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 Weather – conditions present at a specific

time and place.
 Climate – average weather in a certain area
or region and usually much longer in term.
1. Make an observation or ask a question
3. Form hypothesis
 Botany – the study of plants.
4. Test the hypothesis by making/including
experiments  Zoology – study of animals.
5. Analyze then draw conclusion/s  Geology – study of Earth.
6. Communicate the results  Eon, Era, Period, Epoch, Ages


 Mass, kilogram (kg)  "Age of Early Life.”

 Time, second (s)  Continents formed and our modern
atmosphere developed, while early life
 Electric Current, ampere (A)
evolved and flourished. Soft-bodied
 Luminous Intensity, candela (cd)
creatures like worms and jellyfish lived in
 Temperature, kelvin (K)
the world's oceans, but the land remained
 Amount of substance, mole (mol)
 Length, meter (m)

Electromagnetic Spectrum
 Ranging Martians Invade Venus
Using X-Ray Guns that stands for
Radiowave, Microwave, Infrared,
Visible Light, Ultraviolet, X-ray,
Gamma Rays. This ranges from
longest to shortest wavelength and
from lowest to highest frequency.
 Shorter wavelength, higher frequency,
higher energy as well.
 Derived from soft-bodied organisms
similar to modern-day jellyfish, lichen,
OVERVIEW ON METEOROLOGY soft corals, sea anemones, sea pens,
annelid worms, and seaweed, as well as
 The layers of Earth’s Atmosphere are the ff: some organisms unlike any that are known
(from the ground to higher) today.
 Troposphere
 Stratosphere
 Mesosphere
 Thermosphere
EDIACARAN PERIOD was collected into the southern
supercontinent Gondwana.
 Interval of geological time ranging 635 to
541 million years ago. It was a time of
immense geological and biological change,
and records the transition from a planet
largely dominated by microscopic
organisms, to a Cambrian world swarming
with animals.

 (443.7 to 416.0 million years ago) was a
time when the Earth underwent
considerable changes that had important
repercussions for the environment and life
within it. One result of these changes was
 (541-252 million years ago) means 'ancient the melting of large glacial formations.
life. ' The oldest animals on Earth
appeared just before the start of this era in
the Ediacaran Period, but scientists had not
yet discovered them when the geologic
timescale was made.

 (251.9 to 66.0 million years ago) was the
"Age of Reptiles." / THE MIDDLE AGE
During the Mesozoic, Pangaea began
ORDOVICIAN PERIOD separating into the modern continents,
and the modern Rocky Mountains rose.
 Lasted almost 45 million years, beginning Dinosaurs, crocodiles, and pterosaurs
488.3 million years ago and ending 443.7 ruled the land and air.
million years ago. During this period, the
area north of the tropics was almost
entirely ocean, and most of the world's land
 A golden time for dinosaurs, which  4.6 billion years
flourished for 180 million years. During  Earth Major Spheres:
this. New oceans flooded the spaces in  Hydrosphere – all about water/ocean
between. Mountains rose on the seafloor, that is the most dominant feature of
pushing sea levels higher and onto the Earth with 71% of its surface.
continents.  Cryosphere – Earth’s Frozen Sphere
 Atmosphere – blanket of air, only 3.5
miles thick.
 Biosphere – includes all life.
 Geosphere – includes crust, mantle,
and core (both outer and inner)
 Latitude – distance north or south
 Longitude – distance east or west
 Hypothesis is tentative or untested but
researched whist
 Theory is tested, confirmed, and supported
by the majority.

