Lesson Guide in Physical Science

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Lesson Guide in Physical Science

Topic: Reflection and Refraction Explained by the Wave Model and the Particle Model of Light

Content Standard Light as a wave particle

Performance Standard

Learning Competencies Describe how the propagation of light, reflection, and refraction are explained by the wave model and the particle model of light

Specific Learning Cognitive 1. Differentiate the reflection and refraction of light based on the wave and particle models of light.
Objectives Affective 2. Appreciate the importance of the reflection and refraction of light.
Psychomotor 3. Demonstrate the ability to set up and conduct simple experiments to observe reflection and refraction of light.


Teacher’s Guide
Learner’s Materials
Other Learning Resources Physical Science Module 7 -Dual Property of Light-as wave and particle - NOT PHYSICAL SCIENCE - Studocu
PHYSICAL SCIENCE GRADE 12 WEEK 3.pdf - Learning Activity Sheet LAS PHYSICAL SCIENCE I. INTRODUCTION In science models are used to make
predictions | Course Hero

Additional Materials pictures for references, activity sheets, and materials for the activity
a. Prayer
b. Review (Recall to the class key concepts of the previous lesson.)
•Ask: (Since the topic is the first topic in Quarter 4, ask the learners if they recall their lesson about light from their junior high school lessons.)

c. Springboard: Tell the class that to be able to fully understand their new lesson, they must first learn how the light behaves based on their
observations of their environment every day.
• Picture show and tell: Sense Me!
a. What are your observations on the presentation?
b. What can you say about this picture (Figure 1)?
ENGAGE c. How about this one (Figure 2)?
d. What comes into your mind when you watch yourself in the mirror?
e. Why do you think the straw looks like it is bending when you submerge it in water?
Let the learners guess the lesson for today.
Let the learners read the objectives of the lesson.

I. Pre- Laboratory Activities

a. Setting of Activity Standards
EXPLORE b.1. Discussion of Procedures
II. Group Activity
•Let each group of students perform the activity/game: “Exploring Reflection and Refraction”
III. Post - Laboratory Activity
Group Sharing/Reporting
•Students will share their answers to the guide questions.
• While each group is sharing or reporting their activity, the teacher will do her discussion.
ELABORATE • Group 1 (Behavior of Light): The teacher will discuss the wave model and the particle model of light.
• Group 2 (Reflection of Light): The teacher will discuss the reflection of light.
 Group 3 (Refraction of Light): The teacher will discuss the refraction of light.

•Let the students answer the following on a 1/2 piece of paper:

I. True or False. Identify the following statement whether it is TRUE or FALSE about the reflection and refraction of light based on the wave and particle
models of light.
1. Light can travel straight through empty space or vacuum until it hits something else.
2. Refraction is the bouncing of light as it hits a surface
3. Reflection is the bending of wave when it enters a medium where its speed changes.
4. Upon hitting a smooth surface, light would be reflected.
5. According to the theory of Newton, light is made up of particles that travel through space on a straight line.

II. Essay. Answer the question below in two to three sentences only. (5 points each)

1. What is the importance of reflection and refraction of light in our community?

2. Cite an example in your community that uses the reflection and refraction of light.

• Students will conduct research on a specific aspect of light as a wave and a particle and present their findings in a research paper.
- Each student will choose a specific aspect or phenomenon related to light as a wave and a particle. Examples of topics could include:
- Historical development of the wave and particle models of light
- Recent advancements in our understanding of light behavior at the quantum level
- Applications of the photoelectric effect in technology
The students will be given a hard copy of the format and criteria for scoring their research paper.

Prepared by:

Ms. Kristina L. Chavez

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