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Unit 1 send (v) /send/ glasses (n) /'ɡlɑsəz/

add (v) /æd/ sing (v) /sɪŋ/ hall (n) /hɔl/

call a friend /ˌkɔl ə ˈfrend/ slow (adj) /sloʊ/ hat (n) /hæt/

camera (n) /ˈkæm(ə)rə/ speak (v) /spik/ in (prep) /ɪn/

carry (v) /ˈkæri/ speaker (n) /ˈspikər/ in front of (prep) /ˌɪn ˈfrʌnt ɑv/

catch (v) /kætʃ/ spell (v) /spel/ jacket (n) /ˈdʒækət/

charger (n) /ˈtʃɑrdʒər/ stairs (n) /sters/ jeans (n) /dʒinz/

cheap (adj) /tʃip/ tablet (n) /ˈtæblət/ kitchen (n) /ˈkɪtʃ(ə)n/

clean (v) /klin/ talk (v) /tɔk/ living room (n) /ˈlɪvɪŋ ˌrum/

climb (v) /klaɪm/ tell stories /ˌtel ˈstɔriz/ lost (adj) /lɔst/

cook (v) /kʊk/ touchpad (n) /ˈtʌtʃˌpæd/ monster (n) /ˈmɑnstər/

cost (v) /kɔst/ walk (v) /wɔk/ near (prep) /nɪr/

customers (n) /ˈkʌstəmərz/ wash (v) /wɑʃ/ next to (prep) /ˈnekst tʊ/

dance (v) /dɑns/ on (prep) /ɑn/

difficult (adj) /ˈdɪfɪkəlt/

Unit 2 pants (n) /pænts/
above (prep) /əˈbʌv/ put on (phr vb) /ˈpʊt ˌɑn/
easy (adj) /ˈizi/
bag (n) /bæɡ/ shirt (n) /ʃɜrt/
expensive (adj) /ɪkˈspensɪv/
bath (n) /bæθ/ shoes (n) /ʃuz/
fast (adj) /fæst/
bathroom (n) /ˈbæθˌrum/ shower (n) /ˈʃaʊər/
fly (v) /flaɪ/
bed (n) /bed/ skirt (n) /skɜrt/
guide (n) /ɡaɪd/
bedroom (n) /ˈbedrum/ sneakers (n) /ˈsnikərz/
heavy (adj) /ˈhevi/
behind (prep) /bɪˈhaɪnd/ table (n) /ˈteɪb(ə)l/
hungry (adj) /ˈhʌŋɡri/
between (prep) /bɪˈtwin/ take off (phr vb) /ˌteɪk ˈɑf/
jump (v) /dʒʌmp/
carry (v) /ˈkæri/ toilet (n) /ˈtɔɪlət/
keyboard (n) /ˈkiˌbɔrd/
ceiling (n) /ˈsilɪŋ/ umbrella (n) /ʌmˈbrelə/
laptop (n) /ˈlæpˌtɑp/
chair (n) /tʃeər/ under (prep) /ˈʌndər/
light (adj) /laɪt/
clues (n) /kluz/ vase (n) /veɪs/
pet (n) /pet/
coat (n) /koʊt/ wall (n) /wɔl/
play a musical instrument
/ˌpleɪ ə ˌmjuzɪk(ə)l ˈɪnstrəmənt/ crime (n) /kraɪm/ wear (v) /wer/
play soccer/ˌpleɪ ˈsɑkər/ dining room (n) /ˈdaɪnɪŋ ˌrum/ yard (n) /jɑrd/
repair (v) /rɪˈper/ dress (n) /dres/
run (v) /rʌn/ Emperor (n) /ˈempərər/ Unit 3
screen (n) /skrin/ floor (n) /flɔr/ actor (n) /ˈæktər/

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adventures (n) /ədˈventʃərz/ November (n) /noʊˈvembər/ twenty-sixth /ˌtwentiˈsɪksθ/

afraid (adj) /əˈfreɪd/ October (n) /ɑkˈtoʊbər/ twenty-third /ˌtwentiˈθɜrd/
April (n) /ˈeɪprəl/ pleased (adj) /plizd/ waiter (n) /ˈweɪtər/
artist (n) /ˈɑrtɪst/ relaxed (adj) /rɪˈlækst/ well (adj) /wel/
astronaut (n) /ˈæstrəˌnɔt/ second /ˈsekənd/ worried (adj) /ˈwʌrid/
August (n) /ˈɔɡəst/ September (n) /sepˈtembər/
bored (adj) /bɔrd/ seventeenth /ˌsev(ə)nˈtinθ/ Unit 4
century (n) /ˈsentʃəri/ seventh /ˈsev(ə)nθ/ ambulance (n) /ˈæmbjələns/

