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Optics & Laser Technology 39 (2007) 298–305


Measurement of mass flow rate of particulate solids in

gravity chute conveyor based on laser sensing array
Yingna Zhenga,b,, Yang Lib, Qiang Liuc,b
School of Engineering, Science & Design, Glasgow Caledonian University, Glasgow G4 0BA,UK
School of Information Engineering, Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou 510643, PR China
School of Mechanical, Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, Nottingham University, NG7 2RD, UK
Received 12 January 2005; accepted 25 July 2005
Available online 19 September 2005


This paper describes the design, computer simulation and experimental evaluation of a novel measurement system that has been
recently developed for the measurement of mass flow rate of particles in a gravity chute convey pipeline. Comprehensive computer
simulation and numerical calculations show that the proposed method with laser-sensing array is theoretically correct and the
programmed algorithm is effective. This method has been characterized by dynamic testing, real time and continuous measurements.
The results of simulation and experiment have demonstrated that the multi-laser source fan-shaped geometry can be an effective
approach to interrogate the mass flow rate of particles over the pipe cross-section. The mass flow rate of particles derived from
extinction principle has shown a good agreement with the projection sum of light beams and the real mass flow rate.
r 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Mass flow rate metering; Laser-sensing array; Optical tomography

1. Introduction particles, such as techniques using thermal methods [2],

acoustic damping methods [3], or the Coriolis method
On-line measurement of mass flow rate for particulate [4]. On the other hand, an indirect mass flow-meter
solids is often required to provide information for the determines, respectively, the instantaneous volumetric
control and management of industrial process and to concentration and velocity of particles over the cross-
ensure the quality of the product, reliability of the section in the pipe, from which the mass flow rate of
process and the efficient use of energy. It is apparent particles can be derived with some limitations and by
that mass flow measurement of pneumatically conveyed making certain assumptions. Various methods have
particulate solids has long been attracting researchers been employed for measuring the volumetric concentra-
and a large numbers of reports can be found in the tion and the velocity of the solid particles through the
literature. pipeline. Sensing techniques for particulate solids
The measurement methodologies of the mass flow rate concentration measurement are classified into four main
of particulate solids in a conveyed pipeline can be categories according to the sensing principles, including
divided into two main categories [1], direct and indirect electrical, attenuation, nuclear magnetic resonance and
methods. A direct solids mass flow-meter has a sensing tomograph methods [5–11]. Measurements of particles’
element that responds directly to the mass flow rate of velocity can be realized by using Doppler, cross
correlation or spatial filtering methods [12,13]. Based
Corresponding author. School of Engineering, Science & Design, on indirect measurement principle, Shao Fuqun et al.
Glasgow Caledonian University, Glasgow G4 0BA,UK. have presented the study and industrial evaluation
E-mail address: yingna.zheng@gcal.ac.uk (Y. Zheng). of mass flow measurement of pulverized coal for

0030-3992/$ - see front matter r 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Y. Zheng et al. / Optics & Laser Technology 39 (2007) 298–305 299

