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SCE 4121 Structural Mechanics

5.0 Equilibrium of a Rigid Body

Chapter Objectives
 Develop the equations of equilibrium for a rigid body
 Concept of the free-body diagram for a rigid body
 Solve rigid-body equilibrium problems using the equations of equilibrium

Chapter Outline
5.1 Conditions for Rigid Equilibrium
5.2 Free-Body Diagrams
5.3 Equations of Equilibrium
5.4 Two and Three-Force Members
5.5 Free Body Diagrams
5.6 Equations of Equilibrium
5.7 Constraints and Statical Determinacy

5.1 Conditions for Rigid-Body Equilibrium

The equilibrium of a body is expressed as

Consider summing moments about some other point, such as point A, we require

5.2 Free Body Diagrams

Support Reactions
 If a support prevents the translation of a body in a given direction, then a force is
developed on the body in that direction.
 If rotation is prevented, a couple moment is exerted on the body.

Table 5-1 Supports for rigid bodies subjected to two-dimensional force systems
Types of Connection Reaction Number of Unknowns
(1) One unknown. The reaction
is a tension force which acts
away from the member in
the direction of the cable

(2) One unknown. The reaction

is a force which acts along
the axis of the link.

(3) One unknown. The reaction

is a force which acts
perpendicular to the surface
at the point of contact.

(4) One unknown. The reaction

is a force which acts
perpendicular to the slot.

(5) One unknown. The reaction

is a force which acts
perpendicular to the surface
at the point of contact.

(6) One unknown. The reaction
is a force which acts
perpendicular to the surface
at the point of contact.

(7) One unknown. The reaction

is a force which acts
perpendicular to the rod.

(8) Two unknowns. The

reactions are two
components of force, or the
magnitude and direction ϕ
of the resultant force. Note
that ϕ and θ are not
necessarily equal [usually
not, unless the rod shown is
a link as in (2)]

(9) Two unknowns. The

reactions are the couple
moment and the force which
acts perpendicular to the

(10) Three unknowns. The

reactions are the couple
moment and the two force
components, or the couple
moment and the magnitude
and direction ϕ of the
resultant force.

Internal Forces
 External and internal forces can act on a rigid body
 For FBD, internal forces act between particles which are contained within the boundary of
the FBD, are not represented
 Particles outside this boundary exert external forces on the system

Weight and Center of Gravity

 Each particle has a specified weight
 System can be represented by a single resultant force, known as weight W of the body
 Location of the force application is known as the center of gravity

Procedure for Drawing a FBD

1. Draw outlined shape
 Imagine body to be isolated or cut free from its constraints
 Draw outline shape

2. Show all forces and couple moments

 Identify all external forces and couple moments that act on the body

3. Identify each loading and give dimensions

 Indicate dimensions for calculation of forces
 Known forces and couple moments should be properly labeled with their magnitudes and

Example 5.1

Draw the free-body diagram of the uniform beam. The beam has a mass of 100kg.


Free body diagram

 Support at A is a fixed wall

 Three forces acting on the beam at A denoted as Ax, Ay, Az, drawn in an arbitrary
 Unknown magnitudes of these vectors
 Assume sense of these vectors
 For uniform beam,
Weight, W = 100(9.81) = 981N
acting through beam’s center of gravity, 3m from A

Example 5.2

Draw the free-body diagram of the foot lever shown below. The operator applies a vertical
force to the pedal so that the spring is stretched 40mm and the force in the short link at B is
100 N.

Example 5.3

Two smooth pipes, each having a mass of 300 kg, are supported by the forked tines of a
tractor. Draw the free-body diagrams for each pipe and both pipes together.

Example 5.4

Draw the free-body diagram of the unloaded platform that is suspended off the edge of the oil
rig shown below. The platform has a mass of 200 kg.


