Pvgma Shs Student Manual Sy 2024-2025 (1)

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SY: 2024-2025


Student Manual
School Profile
Statement of Educational Principles
General Guidelines 14 Recognition of Excellence

01 Academic Load 15 Awards

02 Enrollment Procedures and Admission

16 Student Services

03 Fees and Payments 17 Student Activities

04 18
Proper Behavior During Ceremonies and
Promotion and Retention Policies Assemblies

05 Senior High School Voucher Program

19 On Bringing Cars, Motorbikes, and Bicycles

06 The Use of Student ID’s 20 Directives on Student’s Behavior

07 Attire and Grooming 21 Student Discipline

08 Attendance 22 Referral System

09 Gadgets 23 On Handling Misbehavior

10 Use of Social Media 24 Disciplinary Process and Procedure

11 Classroom Facilities 25 School Discipline Committee

12 Grading System 26 Conduct of Home Visitation

13 Progress Report 27 Child Protection Policy

This is the PVGMA Senior High School Student Handbook. The
Handbook contains information on policies for Senior High
School students. PVGMA expects all students to conform to the
policies stipulated herein to maintain the order in the school
community. Students are required to acquaint themselves with
the contents of this handbook. The rules, regulations, policies,
directives, and norms as set forth herein are based on the set
standards of PVGMA, the directives of the Department of
Education (DepEd), and other duly recognized governing bodies.

Padre Vicente Garcia Memorial Academy, Inc. (PVGMA) is a
private, non-sectarian institution which aims for the whole-
person development of its students. It offers education that is
responsive to the demands and needs of the changing local and
global community.


Senior High School (SHS) covers the last 2 years of the K to 12
program—Grades 11 to 12. Finisher of Grade 12 will be
classified as Senior High School Graduate and will be awarded
a Diploma.

More than half a century ago, during the Post-Liberation

period, Dr. Melecio Bolaños, a man of wisdom and foresight
had a glimpse, a vision at the Tombol Hill. The vision is his own
legacy—dedicated not only to his townmates but to every
citizen of this land who may avail himself or herself of the basic
gifts of Secondary Education.
In 1946, this first high school was founded in honor of a well-
known Filipino priest who was born on April 5, 1817 in Rosario,
Batangas. In recognition of his exceptional patriotism, which
was rare among the clergy during that time, Dr. Bolaños
named the school after this great man of God, Padre Vicente
Garcia, in order to remember his idealism of love of God and
country. This monument to his positive thinking gave rise to
that stands as a lighthouse in directing and guiding the youth
towards the attainment of peace, prosperity, patriotism,
and love of God.
Educational Principles
Padre Vicente Garcia Memorial Academy, Inc. is a non-
sectarian institution committed to provide education that is
responsive to the needs and demands of the volatile and complex
world through the:
integral formation of the learners;
utilization of relevant and developmentally-appropriate teaching and
learning activities;
meaningful utilization and integration of technology;
institutionalization of well-defined standards, policies, and
use of planning to effectively respond to the real needs of the
emphasis on collaboration, professionalism, work ethics,
integrity, and discipline; and
continuous professional development of teaching and non-
teaching personnel.

PVGMA students, faculty, and staff are lifelong learners hallmarked
with moral and academic excellence, creativity and innovation, critical
thinking, collaboration, civic and environmental consciousness, and
technological literacy.

To foster whole-person development by instilling life-long learning
skills and creating a teaching-learning environment that is responsive to
the needs and demands of the local and global community.
1. Provide learning experiences that promote the intellectual, social,
moral, and cultural growth of the students.
2. Equip 21st century learners with the knowledge, skills and values
necessary for work, entrepreneurship, and higher education.
3. Imbibe moral and spiritual values to guide learners to think,
judge and act in accordance with good reasoning and moral
4. Develop technological literacy and digital citizenship among the
5. Uphold Filipino culture, heritage and values.
6. Develop among the members of the school social, economic and
ecological consciousness that will bring about willingness to reach
out to the community.