iron-making production. They measured both volumetric laser beam and particles falling in the gas in the pipeline,
concentration and velocity using capacitance sensors [14]. when a beam from a laser source transmits via the cross-
Also CSIRO Division of Minerals has developed and section of the pipe. For a monodisperse system the
successfully plant-tested a commercial prototype pulver- extinction of the light can be described by [8]
ized fuel (PF) mass flow measurement system, which  
I p
utilized measurements of the attenuation and velocity of  ln ¼ LD2 Eðl; m; DÞN, (1)
I0 4
pulsed beams of 60 kHz ultrasound transmitted across
the boiler pipes to determine the PF mass flow in each where I0 and I are, respectively, the intensities of the
pipe [15]. Mass flow measurement of pneumatically incident and transmitted light, L the length of the light
conveyed solids using radiometric sensors has been path in measuring area, D and N the diameter and
developed by Barratt et al. [16]. And Sen et al. described number of particles per unit volume, respectively,
a gas–solid two-phase mass flow-meter for pneumatically Eðl; m; DÞ the extinction coefficient, which is in function
conveying systems using an integrated system of capaci- of the wavelength of the light l, the diameter D and the
tance sensor and electrodynamic sensor [17]. refractive index of the particle m. Eðl; m; DÞ can be
In spite of all of these efforts, few commercial mass flow exactly calculated from the classical Mie theory [18].
meters based on inferential technique are yet to receive When the concentration distribution of the particles
wide acceptance from industries. The main reason is that within the cross-section in the pipe is not uniform, the
many variables exist in industrial process, which may relationship between the incident and the transmitted
directly affect the response of a solids flow instrument in light intensity corresponding a light path L is given by
ill-defined ways [1]. These include inhomogeneous dis-   Z
I p
tribution of solids over the pipe cross-section, irregular  ln ¼ D2 Eðl; m; DÞNðx; yÞ dl, (2)
I0 4 L
velocity profiles, variations in particle size, moisture
content, and deposition of fine particles on the inner wall where N(x,y) is the concentration distribution of the
of the pipeline and so on. Moreover, some of them may be particles in the pipe. Once the particle size D and
impossible to be controlled or predicted. These no doubt number of particles N have been determined, the volume
make measurement of solids mass flow more difficult. concentration of the particles, Cv can be calculated
Therefore, there is a great need for accurate, reliable, on- by [8]
line, continuous and non-invasive measurement of solids p
C v ¼ D3 N. (3)
mass flow rate in industrial processes. 6
In this work, based on the extinction and optical The mass flow rate of particles can be deduced
tomography principle, a novel optical method is according to the following equation [1]:
presented, which is able to give the concentration
distribution of the particulate solids in an experimental M ¼ r A v Cv, (4)
scale gravity chute conveyor. The system is intended to where, r is the density of the particles material, A the
employ multi-laser-source array to create the optical- cross-section area of the pipe and v the mean particles
sensing field interrogating the entire cross-section in velocity, Cv the volume concentration of the particles.
testing pipe to obtain the projection data of particles. The main problem to measure the mass flow rate of
According to the extinction principle, the information of the particulate solids is then focused on how to
the spacial distribution of particles over the cross- determine the concentration distribution of the particles
section of the testing pipe can be acquired. At the same in the pipe N(x,y). A novel approach has recently been
time, the flow image over the cross-section in the pipe developed by means of optical tomogranogy technology
can be produced based on projection data by image based extinction principle.
reconstruction algorithms. Both of them will reflect
the concentration information of particulate solids in 2.2. Forward and inverse problems
the testing pipe. When the velocity of the particles is
determined, the mass flow rate of the particles can be Supposing X– Y is the Cartesian coordinates of the
procured. The measurements will be non-invasively and object field f(x,y), t– s the Radon coordinates which has
continuously implemented on real time. the same origin as X– Y and locates in an identical plane
with X– Y, and s axis direction is consistent with
the projection direction, y the projection angle, L the
2. Principle and method arbitrary straight line on the plane, the object field and
the coordinates system are shown in Fig. 1.
2.1. Principle The Radon transform is the projection of the object
field intensity along a radial line oriented at a specific
The attenuation of the light can be expressed by the angle. It defines the forward problem with optical
extinction principle due to the interaction between the attenuation. Hence, the projection data based on optical
300 Y. Zheng et al. / Optics & Laser Technology 39 (2007) 298–305

s Y where, py ðtÞ is the projection of the object field f ðx; yÞ

along the light path, u– v the two dimension frequency
f(x,y) t domain, F ðu; vÞ the two dimension Fourier Transforms
of the object field f ðx; yÞ.
The object field distribution f ðx; yÞ can be obtained by
applying inverse Fourier Transforms to Eq. (6) [20]
Z p Z 1

