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Questions Option A Option Option Option D Answer
The Primary objective of accident investigation is Someho True False Partially C
to find who caused the accident. w False True
(I) Identify (II) Assess (III) Control (IV) Restore I,II,III,IV I,II,III,V II,II,IV, I,III,IV,V B
(V) Recovery. HEMP is based on which ,V only V only only
combination of the above listed principles
(I) Humanitarian (II) Economic (III) Legal (IV) I, II, III, I, II, III I, II, IV II, III, IV A
Morale Which of the following combinations of the IV only only only
options above gives the reasons accidents are
.................. is the core and unique element of HSE? Audit Impleme HEMP manageme C
ntation nt review
1. Hazard is...............? Anything Anythin Anythin Anything B
that g that g that that
brings cause can prevents
joy harm reduce accident
46. There are two type of Permit, but one layout. Cold Hot A & B is Soft Work C
Which of the following is a type of PTW. Work Work correct Permit
Permit Permit
48. The procedures for HSE risk assessment I, II, III, I, II, IV, I, III, I, II, III, V A
includes I. Identify the hazards (risks) II. Quantify IV V IV, V
the likelihood of occurrence III. Quantify the
consequences IV. Evaluate the effects on business
V. Discussion
A HSE management system enables organization False in True in False in True in all D
to control the risks associated with its operation, all cases some some cases
and also appreciate the synergy between Health- cases cases
Safety-Environment and other business objectives.
A Near Miss is an acceptable form of Accident. True in False in True in False in B
all cases all cases some some cases
A near miss is an incident that produced no harm. True False Cannot Partly true A
It is caused by unsafe acts and/or unsafe say
A process for identifying the hazards in an HSE HSE-MS HEMP ALARP LTI B
critical activity and the effects, with a view to
eliminating them or controlling them to reduce the
effects to as low as reasonably practicable, is called
A situation that poses a level of threat to life, Hazard Acciden Risk Incident A
health, property and is a/an t
Accident is considered undesirable due to the Reputatio Econom None of A and B C
following reasons n &Moral ic & the are right
Legal option A
or B are
Accidents affect employers in all but one of the compens loss of negative none of the D
following ways ation man morale above
costs hour
Accidents are caused by unsafe unsafe unsafe cosmic B
acts only acts and conditio powers
unsafe ns only
Accidents do not just happen, they are caused. unsafe unsafe Unsafe unsafe acts C
Which are the fundamental causes of accident? acts and acts and acts and and unsafe
unsafe unsafe unsafe process
people organiza conditio
tion ns
All but one of the following are causes of accident. Human Excessiv Unsafe Lack of C
Error e act/Unsa control/Uni
Supervis fe nvolvement
ion conditio by the
n manageme
All but one of the following are reasons people ignorance wrong mental security D
carry out unsafe acts and conditions attitude problem
All of the following are reasons accident are Humanita Econom Reputati Mystic D
undesirable, except rian ic on
All of the following statements are correct about Unsafe Some Unsafe Unsafe A
unsafe conditions, except ---------- condition unsafe conditio conditions
s are not conditio ns are usually
hazardou ns are as such require
s a result workpla engineering
worker’s ce measure to
inaction. conditio eliminate
ns or them.
nt and
ns that
An example of unsafe acts is horseplay lack of failure all of the C
PPE to win above
An example of unsafe conditions is poor excessiv slippery all of the D
ventilatio e noise floor above
An incident caused by unsafe practices but failed to Accident Unsafe Near Unsafe C
produce harm is referred to as : Act Miss condition
An incident that failed to produce neither injury Near Near Given to Near miss A
nor damage is known as Near miss. The following miss is miss is time, a is one of
is true about near miss, except preferred caused near the
to by miss can parameters
accident unsafe result to to
acts and accident investigate
unsafe during
conditio accident
ns investigatio
Any spill on the floor can cause an accident. At once During When at the end A
Always clean it up clean up
you of the
time have period.