 (66 million years ago until today) means
‘recent life.’ During this era, plants and CELLS
animals look most like those on Earth  Primary building blocks of life.
today. Periods of the Cenozoic Era are split
 Come in all shapes and sizes.
into even smaller parts known as Epochs,
so you will see even more signposts in this
Era. Cenozoic signposts are colored yellow.
 Some are small and can only be observed
under a microscope.
 Some are large enough to be held, like eggs. Cell
Size Unicellular &
The Cell Theory (Traditional) Unicellular
1. All organisms are made up of cells. Protista, Fungi,
2. All life functions of an organism happen Kingdom Plants &
within the cell.
Nucleus Absent Present
3. All cells come from other cells that are
already existing. Absent Present
Found only in
Cell Wall Chemically
The Cell Theory (Modern) plants; Simple
None; DNA
4. Cells contain heredity information in their Sexual
transfer thru Meiosis
DNA. This information is passed to new Reproduction
cells by cell division. Cell Division Binary Fission Mitosis
5. All cells have the same basic chemical DNA
composition. Circular; Haploid Linear; Diploid
6. Energy flow (Metabolism and Biochemistry)
occurs within cells. 1. Cytoplasm
 Gel-like matrix composed of water
along with dissolved salts and
 Unicellular has one cell while Multicellular minerals.
has multiple cells.  Contains a circular (sometimes
linear) auxiliary DNA molecule
called a plasmid.
Prokaryotes 2. Ribosomes
 Granular structures found scattered
 microscopic single-celled organism that has unevenly throughout the cytoplasm,
neither a distinct nucleus with a membrane which helps bacteria to synthesize
nor other specialized organelles. proteins.
 From Greek words “pro”, which means
‘before’, and “karyon”, which means ‘nut
or kernel’ 1. Nucleus
 Known to be the earliest on earth.  “Control center of the cell”
 Contains genetic (hereditary)
information in the form of DNA.
Eukaryotes  Storage of DNA, RNA, and
 Eukaryotes are organisms whose cells have ribosomes.
a nucleus and other organelles enclosed by a  Regulation of the transcription of the
plasma membrane. mRNA to protein.
 It came from the Greek words “eu”, which  Production of ribosomes.
means ‘true’, and “karyon”, which means
‘nut or kernel’.
2. Cytoplasm
Both Unicellular and Multicellular
 The whole region within the cell  Smaller ones are called vesicles.
membrane is the cytoplasm.  Some are for storage of water &
 Jelly-like substance called cytosol. food, while others are for excretion
 Provides structure to the cell. of waste materials.
 The liquid portion of the cell
containing small organs which are
the “Organelles”. 5. Lysosome
 “Digestive system or sacs of the
3. Cell Membrane  Contains numerous hydrolytic or
 Plasma membrane – encloses the digestive enzymes for the breakdown
organelles. of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats
 Cell Membrane – encloses the entire within the cell.
cell.  Destruction or recycling of defective
 It separates the internal contents of organelles.
the cell from its environment.

6. Endoplasmic Reticulum
1. Ribosomes  Modifies proteins and synthesize
 Sites of protein synthesis. carbohydrates & lipids.
 The coded message from DNA as to  Smooth ER – manufactures lipds,
what kind of protein is to be contains enzymes that detoxify
synthesized is carried by the mRNA certain poisons, transports
from the nucleus to the ribosome. carbohydrates, lipids, and other non-
 Rough ER – synthesize proteins that
2. Golgi Apparatus are destined to be secreted out of the
 “Packaging center of the cell” cell.
 Modifies, sorts, tags, packages, and
distributes macromolecules (lipids &
proteins) for secretion or for CELL DIVISION
transport to other organelles.
 Cell division happens when a parent cell divides
into two or more cells called daughter cells. Cell
division usually occurs as part of a larger cell
3. Mitochondria cycle. All cells reproduce by splitting into two,
 “Powerhouse” of the animal cell. where each parental cell gives rise to two
 Responsible for protein synthesis of daughter cells.
 Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) –
main source of energy in the body
produced by cell respiration.

4. Vacuole
 Single membrane for storage and
transport of macromolecules.
 Large storage sacs that help maintain
water balance in animal cells.






 Naming, describing, and classifying  Plantae – autotrophs (they can feed
organisms and includes all plants, animals, theirselves); Multicellular, photosynthetic
and microorganisms of the world. organisms that typically have cell walls made of
 Animalia – Multicellular, heterotrophic
PHYLOGENETIC TREE (TREE OF LIFE) organisms that lack cell walls and generally
exhibit mobility.

 Major groups within each kingdom based on
anatomical and developmental features.
 Arthropoda - pointed appendages and
exoskeleton (e.g., insects, spiders).
 Chordata - Animals with a notochord (e.g.,
 Mollusca - Soft-bodied with a muscular foot
and often a shell (e.g., snails, octopuses).
 Angiosperms - Flowering plants that produce
seeds within a fruit (e.g., roses, oak trees).