f ðx; yÞ ¼ dy py ðtÞh1 ðt  aÞ da
Z0 p 1
¼ dyðh1  py ÞðtÞ, ð7Þ
where h1(t)is the pulse response function of the filter, 
represents the convolution calculation.
In general, Eq. (7) is called as filtered back projection
(FBP) or convolution back projection. Clearly, the
Fig. 1. Object field, projection and coordinates. calculation expressed by ðh1  py ÞðtÞ actually is to apply
appropriate filtering to the projection data. The integral
calculation represents back projection. The image of the
tomography comes from the light path integral value to object field distribution can be reconstructed from the
measured parameter distribution. The projection is line integrals using the convolution back projection
expressed by Radon Transform as [19,20] algorithm for the fan beam geometry [20]. Of course,
Z Z there are several algorithms available for reconstructing
py ðtÞ ¼ f ðx; yÞdl or py ðtÞ ¼ f ðx; yÞdl, object field distribution. In this work, the least-squares
L t¼x cos yþy sin y
algorithm with constraints is used aimed at the fan-
(5) shaped structure of the sensor array proposed.
where py ðtÞ is the projection of the object field f ðx; yÞ
along the light beam path L, I0 and I, the incident and 2.3. Attenuation and projection
transmitted light intensity, respectively, t the dis-
tance from the origin to the straight line L, Comparing Eq. (2) with Eq. (5), it is apparent that the
attenuation rate of the light intensity  lnðI j =I 0 Þ (j ¼ 1,
dl ¼ ðdxÞ2 þ ðdyÞ2 .
2, y, n) is actually the projection value, which can be
The forward problem provides the predicted data obtained from optical array sensors by light beam
under no-flow and flow conditions. The solution of the scanning, i.e.,
forward problem may be thought of as finding the  
transfer relation that exists between the real phase Ij
py ðt ¼ xÞ ¼  ln . (8)
distribution (interior, source) within cross-section and I0
the measurable output signals (exterior, projection) of Therefore,
the optical array sensor. R
The main task is to determine the distribution of the f ðx; yÞ dx dy
N¼ R , (9)
particles in the pipe f(x,y), which is eventually to solve 2
ðp=4ÞD Eðl; m; DÞ S dx dy
the inverse problem of Eq. (5), i.e., to solve the inverse
Radon transform. According to the Projection Slice where S represents the measured area.
Theorem [19,20], the one dimension Fourier Transforms When the image of the object field distribution f ðx; yÞ
Py ðoÞ of the projection py ðtÞ is equivalent to the value of is reconstructed, the number of particles N in the unit
one straight line that locates at u– v plane and through interrogated area can be obtained from Eq. (9) by
the origin, also angle y will determine the orientation. reasonably limiting the integral area within the light
The value of the straight line is given by the two beam scanning region, i.e., obtaining the line attenua-
dimension Fourier Transforms F ðu; vÞ of the object field tion of each light beam along the beam trajectory within
f ðx; yÞ, i.e., the cross-section in the pipe. In this case, Eq. (9) can be
Z 1 represented
Py ðoÞ ¼ py ðtÞ ei2pot dt S 1 f ðx; yÞ dx dy
Z 1Z 1 N¼ R
ðp=4ÞD2 Eðl; m; DÞ S dxdy
¼ f ðx; yÞ ei2pðuxþvyÞ dx dy P P
1 1 p
j yj ðtÞ j pyj ðtÞ
 ¼ P ¼ , ð10Þ
¼ F ðu; vÞu¼o cos y ¼ F ðo; yÞ, ð6Þ ðp=4ÞD E j l j ðp=4ÞD2 EL1
v¼o sin y
Y. Zheng et al. / Optics & Laser Technology 39 (2007) 298–305 301

where S1 is the covering area of scanning light beams,

pyj the projection data related to jth light beam, lj the
length of the jth light path, L1 the total length of the all
light beam path.
In terms of Eqs. (3), (4) and (10), the mass flow rate of
the particulate solids in the pipe can be deduced
p 3 j pyj
M ¼ rAv D
6 ðp=4ÞD2 EL1
2 rAvD X
¼ p , ð11Þ
3 L1 Eðl; m; DÞ j yj

where D is the diameter of particles, Eðl; m; DÞ the

extinction coefficient, r the density of the particles
material, so the parameters D, E and r are related to the
properties of particulate material in the pipe. A is the
cross-section of the measuring pipe, L1 the total length
of the light beam path, these two items depend on the
structure of the optical array sensor, v the particulate
velocity in the pipe.
This means that once the particle material properties
and the structure of the sensor as well as the particle
velocity are determined, Eq. (11) will establish the only
relationship between the mass flow rate ofP the particu-
late in the pipe M and the projection sum py .