Guiding Principle
The students, more aptly, the learners are the protagonists of
their own learning, hence, they ought to discover knowledge through
a constructivist and inquiry-based approach. Learning takes place in
a social context. The learners, therefore, need to engage in
meaningful interactions with their peers to gain new and relevant
knowledge and skills. The learners should go beyond the utilitarian
view of learning, that is, they see learning not only for its material
and economic benefits but more importantly as a means to reach
self-actualization. Technical and moral excellence should go hand
in hand, that is, the students should not only acquire technical
knowledge but also uphold integrity and morality. Holistic
development is at the core of the Senior High School curriculum. The
curriculum aims for the whole person development of the students.
General Guidelines

Section 1
Below are the SHS programs of study of the
school which specify all the core, contextualized,
and specialized subjects the students have to
General Guidelines

Accountancy, Business and Management

General Guidelines

Humanities and Social Sciences

General Guidelines

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

Section 2
STEP 1: Initial checking and verification of enrollment documents.
STEP 2: Encoding of student data in the online enrollment portal.
STEP 3: Payment of corresponding enrollment fee.
STEP 4: Uniform Fitting.
STEP 5: Picture Taking for School ID.

Grade 11
PSA Birth Certificate (Original)
Report Card – Old Student (Photocopy)
New Student (Original)
JHS Completion Certificate (Photocopy)

Certificate of Good Moral Character
2 copies of PSA Birth Certificate
Report Card (Original)

For old student: Accomplished clearance form is a pre-requisite

for enrollment.

Section 3
All school fees shall be paid only at the Accounting Office. All students
are advised to secure receipt for every payment made.
Section 4
The school expects that each student will meet the academic standards
stipulated in the school’s manual of policies and other relevant school
memoranda. Further, it is hoped that all students will progress systematically
through the grade levels. Relative to these, the management has deemed it
necessary to put in place clearer policies pertaining to student promotion and
retention. Thus, the following guidelines are hereby issued.
As per DepEd Order No. 8, s. 2015, a final grade of 75 or higher in all
learning areas allows the students to be promoted to the next year level.
A student is only allowed to stay a maximum of two (2) years in any grade
level, otherwise, he/she needs to transfer to another school.
Transferees are all under probation in their first year of stay in the
institution. Their behavior and academic performance will be closely
monitored. As regards academics, they must perform within the standards.
In terms of behavior, they must abide by the policies and procedures
stipulated in the Student Handbook. Failure to do so will be a ground for
The school has the right to deny readmission or re-enrolment of a student
who fails to meet the school’s academic standard or who violates school
rules or regulations.

Section 5
As per DepEd Order No. 020, s. 2023, All Grade 10 Junior High School
completers of Public Junior High Schools and SUC/LUC Junior High Schools are
qualified voucher recipients (QVR). These students shall receive the full voucher
value. Grade 10 ESC Grantees who completed their Junior High School in
private ESC participating schools are also qualified voucher recipients.
However, they shall receive 80% of the full voucher value.
Section 6
Every student must wear his/her ID at all times while within the
premises of the school. Failure to do so constitutes a Type D
disciplinary offense. He/she must also be ready to present his/her
identification card when requested to do so by a person of authority.
Besides identification, student IDs are also meant for security
purposes. Before entering the school, each student is required to tap
his/her ID on a machine connected to a computer system. This
system will automatically send a text message informing the
parent/guardian that his/her child safely reaches the school. The
same goes when the students leave the school premises.
If a student failed to bring his/her ID, he/she must secure an
admission slip signed by the POD.

In case the student lost his/her ID, he/she is required to secure a

second copy. The following are the procedures to be followed:
1. Present a Certification of Lost ID duly signed by the student,
parent, and school principal to the accounting office and secure a
request slip.
2. Accomplish the request slip.
3. Pay the corresponding amount.
4. Proceed to the IT officer for ID processing.
Section 7
The SHS school uniform was designed by Ms. Evangeline Idago
Manalac who graduated from Feati University with a Bachelor degree in
Fine Arts. The uniform was designed in such a way that students feel how
it is to be in the corporate world. The uniform embodies school spirit,
hence, the students are required to wear their uniform with dignity.

