LAS Sampling Distribution

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LESSON 1: Sampling Distributions

EXPECTATIONS After exploring this supplementary learning material, you should be able to
identify sampling distributions of statistics (sample mean).
Directions: Write the letter of the correct answer that best completes the sentence or answers the
1. A probability distribution that describes the probability for each mean of all the samples with the
same sample size n is called ____________.
A. Frequency Distribution C. Sampling Distribution
B. Normal Distribution D. Non-probability
2. A population consists of values 2, 4, 6, and 8. What is the population mean?
A. 4.0 B. 4.5 C. 5.0 D. 4.5
3. A sample consists of values 5, 10, and 15. What is the sample mean?
A. 10 B. 11 C. 12 D. 13
4. If the population standard deviation of 𝛔 od a dataset is 5, what is the population variance?
A. 10 B. 15 C. 20 D. 25
5. If the population variance of a set of data is 16, what is the population standard deviation?
A. 3.5 B. 4.0 C. 4.5 D. 5.0
6. If a population has a mean of 5.6, what is the mean of the sampling distribution of its means?
A. 4.6 B. 5.6 C. 6.6 D. 7.6
7. If a population has a mean of 25, what is the mean of the sampling distributions of its means?
A. 20 B. 25 C. 30 D. 35
8. If the mean of the sampling distribution of the means is 12.4, what is the mean of the
A. 12.0 B. 12.2 C. 12.4 D. 12.6
9. Which of the following states that, “If samples of size n, where n is sufficiently large, then the
sampling distribution of sample means approximates a normal distribution”?
A. Probability Distribution C. Central Limit Theorem
B. Normal Distribution D. Random Variable.
10. If a population has a variance of 6.2, what is the variance of the sampling distribution if the
mean is n=2?
A. 3.1 B. 3.2 C. 3.3 D. 3.4

Suppose that a population consists of six (6) employees in a small business. The random
variable of interest x is the number of years the employees have been with the business. The values
of the variable are as follows:
Employees Years in the
Shiela 1
Claudine 2
Mildred 3
Divine 4
Bridget 5
Sophia 6
What are the population mean, population variance, and population standard deviation of
the given data?
Given the values of x = 1,2,3,4,5,6. We first solve for the population mean; we get
∑x 1+ 2+ 3+4 +5+6 21
µ= = = = 3.5
N 6 6
Then, we solve for the population variance and standard deviation.
Employee Year in the x-µ (x - µ)²
s Business (x)
Shiela 1 -2.5 6.25
Claudine 2 -1.5 2.25
Mildred 3 -0.5 2.25
Divine 4 0.5 0.25
Bridget 5 1.5 0.25
Sophia 6 2.5 6.25
TOTAL 21 17.50
∑( x−µ) ² 17.50
𝛔² = = = 2.92
N 6

∑ (x−µ)²
17.50 =
6 √ √ 2.92 = 1.71
The population mean is 3.5; the population variance is 2.92; and the population standard
deviation is 1.71.

Using the data about the six (6) employees in a small business in the previous section, what
is the sampling distribution of the sample means for a sample of size 2?
Steps in Constructing a Sample Distribution
1. Find the number of possible samples that can be drawn from the finite population using a
combination formula.
N Cn=
( N −n)! n !
2. Randomly draw all possible samples of size n from a discrete, finite population of size N.
3. List observed values of the statistic and their corresponding frequency of occurrence.

To generate the sampling distribution of the sample means, we need to collect all possible
samples of size n without replacement from the population.
Step 1. By applying the combination formula, we can determine the number of possible
samples of size 2. Note that N=6 and n=2.
6! 7 20
6 = = 15
(6−2)! 2 ! 48
There are 15 possible samples of size 2.
Step 2. Now, we list the 15 distinct samples of size 2 which can be drawn from the population.

Table 1: All possible Samples of Size 2

Observation Employees Years
1 Shiela, Claudine 1,2
2 Shiela, Mildred 1,3
3 Shiela, Divine 1,4
4 Shiela, Bridgette 1,5
5 Shiela, Sophia 1,6
6 Claudine, Milded 2,3
Claudine, Divine 2,4
8 Claudine, Bridgette 2,5
9 Claudine, Sophia 2,6
10 Mildred, Divine 3,4
11 Mildred, Bridgette 3,5
12 Mildred, Sophia 3,6
13 Divine, Bridgette 4,5
14 Divine, Sophia 4,6
15 Bridgette, Sophia 5,6
The table shows the sampling distribution of the population consisting of six (6) employees
in a small business of sample means for the sample of size 2.

Activity 1.1
There are four newly hired salespersons at Honda Cars Taguig Branch. The number of
motorcycles sold by each newly hired salesperson last month was 4,5, 8, and 9.

Complete the information needed in the table below.

a. How many samples of size 2 are possible?
b. List all possible samples of size 2.

Observation Sample

Steps in Constructing a Sample Distribution
1. Find the number of possible samples that can be drawn from the finite population using
combination formula.
( N −n)! n !
2. Randomly draw all possible samples of size n from a discrete, finite population of size N.
3. List observed values of the statistic and their corresponding frequency of occurrence.