Exercise 1

Draw the free-body diagram of the crane boom AB which has a weight of 3.25 kN and center
of gravity G. The boom is supported by a pin at A and cable BC. The load of 6.25 kN is
suspended from a cable attached at B. Explain the significance of each force acting on the

5.3 Equations of Equilibrium

 For equilibrium of a rigid body in 2D,

∑Fx = 0; ∑Fy = 0; ∑MO = 0
 ∑Fx and ∑Fy represent sums of x and y components of all the forces
 ∑MO represents the sum of the couple moments and moments of the force components

Alternative sets of equilibrium equations

 For coplanar equilibrium problems,
∑Fx = 0; ∑Fy = 0; ∑MO = 0
 2 alternative sets of 3 independent equilibrium equations,
∑Fa = 0; ∑MA = 0; ∑MB = 0

Procedure for Analysis

Free-Body Diagram
 Force or couple moment having an unknown magnitude but known line of action can be
 Indicate the dimensions of the body necessary for computing the moments of forces

Equations of Equilibrium
 Apply ∑MO = 0 about a point O
 Unknowns moments of are zero about O and a direct solution the third unknown can be
 Orient the x and y axes along the lines that will provide the simplest resolution of the forces
into their x and y components
 Negative result scalar is opposite to that was assumed on the FBD

Example 5.5

Determine the horizontal and vertical components of reaction for the beam loaded. Neglect
the weight of the beam in the calculations.


Free Body Diagrams

 600N represented by x and y components

 200N force acts on the beam at B

Equations of Equilibrium

+→ ΣFx = 0; 600 cos 45°N - Bx = 0 => Bx = 424N

ΣMB = 0; 100N(2m) + (600 sin 45°N)(5m) – (600 cos 45°N)(0.2m) - Ay(7m) = 0

Ay = 319N

+↑ ΣFy = 0; 319N - 600 sin 45°N – 100N – 200N + By = 0

By = 405N

Example 5.6

The cord shown below supports a force of 500N and wraps over the frictionless pulley.
Determine the tension in the cord at C and the horizontal and vertical components of reaction
at pin A.


Equations of Equilibrium

Summing moments about point A to eliminate Ax and Ay, we have

ΣMA = 0; 500N (0.2m) – T(0.2m) = 0
T = 500N

Using the result,

+→ ΣFx = 0; -Ax + 500 sin 30°N = 0
Ax = 250N

+↑ ΣFy = 0; Ay – 500N – 500 cos 30°N = 0

Ay = 933N

Example 5.7

The member shown below is pin-connected at A and rest against a smooth support at B.
Determine the horizontal and vertical components of reaction at the pin A.


Free-Body Diagram

As shown in the figure below, the reaction NB is perpendicular to the member at B. Also,
horizontal and vertical components of reaction are represented at A.

Equations of Equilibrium

Summing moments about point A to eliminate Ax and Ay, we have

ΣMA = 0; -90Nm – 60N (1m) + NB (0.75m) = 0
NB = 200 N

Using this result,

+→ ΣFx = 0; -Ax -200 sin 30°N = 0

Ax = 100N

+↑ ΣFy = 0; Ay – 200 cos 30°N – 60N = 0

Ay = 233N

Example 5.8

The box wrench in the figure below is used to tighten the bolt at A. If the wrench does not
turn when the load is applied to the handle, determine the torque or moment applied to the
bolt and the force of the wrench on the bolt.


Free-Body Diagram

The free-body diagram for the wrench is shown in the figure below. Since the bolt acts as a
“fixed-support”, it exerts force components Ax and Ay and a moment MA on the wrench at A.

Equations of Equilibrium

Summing moments about A, we obtain a direct solution for NB,

+→ ΣFx = 0; Ax = 52(5/13)N + 30 cos 60°N = 0
Ax = 5N

+↑ ΣFy = 0; Ay – 52(12/13)N – 30 sin 60°N = 0

Ay = 74N
ΣMA = 0; MA – [52(12/13)N] (0.3m) – (30 sin 60°N)(0.7m) = 0
MA = 32.6 Nm

Example 5.9

Determine the horizontal and vertical components of reaction on the member at the pin A,
and the normal reaction at the roller B in the figure below.


Free-Body Diagram

Equations of Equilibrium

The reaction NB can be obtained directly by summing moments about point A since Ax and
Ay produce no moment about A.

