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Date: Geography and History- 3º ESO__

Name: D1. The era of colonial imperialism

1/Directions: Use the cartoon to answer the questions below.

1. What is the name of the octopus?

ENGLAND, the largest empire back in the 19th century

2. Name three (3) countries the octopus is holding?

India, Canada and Egypt, for example.

3. Based on this document, write a definition with your own words for ‘imperialism’

State policy carried out by European empires in the 19th- 20th centuries that
implied economical, political and cultural control of colonies in Africa and Asia.

4. Why do you think the cartoonist used an octopus to represent England?

Because it has many paws and it can control a lot of territories. Also because it
is a sea creature, which could be linked to the power over the seas of Great

5. Is this cartoon for or against imperialism?Why?

Against, because it criticizes imperialist control and the use of violence.


1. The Industrial Revolution sparked the need for raw materials and markets..
2. In the Boer Wars the British fought the Dutch for control of South Africa.
3. At the Berlin Conference European powers decided on the rules for
colonizing Africa.
4. China and Japan chose not to have contact with other cultures because
they believed their culture was superior to all others. This feeling is called
supremacy/ supremacism.
5. Positive effects of imperialism on India and Africa were that the Europeans
had technological advances/ structures (bridges, ports…) and medical
procedures (vaccines, treatments…).
6. Negative effects of imperialism were the Europeans destroying local
industries and indigenous cultures.
7. Demand for raw materials, the desire to spread western culture, and the
desire to expand an empire were all motives for imperialism.
8. Before the 1800s, China and Japan had seen Westerners as barbarians so
the two countries wanted to remain isolated .
9. According to the Europeans, it was their duty and obligation to civilize the

natives and spread their superior culture. This belief is known as the
civilizing mission.
10. After the Opium War, China had to give Britain Hong Kong. This area was
returned to the Chinese in 2000.
11. A protectorate is a type of colony with imperial control in which local rulers
remain in place as long as they accept the advice of the European powers.
3. CRITICAL THINKING: Why do you think Italy and Germany did not get
the best colonies at the Berlin Conference (1885)?

Because their States were recently established (1871) and they had little
influence on foreign affairs.


1/ Which incident took place in 1898 between France and Britain in an area
east of Lake Chad and almost ended up in a war?

The Fashoda Incident

2/ Which was the main consequence of the Opium Wars between China
and Great Britain in the mid 19th century?

China opened up towards Western markets

3/ Which type of colony was characterized by the existence of an

indigenous government, but the metropole created and imposed a parallel

government that ruled over the local government and exercised the
functions of defense and foreign policy?


4/ Which was the main colony of Great Britain?


5/ Which two cities were the ends of the British empire in Africa?
A. Casablanca and Cairo
B. Port Elizabeth and Luanda
C. Cairo and Cape Town
D. Maputo and Brazzaville

6/ What was called the French empire in Southeast Asia?

A. French Indochina
B. French Oriental Asia
C. Cambodia

7. Which Belgian king acquired the large colony of Congo and imposed
a cruel rule over the indigenous population?
A. Otto von Bismark
B. Wilhem II
C. Leopold II
D. Philippe II

8/ The only free states remaining in Africa by 1914 were:

A. Liberia and Ethiopia.
B. Egypt and Morocco
C. Rhodesia and Algeria
D. Nigeria and Rhodesia

9/ Two conditions driving colonization by major European countries

A. Humanitarian concerns and nation building
B. The search for new markets and new sources of natural
C. The need for overseas bases and a desire to educate the world
D. None of the above

10/ France had the largest presence in which of the following areas of
A. East
B. West
C. North
D. Northeast

11/ Although Africans resisted colonization, Europeans were able to

gain control because ____________.
A. They built a railway
B. Ethiopia and Liberia were free
C. Europeans had superior weapons
D. African leaders accepted economic compensations

12/ Colonial boundaries cut across ethnic groups and remained after
African countries received independence in the 20th century.

a) True
b) False

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