Suppose that each of the five workers makes up a population of support personnel in a fabrication
department. The number of defective products by each worker is presented in the table.
Workers Rowel Rudolph Edwin Jerry Vincent
No. of Defective 3 1 2 4 6
a. How many samples of size 2 are possible?
b. List all possible samples of size 2.

LESSON 2: Mean, Variance, and Standard Deviation of the Sampling Distribution of the
Sample Mean include the formula for infinite population
After exploring this supplementary learning material, you should be able to find the mean
and variance of the sampling distribution of the sample mean.

Consider the population consisting of the values 2, 3, and 4. List all the possible samples of
size 2 that can be drawn from the population with replacement then compute the mean 𝑥 for each
All possible samples of size 2 with replacement are listed in the second column. The
corresponding means of all these samples are shown in the third column. For instance, the first
sample consists of (2, 2) and the corresponding mean is (2 + 2) ÷ 2 = 2.0.

Means of Samples Drawn with Replacement from the Population = (2, 3, 4)

Observation Sample
1 (2,2) 2.0
2 (2,3) 2.5
3 (2,4) 3.0
4 (3,2) 2.5
5 (3,3) 3.0
6 (3,4) 3.5
7 (4,2) 3.0
8 (4,3) 3.5
9 (4,4) 4.0

A total of 9 samples with 9 sample means can be drawn from the population (2, 3, and 4).

Consider the population consisting of values 2, 4, and 6.

a. List all the possible samples of size 2 that can be drawn from the population with
b. Find the mean of the sampling distribution of means.
c. Find the variance of the sampling distribution of the means.
d. Find the standard deviation of the means.
To find the mean of μ x the sampling distribution of means is:
where x is the sample mean
n is the total number of observation
To find the variance σ x of the sampling distribution of means is given by:

∑ ( x−μ x )

σ xis the variance of the sampling distribution of the means.
Where x is the sample mean
μ x is the mean of the sampling distribution of the means.
n is the total number of observation
To find the standard deviation of σ x the sampling distribution of means is:

Where σ x
σ x=
√ ∑ ( x−μ x ) 2
is the standard deviation of the sampling distribution of the means.
x is the sample mean
μ x is the mean of the sampling distribution of the means.
n is the total number of observation
a. Means of Samples Drawn with Replacement from the Population = (2, 4, 6) are listed in the
second column of the table below.

Observation Samples x x−μ x ( x−μ x )
1 (2, 2) 2.0 −2 4
2 (2, 4) 3.0 −¿1 1
3 (2, 6) 4.0 0 0
4 (4, 2) 3.0 1 1
5 (4, 4) 4.0 0 0
6 (4, 6) 5.0 1 1
7 (6, 4) 4.0 0 0
8 (6, 4) 5.0 1 1
9 (6, 6) 6.0 2 4
∑ x =36 ∑ ( x−μx )2=12
b. To solve the mean of the sampling distribution of the means, use the formula:

μ x=
μ x=
μ x =4
The mean of the sampling distribution of the means is 4.0.
c. To solve the variance of the sampling distribution of the means, use the formula:

∑ ( x−μ x )

2 12
σ x=
σ x =1.33
The variance of the sampling distribution of the means is 1.33.
d. To solve the standard deviation of the sampling distribution of the means, use the formula:

σ x=
σ x =√ 1.3 3
√ ∑ ( x−μ x ) 2

σ x =1. 15
The standard deviation of the sampling distribution of the means is 1.15.

Activity 2.1
Complete the following table.
Number Sample x x−μ x ( x−μ x )
1 (2, 2)
2 (2, 4)
3 (2, 6)
4 (2, 8)
5 (4, 4)
∑ x =¿ ¿ ∑ ( x−μx )2 =¿ ¿
Calculate the following:
a. Mean of the sampling distribution of means
b. Variance of the sampling distribution of means
c. Standard Deviation of the sampling distribution of means

To find the mean μ x of the sampling distribution of means use:

μ x=
To find the variance of σ x the sampling distribution of means use:

∑ ( x−μ x )

To find the standard deviation σ x of the sampling distribution of means, use:

σ x=
√ ∑ ( x−μ x ) 2


A population consists of four numbers (2, 4, 6, 8). Consider all possible samples of size 2
that can be drawn with replacement from this population.
Find the following:
a. Mean of the sampling distribution of means
b. Variance of the sampling distribution of means
c. Standard Deviation of the sampling distribution of means

Directions: Write the letter of the correct answer that best completes the sentence or answers the
1. Which of the following statements is correct?
A. The mean of the sampling distribution of the means is greater than the population mean.
B. The mean of the sampling distribution of the sample means is less than the population mean.
C. The means of the samples drawn from a population are always equal to the population mean.
D. The means of the samples drawn from a population may be equal, less than, or greater than
the population mean.
2. A population consists of values 3, 6, 9, and 12. What is the population mean?
A. 5.5 B. 6.5 C. 7.5 D. 8.5
3. A sample consists of values 4, 8, 12, and 16. What is the sample mean?
A. 10 B. 11 C. 12 D. 13
4. If the population standard deviation 𝛔 of a dataset is 4, what is the variance?
A. 9 B. 12 C. 16 D. 25
5. If the population variance of a set of data is 25, what is the population standard deviation?
A. 5.0 B. 5.5 C. 6.0 D. 6.5

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