow. b. Yes, it's from Mr. Jones. . I'm sorry. Ihave another commitment. d. Yes, I'm pretty sure it has been. e. No, he was late again. £. think you should call a repair person. & Yes, Iput your letters on your desk. h. No, I'll order some more. i. Yes, in Europe, I think. j- No, please write it down for me. Are you waiting for the express train? 4, Will we be able to start production on schedule? Can they finish the chart by this afternoon? 6. Isthe manager going to be here today? QUESTION-RESPONSE 71 7. Did you get the fax I sent you? Sie ‘8. Do you know how to speak French? 9. Have you put the report on Martha's desk? 10. Will everyone be at the meeting? Practice E [fe] pimections: Listen to the questions, which are followed by three responses. They are not written out for you. You must listen carefully to understand what the speakers say. You are to choose the best response to each question. # 6000000000 0000000000 0000000000 Practice F DIRECTIONS: Listen to the questions, which are followed by three responses. They are not written out for you. You must listen carefully to understand what the speakers say. You are to choose the best response to each question. 1.®®® 20 ® © 3.3 ®D ® © 4@QD@®O®O OS® 6D ® © 2~®D®OOQ . ©D OO DOO vn OD ® © 72 LISTENING COMPREHENSION REVIEW: PART 2 [ee] | o1ections: Listen and choose the appropriate response to the question or statement. 1.®@® © 6®D®©® 2@2 @ © 2~®®Q©® 3@D@O © .©®D®® 4®D@®© OR OO) 5O® © nr © ®® QUESTION-RESPONSE 73

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