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TOEIC Test Prep | Semester 6 | Basic & Elementary

TOEIC Reading Part 6:
Incomplete Text
Objectives :
To identify parts of speech
To use suffixes to identify parts of speech.

Activity A
Identifying Missing Parts of Speech
Identify what word (noun, pronoun, verb, adjective, adverb, or preposition) is missing in each
sentence below.
preposition verb pronoun noun adverb adjective

1. We ordered __________ last week.

2. Mathematics is not __________ for my brother.
3. My smart sister can do math __________ .
4. I __________ too many e-mails. I can't read them all.
5. My mother told __________ to clean my room yesterday.
6. The government want to send a team of consultants to work __________ the project.

Activity B
Now complete the missing parts in Act A with the appropriate word in the box .
easily some pizzas easy me get in

1. We ordered __________ last week.

2. Mathematics is not __________ for my brother.
3. My smart sister can do math __________ .
4. I __________ too many e-mails. I can't read them all.
5. My mother told __________ to clean my room yesterday.
6. The government want to send a team of consultants to work __________ the project.


TOEIC Test Prep | Semester 6 | Basic & Elementary

Activity C
Adjective or Adverb?
Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
1. Tom is (slowly/slow). He works (slowly/slow).
2. Sue is a (careful/carefully) girl. She climbed up the ladder (careful/carefully).
3. The dog is (angrily/angry). It barks (angrily angry).
4. He acted (excellent/excellently). He's an (excellent/excellently) actor.
5. They learn English (easily/easy). They think English is an (easily/easy) language.
6. Max is a (good/well) singer. He sings (good/well).
7. It's (awfully/awful) cold today. The cold wind is (awfully/awful).
8. The little boy looked sadly/sad). I went over to comfort him and he looked at me (sadly/sad).

Activity D
Parts of Speech
In some questions in Part 6, the answer choices are different parts of speech that come from the
same root word. The choices can be nouns, verbs, adjectives, or adverbs, e.g:
(A) repetition (noun)
(B) repeat ( verb, noun)
(C) repetitive ( adjective)
(D) repetitively ( adverb)


TOEIC Test Prep | Semester 6 | Basic & Elementary

Using suffixes to identify Parts of Speech

Suffixes are groups of letters at the end of a word that can change the word part of speech and
sometimes the meaning. Being familiar with common English suffixes can help you guess the word’s
part of speech and meaning even if you have never seen the word before.

Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

1. There has been a large (improve/improvement) in sales.
2. This sushi is really (taste/tasty).
3. I must (emphasis/emphasize) that the budget for this project is very small.
4. You’re very (kind/kindness). I really appreciate it.
5. Our staff are (fame/ famous) for their excellent service.
6. Everything on our menu is made from 100 percent (nature/natural) ingredients.
7. There will be time for questions and answers at the (end/endless) of the presentation.
8. Look at this invoice. I didn’t think it would be so (expense/expensive).

Activity E
Complete the sentences using correct word form.
1. Mr. Sato works very long hours, but he doesn’t work (efficiency/efficiently/efficient).
2. To reduce our costs, we have to increase the (efficiency/efficiently/efficient) of our factory.
3. This is the most energy-(efficiency/efficiently/efficient) home you can buy. You will save a lot
of money on heating.
4. We have to reduce our (reliance/reliable/reliability) on foreign oil. If supplies are stopped,
the economy will be affected.
5. My car is old, but it’s very (reliance/reliable/reliability). Even on the the coldest winter days,
it always starts.
6. For safety reasons, airplane engines are designed for maximum (reliance/reliable/reliability).


TOEIC Test Prep | Semester 6 | Basic & Elementary

7. Supermarkets are popular because they are (convenient/conveniently/convenience).

8. My office is (convenient/conveniently/convenience) located just 10 minutes’ walk from the
nearest station.
9. People like Internet TV because of its (convenient/conveniently/convenience). You can
watch your favorite shows anytime you want.
10. I spoke to your previous boss and she gave you a very good (recommend/recommended/
11. Which would you (recommend/recommended/recommendation)? The chicken or the fish?
12. Swimming is one of the most highly (recommend/recommended/recommendation)
exercises for getting fit and healthy.

Activity F
Complete the sentences using the words in the box.
efficient artificially warranty product previous
income fail reliable shipment supplier

1. My cell phone broke, but it was under _______________ , so I got a new one from the store.
2. I’m going to study hard because I don’t want to _______________ the test on Monday.
3. My current job is more interesting than my _______________ job.
4. The local buses are quick and always on time – they’re _______________ and
5. A good _______________ is important for most people who work.
6. We expected a _______________ of 4,000 catalogs, but our _______________ only sent
7. Prices in tourist areas are often _______________ high compared to prices in other areas.
8. Our most popular _______________ is the picnic table and chairs. We sell 100 every week.