cook (n) /kʊk/ sick (adj) /sɪk/ bike (n) /baɪk/

December (n) /dɪˈsembər/ singer (n) /ˈsɪŋər/ boat (n) /boʊt/

doctor (n) /ˈdɑktər/ sixteenth /ˌsɪksˈtinθ/ bus (n) /bʌs/

eighteenth /ˌeɪˈtinθ/ sixth /sɪksθ/ buy a ticket /ˌbaɪ ə ˈtɪkɪt/

eighth /eɪtθ/ stadiums (n) /ˈsteɪdiəmz/ car (n) /kɑr/

eleventh /ɪˈlev(ə)nθ/ stamp (n) /stæmp/ change trains /ˌtʃeɪndʒ ˈtreɪnz/

expeditions (n) /ˌekspəˈdɪʃ(ə)nz/ surprised (adj) /sərˈpraɪzd/ coach (n) /kəʊtʃ/

farmer (n) /ˈfɑrmər/ teacher (n) /ˈtitʃər/ competition (n) /ˌkɑmpəˈtɪʃ(ə)n/

February (n) /ˈfebjuˌeri/ tenth /tenθ/ craze (n) /kreɪz/

fifteenth /ˌfɪfˈtinθ/ third /θɜrd/ cross the road /ˌkrɔs ðə ˈroʊd/

fifth /fɪfθ/ thirsty (adj) /ˈθɜrsti/ drive a car /ˌdraɪv ə ˈkɑr/

fill (v) /fɪl/ thirteenth /ˌθɜrˈtinθ/ driver (n) /ˈdraɪvər/

first /fɜrst/ thirtieth /ˈθɜrtiəθ/ get into a car /ˌɡet ˌɪntu ə ˈkɑr/

fourteenth /ˌfɔrˈtinθ/ thirty-first /ˌθɜrtiˈfɜrst/ get off a bus /ˌɡet ɑf ə ˈbʌs/

fourth /fɔrθ/ tired (adj) /ˈtaɪrd/ get on a bus /ˌɡet ɑn ə ˈbʌs/

hungry (adj) /ˈhʌŋɡri/ twelfth /twelfθ/ get out of a car /ˌɡet aʊt əv ə
interested (adj) /ˈɪntrəstɪd/ twentieth /ˈtwentiəθ/
go on a tour /ˌɡoʊ ɑn ə ˈtʊər/
inventor (n) /ɪnˈventər/ twenty-eighth /ˌtwentiˈeɪtθ/
go on foot /ˌɡoʊ ɑn ˈfʊt/
January (n) /ˈdʒænjuˌeri/ twenty-fifth /ˌtwentiˈfɪfθ/
helicopter (n) /ˈhelɪˌkɑptər/
July (n) /dʒʊˈlaɪ/ twenty-first /ˌtwentiˈfɜrst/
journey (n) /ˈdʒɜrni/
June (n) /dʒun/ twenty-fourth /ˌtwentiˈfɔrθ/
kids (n) /kɪdz/
March (n) /mɑrtʃ/ twenty-ninth /ˌtwentiˈnaɪnθ/
motorcycle (n)
May (n) /meɪ/ twenty-second /ˈmoʊtərˌsaɪk(ə)l/
nineteenth /ˌnaɪnˈtinθ/ passenger (n) /ˈpæsɪndʒər/
ninth /naɪnθ/ pilot (n) /ˈpaɪlət/

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plane (n) /pleɪn/

ride a bike /ˌraɪd ə ˈbaɪk/
ring the bell /ˌrɪŋ ðə ˈbel/
scooter (n) /ˈskutər/
ship (n) /ʃɪp/
subway (n) /ˈsʌbˌweɪ/
take a taxi /ˌteɪk ə ˈtæksi/
take the bus /ˌteɪk ðə ˈbʌs/
take the train /ˌteɪk ðə ˈtreɪn/
taxi (n) /ˈtæksi/
ticket (n) /ˈtɪkɪt/
traffic (n) /ˈtræfɪk/
train (n) /treɪn/
travel by plane /ˌtræv(ə)l baɪ
travel card (n) /ˈtræv(ə)l ˌkɑrd/
tricks (n) /trɪks/
trolley (n) /ˈtrɑli/
truck (n) /trʌk/
version (n) /ˈvɜrʒ(ə)n/
wait in a line /ˌweɪt ɪn ə ˈlaɪn/

Get Involved! American Edition Intro B © Macmillan Education Limited 2022

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