3. Experimental set-up

The key elements of the measurement system for mass

flow rate measurement based on extinction and optical
tomography technology are to design the structure of Fig. 2. The fan-shaped arrangements and the sensitivity distribution of
optical-sensing array, establish the optical-sensitive field the sensor array. (a) Sensor array structure. (b) Sensitivity distribution.
and system construction.

3.1. Sensor array structure has indicated that the sensitivity level of the optical-
sensing field depends mainly on the number of the light
The spatial array design of the sensor should be sources and detectors, i.e., the number of the indepen-
sufficiently taken into account to match in the geometric dent light beams. On the other hand, the uniformity of
shape, mechanical and physical features of the solid the sensitivity distribution of the optical-sensing field
phase particles in the pipe together with reconstruction relies principally on the fan angle of the fan-shaped
algorithm to ensure that the optical PT measurement beams and the number of the light sources. Fig. 2(b) has
system does work in the optimum model. clearly shown that the sensitivity distribution of the
To interrogate the cross-section of the measured optical-sensing field is not uniform. The sensitivity of the
object field, the light source-detector array based on areas, where they are nearby the center of the pipe and
fan-shaped arrangements is designed to obtain a series adjacent the light sources, looks remarkably higher than
of fan projections (see Fig. 2(a)). In the case of Fig. 2(a), that of other areas, while the sensitivity distribution of
15 laser sources are used and each source supplies five those areas far from light sources looks more even. This
light beams which are spaced at 121 intervals with a fan behavior depends mainly on the fan-shaped structure of
angle of 481. The sensitivity distribution of the fan- laser-detector array. It is really different from the
shaped arrangement has been given in Fig. 2(b) with the perpendicular structure of optical sensor array.
pixel grids 43  43.
The optical-sensing field is formed within the cross- 3.2. Experimental rig
section of the testing pipe along the source-detector
path. Its characteristics and behavior will directly The experimental set-up shown schematically in
influence the measurement system. The simulation result Fig. 3, has been designed and developed to facilitate
302 Y. Zheng et al. / Optics & Laser Technology 39 (2007) 298–305

the measurement of mass flow rate of the solid particles drop down steadily to ensure adjusted flow of solid in
in an experimental scale gravity chute convey pipeline. the system.
The system consists of array of laser diode sources,
detector array, signal conditioning, data acquisition unit
and main computer. The experimental rig is shown in 4. Experimental tests and results
Fig. 3.
The laser source array (15 laser diode modules) and A series of experimental tests were conducted on an
photodiode array (15 photodiodes) were arranged in the experimental scale gravity chute convey test facility to
way alternated between laser source and detector, investigate the ability of the system to measure the mass
surrounded the testing pipe, termed fan-shaped array flow rate of solids. The main aims are to reconstruct the
with 15 light sources, each source with five beams. The concentration distribution and validate the relationship
light from each laser source traverses the cross-section of between the optical attenuation (projection sum) and the
the testing pipe. And the transmitted light is received at mass flow rate of the dilute dispersed phase in vertical
same time by five photodiodes right opposite the laser pipeline, meanwhile to try to calibrate the measurement
source, where the light energy is converted into the coefficient Z at different screw feeder speed to examine
electrical signal. The projections available for imaging the dynamic working state of the whole measurement
construction are produced in a successive order by system.
stimulating light emitters, i.e., all emitters are lighted in
serial pattern within this entire measuring period for one 4.1. Test conditions
frame image reconstructed. Signal conditioning provides
both I/V transform and an electrical signal which According to the relationship described by Eq. (11),
increases in amplitude as the solid particle concentration considering that the properties of particulate material
increases. In one scanning turn, there will be 15  5 ¼ 75 are invariable under certain conditions, extinction
projection data to be obtained by the photodiode array. coefficient E, density r and particle diameter D can be
The projection data are sampled by individual sample/ approximately regarded as constant. Meanwhile, cross-
hold circuits. After an analogue/digital conversion the section A and total light path L1 should be fixed
signals are recorded, stored and reconstructed by a quantities when the structure of the optical array sensor
computer system connected with scanning control has been designed and completed. Also, considering that
interface. Each data set is processed using appropriate the height h (h the distance from the exit of the screw
image reconstruction algorithm to generate a concentra- feeder to the sensing section) is much greater than the
tion profile on line. sensor-sensing space, the effect of particle acceleration
The screw feeder, via motor controlled by frequency on the measurement is p expected
ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi to be small. So the
conversion device, is used to make the particulate solids particulate velocity v ¼ 2gh (where g is the gravity
acceleration, h the distance from the exit of the screw
feeder to the sensing section), at which the particles drop
vertically downwards through the sensing section of the
Feeder hopper
testing pipe, is a constant when the distance h is
Screw feeder
determined. Hence, Eq. (11) can be written as
Motor Interface 2 rAvD X X
M¼ py j ¼ Z py j , (12)
3 L1 Eðl; m; DÞ j j
Signal Data Acquisition where
Conditioning Interface
2 rAvD
Z¼ ,
Scanning Signal Analysis 3 L1 Eðl; m; DÞ
A A Control and Image Reconstruction
Interface and Interpretation where Z approximately is a constant, which can be
calibrated in the experimental test process. As a result,

