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NVDC-770 Attachment 2-3

NVDC-770 Attachment 2-3

NVDC-770 Attachment 2-3
NVICEV2-09CAU200 Rev. K
NVDC-770 Attachment 2-3
§;ttachment 5-2[
Optical Target Ledger of LAP OLT (Quarterly Check Results)
Bang quan Jy Target cua may OLT (Ki�m tra hang quy)
Program: CDS Target Boeing

Year/Nam: lolJ Month/Thang: 9

Target No.
Ma target Result Final Judgment
Check Date (Pass/Fail)
(1) (2) (3) Note
Ngay £Janh gia
Damage Wear RMS
fJ?tlKh6ng <1?t)
Hll'hona Mon Check
POR16-00282-1204 Sep 05,2023
fl> � Nt,:,,. �
POR16-00282-0702 Sep 05,2023 l\_,;;s
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POR16-00282-063 7 Sep 05,2023
�> � NfA �;
POR16-00282-0914 Sep 05,2023
�> �� Nf,A lb.\)

POR16-00282-0961 Sep 05,2023 '\bss

� NfA yo.�
POR19-00649-407 Sep 05,2023
'\6s.s � 'NIA Toi.\

POR19-00649-313 Sep 05,2023

1c'-� � 'NIA �
POR 19-0064 9-403 Sep 05,2023
lv.,� 't� 1--tfA 'Jon
POR19-00369-0211 Sep 05,2023
� t> 'Vcis.s MIA �
Sep 05,2023
1b� � NIA �
POR19-00369-0650 Sep 05,2023
tot> 'lhi> NfA �ss
POR19-00369-0453 Sep 05,2023
fbC> \'a.� N 17' ��

1. Visually check item (1) and (2) and record the result "Pass" or "Fail".
Ki�m tra ngo?i quan <16i v&i mvc (1) va (2) va ghi chep k�t qua la "£)9t" ho�c "Kh6ng <19t''.
2. Item (3) is only required if there is slight damage or minor wear found on the target. Perform the check in
accordance with Attachment 5-4 and record the result "Pass" or "Fail".
H?ng mvc (3) chi thl)'c hi{)n n�u phat hi{)n c6 hU' hong nh(J ho�c mon nh(J tren target. Ti�n hanh ki�m tra theo E)fnh
kem 5-4 va ghi chep k�t qua "£J?t" ho�c "Kh6ng <1?t".

Approved Checked Prepared

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