The students must conform to the following rules regarding proper

attire and grooming. Failure to do so constitutes to a Type D disciplinary
1. The official PE Uniform shall be worn on scheduled days only. Note:
The color of the socks must be white.
2. For boys, long hair, hair dying except black, earrings, and any tongue
accessory are strictly prohibited. Haircut must be flattop or student
cut. Mohawks, mushroom and other punk hairstyles are strictly
prohibited. Skin head is also not allowed.
3. Girls are prohibited from hair dying (except black), polishing nails and
wearing double earrings. Undercut and other punk hairstyles are
strictly prohibited. Girls are allowed (but not required) to wear light
4. The students must observe proper haircut at all times.
5. Wearing of inappropriate designed contact lenses is prohibited.
6. As long as the students are wearing the school uniform, they can be
sanctioned whenever caught misbehaving (e.g. smoking, wearing
earrings inside or outside the campus).
Section 8
Attendance precedes participation; hence, it is regarded as an integral
part of schooling. In principle, the students need to be in school during
school days participating in the teaching learning process.
(8.1) Prompt and regular attendance of students is required.
(8.2) Students who arrive later than 7:10 am are considered late. They
are required to secure an admission slip from the Person of Discipline
before they should be allowed to attend classes.
(8.3) Late comers are required to present an admission slip signed by
the POD before he/she can attend classes.
(8.4) Students are not excused from complying with the missed
requirements during their absence. Absentees are required to present an
excuse letter duly signed by their parent/ legal guardian and admission
slip before they can be allowed to attend to classes.
Suspension of Classes
Classes are suspended on the following occasions:
1. When issued with Tropical Cyclone Wind Signals 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 (D.O.
037, s.2022)
2. Where the rains are heavy causing floods in the community or in the
area of the schools, classes in the school affected are automatically
3. Announcement of Dep Ed
4. Official holidays
5. Other announced school holidays.
“Gate Pass Policy”
Students cannot go outside the campus unless fetched by
parent/guardian. In this case, parents should seek permission from the
Person of Discipline. In case the POD is on leave or not around, the
Guidance Officer is authorized to issue a Gate Pass.
If both the POD and Guidance Officer are not around, parents and
students shall secure the Gate Pass from the Principal or his authorized
Section 9
Senior High School students are allowed to bring cell phones
and other gadgets such as laptops and tablets. However, these
gadgets must be used only at appropriate times like if required
by teachers in any subject for the making of projects, for conduct
of research, and for use in presentations. Using cellphones in a
way it can hamper interest and concentration during class hours
must be avoided. In addition, in cases gadgets are brought to
school, students are advised to guard and be responsible of
their own properties.
Without the permission from the teacher in-charge of
supervision, all gadgets must be kept inside the bag of each
Improper use of mobile phones, tablets, laptops, and other
gadgets may result to the confiscation of such devices.
Confiscated devices may only be claimed by the parent or legal
guardian of the student concerned from the POD.
Improper use should be understood as follows:
1. Use that is distracting to others such as when playing
mobile games, whether online or offline.
2. Use beyond the purpose permitted by the class adviser or
3. Use of gadgets to share malicious and defamatory content
(e.g. photos, posts, videos).
Section 10
PVGMA students are expected to show their utmost manners whether
offline or online. Posting malicious and morally offensive content directed
against any individual will be dealt with accordingly.

Section 11
In order to fulfill its commitment and properly discharge its functions,
the school provides the physical environment and facilities the students can
be comfortable with. Classroom facilities must be used properly.

Section 12
Senior High School adheres to the grading system provided in DepEd
Order No. 8 s. 2015 as shown in the following table.

Section 13
Progress Report cards are issued to students at the end of every quarter.
Students are required to have their report cards signed by their parents or
guardians. The school feels that the Report Card is sufficient to keep
parents informed of the student’s progress in school. However, letters and
notices are sent if the adviser deems it necessary. Parents/Guardians of
students with incomplete and failing grades are required to come for a
conference with the concerned teachers.
Section 14
The school gives due recognition to students who excel
academically. After each quarter / grading period, the following
list will be released.