 Further subdivisions within each phylum
 The highest taxonomic rank, consisting of based on more specific characteristics.
three domains based on molecular studies.  Mammalia – Animals that nourish their young
 Archaea: Prokaryotic organisms often found with milk (e.g., humans, dogs).
in extreme environments.  Reptilia – Cold-blooded animals with scales or
 Bacteria: Prokaryotic organisms with plates (e.g., snakes, turtles).
diverse habitats.  Insecta – Six-legged, often winged animals
 Eukarya: Organisms with eukaryotic cells, (e.g., butterflies, ants).
including protists, fungi, plants, and animals.
 Under this are bacteria and archaea (which
was soon called as monera, since they are ORDER
one, both prokaryote that means it have  Groupings within each class based on
nucleus), and eukarya. anatomical and physiological similarities.
KINGDOM (under domain eukarya)  Carnivora: Predatory mammals with canine
teeth (e.g., lions, wolves).
 Broad groups of organisms based on shared  Coleoptera: Insects with hardened front
characteristics. wings forming a protective covering (e.g.,
 Protista – autotrophs and heterotrophs; beetles).
Mostly unicellular eukaryotes, including various  Primates: Mammals with binocular vision
algae and protozoans. and opposable thumbs (e.g., humans,
 Fungi – heterotrophs (mushrooms, smuts, monkeys).
puffballs, truffles, molds, yeasts); Non-
photosynthetic organisms with cell walls made FAMILY
of chitin, often involved in decomposition.
 Smaller groups within each order sharing 4. These are multicellular eukaryotes. The plant cell
more detailed similarities. contains the outer cell wall and a large central
 Felidae: Family of cats characterized by
5. Plants contain photosynthetic pigments called
retractable claws and carnivorous habits chlorophyll present in the plastids.
(e.g., lions, domestic cats). 6. They have different organelles for anchorage,
 Canidae: Family of dogs characterized by reproduction, support and photosynthesis.
long snouts and non-retractable claws (e.g.,
wolves, foxes).

GENUS  A plant kingdom is further classified into

subgroups. Classification is based on the following
 Groups of closely related species sharing criteria:
common ancestry and characteristics. 1. Plant body: Presence or absence of a well-
 Homo: Genus including modern humans differentiated plant body. E.g. Root, Stem and
(Homo sapiens) and extinct human ancestors Leaves.
(e.g., Homo habilis, Homo
2. Vascular system: Presence or absence of a
neanderthalensis). vascular system for the transportation of water and
 Canis: Genus including wolves (Canis other substances. E.g. Phloem and Xylem.
lupus) and domestic dogs (Canis familiaris).
3. Seed formation: Presence or absence of flowers
and seeds and if the seeds are naked or enclosed in
a fruit.
 Smallest taxonomic unit, consisting of
individuals that can interbreed and produce THALLOPHYTA
fertile offspring.
 Homo: Genus including modern humans  lack a well-differentiated body structure and the
(Homo sapiens) and extinct human ancestors plant body is thallus like.
(e.g., Homo habilis, Homo
 Canis: Genus including wolves (Canis
lupus) and domestic dogs (Canis familiaris).


 Kingdom Plantae includes all the plants. They are

eukaryotic, multicellular and autotrophic
organisms. The plant cell contains a rigid cell wall.
Plants have chloroplast and chlorophyll pigment, BRYOPHYTA
which is required for photosynthesis.
 do not have a vascular tissue. The plant body
CHARACTERISTICS OF KINGDOM PLANTAE has root-like, stem-like, and leaf-like
1. They are non-motile.  Known as “amphibians of the plant
2. They make their own food and hence are called kingdom” as they require water for sexual
autotrophs. reproduction.
3. They reproduce asexually by vegetative  Present in moist and shady places.
propagation or sexually.
The plant kingdom is also classified into two
 Cryptogams – Non-flowering and non-seed
PTERIDOPHYTA bearing plants. E.g. Thallophyta, Bryophyta,
 have a well-differentiated plant body into root,
stem and leaves. They have a vascular system for  Phanerogams – Flowering and seed-bearing plants.
the conduction of water and other substances. E.g. Gymnosperms, Angiosperms
Some of the common examples are Selaginella,
Equisetum, Pteris, etc.


