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01. lazy john
There was a boy named John who was so
lazy, he couldn’t even bother to change his
clothes. One day, he saw that the apple tree
in their yard was full of fruits. He wanted to
eat some apples but he was too lazy to
climb the tree and take the fruits. So, he lay
down underneath the tree and waited for
the fruits to fall off. John waited and waited
until he was very hungry but the apples
never fell.
02. The Lion and the Rabbit
Once there lived a lion that used to kill
many animals every day for his meal. All
the animals went to him to tell him that
every day one of them would come to him
for his meal and the lion agreed. One day,
it was Rabbit’s turn. He planned to kill the
lion and told him there was another lion
that claimed to be more powerful than
him and took him to the well and said, “He
lives here.” When the lion looked into the
well, he saw his own reflection and
jumped in, and the lion was no more.
03. The Proud Tree
Once there was a proud teak tree, and next
to him was a small herb in the forest. A strong
wind blew. The teak stood firmly. Even when
it rained, the teak stood strong. As the same
time, the herb bowed low. The teak made fun
of the herb. One day, there was a storm in the
forest. As usual, the teak did not want to bow.
The storm kept growing stronger. The teak
could no longer bear it. He fell down. This
was the end
of the proud
tree. When
was clam,
the herb
04. Kindness
One day, an old man saw a little cat stuck in a hole. It
was struggling to get out. So, he gave him his hand to
get him out. But the cat scratched his hand with fear.
The man pulled his hand away, screaming with pain.
But he did not stop; he tried to give a hand to the cat
again and again. Another man was watching the
scene and asked him to stop helping the cat. The old
man did not care about him; he just continued saving
that animal until he finally succeeded. And then he
walked to that man and said, “Son, it is the cat’s
instinct that makes him scratch and hurt, and it is my
job to love and care.”
05. The Goose with the
Golden Eggs
Once upon a time, a man and his wife had the
good fortune to have a goose which laid a golden
egg every day. They though they were not getting
rich fast enough. They imagined that if the bird is
able to lay golden eggs, its inside must be made
of gold. And they thought that if they could get
all that precious metal at once, they would get
mighty rich very soon. So the man and his wife
decided to kill the bird.
However, upon cutting
the goose open, they
were shocked to find
that its innards were like
that of any other goose.
06. Union
Once, there was a famer.
He lived in a village. He
had three sons who
always quarreled with one
another. The famer got
very sick. He was very very upset because of his
son’s attitude. One day, the famer brought a
bundle of stickes. He asked them to break it.
They tried their best but could not do so. Then
the famer unitied the bundle. He told them to
break the sticks. They brock them easily. The
famer said, “United we
stand, divided we fall”.
His sons learnt a lesson and began to live in

01. I’m thankful for the flowers

I'm thankful for the flowers
I'm thankful for the trees
I'm thankful for the birds
I'm thankful for the bees
I'm thankful for my teachers
I'm thankful for my family
I'm thankful for my friends
I'm thankful that you play with me

I'm thankful for the hugs you give

I'm thankful for the things you do
I'm thankful for the love you share
I'm thankful that you are you

Thank you, thank

you, thank you
Thank you, thank
you, thank you
Thank you
02. Hello, my friends
Hello, my friends. Hello, my friends.
I'm so happy to see you.
Hello, my friends. Hello, my friends.
Let's go trick-or-treating.

Pirates and ninjas. Pirates and ninjas.

Dinosaurs, aliens, and Wonder Shark!
Witches and ghosts. Witches and ghosts.
Happy Halloween.

Hello, my friends. Hello, my friends.

I'm so happy to see you.
Hello, my friends. Hello, my friends.
Let's go trick-or-treating.
Let's go trick-or-treating.
03. Here is the beehive
Here is the beehive.
But where are all the bees?
Hiding away where nobody sees.
Here they come flying out of their hive.
One, two, three, four, five!

Here is the beehive.

But where are all the bees?
Hiding away where nobody sees.
Here they come flying out of their hive.
One, two, three, four, five!

Buzz up high. Buzz down low.

Buzzing fast. Buzzing slow.
Buzz to the left. Buzz to the right.
Buzz all day but sleep at night.

Here is the beehive.

But where are all the bees?
Hiding away where nobody sees.
Here they come flying out of their hive.
One, two, three, four, five!
04. The ants go marching
one by one
The ants go marching one by one.
Hoorah! Hoorah!
The ants go marching one by one.
Hoorah! Hoorah!
The ants go marching one by one;
The little one stops to suck his thumb,
And they all go marching down to the ground
To get out of the rain.
Boom, boom, boom, boom

The ants go marching two by two.

Hoorah! Hoorah!
The ants go marching two by two.
Hoorah! Hoorah!
The ants go marching two by two;
The little one stops to tie his shoe,
And they all go marching down to the ground
To get out of the rain.
Boom, boom, boom, boom
05. One sunny day
One sunny day,
I went out to play.
I was skipping through a field
when I saw a great big swing.

Toodly doodly doooo...

Whee! ///

One sunny day,

I went out to play.
I was skipping through a field
when I saw a bumblebee.
Buzz buzz!

Toodly doodly doooo...

Buzz buzz. Whee! ///
06. Good night, sleep tight
Good night, sleep tight
in the moonlight.
Good night, sleep tight
until morning light.

Good night, sleep tight

in the moonlight.
Good night, sleep tight
until morning light.

Good night, good night,

I love you, good night.
Good night, good night,
I love you, sleep tight.
Close your eyes and dream
of stars and moonbeams.
Good night, I love you.
07. Raindrops, raindrops
Raindrops, raindrops falling all around.
Raindrops, raindrops falling on the ground.
Raindrops, raindrops falling from the sky.
Raindrops falling from up high.

Raindrops, raindrops falling on the trees.

Raindrops, raindrops falling on the leaves.
Raindrops, raindrops falling on the sand.
Raindrops falling in my hand.

Raindrops falling falling falling.

Raindrops falling down down down.
Raindrops falling falling falling.
Raindrops falling all around.
08. Hello, Hello
Hello, hello.
Can you clap your hands?
Hello, hello.
Can you clap your hands?

Can you stretch up high?

Can you touch your toes?
Can you turn around?
Can you say, "Hello"?

Hello, hello.
Can you stamp your feet?
Hello, hello.
Can you stamp your feet?

Can you stretch up high?

Can you touch your toes?
Can you turn around?
Can you say, "Hello"?

Hello, hello.
Can you clap your hands?
Hello, hello.
Can you stamp your feet?
09. One little pumpkin smiling
One little pumpkin smiling, smiling ///
One little pumpkin is happy.

Two little pumpkins pouting, pouting ///

Two little pumpkins are grumpy.

Three little pumpkins yawning, yawning ///

Three little pumpkins are sleepy.

Four little pumpkins crying, crying ///

Four little pumpkins are sad.

Five little pumpkins laughing, laughing ///

Five little pumpkins are playing.

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