I. President’s List
- The President’s List recognizes the students who got a
general weighted average of 98-100.
II. Directors’ List
- The Directors’ List recognizes the students who got a
general weighted average of 95-97.
III. With Honors
- With Honors are those students who got a general
weighted average of 90-94.

Submission of requirements and taking the exam after the
grades have been computed disqualifies a student from the
honor list for a quarter. This means he/she still qualifies to be in
the honor lists for the succeeding quarters provided that he/she
meets the required grade for any of the categories. Quizzes and
exams missed due to suspension will automatically be given a
grade of zero (0).
Section 15
As per DepEd Order No. 36 s. 2016, the following awards are
given to students:

A. Classroom Awards
Conduct Awards –
These awards are given to learners who have been observed to
consistently demonstrate the DepEd core values (Maka-Diyos,
Makatao, Makakalikasan, Makabansa). Conduct Awards for grades 4
to 12 in each class will be given at the end of the school year. This
will be based on the evaluation of the adviser and subject teachers,
using the guidelines stipulated in Section VI of DepEd Order No. 8, s.
2015. Awardees must have consistently and dutifully carried out the
core values of the Department as indicated in the report card. They
must have obtained a rating of at least 75% “Always Observed” (AO)
at the end of the school year (with at least 21 out of 28 AO rating in
the report card). They also must have not been sanctioned with
offenses punishable by suspension or higher sanction within the
school year according to the Department’s service manual and child
protection policies
B. Grade-Level Awards
Academic Excellence Award
At the end of the school year, the Academic Excellence Award is
given to learners from grades 1 to 12 who have attained a General
Average of at least 90 and a passing Final Grade in all learning
areas. The General Average is reported as a whole number following
DepEd Order No. 8, s. 2015. The class advisers will give to the AC the
list of qualified learners to be awarded during a school ceremony.
Leadership Award
The leadership award is given to learners in grades 6, 10,
and 12 who have demonstrated exemplary skills in motivating
others and organizing projects that have significantly contributed to
the betterment of the school and/or community. This award is given
during the completion or graduation ceremony. To qualify for this
award, a learner must:
1. Have no failing grades in any of the learning areas.
2. Have not committed any offense punishable by suspension or
higher sanction according to the Department’s service manual and
child protection policies in the current school year.
3. Be a class officer or an active member/officer of any recognized
school club, team, or organization.

Award for Outstanding Performance in Specific Disciplines

These awards are given to recognize learners in grades 6, 10, and 12
who have exhibited exemplary skills and achievement in specific
These disciplines are Athletics, Arts, Communication Arts,
Mathematics and Science, Social Sciences, and Technical-Vocational
Education (Tech-Voc).
These awards also value the learner’s achievement in a specific
discipline that has contributed to the school and/or community.