ΣMA = 0; [NB cos 30°](1.8m) – [NB sin 30°](0.6m) – 3750N (0.9m) = 0

NB = 2681 N

Using this result,

+→ ΣFx = 0; Ax – (2681 N) sin 30° = 0
Ax = 1340.5N

+↑ ΣFy = 0; Ay + (2681 N) cos 30° - 3750N = 0

Ay = 1428.2N

5.4 Two- and Three-Force Members

Two-Force Members
 When forces are applied at only two points on a member, the member is called a two-
force member
 Only force magnitude must be determined

Three-Force Members
 When subjected to three forces, the forces are concurrent or parallel

Example 5.13

The lever ABC is pin-supported at A and connected to a short link BD. If the weight of the
members are negligible, determine the force of the pin on the lever at A.


Free-Body Diagrams

 BD is a two-force member
 Lever ABC is a three-force member

Equations of Equilibrium

tan 60.3°

+→ ΣFx = 0; FA cos 60.3° – F cos 45° + 400N = 0

+↑ ΣFy = 0; FA sin 60.3° – F sin 45° + 400N = 0

FA = 1.07 kN
F = 1.32 kN

Exercise 2

Determine the horizontal and vertical components of reaction at the supports. Neglect the
thickness of the beam.

5.5 Free-Body Diagrams

Support Reactions

As in the two-dimensional case:

 A force is developed by a support
 A couple moment is developed when rotation of the attached member is prevented
 The force’s orientation is defined by the coordinate angles α, β and γ

Table 5-2 Supports for rigid bodies subjected to three-dimensional force systems
Types of Connection Reaction Number of Unknowns
(1) One unknown. The reaction is a force
which acts away from the member in the
known direction of the cable.

(2) One unknown. The reaction is a force

which acts perpendicular to the surface at
the point of contact.

(3) One unknown. The reaction is a force

which acts perpendicular to the surface at
the point of contact.

(4) One unknown. The reactions are three

rectangular force components.

(5) Four unknowns. The reactions are two

force and two couple-moment components
Fz which act perpendicular to the shaft. Note:
Mx Fx
The couple moments are generally not
applied if the body is supported elsewhere.
(6) Five unknowns. The reactions are two
force and three couple-moment
components. Note: The couple moments
are generally not applied if the body is
supported elsewhere.

(7) Five unknowns. The reactions are three
force and two couple-moment
components. Note: The couple moments
are generally not applied if the body is
supported elsewhere.

(8) Five unknowns. The reactions are three

force and two couple-moment
components. Note: The couple moments
are generally not applied if the body is
supported elsewhere.

(9) Five unknowns. The reactions are three

force and two couple-moment
components. Note: The couple moments
are generally not applied if the body is
supported elsewhere.
(10) Six unknowns. The reactions are three
force and three couple-moment

Example 5.14

Several examples of objects along with their associated free-body diagrams are shown. In all
cases, the x, y and z axes are established and the unknown reaction components are indicated
in the positive sense. The weight of the objects is neglected.

(a) Properly aligned journal bearings at A, B, C.

(b) Pin at A and cable BC

(c) Properly aligned journal bearing at A and hinge at C. Roller at B.


For (a)

The force reactions developed by the bearings are sufficient for equilibrium since they prevent
the shaft from rotating about each of the coordinate axes.

For (b)

Moment components are developed by the pin on the rod to prevent rotation about the x and z

For (c)

Only force reactions are developed by the bearings and hinge on the plate to prevent rotation
about each coordinate axis. No moments at the hinge are developed.

5.6 Equations of Equilibrium

Vector Equations of Equilibrium

 For two conditions for equilibrium of a rigid body in vector form,

∑F = 0 ∑MO = 0

Scalar Equations of Equilibrium

 If all external forces and couple moments are expressed in Cartesian vector form
∑F = ∑Fxi + ∑Fyj + ∑Fzk = 0
∑MO = ∑Mxi + ∑Myj + ∑Mzk = 0

5.7 Constraints for a Rigid Body

Redundant Constraints

 More support than needed for equilibrium

 Statically indeterminate: more unknown loadings than equations of equilibrium

Improper Constraints

 Instability caused by the improper constraining by the supports

 When all reactive forces are concurrent at this point, the body is improperly constrained

Procedure for Analysis

Free-Body Diagram

 Draw an outlined shape of the body

 Show all the forces and couple moments acting on the body
 Show all the unknown components having a positive sense
 Indicate the dimensions of the body necessary for computing the moments of forces

Equations of Equilibrium

 Apply the six scalar equations of equilibrium or vector equations

 Any set of non-orthogonal axes may be chosen for this purpose

 Choose the direction of an axis for moment summation such that it insects the lines of
action of as many unknown forces as possible

Example 5.15

The homogenous plate has a mass of 100kg and is subjected to a force and couple moment
along its edges. If it is supported in the horizontal plane by means of a roller at A, a ball and
socket joint at N, and a cord at C, determine the components of reactions at the supports.


