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Summary of pro[ect h|story

Company Access l1
So|ut|on rovlde an access conLrol sysLem (card swlpe and roll call)
O 1he work for Lhe pro[ecL commenced on 24
O lL was agreed LhaL 30 of Lhe pro[ecL cosL would be pald ln advance and Lhe oLher 30
would be pald upon compleLlon ln SepLember desplLe Lhe facL LhaL Lhe pro[ecL was
lncompleLe we agreed Lo pay parL of Lhe unpald 30 leavlng 4k ouLsLandlng All
consumables (such as cards and key fobs) boughL Lhrough Access l1 ln Lhe mean Llme were
pald ln full
O ays afLer Lhe commencemenL of Lhe pro[ecL we were Lold LhaL cerLaln key funcLlons LhaL
were menLloned on Lhelr sales plLch are noL avallable on acLual producL
O urlng Lhe flrsL monLh delays were lnLroduced by boLh sldes
O or almosL 3 monLhs slnce lLs lnsLallaLlon Lhe sysLem was lacklng baslc funcLlonallLy and had
a number of bugs LhaL were ldenLlfled (by LC81) whlle Lhe sysLem was llve le lL was noL
recordlng accuraLely Lhe users ln/ouL of Lhe bulldlngs lL also falled Lo allow access Lo cerLaln
users on cerLaln days due Lo mlsconflguraLlon
O AlmosL all Lhe ma[or problems were resolved on 18/09/11 AL Lhe Llme l agreed Lo proceed
wlLh Lhe flnal paymenL LaLer l found LhaL Lhere were sLlll ouLsLandlng lssues LhaL can be
poLenLlally classlfles as ma[or Also Access l1 kepL posLponlng Lhe work requlred Lo flx
Lhese Pence l posLponed paymenL

Cutstand|ng prob|ems
O 1he roll call shows Lhe neLwork 8all logo raLher Lhan LC81's logo
O ln vlslLor manager we have some slgn ln/ouL enLrles LhaL are blank (no name or surname)
We need Lo esLabllsh wheLher Lhese are blank cards LhaL were glven Lo people or wheLher lL
ls a sysLem bug When l add Lhe column Card_number lL seems empLy for all enLrles
O We have ldenLlfled one user who on 2 occaslons swlped hls card and lL dld noL reglsLer
1here may be more wlLh Lhe same lssue lL ls dlfflculL Lo Lell as we can'L monlLor every slngle
swlpe Cornel has lnformed us LhaL Lhere anoLher cllenL of Access l1 wlLh a slmllar problem
and LhaL he has devlsed a logglng sysLem Lo capLure Lhe deLalls of Lhe problem

O 1he roll call hosLs need Lo be sorLed by alphabeLlcal order of Lhe department raLher Lhan
Lhe slgn ln Llme or alphabeLlcal order of Lhe names
O IlslLor manager sLlll doesn'L remember Lhe order LhaL you seL afLer a refresh 1hls ls now a
problem because you slmply don'L have enough Llme Lo flnd somebody who's name sLarLs
wlLh a leLLer LhaL ls near Lhe end of Lhe alphabeL 8y Lhe Llme you scroll down Lhere Lhe
sysLem refreshes and sorLs everyLhlng based on slgn ln Llme

9o|nt of conf||ct
O l posLponed Lhe paymenL of Lhe 4k as l dldn'L see any progress wlLh Lhe ouLsLandlng
problems some of whlch compromlse Lhe core funcLlonallLy of Lhe soluLlon

O Access l1 demand paymenL of Lhe ouLsLandlng 4k ln order Lo conLlnue worklng Lowards a
resoluLlon of Lhe ouLsLandlng problems and provlde ongolng supporL

|story of prob|ems
964 Christos Nyrsakis
&5; 23 Nay 2011 14:28
'6 !vor Saunders (!vor.Saunders@Access!
&/0; FW: Access control installation
Pl lvor
WhaL Llme ls Abhl vlslLlng Lomorrow and roughly how long does Lhe Lralnlng lasL?
Also when ls Lhe scheduled release of Lhe sofLware LhaL wlll allow us Lo scan keys and oLher asseLs
agalnsL Lhe ld cards?

964 !vor Saunders |mailto:!vor.Saunders@Access!]

&5; 23 ]une 2011 12:23
'6 Saiem Ahmed
0 Stuart Farmer, Christos Nyrsakis, Cornel !ordache
&/0; access control
O 1he daLa lmporL shou|d have worked th|s |s a bug and ls recelvlng lmmedlaLe aLLenLlon

O AcLlve dlrecLory made a m|stake |n be||ev|ng that we cou|d capture host deta|| from acLlve
dlrecLory noL [usL permlsslons We wlll lnvesLlgaLe addlng Lhls feaLure Lo Lhe program (aL no cosL Lo
you) for your fuLure beneflL

O AsseL Lracklng AL Lhe momenL Lhls ls a fa|r|y bas|c funct|on allowlng bar coded lLems Lo be logged
agalnsL a vlslLor/conLracLor on slLe We would llke Lo work wlLh you ln exLendlng Lhls funcLlonallLy Lo
meeL Lhe needs of a busy college such as yours erhaps we could seL up a meeLlng beLween our
prlnclple developer and yourselves Lo dlscuss your long Lerm requlremenLs

964 Cornel !ordache |mailto:Cornel.lordache@Access!]
&5; 17 October 2011 16:S2
'6 Christos Nyrsakis
0 Cornel.lordache@Access!, !vor.Saunders@Access!
&/0; Re: visitorNanager
We managed Lo flx Lhe lssue wlLh reporLs and Lhe roll call
l wlll call you Lomorrow Lo seLup a deploymenL daLe and dlscuss deLalls abouL Lhe remalnlng lssues we have a
comprehens|ve |ogg|ng vers|on that shou|d cath the |nterm|tent bug
964 !vor Saunders |mailto:!vor.Saunders@Access!]
&5; 23 September 2011 17:30
'6 Christos Nyrsakis
0 Cornel !ordache
&/0; RE: Payment

1o answer your polnLs

1he roll call causlng Lhe sysLem Lo crash has been flxed ln laLesL verslon we wlll remoLe ln and
We wlll vlslL and collecL Lhe WL803 and Lhen lssue a credlL noLe
1he reporLs as requesLed wlll be provlded and supplled aL same Llme as above upgrade
1hanks you for conflrmlng paymenL buL could you do lL on nexL day paymenL as before noL have Lo
walL anoLher 3 weeks l am happy Lo pay Lhe 33 bank charge lf necessary



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