Athletics - This award is given to learners who have shown

outstanding skills in athletics (particularly in games and sports)
through participation and victories in competitions, as well as
discipline in training and sportsmanlike conduct and character. The
academic rating that will be considered for this award would be the
student’s final grade in Physical Education.
Arts (e.g., visual, media, music, or performing arts) - This award is
given to learners who have consistently demonstrated outstanding
skills in the arts and above average creativity and craftsmanship
exemplified through contribution to school’s various functions and
events. The academic rating that will be considered for this award is
the final grade in Music, Arts, or Contemporary Philippine Arts from
the Regions for Senior High School (SHS).
Communication Arts - This award is given to learners who have
demonstrated proficiency in any language (Filipino, English, or other
foreign languages), in written or in oral communication, shown
creativity in expressing ideas in written or oral activities in various
subjects, and contributed to the school community. The academic
rating that will be considered for this award is the student’s final
grade in Filipino, English, or other foreign-language subjects and
related learning areas in Senior High School Specific to the award.
Science - This award is given to learners who have high academic
standing in Science, demonstrated passion for science expressed
through an excellent attitude toward science work, shown
enthusiasm for science which positively influences other students in
class and the wider school community, and displayed inquisitiveness
about the environment, how things work, and how natural processes
occur. The academic rating that will be considered for this award is
the student’s final grade in Science for grades 6 and 10, or the
average rating for the two core Science subjects in SHS.
Mathematics - This award is given to learners who have high
academic standing in Mathematics, demonstrated passion for math
expressed through an excellent attitude toward math work, and
shown enthusiasm for math, which positively impacts other students
in class. The academic rating that will be considered for this award is
the student’s final grade in Mathematics for grades 6 and 10, or the
average rating for the core Mathematics subjects in SHS.
Social Sciences - This award is given to learners who have high
academic standing in social sciences. They have consistently
demonstrated the willingness and ability to contribute to and
participate in activities that serve the common good. They have used
their knowledge, skills, and disposition in history, geography,
economics, and other areas of the social sciences to promote the
common good and to achieve shared Page 7 of 15 ends for others in
the school and/or community above and beyond their personal
good. The academic rating that will be considered for this award is
the student’s final grade in Araling Panlipunan for grades 6 and 10,
or the average rating for the core Social Science subjects Personal
Development/Pansariling Kaunlaran and Understanding Culture,
Society, and Politics) in SHS.
Technical-Vocational Education – This award is given to learners
who have consistently exhibited exemplary skills and achievement in
their area of specialization in technicalvocational (Tech-Voc)
education. They have applied their knowledge and skills in Tech-Voc
to projects and activities that have contributed to the school and/or
community. The academic rating that will be considered for this
award is the student’s final grade in Technology and Livelihood
Education (TLE) for grades 6 and 10, or the average rating for the
specialized Tech-Voc subjects in SHS specific to the award.
Award for Work Immersion
Award for Work Immersion is specific to Senior High School
(SHS) tracks. This award may be given to grade 12 graduating
students who have exemplified outstanding performance based on
the terms of reference or engagement set by the school and
evaluation of the direct supervisor and subject teacher. The
awardee(s) must have received high efficiency rating for their
diligence and consistency in performing their duties and
responsibilities throughout the immersion program.
Only those learners who have received an outstanding academic
rating in the Work Immersion subject (at least 90%) shall be
awarded. This rating in the report card consists of the learner’s
performance and/or output during the Work Immersion.
Award for Research or Innovation
Award for Research or Innovation is specific to the SHS tracks. Grade
12 graduating students—individuals, pairs, or groups of not more
than four members—must have led the planning and execution of a
research or innovation to advance the potential applications of
technology, or research whose findings can be used to drive better
efficiency and productivity as well as to improve the lives of the
people in the school and/or community.
Award for Club or Organization Achievement
This award is given to a duly recognized club or organization that
has created positive impact on the school and/or community it
serves through the implementation of all its planned projects and
activities, provided strong support to the implementation of the
school activities and attainment of the school’s objectives, and taken
great strides to help its members develop their potentials.

C Special Recogntion

Learners who have represented and/or won in competitions at

the district, division, regional, national, or international levels will
be recognized. These awardees have demonstrated their exemplary
performance in academics, athletics, and the arts, and/or
represented the school in DepEd-recognized activities.
In addition to the above awards, the schools may give due
recognition to learners who have brought honor to the school.
Furthermore, the school gives due recognition to students who
have shown exemplary performance in extra-curricular activities.
Section 16
A. Clinic
The clinic is open during class hours for any student who may
need medicine and medical/dental attention. The school nurse can
admit a sick student for 30 to 60 minutes only. If the student can no
longer attend the class, the parents will be informed to fetch the
B. Library
The students may use the library for studying and doing research
work. The students are expected to behave properly in the library.
They ought to follow the rules and regulations of the librarian.
1. Any student who destroys books, magazines and other reading
materials must replace them and/or pay for the damage. The
privilege to use the library is suspended until damages are duly paid
for. If a student takes materials out of the library without
permission, he/she will be dealt with accordingly.
2. Books borrowed overnight should be returned the following day.
3. Fines will be imposed on these borrowed books not returned on