the mass flow rate ofPthe particles M is proportional to
the projection sum py .
and 4.1.1. Experimental conditions
Laser diode Detector Gravity chute conveyor in experimental scale.
Diameter of testing pipe: +80 mm.
Fig. 3. The experimental rig of optical tomography system for Distance from the exit of the screw feeder to the light
gas–solid two-phase flow measurement. sensing section: 225 mm.
Y. Zheng et al. / Optics & Laser Technology 39 (2007) 298–305 303

Free fall velocity of silica sand: 2.1 m/s. The fitted equation between the mass flow rate y and
Mean particle size of the silica sand: 500–1000 mm. the projection sum x can be obtained using least-squares
Speed range of screw feeder: 100–1250 rpm. fitting
Calibration range of the mass flow rate of particle:
6.10–34.20 g/s. y ¼ 0:9466x  0:0441, (13)
Sensor array structure: 15 light sources, each source
where the slope of the fitted curve is the calibration
with five beams.
coefficient Z ðZ ¼ 0:9466Þ. And the residual standard
Projection data: 15  5 ¼ 75.
deviation is given in Eq. (14)
Light sources: laser diode modules.
Wavelength of laser source: 650 nm. sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
Output power of laser source: 4 mw. i ðyi  y ^ i Þ2
s¼ ¼ 0:1843 ðg=sÞ, (14)
N 2

where s is the residual standard deviation, y the real

4.2. Dynamic tests and results
measuring data, y^ the estimated data, N the sample
The dynamic experiment results, including the rela-
tionship between the mass flow rate of the particle and 40
the on-line projection sum of the solids distribution over
the cross-section in the pipe and the fitted curve,

Mass Flow Rate M (g/s)

respectively, are given in Table 1, Figs. 4 and 5. 30

Table 1 and Fig. 4 give the relationship between the 25

mass flow rate of particles and the projection sum of the
solids distribution over the cross-section. The approx-
imate linear relationship is obtained between them. The Measured data
results have demonstrated the suitability of the optical 10 Linear (Measured data)

sensor array for mass flow rate measurement under 5

certain conditions for lightly loaded gas-solid flows. 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Projection Sum ∑ p of Light Beams
With the proposed sensor array, 75 individual
projection readings (15  5 array) are on line obtained Fig. 4. The relationship between the mass flow rate of particles and the
in a data set, the image of the object field distribution projection sum py of light beams.
over the cross-section in the testing pipe can be
reconstructed and displayed in time. And the images
of the object field distribution at different mass flow rate
are given in Fig. 5. These reconstructed images basically
represent the variation of the cross-section distribution
of the particles with time. From the on-line recon-
structed images, it is easy to get a dynamic insight into
the real concentration profile of the particles in the
testing pipe.

4.3. Calibration

To calibrate the measurement system of mass flow

rate, data from both the measurement system and
weighing of the cumulative mass flow of the free fall
silicon particles are compared over a range of experi-
mental operating conditions (see Section 4.1 test Fig. 5. The distribution images of silica sand over the cross-section of
conditions). the pipe reconstructed by 15  5 fan-shaped optical array.

