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Understanding Culture and Society
Pretest. Write True or False on the space provided before the number.
_________1. Society is a group of people sharing a common culture, territory, and a government.

_________2. Pastoral societies focus on agricultural.

_________3. Socialization is enculturation.

_________4. Cultural relativism recognizes and accepts the cultural differences between societies.
_________5. Structural functionalism assumes that there is constant power struggle among various social

groups and institutions within society.

A. Activity 1. Draw a scene/object that you can associate with each society given below.
1) Hunting and Gathering societies

2) Horticultural societies
3) Pastoral societies

4) Agricultural societies
5) Industrial societies

6) Post-industrial societies
B. Activity 2. Complete the Venn Diagram. Socialization vs Enculturation. Better read chapter 3
also before answering.

Socialization Enculturation


C. Activity 3 - Situational. Mark a check (  ) if the statement corresponds to whether T (True) or F

(False). Write your answers in your activity notebook.

Situations T F

1. “No man is an Island “.

2. Through the process of socialization we learn from other skills, knowledge,

norms, and values of society.

3. School are agents of socialization.

4. Socialization is a form of social control.

5. Socialization established our identity.

D. Activity 4 - Graphic organizer. Complete the graphic organizer by writing the required
information in the appropriate spaces.

TERM Own understanding EXAMPLE/S

1) Ethnocentrism

2) Xenocentrism

3) Cultural Relativism

4) Multiculturalism
5) Cultural Sensitivity

E. Acitivity 5 - Assessment. Write the correct answer on the blanks provided.

____________________1. It is the set of beliefs, ideas, values, practices, knowledge, history and
shared experiences, attitudes, and material objects and possessions accumulated over time and
shared by the members of the society.
____________________2. It is the process whereby an individual learns and acquires the
culture of the society he or she belongs to.
____________________3. Its major elements include common language, geographical area,
large membership, and shared identity and culture.
____________________4. A type of community dating back millions of years ago that is
considered as the first society.
____________________5. It refers to the shared rules of conduct that determine specific
behavior among society members.
____________________6. It consists of the intangible properties and elements of the society
that influence the patterns of action and behavior of its members.
____________________7. This type of community saw an increase in food production and
enabled permanent settlement.
____________________8. It is the belief in the superiority of one’s own culture.
____________________9. It is the belief in the inferiority in one’s own culture.
____________________10. It refers to the knowledge, awareness, and acceptance of the
differences in culture but allows room for a critical stance amidst diversity.

Pretest. Write True or False on the space provided before the number.

_________1. Social control is defined as any systematic means and practices used to maintain norms,
rules, and laws; regulate conflict; and discourage deviant behavior.

_________2. Human rights are not universal.

_________3. The school is the primary agent of socialization.

_________4. Government and mass media are not closely related.

_________5. John Locke said that human mind is not a blank slate.

A. Activity 1. Watch the short French film, Majority Oppressed. Discuss the following guide
questions. or refer to our discord
server for the link.
1) What are the norms in this particular society?

2) How are norms and social control enforced in this type of society?

3)What are the punishments for deviant behavior?

4) What type of compliance does the protagonist exhibit? Did he exhibit deviant behavior?
B. Activity 2. Enumerate the top three individuals, groups, or institutions that you consider as
major influences in the way you think and behave. Write a short essay based on the following
guide questions.
1) How did these become major influences in your way of thinking and behaving?
2) What made them more influential than other agents of socialization?

*Box for your answer is on the next page.

Activity 2 essay
C. Activity 3 – Assessment.
1) Enumerate the different agents of socialization and enculturation. Use the table below.

Agents Brief definition






Pretest. True or false.

____________1. Primary group is a large, less intimate, and more specialized groups.

____________2. Reference group refers to the structure of relationships between social actors or
____________3. Interdependence is a necessary condition that exists within social groups.

____________4. Out-group is a group to which an individual compares himself or herself.

____________5. Aggregate are considered in-group.

A. Activity 1. Identify examples of social groups and find out the advantage and disadvantage of
joining them. Write the information in the table below.

Type of group Examples Advantages Disadvantages

1) Primary

2) Secondary

3) In-group

4) Out-group
5) Reference group

B. Activity 2 – Assessment. Illustrate your own social network.

Pretest. True or false.

__________1. Band-level societies or bands are small and nomadic family groups and were plainly

__________2. Biological evolution refers to the process whereby organisms undergo various genetic and
physical changes that pave the way for biological diversity.

__________3. Evolution does not affect culture.

__________4. Culture does not change.

__________5. A tribe is a more formal social organization made up of several bands and groups.

A. Activity 1 – Assessment. Cite two historical events that paved the way for various evolutionary
processes in society. In your own opinion, how different would society be at present if these
events did not take place?
Pretest. True or False.

__________1. Extended families are composition of two families living together in one household
regardless of the relationship.

__________2. Matrilineal kinship means that one’s descent is based on the female line.

__________3. Economy is not considered as a social institution.

__________4. Social institutions refer to organized sets of elements such as beliefs, rules, practices, and
relationships that exist to attain social order.

__________5. Family is considered a vital social institution.

A. Activity 1 – Jumbled words. Rearrange the letters in each word in the box to form words.
Choose your answer in the questions from these rearranged words.

gynypoly _______________1. Means that a spouse cannot have more than one
_______________2. Means that a person can have more than one spouse.


_______________3. A social structure defined by relations among individuals linked by blood.

_______________4. A descent based on the female line.

_______________5. A descent based on the male line.

_______________6. Husband could take many wives.

_______________7. Wife can have many husbands.

_______________8. Composed of spouses and their children from a previous marriage.

_______________9. Those that are composed of the nuclear family and the relatives such as

_______________10. A family that is composed of parents and children.

Special Activity. Think and Post: The Social Thinker! This activity encourages social sharing
to express social concerns. Choose one item from the list below and post your thoughts in
Facebook regarding your topic. Minimum of 300 words. Don’t forget to tag me and put a hashtag
on the last part of your essay. #IAmASocialThinker#IThinkBeforeIPost

1) How will you relate conflict theory to our current educational

2) As a social thinker and as a youth advocate, do you still believe
that we need school despite of the rapid technological evolution
which gives us easy access to information?
3) What are your thoughts about academic freeze?

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