C. Computer Laboratory
The students can use the computer laboratory to do research work
and presentations. However, the following rules must be observed:
1. Eating and drinking inside the computer laboratory are
2. Playing computer games is not allowed unless it is part of the
3. Students are expected to handle each computer unit with care.
D. Science Laboratory
The science laboratory is mainly for science-related activities.
These include science experiments and investigations. However,
lectures can also be held in the laboratory under the discretion of
the science specialist. Students have to follow the rules when
working inside the laboratory for safety purposes

E. Gymnasium
The gymnasium is essentially intended for sports-related activities.
However, with permission, the gymnasium can be used for other

F. Canteen
The canteen offers a variety of meals and snacks, as well as soft
drinks, juices and other refreshments. Food and refreshments may be
bought at the cafeteria before the bell rings in the morning, during
health break, lunch break and after dismissal. Students are not
allowed to buy snacks elsewhere during health break.
Note: Every student is expected to practice the “Clean as You Go

Guidelines on the Use of School Facilities

As members of the PVGMA community, the students, faculty,
and staff are expected to take good care of the school facilities and
equipment. Relative to this, the following guidelines and procedures
shall be put in place to guarantee the proper use of these facilities
and equipment:
Maintenance and Repairs
1. Students and teachers shall keep the classrooms clean and
2. “Clean as you go” when dining in the school canteen.
3. Avoid activities that may damage school facilities and equipment.
4. Do not tinker with the projectors, sound systems, aircons, and
other equipment inside and outside the classroom.
5. Report all needed repairs to the school principal or school admin.

1. On regular school days, the students are not allowed to stay in
the campus beyond 5 pm unless they have explicit and written
permission from the school principal and/or school admin.
2. The school is closed on weekends and most holidays. Students
and teachers cannot use its facilities nor enter the campus on
such days without permission from the management.
3. Requests to use school facilities and equipment on weekends,
holidays, and breaks must be made in writing and submitted
three days before the intended date. The requests should be
addressed to the school principal / school admin. The letter of
request will be subjected to evaluation.
Section 17
PVGMA recognizes that learning goes beyond the four corners of
the classrooms. Hence, the students are provided with relevant
opportunities to harness their potentials. In line with this, student
organizations are established. These organizations include:
A. Student Executive Council
The Student Executive Council (SEC) is the official student
government of the Senior High School. It serves as an avenue for
civic education where junior high school students harness their
leadership potentials and maximize their skills in decision-making.
The goal of SEC, however, goes beyond serving the interest of junior
high school students. It also aims to promote civic engagement and
environmental consciousness that can benefit the larger community.
Officers: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Auditor,
Business Managers, PROs, G11-G12 Representatives.
The Student Executive Council aims to:
1. Represent the student body in all matters concerning the SHS
2. Promote discipline, solidarity, environmental consciousness and
civic responsibility among students; and
3. Foster strong school-community linkages and collaboration to
create sustainable projects for the environment.

B. Other Organizations
These organizations ought to serve the interest of the students
under a particular SHS Academic strand.
1. EL ABE – The Alliance of Business Enthusiasts –The official student
organization for Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM). It
aims primarily to provide ABM students opportunities to apply
concepts and theories into real-life practices.
2. TANGLAW –The official student organization for Humanities and
Social Sciences (HUMSS). It aims to deepen students’ appreciation of
the development of ideas in the social context and engage them in
real life situations that will develop their social consciousness.
3. SIGMA –The official student organization for Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). It aims to provide students
with meaningful avenues to cultivate their interest in learning
Science and Mathematics. Moreover, it aims to motivate students to
apply science and mathematics principles in dealing with real-life
issues or situations.

The following Organizations are open for both the Junior High School
and Senior High School.
1. PVGMA Upbeat Movers- This is the official dance varsity of
PVGMA. It aims to help students learn and perform different dance
styles and techniques.
2. PaviVoice - This is the official organization of students who have a
strong passion for singing. It aims to help student-singers be
exposed to various styles of singing.

Other Avenues for Learning

Apart from Student Organizations, the school also offers
other opportunities for students to engage in other activities for the
purpose of reinforcing key concepts and knowledge learned inside
the classroom.