Activity G
Let’s Practice!
Read the passage first. Then look at the blanks. What words are missing?
For Rent: (A) convene
Small office (300 square feet) in a downtown building that is (1) __________ (B) convenient
located close to bus and subway lines. (C) convenience
(D) conveniently

Parking is also available. The office is on the second floor of a four-story (A) move
building and has new paint and carpets. It is ready for a new tenant to (2) (B) moved
__________ in on the first of next month. (C) mover
(D) movement


TOEIC Test Prep | Semester 6 | Basic & Elementary

Call Mr. Greene at 593-555-2911 for an appointment to see this office. Do (A) large
you need more space? We also have several (3) __________ (B) largely
offices available. Call for more information. (C) enlarge
(D) as large as

Read the passage and look at the blanks. What types of words are missing?
To :
From :
Date : June 10
Subject: Seoul visitors

Mr. Cho and Ms. Kim will be arriving from the Seoul office tomorrow (A) direct
afternoon. Their flight gets in at 1:30. Would you please pick them up at the (B) direction
airport? As soon as they arrive, they will need to come (1) ______________ (C) directed
to the office for a 2:00 meeting, so please bring them here. While they are in (D) directly
the meeting, you can drop off their luggage at their hotel.

(A) probe
They will (2) _______________ want to rest before dinner, so you can take (B) probable
them back to the hotel after (C) probably
(D) probability

The meeting. I have invited them to dinner on their first night here, so please (A) reserve
make dinner (3) _______________ for us. Most of the restaurants in this (B) reserved
neighborhood serve great food, so please choose any one. Please make the (C) reservation
reservation for 8:00. Thank you for your help.
(D) reserving

Read the letter below and fill in the blanks with correct words.

Louise Howland
Milford Enterprises
73 Oxford Street
Lyme, WA 20720

Dear Ms. Howland:

I am interested in applying for a job as an accountant at your company. I understand that you


TOEIC Test Prep | Semester 6 | Basic & Elementary

have several entry-level positions open in your Accounting Department.

I recently 1. (A) graduate from the university with a degree in accounting. While I was still
(B) graduated
(C) graduation
(D) gradually
a student, I worked for two years as an assistant at Smith and Jones, Inc. 2. (A) We was a
(B) They
(C) You
(D) It
very interesting place to work, and I learned a lot while I was there. I am enclosing my resume and
two letters of reference. I look forward to hearing 3. (A) with you.
(B) to
(C) from
(D) for
Robert Carlson

Activity H
Mini Test
Directions: Read the passages. Choose the best answers to complete the sentences.
Questions 1-3 refer to the following notice.

Notice to All Building Users

This is to inform you that repairs will be made to all the elevators in the building starting next
week. The north elevators will be out of 1. (A) operate from midnight Monday until
(B) operation
(C) operator
(D) operable
midnight Tuesday. In order to 2. (A) avoid crowding the other elevators, we ask you to
(B) avoidable
(C) avoidably
(D) avoidance
use the stairs whenever possible during that time. Work on the south elevators will begin at a
later date to be determined. Thank you for your understanding.
We regret any 3. (A) inconvenient this may cause.
(B) inconveniently
(C) inconvenience
(D) convenience


TOEIC Test Prep | Semester 6 | Basic & Elementary

Questions 4-6 refer to the following letter.

Dear Customer,
We at Stateside Bank are excited about some new services we will be offering preferred
customers such as you. As a small business owner, you may have wondered where to turn for
financial 4. (A) advice . Now Stateside Bank is here to offer you the support you need to
(B) advise
(C) advisor
(D) advisable
keep your business in good financial health. When our new Small Business Section opens next
month, we will have 5. (A) experience counselors available to help you make decisions
(B) experienced
(C) experiencing
(D) expertise
about investments and loans. We can help you develop a sound business plan, and we can show
you how to invest your money to ensure the success of your business. Statistics tell us that the
majority of small businesses fail within the first five years. 6. (A) Yours doesn’t have to be
(B) Mine
(C) Theirs
(D) Ours
one of them. Call Stateside Bank today to find out how we can help you stay successful.

Roger Moorehead
Small Business Manager

Questions 7-9 refer to the following memo.

To: All staff

From: Mark Spyri
Re: Staff meeting

This is to remind you that the monthly staff meeting will take place next Friday afternoon from
1:00-3:00 in the conference room. Attendance at this meeting is 7. (A) mandate
(B) mandator
(C) mandatory
(D) mandatorily
If there is an urgent reason why you cannot attend, I need to know about it ahead of time, so


TOEIC Test Prep | Semester 6 | Basic & Elementary

please discuss it with me after the meeting. The meeting agenda includes a discussion of certain
8. (A) personnel procedures, so you should bring your copy of the employee manual with
(B) personal
(C) personally
(D) personalit
you. A 9. (A) completely agenda will be made available on the day of the meeting.
(B) complete
(C) completeness
(D) completion
Thank you.

Questions 10-12 refer to the following ad.

Parkside Hotel
Whether you are traveling for business or pleasure, the Parkside Hotel offers you all the
10. (A) comfortable of home, from clean and cozy rooms to delicious meals in our cafe and
(B) comfortably
(C) comforts
(D) comforting
restaurant, and warm and friendly service from our professionally trained staff. Our convenient
downtown location makes it easy to 11. (A) accessible public transportation, museums,
(B) accessibility
(C) accessed
(D) access
restaurants, theaters, and the new City Convention Center. Call or e-mail us today to reserve a
room at the Parkside Hotel. You won’t regret 12. (A) it !
(B) us
(C) them
(D) you



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