Im Doing This Id Rather Be Doing That

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The Present Continuous / El presente continuo [Dennis]

En inglés, usamos el "present continuous" (presente continuo) para hablar de lo que está ocurriendo en cierto
momento. Para formar el "present continuous", utiliza una forma de "to be" con el "present participle"
(participio presente).

Para formar el "present participle" en inglés, añade el sufijo "-ing" a la forma base del verbo:

watch + ing > watching

work + ing > working
eat + ing > eating

Para los verbos acabados en "e", elimina la "e" y añade "-ing".

use > us > using

come > com > coming
make > mak > making
(Otros ejemplos: have>having, serve>serving, shake>shaking, slice>slicing, write>writing)

Para los verbos de una sílaba acabados en consonante-vocal-consonante, dobla la última letra antes
de añadir "-ing". (Nunca doblamos las letras "x", "y", o "w" al fin de una palabra.)

cut > cutting

win > winning
run > running
(Otros ejemplos: beg>begging, plan>planning, sip>sipping, rub>rubbing, swim>swimming, wrap>wrapping)
(PERO . . . fix>fixing, play>playing, blow>blowing)

Ejemplos del "present continuous" para hablar de lo que está ocurriendo en cierto momento:


She is wearing a red dress.
Ella está llevando un vestido rojo.

Otros ejemplos:

I am (I'm) talking to my husband. / Estoy hablando con mi esposo.

Are you listening to the music? / ¿Estás escuchando la música?
They are (They're) washing the dishes. / Ellos están lavando los platos.
We are (We're) calling our son. / Estamos llamando a nuestro hijo.
Are y'all studying for the test? / ¿Ustedes están estudiando para el examen?
[Sigue . . . ]

En los tiempos de COVID-19, podemos usar "rather be" + el "present participle" para hablar de lo que
preferiríamos estar haciendo si pudiéramos salir de la casa.

Por ejemplo:

I am (I'm) making a pot of coffee in my kitchen, BUT I would (I'd) rather be drinking a cup of coffee at

(Estoy haciendo café en mi cocina, PERO preferiría estar tomando un café en Starbucks.)

John is sanitizing his kitchen, BUT he would (he'd) rather be washing his car at the carwash.

(John está desinfectando su cocina, pero preferiría estar lavando su carro en el lavacarros.)

Sigue los ejemplos arriba para completar cada frase. **(Las respuesas están en la última página.)**

1. cook / go
We are (We're) _______________ another meal at home, but we would (we'd) rather be
_______________ out to eat.
2. wash / shop
She's _______________ her jeans at home, but she would (she'd) rather be ______________ for new
jeans at Target.
3. mow / have
Dan is _______________ the grass, but he would (he'd) rather be _______________ a picnic at the park
with his girlfriend.
4. write / eat
Ana is _______________ an email to her grandma, but she would (she'd) rather be _______________
cookies at her grandma's house.
5. watch / visit
My brother is _______________ a documentary on TV, but he would (he'd) rather be _______________
the history museum.

También podemos usar "feel/s like" + el "present participle" (verbo + -ing) para hablar de lo que
tenemos ganas de hacer.

Por ejemplo:

I am (I'm) making a pot of coffee in my kitchen, BUT I feel like drinking a cup of coffee at Starbucks.

(Estoy haciendo café en mi cocina, PERO tengo ganas de tomar un café en Starbucks.)

John is sanitizing his kitchen, BUT he feels like washing his car at the carwash.

(John está desinfectando su cocina, pero tiene ganas de estar lavando su carro en el lavacarros.)
[Sigue . . . ]
Sigue los ejemplos arriba para completar cada frase. **(Las respuesas están en la última página.)**

6. order / look
I am (I'm) _______________ some shoes online, but I feel like _______________ for shoes at Kohl's.
7. talk / dance
Sara is _______________ to her friends by FaceTime, but she feels like _______________ with her
friends at a club.
8. do / play
My son is _______________ his homework on the computer, but he feels like _______________ a
computer game at his friend's apartment.
9. exercise / lift
We are (We're) _______________ in the back yard, but we feel like _______________ weights at the
10. read / see
Mom and Dad are _______________ the newspaper, but they feel like _______________ a movie at the

También podemos usar una forma de "to be" + "looking forward to" + el "present participle" (verbo +
-ing) para decir que estamos pensando en algo con mucha ilusión.

Por ejemplo:

I am (I'm) making coffee in my kitchen, BUT I am (I'm) looking forward to drinking coffee at Starbucks.

(Estoy haciendo café en mi cocina, PERO estoy pensando en tomar un café en Starbucks con mucha ilusión.)

John is sanitizing his kitchen, BUT he is (he's) looking forward to washing his car at the carwash.

(John está desinfectando su cocina, pero está pensando en lavar su carro en el lavacarros con mucha ilusión.)

Sigue los ejemplos arriba para completar cada frase. **(Las respuesas están en la última página.)**

11. take / wear

I am (I'm) _______________ a bath at my house, but I am (I'm) looking forward to _______________
_______________ my new swimsuit to the beach.
12. paint / climb
Max is _______________ a picture of a mountain, but he is (he's) looking forward to _______________
a mountain in Colorado soon.
[Sigue . . . ]

13. listen / go
You are (You're) _______________ to music on your headphones, but you are (you're) looking forward
to _______________ to a concert with your friends.
14. organize / take
I am (I'm) _______________ my photos on my phone, but I am (I'm) looking forward to
_______________ "selfies" with my friends.
15. walk / camp (acampar)
We are (We're) walking the dog, but we are (we're) looking forward to _______________ in Big Bend
National Park.

[Las respuestas están en la próxima página . . . ]


1. cooking / going
2. washing / shopping
3. mowing / having
4. writing / eating
5. watching / visiting
6. ordering / looking
7. talking / dancing
8. doing / playing
9. exercising / lifting
10. reading / seeing
11. taking / wearing
12. painting / climbing
13. listening / going
14. organizing / taking
15. walking / camping

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