**Other activities are to be determined by the SHS year level chairmen

and SHS Academic Coordinator to be approved by the School
Section 18
The following should be observed during ceremonies and
Flag Ceremony
1. Stand at attention for prayer and the national anthem.
2. Silence and proper decorum must be observed at all times.
1. Follow assigned seating arrangement.
2. Listen attentively to the speaker/s.
3. During the open forum, ask relevant questions and acknowledge
the response of the speaker/s.

Note: During ceremonies and assemblies, there shall be a separate

line for latecomers so as not to distract others.

Section 19
Students may use their cars, motorbikes, and bicycles as means of
transportation provided that they satisfy the following
1.The student has unexpired driving license.
2.The student has submitted duly signed parent’s consent (form to
be provided by the school).
3.The car/motorbike has been duly registered to LTO.
4.The student abides by the guidelines prescribed by LTO (e.g.
wearing of helmet when riding a motorbike).
Bicycles may also be used provided that the following conditions are
1.The student has submitted duly signed parent’s consent (form to
be provided by the school).
2.The student wears appropriate head gear.

Cars, motorbikes, and bikes should be parked only on the

designated space inside the campus. However, when the designated
space needs to be used for a school activity, students shall be
required to park outside the campus. The school will not be liable for
lost and damaged car/motorbike/bicycle that has resulted from the
negligence of the student.

Section 20
In order to promote a culture of respect in the school community,
all students are expected to observe or abide the following
guidelines on discipline:
1. Respect the teaching and non-teaching personnel, visitors and
fellow students.
2. Demonstrate academic integrity and honesty.
3. Communicate in a careful and respectful manner with teaching
and non-teaching personnel, visitors and fellow students.
4. Always join the flag ceremony with full attention.
5. Comply with school uniform.
6. Attend and participate in classes and school activities prepared
and on time.
7. Complete the assigned work in a timely manner with attention to
quality of work.
8. Help in creating an atmosphere conducive to the teaching-
learning process.
9. Use theschool facilities and equipment only for the intended
purpose and handle them with reasonable care.
10. Comply with the rules and regulations set by the offices and
facilities within the campus.
11. Observe proper decorum at all times in order not to disturb
classes, school functions, or programs.
12. Avoid engaging in any action that threatens to endanger health
or life, including all forms of bullying directed against any person.
Bullying, initiation rites and hazing are serious offenses under the
Philippine law. PVGMA reserves the right to give out the highest
sanction possible to the students found responsible of committing
said acts.
13. Advocate, preserve, and propagate values and virtues pertaining
to the conservation of environmental and natural resources.
14. Follow social media etiquette when posting comments and ideas
online. It is acceptable to disagree with someone else’s opinions;
however, do it in a respectful way. Make sure that criticism is
constructive and not hurtful. What is inappropriate in the classroom
is inappropriate online.
Section 21
There are two categories of disciplinary sanctions for serious
offenses and violations of school rules and regulations.
1. Suspension: Suspension: A student is denied from attending classes for
a certain period of time that will be determined based on the gravity of
the offense. As mentioned above, there are two levels of suspension.
2. Exclusion: A student is dropped from the roll and issued transfer
Section 22
Depending on the context of the misbehavior or violations, the following
referral procedures may be applied:
1. Teachers in-charge of supervision report to the discipline office the
committed misbehavior or violation. The report is to be communicated
to the class adviser.
2. Teachers in-charge of supervision report to the class adviser the
committed misbehavior or violation. The latter then reports the
violation to the discipline office.
3. The POD refers student to the Guidance office when deemed
4. Teachers in-charge of supervision send to the Guidance office students
whom they observe to be in need of guidance services.

