PPG Performance Task

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“Your partner in education since 1946”

Philippine Politics and Governance
SY 2023-2024- First Semester
Name of Task/Activity: House Bill
Preparation/Completion Date/s: October 3-6, 2023
Submission/Presentation Date: October 6, 2023
Goal To create a house bill that measure the knowledge of the learners about the power of the executive, legislative and judiciary branch of the government.

Role District Representative

Audience Members of the Congress

Situation You are an elected district representative who wants to address several problems from the country. The solution that you have in mind is to pass a law that provides
solution, creation of committee if needed, funds and other purposes.
Product/Performance House Bill

Standards Content

Outstanding Satisfactory Developing Beginning

4 3 2 1
CONTENT All of the contents clearly reflect the The contents reflect the views of Few contents reflect the views of the The contents do not reflect the
views of the student on good the student on good governance student on good governance and views of the student on good
governance and essential information and relevant information regarding little information regarding the governance and they do not
regarding the political institutions in the political institutions in the political institutions in the contain information regarding
the community. There are additional community. community. the political institutions in the
Address: Y Zuño St., Poblacion B., Rosario, Batangas
Email: pvgmarosbats1946@gmail.com /pvgmarosbats1946.registrar@gmail.com
Tel Nos: Accounting Office: (043) 311-3927
Principal’s Office: (043) 783-8951
Registrar’s Office: (043) 341-5160
“Your partner in education since 1946”
contents that engages the audience community.
The students displayed a strong and The students displayed a solid The students displayed a minimal The students have not presented
passionate argument for the position argument for the position. argument for the position. an argument for the position.
and they have demonstrated a strong
personal interest.
Content is well organized for all parts Content is logically organized for Uses headings or bulleted list to There was no clear or logical
using headings or bulleted list to group most part using headings or organize, but overall organization of organizational structure
related material bulleted list to group related ideas appears flawed

Name of Task/Activity: Programs/Project/Program Proposal about Civic Welfare
Preparation/Completion Date/s: November 20-23, 2023
Submission/Presentation Date: November 24, 2023
Goal To proposed a project/ program or activity about civic welfare that will strengthen and empower the youth participation in the community.

Role SK Chairperson

Audience Katipunan ng Kabataan sa Barangay

Situation You are the elected SK Chairperson of the Barangay you noticed that there is a lack of support for the youth from the barangay. With that, there is no youth participation
nor integration in the community. You were tasked by your Brgy. Captain to think for a programs/project or activity that can empower or strengthen the youth in your
Product/Performance Project Proposal

Standards Content
Organization of Ideas
Creativity and Originality
Address: Y Zuño St., Poblacion B., Rosario, Batangas
Email: pvgmarosbats1946@gmail.com /pvgmarosbats1946.registrar@gmail.com
Tel Nos: Accounting Office: (043) 311-3927
Principal’s Office: (043) 783-8951
Registrar’s Office: (043) 341-5160
“Your partner in education since 1946”

Outstanding Satisfactory Developing Beginning

4 3 2 1
The project has a clear focus relate to The project has a focus related to There is focus that is maintained The project has a focus but may
the chosen topic; reflect broad the chosen topic; reflects research throughout the project. There are stray from it at times. There is
research and application of critical and application of critical thinking some errors but the project presents an organizational structure,
thinking skills; shows notable insight skills; shows understanding of the information in somehow accurate though it may not be carried
or understanding of the topic. topic. Evidence of student learning and organized manner that can be through in a consistent manner.
Content Excellent evidence of student learning and efforts are reflected in understood by the intended There may be factual errors or
and efforts are reflected in student's student's project. audience. inconsistencies, but they are
project. Adequate evidenced relatively minor. Less than
of student learning and efforts are adequate evidence of student
reflected in student's project. learning and efforts are reflected
in student's project.
Content is well organized for all Content is logically organized Uses headings or bulleted list to There was no clear or logical
parts using headings or bulleted list for most part using headings or organize, but overall organization organizational structure
Organization of Data and Ideas
to group related material bulleted list to group related of ideas appears flawed
The product shows a large amount The product shows some The product uses other people’s The product uses other
of original thought. Ideas are original thought. ideas (giving them credit), but people’s ideas but does not
Creativity and Originality
creative and inventive. It also shows new ideas and there is little evidence of original give them credit.
insights. thinking.


Name of Task/Activity: Law (Youth Empowerment and Strengthening Youth Community Engagement and Integration)
Preparation/Completion Date/s: December 1-6, 2023
Submission/Presentation Date: December 7, 2023
Goal To deliver the accomplished house bill to address issues about Civic Welfare

Address: Y Zuño St., Poblacion B., Rosario, Batangas

Email: pvgmarosbats1946@gmail.com /pvgmarosbats1946.registrar@gmail.com
Tel Nos: Accounting Office: (043) 311-3927
Principal’s Office: (043) 783-8951
Registrar’s Office: (043) 341-5160
“Your partner in education since 1946”
Role District Representative

Audience Members of the Congress

Situation You are the elected District Representative of your Province which successfully passed your accomplished house bill in the first reading and committee hearing. The
Committee approves the Committee Report and formally transmits the same to the Plenary Affairs Bureau and ready in the plenary session for the second reading. You
are asked by your colleagues to deliver your house bill to the committee for the second reading for the period of amendments and debates.
Product/Performance Deliberation of Proposed Law (Civic Welfare)