Table 1
Relationship between the mass flow rate and the on-line projection sum of solids distribution

Spin speed of screw feeder (rpm) 100 200 300 400 500 600 750 1000 1250
Mass flow rate (g/s)
P 6.10 12.51 18.97 20.10 21.83 24.03 28.21 33.77 34.20
Projection sum ( py ) (non-dimension) 6.90 14.78 17.68 20.12 23.21 25.03 31.00 36.02 37.82
Calibration coefficient Z (g/s) 0.884 0.846 1.073 0.999 0.941 0.960 0.910 0.938 0.904
304 Y. Zheng et al. / Optics & Laser Technology 39 (2007) 298–305

Table 2
The comparison of the real weighing data and the estimated data of the mass flow rate ðZ ¼ 0:9466Þ

Spin speed of screw feeder (rpm) 300 400 500 600 750 1000 1250
Real weighing data (g/s) 19.098 20.105 21.833 24.025 28.215 33.770 34.200
Estimated data (g/s) 19.907 20.242 22.122 24.069 28.298 33.846 34.071
Error (%) 1.00 0.68 1.32 0.18 0.30 0.22 0.38

According to Eq. (12) and the calibration coefficient show that the proposed method with optical-sensing
Z, the estimated value of the mass flow rate can be array is theoretically correct and the programmed
calculated from the projection sum in the real measuring algorithm is effective. This method has been character-
process (see Table 2). ized by real time and continuous measurements. The
Table 2 gives real weighing data and the estimated experiment results have illustrated that the multi-sources
data of the mass flow rate as well as the percentage error fan-shaped geometry can be an effective approach to
over the measuring range. The largest and the second interrogate the mass flow rate of particles over the pipe
largest errors are, respectively, 1.00% and 1.32% versus cross-section. The mass flow rate of particles derived
real mass flow rate 19.098 and 21.833 g/s while the from extinction principle in some assumption circum-
measuring errors less than 1% can be gained in majority stances has shown good agreement with the projection
measuring spots. The test results have expressed that sum of total light beams and the real mass flow rate. The
there is good correlation between the real weighing data advantages of the proposed mass flow measurement
and the estimated data. system can be summarized as follows:

4.4. Error analysis  The optical-sensing field possesses of hard field

feature using parallel optical beams, the sensing field
Many variables exist which may affect the measure- will not be influenced by medium distribution.
ment of mass flow rate in ill-defined ways [1] as  The variations in chemical composition and moisture
mentioned above. The situation is further complicated content of the solid particles have virtually no effect
since some of these factors may be impossible to be on the system output because optical sensor is
controlled and predicted. Therefore, the reasons caused inherently insensitive to the chemical properties of
measuring error come from several aspects but there are solids.
three main reasons in this work. Firstly, simplified  The system realizes non-invasive measurement which
assumption was made about the nature of the solid will not produce any influence on the real flow field.
particle flow medium and operating conditions, which  It is relatively easy to acquire and display on-line and
may influence the measuring accuracy. Next, the non- real-time image of the flow on a computer screen.
zero original velocity and the fluctuation of the solid  The system is suitable for measuring the dilute-phase
particle velocity in free fall process will cause error. gas/solid two-phase flow field.
Finally, the non-uniform sensitivity distribution of the
optical-sensing field will result in error. The main limitation of the measurement system is
that the resolution of the array sensor is relatively lower
since structure design and components size limitation.
5. Summary On the other hand, particle accumulation in the sensing
zone due to static electrical adherence of particles and
It is clear that mass flow measurement of pneumati- other factors presents a problem in some application
cally conveyed solids has been the particular interest of because the accumulated solids can block the transmis-
many industrial organizations and academic institutions sion of the light beam or contaminated the testing pipe
all over the world. On the other hand, it is extremely stopping the light beams from the sources. One method
difficult to measure accurately mass flow rate in the of overcoming the problem is that some special measure
pipeline. That is why few are able to operate currently in should be taken to keep the sensing surface clean.
industry although a lot of sensors and instruments based
on different principles have been proposed and devel-
oped. Acknowledgements
A demonstration measurement system for mass flow
rate measurement of gravity chute conveyed solids has The authors would like to acknowledge Prof.
been designed, fabricated and evaluated. Comprehen- Changying Chen and Prof. Guangzhao Zheng for many
sive computer simulation and numerical calculations discussions on optical measurement technology as well
Y. Zheng et al. / Optics & Laser Technology 39 (2007) 298–305 305

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