Note: The POD and the Guidance Officer shall issue admission slip for the
student to return to his/her class

Section 23
Class advisers and subject teachers are empowered to handle cases of
misbehaviors inside the classroom. However, repeated misbehaviors and
minor offenses have to be referred to the discipline office.
All offenses and cases of misbehaviors must be listed and narrated in
the anecdotal record of the class adviser.
Section 24
The disciplinary process essentially involves the following stages:
Report and Investigation
Minor offenses are reported to the Office of the POD. Serious offenses,
however, are reported to the SDC (Student Discipline Committee). SDC will
then conduct a preliminary investigation to determine whether the
complaint has a reasonable basis
If the discipline committee found out that there is a reasonable basis for
the complaint, the student and his parent/guardian will be called for a
deliberation. During the deliberation, the offense or violation will be
discussed. The party involved will be given the opportunity to explain
himself in relation to the matter.
After the deliberation, the student will be endorsed to the Guidance
Counselor for counseling. This is also to prepare the student for the
consequences of his/her actions.
Decision and Giving of Sanctions
After the counseling, SDC will decide whether suspension or exclusion
will be given to the party involved. The decision is communicated in
NOTE: The school has the right to exercise administrative jurisdiction over
all cases committed within its premises and or offenses committed outside
the campus which may bring dishonor / contempt to the name of the
Section 25
The Student Discipline Committee (SDC) is an ad hoc group which
convenes primarily to discuss matters concerning student discipline.
It investigates reported disciplinary cases and deliberates on the
appropriate disciplinary sanctions which may range from suspension
not more than 3 days to exclusion/dismissal.
The Student Discipline Committee will be composed of the
following voting members:
Principal - Chairperson
Person of Discipline - Vice Chairperson
Guidance Officer- Member
Grade-level Coordinators - Member

Section 26
Teacher-adviser or guidance counselor, thru teacher referral,
conducts home visits in cases like prolonged absences in order to find
out reasons for such. Lack of communication with parents or
guardians may also prompt the school to pay home visits. The
school aims to provide a sense of support and to help families create
an environment that fosters healthy development of their children.
Section 27
Policy Statement: As an educational institution, PVGMA upholds child protection.
The school adheres to the idea that in order to foster whole person
development, the right of every students must be protected. In particular, the
students ought to be protected from any form of abuse and exploitation that can
be detrimental to their overall well-being.
Guiding Principles:
In order to maintain an environment that is safe and conducive for learning, the
school is guided by the following principles:
1. All students shall be protected from any forms of abuse, bullying,
exploitation, and discrimination.
2. Corporal punishment for the purpose of discipline and/or training is strictly
3. School leaders, discipline officers, and guidance counselor / teacher /
facilitator shall take steps to prevent bullying and ensure that appropriate
interventions and guidance services are provided to the victims of abuse,
violations, and bullying.
4. Students shall respect the inherent rights of others and refrain themselves
from engaging in acts of bullying and violence.
5. Stakeholders shall be oriented about the Child Protection Policy.
Child Protection Committee
The Child Protection Committee (CPC) is composed of the following:
Chairperson - Principal
Vice Chairperson - Guidance Counselor
Members: Person of Discipline, Representatives from teachers, students, parents,
and community
Procedure in Handling Cases
1. All cases shall be reported to the Guidance Counselor.
2. The Guidance Counselor shall inform the principal about the incident / report.
3. Information pertinent to the case shall be written in the intake sheet.
4. The Principal through the Vice Chairperson of the CPC shall inform the parents
of the students concerned and a meeting shall take place.
5. The CPC shall conduct an investigation so that appropriate actions and
interventions be made.
I.Ang kasaysayn mo paaralang mahal
May hiyas ng bayan at kadakilaan
May tuwa at puspos ng kasiyahan
Kaming mag aaral sayo’y kumikilala.

II. Pavigameans kung kami’y tawagin

May dignidad at dangal na maituturing
Gintong aral at kabutihan
Tataglayin habang buhay.

Koro: Salamat, salamat, sala-mat PVGMA

Ilaw kang tumatanglaw
Sa’ming mga kabataan
Dadalhin sa kinabukasan
Ang dangal at karunungan
Ipinunla mo sa aming mga Pavigameans

III.Paaralang itinatag sa bayan

Pandayan ng angking karunungan
Hinuhubog ang mga kabataan
Tinutuklas ang talino ng isipan

IV.Kadluan ng ating pangarap

Hantungan ng ambisyon sa buhay
Sama-samang parangalan
Alma Mater nating lahat.
(Ulitin ang Koro)
Coda: PVGMA (3x)
Alma Mater nating lahat …

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