1. Endergonic Process:
o Definition: Requires an input of
GYMNOSPERMS energy to proceed.
o Energy Change (ΔG\Delta GΔG):
 have a well-differentiated plant body into root, Positive (ΔG>0\Delta G > 0ΔG>0).
stem and leaves. They have a vascular system for o Example: Photosynthesis in plants,
the conduction of water and other substances. where energy from sunlight is
Some of the common examples are Selaginella, absorbed to convert carbon dioxide
Equisetum, Pteris, etc. and water into glucose and oxygen.
2. Exergonic Process:
o Definition: Releases energy as it
o Energy Change (ΔG\Delta GΔG):
Negative (ΔG<0\Delta G < 0ΔG<0).
o Example: Cellular respiration, where
glucose is broken down to release
energy in the form of ATP.
3. Endothermic Process:
o Definition: Absorbs heat (energy)
ANGIOSPERMS from the surroundings.
o Heat Change (ΔH\Delta HΔH):
 seed-bearing vascular plants with a well- Positive (ΔH>0\Delta H > 0ΔH>0).
differentiated plant body. The seeds of
o Example: Melting ice into water,
angiosperms are enclosed within the fruits.
where heat is absorbed to break the
bonds between ice molecules.
4. Exothermic Process:
o Definition: Releases heat (energy)
into the surroundings.
o Heat Change (ΔH\Delta HΔH):
Negative (ΔH<0\Delta H < 0ΔH<0).
o Example: Burning wood, where heat  Example: Carbon-12 (12C) and Carbon-14
and light are released as the wood (14C) are isotopes of carbon. Carbon-12 has
undergoes combustion. 6 protons and 6 neutrons, while Carbon-14
has 6 protons and 8 neutrons.
Key Differences:
he octet rule is a principle in chemistry that states
 Endergonic vs Exergonic: that atoms tend to combine in such a way as to have
o Endergonic processes require energy a full outer shell of electrons, typically eight
input and have a positive change in electrons. This rule applies primarily to main group
Gibbs free energy (ΔG>0\Delta G > elements (groups 1, 2, 13-18) in the periodic table.
o Exergonic processes release energy Key points about the octet rule:
and have a negative change in Gibbs
free energy (ΔG<0\Delta G < 1. Stable Electron Configuration: Atoms are
0ΔG<0). most stable when their outer electron shell is
 Endothermic vs Exothermic: filled with eight electrons (or two electrons
o Endothermic processes absorb heat for hydrogen and helium, which have only
from the surroundings (ΔH>0\Delta one shell).
H > 0ΔH>0), whereas exothermic 2. Formation of Chemical Bonds: Atoms
processes release heat into the achieve a full outer shell by forming
surroundings (ΔH<0\Delta H < chemical bonds with other atoms. This can
0ΔH<0). involve gaining, losing, or sharing electrons.
o Note that not all endergonic 3. Types of Bonds:
processes are endothermic, and not o Ionic Bonds: One atom transfers
all exergonic processes are electrons to another atom to achieve
exothermic. The terms refer to a full outer shell.
different aspects of energy changes o Covalent Bonds: Atoms share
(Gibbs free energy for electrons to achieve a full outer shell.
endergonic/exergonic and heat o Metallic Bonds: Electrons are
content for endothermic/exothermic). delocalized among a lattice of metal
 Constitutional Isomers: 4. Exceptions: There are some exceptions to
the octet rule, such as:
 Definition: Constitutional isomers are o Incomplete Octet: Some atoms have
compounds that have the same molecular stable configurations with fewer than
formula (same number of atoms of each eight electrons in their outer shell,
element) but differ in the connectivity or like hydrogen (2 electrons) and
arrangement of atoms. helium (2 electrons).
 Example: For example, butane (C4H10) has o Expanded Octet: Atoms in the third
two constitutional isomers: n-butane and period and beyond (starting with
isobutane. They have the same number of phosphorus, sulfur, and chlorine) can
carbon and hydrogen atoms but different accommodate more than eight
structures. electrons in their outer shell due to
the availability of d orbitals.
 Isotopic:
Newton's First Law states that an object at rest will
 Definition: Isotopic refers to atoms of the remain at rest, and an object in motion will remain in
same element that have the same number of motion at a constant velocity unless acted upon by a net
protons but different numbers of neutrons. external force.
These different forms of the same element
are called isotopes. Newton's Second Law of Motion states that the
acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the
net force acting on it and inversely proportional to its