At what point in the life cycle of an operation can When In the Decom A&B are C
you implement HEMP planning operatio missioni ok
the nal ng,
operation &mainte planning
only nance ,
phase mainten
only ance and
Behind every accident there are many contributing Theory of Theory W. H. Multiple D
factors, causes, and subcauses. This is Unsafe of Cause Heinrich Cause
Acts and 's Theory
effect Domino
Biological hazards can occur as a result of contact insects animal fungi All of the D
with droppin above
Changing work habits and altering work schedules Engineeri Adminis Physical Education B
are examples of which of the following control ng trative
Constant loud noise, electrical hazards and hot physical chemica ergonom biological A
environment are examples of ________ hazards l ic
Control measures prevents hazard from impacting Someho True Partially False B
people, environment, assets or reputation w False True
Direct costs of an accident on a worker include loss of pain all of the none of the C
income above above
Education, an accident prevention measure Removin Effectiv Rewards Trainings D
involves g the e and
unsafe supervis incentiv
condition ion es
Employees have the right to refuse work if they: find the believe believe don’t C
work a they are the work like the
bit too is likely task given
difficult qualified to to them.
to do the expose
work them to
te risk of
injury or
Employers have a duty to provide personal to control when in hot in B
protective equipment: all hazards weather preference
workplac in the to to isolating
e hazards workpla increase the hazard.
ce protectio
cannot n
ed or to
Engineering, Education, Encouragement and True Someho Partially False A
Enforcement are the four strategies for accident w False True
Environment must be maintained in -------------, if a safe standard quiet green and A
they must sustain life and planed objective. and and and cool clean.
healthy evaluate
state. d
Failure to secure, to warn or use PPE is Poor Unsafe Unsafe Unsafe act D
housekee conditio Procedu
ping n re
Following are responsible for office related Horsepla Taking Lack of Late D
accidents, except y/Error in short knowled coming
design cuts & ge &Long
inattenti &violati breaks.
on to the on of
job laws
For Management to demonstrate their get tailor invest ensure B
commitment to effective workplace hazard involved accident time and health and
management, they should do the following, except-- in health investig money safety
-------- and ation in health responsibili
safety reports and ties are
issues to safety clearly
protect understood.
For Management to demonstrate their get tailor invest ensure B
commitment to effective workplace hazard involved accident time and health and
management, they should do the following, except-- in health investig money safety
-------- and ation in health responsibili
safety reports and ties are
issues to safety clearly
protect understood.
Hazard and effects management process can be When In the Only Both D
implemented -------- planning operatio option A option A
an nal / is and B are
operation mainten correct correct
, and in ance
the phase of
abandon an
ment / operatio
decommi n
phase of
Hazard assessment can help to determine the severity effective actions none of the D
following except of a s of to above
hazard control control
measure hazard
Hazard Control means --------------- Taken Taken Taken Taken B
actions to actions actions actions to
terminate to maximiz eliminate
the minimiz e the some of the
operation e the occurren tasks
s in effects ce of the associated
which the of hazards with the
hazards hazards in a said
exit. to as given operation.
low as operatio
reasonab n.
Hazard control measures safeguard reduces should all of the D
lives likelihoo be above
d of reviewe
accident d
s regularl
Hazard is ........ anything anything anything anything B
that that that can that
brings cause reduce prevents
joy. harm risk accident
Hazards are often grouped into four categories: Physical Biologic Chemica Psychologi B
Physical, Chemical, Biological and Psychological. al l cal
Which category would sewage fall under?
Hazards are situations or things that may be A worn Loud Stress All of the D
dangerous to workers’ safety or health. extension music or above
Hazards can cause injury. Which of the these is a cord noise
Hazards be identified by the following methods inspectin consulti restoring reviewing C
except g the ng the factory available
workplac workers settings information
e about the
HEMP is an acronym for Hazard & Health Hazard Health C
Environ & & Effect Effective
mental Environ Manage Manageme
Manage mental ment nt Process
ment Manage Process
Process ment
HSE is important because? It avoids Demons Ensures All of the D
accidents trates that above
corporat roles are
e clearly
responsi defined
HSE policies are issued by top management and HSE & Commu commit Product D
required action from employees of the company. Commun nity ment to Diversificat
Which of the following is not HSE policy? ity Relation Health, ion
statement s policy safety,&
i. Identify ii. Assess iii. Control iv. Recover v. V,II,IV,II I,V,IV,II II,I,IV,V I,II,III,IV. D
Survey Which of the following is the correct order I I
of the four principle of HEMP?
If I discover a fire I must: - tell my wait for raise the talk to a C
manager the alarm friend
If mitigation or control fails and escalation occurs True Someho Partially False A
to a point of worst consequence, emergency w False True
Procedures are initiated
JHA is a tool used primarily to _____ identify control sack stop work A
hazards hazards workers
JHA is an acronym for Job Job Joint Joint A
Hazard Health Health Hazard
Analysis Analysis Agency Analysis
List the 3 elements of fire I Atmosphere II Oxygen V, IV, II I, II, III I, III, V I, III, IV A
III Water IV Heat V Fuel
Managing workplace hazards becomes necessary if You You You You may C
, except ----------- design, engage suspend expose
manufact workers and other
ure, or to erring people to
supply undertak staff risk due to
plant, e work , from the work
substance or if you duty are
s or supervis executing.
