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MADURAI: That don't neglect your heart will always be the heart oI the matter oI any

cardiologist. Doctors complain that there are many patients who Iear going Ior an
angiogram to check blocks in heart, iI any, and this oIten stands as a stumbling block in
heart care. To drive home the point that an angiogram is a simple procedure, the cardiac
team oI Vadamalayan Hospitals in Madurai has taken an initiative called Lunch Break
Angiogram' to suggest that the procedure is simple and casual like any other medical test.
'There are many persons who postpone it due to Iear and they never turn up. When a
patient is advised to get angiogram done, it should be Iollowed up. Otherwise, it can lead
to serious complications, says Pugalagiri Vadamalayan, Managing Director,
Vadamalayan Hospitals.
He along with the hospitals' interventional cardiologist B. R. J. Kannan has suggested
some tips Ior heart care and why one should not postpone an angiogram, iI it is
According to Dr. Kannan, there are several people who are under the general impression
that an angiogram needs two or three days oI hospitalisation and that it is also like a
'The actual procedure is very simple. It takes just 20 minutes and it is enough iI the
patient spends about two hours totally.
They need not Iear at all. Only by doing angiogram, we can see iI there are any blocks'
and a cardiologist can take a decision based on the test report, he explains. Based on the
angio report, the cardiologists will take a call on whether they must do angioplasty to
remove the blocks or go Ior a bypass surgery.
In Vadamalayan Hospitals, an angiogram costs about Rs.13,500.
An angiogram is recommended when a person suIIers chest pain/heart discomIort despite
By doing that test, the obstructions in blood supply in heart will be known. Dr. Kannan
lists out some risk Iactors that lead to heart attacks.
They are hypertension, diabetes, smoking, Iamily history oI heart diseases, lack oI
adequate Iibre/Iruit intake and obesity.
LiIestyle modiIication
While liIestyle modiIication becomes critical Irom the heart point oI view when one
crosses 40 years oI age, it is essential that there must be good intake oI Iruits and
$tress, both physical and mental, can add to the problems iI one does not pay attention to
preventive steps. The importance oI controlled diet and regular brisk walking will have
cardiac advantage.'
'$ometimes, people go Ior morning walk but immediately eat oil/Iat Ioods. It serves no
purpose when we talk Irom the cholesterol point oI view, says Dr. Pugalagiri
To prevent heart complications and coronary crisis, one should Iollow their doctor's
suggestion, go Ior angiogram to check the blood vessels and see iI there are blocks inside.

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