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You received an email from your classmate, Amri, who is thinking

of trying out a new hobby.

Write an email to your friend. In your email, you should:
- Suggest her a new hobby.
- Tell her a reason to try the hobby.
- Invite her to do it with you.
Write in about 30 – 50 words.
To :
Subject : A new hobby










You are joining a charity run and want to invite your cousin,
Khalid, to join you.
Write an email to your friend. In your email, you should:
- Tell him what the charity run is about.
- Tell the location and the time to meet.
Write in about 30 – 50 words.
To :
Subject : Charity run










You are going to watch a movie this weekend with your friend,
Write an email to your friend. In your email, you should:
- Tell her the location.
- Tell your plan on how to go to the cinema.
Write in about 30 – 50 words.
To :
Subject : Movie hangout










You went to watch a football game recently. You want to share
about the game to your friend, Saiful.
Write an email to your friend. In your email, you should:
- Tell him where was the game at.
- Tell who won the game.
Write in about 30 – 50 words.
To :
Subject : Football game










You received an email from your friend, Aliza, asking for some advice about
her sister’s birthday party.
Write an email to your friend. In your email, you should:
- Give a suggestion on how to celebrate the birthday.
- Give an idea about the birthday present.
Write in about 30 – 50 words.

To :

Subject : Your sister’s birthday party

Dear Aliza,

How are you? You asked me for some advice about your sister’s
{friendly gesture} {rephrase from the question}

birthday party. I suggest you to invite her friends and do a surprise event
{point 1: suggest what to do}

for your sister. About the birthday present, I think you can give her a
{point 1: idea about the birthday present}

makeup product because she likes makeup. Goodluck on that!

That’s all from me, see you soon. Bye!

{closure/ closing statement}

{signing off}


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