structures e work
for use at carried
a out by
workplac workers
Measures for accident prevention can be i, ii, iii, iv v, i, ii, iv, ii, v, D. iii, v, i, C
summarized as follows; i. Enrichment measures ii. iv iii iv
Encouragement measures iii. Education measures
iv. Engineering measures v. Enforcement measures
Measures for accident prevention can be i, ii, iii, iv v, i, ii, iv, ii, v, iii, v, i, iv C
summarized as follows; i. Enrichment measures ii. iv iii
Encouragement measures iii. Education measures
iv. Engineering measures v. Enforcement measures
Measures to prevent accidents seek to identify and True in False in True in False in A
correct the unsafe acts of people and the unsafe all cases all cases some some cases
conditions in the work environment, as well as cases
identify and correct the defects in the people.
Once a hazard assessment is completed, when Never, Monthly Yearly As often as D
should the employer re-assess the workplace Once is possible
One of the following is NOT a reason accidents are Continuo Econom Humanit Morale A
undesirable. us ic arian
Ozone layer depletion is a consequence of Air Water Soil None of the A
pollution pollutio pollutio above
n n
People workplace hazards can impact include Customer workers visitors All of the D
s above
Permit to work is applied in ------------- Restricte Non- All HSE All of the D
d Area routine critical above
Activitie activitie
s s
Personal Protective Equipment is an effective tool true false all of the none of the D
for hazard control and should always be used. This above above
statement is
Poor lighting and poor posture are examples of physical chemica ergonom biological C
_________ hazard l ic
Risk assessment matrix is a tool that standardizes A True Someho Partially False A
qualitative risks. w False True
Segun is one of the senior staff members at Douglas Possible Rapid Physical Loss of B
Barto Nigeria Limited. On visit to the company’s disability promoti pain leisure,
blasting site, he was struck by a flying rock while on earning and
inspecting the operation. How will Segun be life
possibly NOT affected by this accident?
Solution to accident problems is usually I, V ,II, I, ii, v, I, ii, iv, I, IV, III, C
categorized into the 4Es of safety’ I IV, iii iii V.
Encouragement ii Enforcement iii. Education iv.
Engineering v. Evaluation Which of the following
is the correct set of the four?
Stacking materials neatly is a form of Job unsafe good unsafe act C
hazard conditio houseke
analysis n eping
The benefit of Good Housekeeping are all but one Greater Improve improve Elimination C
Efficienc d d of
y, Morale Hazard Accidents.
The common aim of JHA and PTW is………….. to ensure to find to to do paper A
safety faults impress work
The following are effects of Accident, except Death Injury Damage Risk D
The following are indirectly affected by accidents communi family the none of the D
except: ty of nation above
The following are methods for Job hazard analysis, Surveyin Observa Recall Discussion A
except g tion and
The following are types of workplace hazards Physical Biologic Ergono Economics D
except al mic
The following could be impacted when accidents People Assets Environ Security D
happen in workplace, except ----------? ment
The following is true about ACCIDENTS, Except - Accident Acciden Acciden Accidents C
----------? does not ts are ts are cause
just caused planned injury or
happen, by damage
they are unsafe
caused. acts and
The following statements are true about accidents, Accident they are accident accidents D
except s are caused s are not cannot be
unwanted by planned avoided
acts and
The most appropriate PPE to be used when helmet ear gloves safety B
working in excessively noisy environments is plugs boots
The procedures for HEMP include The Identify Identify Identify - A
procedur - Assess - Assess Assess –
es for – – Control -
HEMP Control Control Eliminate
include - - First
Identify - Emerge Aid
Assess ncy
Control -
The three elements needed for a fire are: - heat / oxygen / fuel / fuel/oxyge C
smoke / fuel / oxygen / n/gas
oxygen paper heat
The _____ method of accident prevention involves Educatio Enginee Enduran Encourage B
the removal of the unsafe condition from the n ring ce ment
There are a number of ways to identify hazards in Partially True Someho False B
the workplace. One way to identify hazards is to True w False
watch everyone work.
