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Medication Questions

These should be answered in your own words!

Medication: Trade name_______________________ Generic name_________________________

Medication class:

Common Doses Used:


1. What does this medication do?

2. What do I need to assess before I give this medication?

a. What would make me hold this medication?

3. How do I know this medication is working?

4. What side effects do I expect to see?

a. What should I tell my patient to do to minimize these side effects?

5. What are the adverse effects that could happen?

a. What signs or symptoms would that cause?

b. What do I do if it does happen?

6. Is there an antidote available?

a. What is it and when do I give it?

Medication Questions
These should be answered in your own words!

7. What labs should be drawn for this medication?

8. What contraindications or interactions would occur with other medications or foods?

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