Free-Body Diagrams

 Five unknown reactions acting on the plate

 Each reaction assumed to act in a positive coordinate direction

Equations of Equilibrium

ΣFx = 0; Bx = 0
ΣFy = 0; By = 0
ΣFz = 0; Az + Bz + TC – 300N – 981N = 0


Az = 790N
Bz = -217N
TC = 707N

 The negative sign indicates Bz acts downward

 The plate is partially constrained as the supports cannot prevent it from turning about the
z axis if a force is applied in the x-y plane


1. If a support prevents translation of a body, then the support exerts a ___________ on the
A) Couple moment
B) Force
C) Both A and B.
D) None of the above

2. Internal forces are _________ shown on the free body diagram of a whole body.
A) Always
B) Often
C) Rarely
D) Never

3. The beam and the cable (with a frictionless pulley at D) support an 80 kg load at C. In a
FBD of only the beam, there are how many unknowns?
A) 2 forces and 1 couple moment
B) 3 forces and 1 couple moment
C) 3 forces
D) 4 forces

4. Internal forces are not shown on a free-body diagram because the internal forces are_____.
A) Equal to zero
B) Equal and opposite and they do not affect the calculations
C) Negligibly small
D) Not important

5. The three scalar equations  FX =  FY =  MO = 0, are ____ equations of equilibrium in

two dimensions.
A) Incorrect
B) The only correct
C) The most commonly used
D) Not sufficient

6. A rigid body is subjected to forces. This body can be considered as a ______ member.
A) Single-force
B) Two-force
C) Three-force

D) Six-force

7. For this beam, how many support reactions are there and is the problem statically
A) (2, Yes)
B) (2, No)
C) (3, Yes)
D) (3, No)


8. The beam AB is loaded as shown: a) how many support reactions are there on the beam,
b) is this problem statically determinate, and c) is the structure stable?
A) (4, Yes, No)
B) (4, No, Yes)
C) (5, Yes, No)
D) (5, No, Yes)

Fixed F

9. Which equation of equilibrium allows you to determine FB right away?

A)  FX = 0
B)  FY = 0
C)  MA = 0
D) Any one of the above.

100 N


10. A beam is supported by a pin joint and a roller. How many support reactions are there
and is the structure stable for all types of loadings?
A) (3, Yes)
B) (3, No)
C) (4, Yes)
D) (4, No)

11. If a support prevents rotation of a body about an axis, then the support exerts a ________
on the body about that axis.
A) Couple moment
B) Force
C) Both A and B.
D) None of the above.

12. When doing a 3-D problem analysis, you have ________ scalar equations of
A) 3
B) 4
C) 5
D) 6

13. The rod AB is supported using two cables at B and a ball-and-socket joint at A. How
many unknown support reactions exist in this problem?
A) 5 force and 1 moment reaction
B) 5 force reactions
C) 3 force and 3 moment reactions
D) 4 force and 2 moment reactions

14. If an additional couple moment in the vertical direction is applied to rod AB at point C,
then what will happen to the rod?
A) The rod remains in equilibrium as the cables provide the necessary support reactions.
B) The rod remains in equilibrium as the ball-and-socket joint will provide the necessary
resistive reactions.
C) The rod becomes unstable as the cables cannot support compressive forces.
D) The rod becomes unstable since a moment about AB cannot be restricted.

15. A plate is supported by a ball-and-socket joint at A, a roller joint at B, and a cable at C.

How many unknown support reactions are there in this problem?
A) 4 forces and 2 moments
B) 6 forces
C) 5 forces
D) 4 forces and 1 moment

16. What will be the easiest way to determine the force reaction BZ ?
A) Scalar equation  FZ = 0
B) Vector equation  MA = 0
C) Scalar equation  MZ = 0
D) Scalar equation  MY = 0


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