Standards Content
Research Analysis
Transfer Goal In the long run after SHS students can use the What skills to champion in teaching List of Skills to champion in teaching the subject
What in the long run after SHS communication/ Interpersonal Relationship skills the subject are measured (?)…? (Must speak of the nature of the discipline of the subject)
can students do on their own through the deliberation of the house bill. The 1. Communication/ Interpersonal
with what they learned?” content of the house bill will cater and enhance their Relationship
skills in decision making and problem solving. 2. Decision Making & Problem
Through their solutions it will shows the creativity Solving
and critical thinking skills of the learners.
3. Creative& Critical Thinking
Performance Scenario You are the elected District Representative of your … when a student after graduating List of Preparatory Skills of the 4Exits of the K to 12
Province in which you successfully passed your from the SHS: Program
What real-life situation can accomplished house bill in the first reading and  proceeds to college? Communication, Thinking, Problem-solving, Research
students put themselves in committee hearing. The Committee approves the  puts up own business? Communication, Creative Thinking Problem-solving, Risk-
where they can perform the Committee Report and formally transmits the same
transfer goal?”  is employed in any institution? taking Leadership
to the Plenary Affairs Bureau and ready in the  proceeds to technical- Communication Planning, Organizing, and Initiative
plenary session for the second reading. You are
vocational programs? Problem-solving & Self-mgt., Learning, Teamwork
asked by your colleagues to deliver your house bill
Communication, Creative Thinking, Problem-solving
to the committee for the second reading for the
period of amendments and debates. Technical

Address: Y Zuño St., Poblacion B., Rosario, Batangas

Email: pvgmarosbats1946@gmail.com /pvgmarosbats1946.registrar@gmail.com
Tel Nos: Accounting Office: (043) 311-3927
Principal’s Office: (043) 783-8951
Registrar’s Office: (043) 341-5160
“Your partner in education since 1946”
Performance Scenario:

As a duly elected district representative of your province in which you successfully passed your accomplished house bill in the first reading and committee hearing that talked about the
programs for Civic Participation and you will present it in the plenary session.
The students are tasked t create and present a comprehensive proposed law about civic engagement to address the different societal issues faced by the community specifically the youth.
They will present the comprehensive proposed law using the proper principle of communication. The presentation will be assessed based on the following criteria;
 Content
 Research Analysis
 Presentation
Performance Scenario:

Due to the never-ending problem in social, environmental and cultural, our community is facing a different challenge and struggles to recover in a day-to-day basis. You as a duly elected
District Representative in your province are tasked to create and deliver a comprehensive proposed law about civic welfare that will help, support and uplift those who are deprived of certain
services and rights. You will show an innovative solution to solve these different societal issues of the community with regards to civil rights.
Now that your proposed law has successfully passed the house bill in the first reading and committee hearing that talked about the programs for Civic Participation and you will lastly
present it in the plenary session.

Outstanding Satisfactory Developing Beginning

4 3 2 1
Facts are sufficient number to provide Facts provide substantial support. Facts provide some support, but lack More specific details and
highly effective support. Facts are Facts are detailed /precise and details and examples to support examples are needed to support
consistently detailed /precise and very relevant. Good variety of arguments. Some varieties of opinions. Content is vague.
CONTENT relevant Excellent variety of resources resources are used and good sources are used but more blending Limited variety of sources are
are used and highly effective blending blending of sources. of sources is needed. Very few facts used and there is very poor
of sources. are provided blending of sources.

RESEARCH ANALYSIS Clear and convincing Clear use of facts and information Partially clear use of facts and Confusing or incomplete facts
command of facts and information with partially developed information with limited or with little and/or confusing
with explanations in support of the Incomplete explanations to support explanations as to how the facts
Address: Y Zuño St., Poblacion B., Rosario, Batangas
Email: pvgmarosbats1946@gmail.com /pvgmarosbats1946.registrar@gmail.com
Tel Nos: Accounting Office: (043) 311-3927
Principal’s Office: (043) 783-8951
Registrar’s Office: (043) 341-5160
“Your partner in education since 1946”
insightful explanations District Representative’s ideas and District Representative’s ideas and support the District
that help to illustrate the District argument. argument Representative’s ideas and
Representative’s ideas and arguments argument
The deliberation clearly communicates The deliberation communicates The deliberation indirectly The deliberation does not
the idea and strongly promotes the idea and promotes mitigation communicates the idea and hardly sufficiently communicate any
mitigation measures; presentation is measures. promotes mitigation measures. idea that can promote mitigation
compelling. measures.

Prepared by: Reviewed and Checked by: Approved by:


Subject Teacher SHS Academic Coordinator School Administrator/Principal

Address: Y Zuño St., Poblacion B., Rosario, Batangas

Email: pvgmarosbats1946@gmail.com /pvgmarosbats1946.registrar@gmail.com
Tel Nos: Accounting Office: (043) 311-3927
Principal’s Office: (043) 783-8951
Registrar’s Office: (043) 341-5160

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