Newton's Third Law of Motion states that for every

action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. In
other words:
 When one object exerts a force on a second
object, the second object exerts a force of  flatworms
equal magnitude in the opposite direction on
the first object.
 These forces always occur in pairs and act
on different objects.



 Porifera means organisms with holes. They are

commonly known as Sponges.


 consists of nematodes or roundworms


 derived from the Greek word “kilos” which means

hollow bellied.


 segmented or ringed worms


 Greek words, echinos meaning hedgehog

and derma meaning skin.


 jointed legs. Animals which have jointed

appendages belong to this phylum. This is the
largest phylum in the animal kingdom.



 Happens when a virus enters a living host

then it lyses, making it viral and might infect
other people.

 large group of animals


 A virus infects a host then it became quiet

not replicating other viruses for a long time
unlike in lytic cycle. Then later, something
will trigger the virus to switch to the lytic


 This describes how organisms interact with

each other and their environments.
(smooth vs. wrinkled). The genes controlling
these traits are on different chromosomes.
BIOTIC FACTORS According to the Law of Independent
Assortment, the allele that determines flower
 Living things. Biotic factors refer to the color segregates independently of the allele that
factors (such as plants, animals, bacteria, determines seed texture during gamete
protists, and fungi) that affect an organism formation.
or anything that you are observing.

 Incomplete Dominance:
 Non-living things like water, air, soil,
sunlight.  In incomplete dominance, neither allele is
completely dominant over the other. Instead,
the heterozygous phenotype is an
intermediate blend of the two homozygous
 For example, in snapdragon plants, red (RR)
and white (rr) flower colors blend to produce
pink flowers in the heterozygous condition
 Observe about gene/inheritance through pea
 Codominance:
plant in the 19th century.
 In codominance, both alleles for a gene are
fully expressed in the heterozygous
LAW OF SEGREGATION condition, resulting in a phenotype that
shows both traits simultaneously.
 The Law of Segregation states that during the  An example is the ABO blood group system
formation of gametes (sex cells, like sperm and in humans, where the AB blood type results
egg) the two alleles (variants of a gene) for a from the codominant expression of A and B
trait separate from each other, so that each alleles.
gamete carries only one allele for each trait.
 Consider a pea plant that has two alleles for  Multiple Alleles:
flower color: one allele for purple flowers (P)
and one allele for white flowers (p). According
to the Law of Segregation, when this plant
 Some traits are controlled by multiple
produces gametes, each gamete will receive alleles, rather than just two (as in Mendelian
either the P allele or the p allele. Thus, the inheritance). However, each individual still
gametes will be either P or p, but not both. carries only two alleles for a specific gene.
 A classic example is the ABO blood group
system, which involves three alleles: IA
(producing A antigen), IB (producing B
LAW OF INDEPENDENT ASSORTMENT antigen), and i (producing no antigen).
 The Law of Independent Assortment states that  Polygenic Inheritance:
alleles of different genes assort independently of
each other during gamete formation, provided
 Polygenic inheritance occurs when a trait is
that the genes are on different chromosomes or
far apart on the same chromosome. controlled by multiple genes, each
 Mendel studied pea plants with two traits: flower contributing to the phenotype in additive and
color (purple vs. white) and seed texture quantitative ways.
 Traits such as height, skin color, and eye
color in humans are influenced by polygenic

 Epistasis:

 Epistasis occurs when the expression of one

gene masks or modifies the expression of
another gene.
 For example, in Labrador retrievers, coat
color depends on two genes: one gene
determines pigment (B/b), and another gene
determines deposition of pigment (E/e). The
interaction between these genes determines
coat color.

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