These are true about unsafe acts, except. Unsafe Usually Actions Someti Usually a C
acts are ------- contrary taken or mes personal
to rules perform natural decision
and ed by and and are
regulatio someone spontane avoidable
ns, or without ous.
accepted due
standard regard
practices for
and personal
procedur safety,
es. that of
or other
in the
To achieve an effective workplace hazard Manage Consulti Attendin Consulting C
management, the following will be required, ment ng, Co- g to Your
except------- Commit operatin accident Workers
ment g and victims
Co- at the
ordinati clinic
s With
To decide what is REASONABLY i, ii, iii, ii and iii i , iii, iv iii and iv A
PRACTICABLE to protect people from harm, you and iv only only
will have to take into account and weigh up the
following relevant matters, except ------------ i. the
likelihood of the hazard concerned occurring ii. the
degree of harm that might result from the hazard
iii. knowledge about the hazard and ways of
eliminating or minimising the hazard iv. the
availability, suitability and affordability of the
ways to eliminate or minimise the hazard
Visitors cannot fall victim of office accident. True False Someti Not true in B
mes all cases
What can be done to prevent fires? Maintena Good Ban option A D
nce of houseke electrica and B is
fire eping l correct
detection equipme
equipmen nt
What reasons are there for implementing HSE-MS. to save to work B & D is to comply C
money ethically correct with law.
When accident occurs, The Compan Commu All the D
employee y is nity and options are
s affected the correct
involved directly nation
may have through are
physical economi affected
pain, c loss, indirectl
mental producti y.
agony, on loss,
disability and
and may reputatio
loss life n
When accidents happen, the company incurs the Possible Econom Producti Increased D
following, except litigation ic loss on loss return on
and investment.
n damage
When an accident occurs in an organization, some Company Injured Family Company A
elements are directly affected while some receives and employe of the and injured
an indirect impact. Which of the following is NOT communi e and injured employee
correct? ty are compan employe are not
y are e and
affected affected the affected
directly directly nation indirectly.
Which of the following are examples of unsafe act? i, ii, iii, i, ii, iii, i, ii, iv, ii, iii, iv, v C
i. Bypass or removal of safety devices ii. Working iv, v v v
in hazardous locations without adequate protection
or warning. iii. Sanctioning an employee that
caused an accident. iv. Use of tools for other than
their intended purpose v. Operating equipment at
unsafe speed
Which of the following heat sources can be found ElectricitNaked Heating
All of the D
everywhere? y flames systems
Which of the following is not a measure of accident Educatio Enginee Enduran
Encourage C
prevention n ring ce ment
Which of the following is NOT a reason why people Ignoranc Poor Wrong
Physical or B
carry out unsafe act and create unsafe conditions? e remuner Attitude
ation inability
Which of the following is not a set of elements of Hazard Business Policy Planning B
health safety and environment management and Operatio and and
system? Effects n Strategic Procedures,
Manage Procedu Objectiv Implement
ment, res, es, ation and
Leadershi Audit, Audit, Monitoring
p and Manage Manage ,
Commit ment ment Organizatio
ment Review Review n,
Which of the following is the correct sequence for Identify – Identify Identify Identify – D
procedures of health and effect management Control – – – Assess Assess –
process? Recovery Recover – Control –
- Assess y– Recover Recovery
Assess – y –
Control Control
Which of the following job will require a hazard Jobs in Jobs that Jobs All of the D
analysis before it is carried out? which are new complex above
one to your enough
simple operatio to
human n or require
error have written
could undergo instructi
lead to a ne ons.
severe changes
accident in
or injury processe
s and
Which of the following Person is designated to Permit Permit Asset Asset B
supervise PTW on site Applicant Holder Holder Holder Site
Which of these are unsafe conditions? i. Horseplay iv, iii, v, iii, v, iv, v, ii, iv, i, ii, iii, iv C
ii. Excessive noise and poor ventilation iii. i, i iii
Hazardous atmospheric conditions iv. Poor
housekeeping such as slippery floor v. Inadequate
warning systems and congestion in the workplace
Why do workers carry out unsafe acts or creates Mental Wrong Ignoranc All of the D
unsafe conditions? inability attitude e above
With the acceptance of the assertion that accidents Very Not Often Not in all A
are caused, it is also accepted that identifying the True True True cases.
causes and eliminating them or controlling them
can prevent the occurrence of accident in
Workplace Accidents are caused by Lateness Unsafe Job Modern B
to site acts and hazard technologie
and old unsafe assessm s and
age conditio ent personnel
ns reports
Workplace hazards can directly impact all but one Employe Assets Govern Reputation C
of the following: es ment
Written permit is required for working in high risk working all of the none of the C
environm in above above
ents confined
You can use a water extinguisher to put out an Partially True Someho False D
electrical fire. True w False
You should run during a fire evacuation drill to get Partially True Someho False D
out as quickly as possible? True w False
_____ is a process of identifying hazards with a HEMP RISK ALARP PPE A
view to eliminate or control them
______ is the product of the probability that a Risk Hazard Near accident A
specified undesired event will occur and the miss
severity of the consequences of the event

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