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Australia Awards in Indonesia is seeking applications for the Development Effectiveness and

Partnerships in the Pacific Short Course. This course aims to foster whole-of-government
collaboration and build practical knowledge of Australia’s development cooperation programs in the
Pacific. The course will showcase the importance of Pacific primacy and the 2050 Strategy for the
Blue Pacific Continent in guiding how we work.
The course includes a 2-week course in Australia and two workshops in Indonesia. The course is
offered to 25 participants, representing agencies responsible for Indonesia’s development
Australia Awards Short Course cooperation program.

Development Effectiveness and Learning objectives

• Build an understanding of Australia’s approach to development cooperation and strategic
Partnerships in the Pacific engagement with Pacific Island countries, including through locally-led development and
country and regional planning processes.
• Build capability in strategic policymaking for international development cooperation.
• Build practical knowledge of Australia’s development cooperation programs in the Pacific,
including program design, engagement with delivery partners, program budgeting and
• Strengthen knowledge of Australia’s approach to climate change, gender equality, disability
equity, and rights in the development program.
• Strengthen capacity for monitoring, evaluation, and learning for effective development
programs, and understand Australia’s approach to transparency and accountability, as well
as risk and safeguards for development programs.
• Strengthen capability for multistakeholder engagement, including working with government,
private sector, academics, think tanks and NGOs.
• Build an understanding of Australia’s whole of government approach to development
cooperation in the region and opportunities for cross-agency collaboration within
Indonesian development program agencies.
• Identify potential opportunities for Indonesian assistance to support development in the
region, including strengthening relations between countries.
• Build capability and share knowledge on strategic communication, conveying the value of
the development program to domestic constituents and partner countries, including through
engagement with media.
This is a fully funded short course. Course fees, mobilisation costs, return airfares (domestic and
international), insurance in Australia (OSHC), accommodation (in Indonesia and Australia), per diem,
transport allowance and visa will be covered by Australia Awards in Indonesia.
Women from disadvantaged backgrounds and people with disability are encouraged to apply!

For more information, please visit or contact

An information session will be held virtually by Australia Awards in Indonesia on Thursday, 30 May
2024 at 10.00 am WIB. This session guides applicants through the application procedures, including
the online application system, selection scheme and interview process. RSVP before 29 May 2024
at 11.00 am WIB at:
Key Dates
• Pre-course workshop in Indonesia in September 2024 (tbc)
• Short course over 2 weeks in Australia in October 2024
• Post-course workshop in Indonesia in February 2025 (tbc)

To apply for this course, you must be a representative from the following Indonesian
Government institutions:
• Indonesian AID
• Ministry of Foreign Affairs:
Australia Awards Short Course • Directorate of International Development Cooperation
Development Effectiveness and • Directorate of Pacific and Oceania
• Directorate of Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs
Partnerships in the Pacific • Secretariat of DG Information and Public Diplomacy
• Secretariat of DG Directorate General of Multilateral
• Centre for Training and Education
• Centre for Policy Strategy for Asia Pacific and Africa Region
• Bureau of Human Resources
• Ministry of Finance:
• Directorate of Loan and Grant
• Centre for Regional and Bilateral Policy
• Ministry of State Secretariat:
• Bureau of International Technical Cooperation
• Ministry of National Development Planning (Bappenas):
• Directorate of Foreign Policy and International Development Cooperation
• National Disaster Management Authority (BNPB)
• Agency for Meteorological, Climatological and Geophysics (BMKG)
• Bureau for Legal Affairs and Organisation
• Ministry of Agriculture
• Bureau of International Cooperation
• Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Affairs
• Bureau of International Cooperation
• Indonesian Embassies in the Pacific
• Indonesian Embassy in Canberra (accredited to Vanuatu)
• Indonesian Embassy in Suva (accredited to Fiji, Tuvalu, Nauru)
• Indonesian Embassy in Port Moresby (accredited to PNG and the Solomon Islands)

General criteria for the participants:

• Bachelor’s degree (S1) level qualification or higher with a minimum of 5 years of relevant
work experience
• Preferably Echelon 2 and 3 government representatives, or Indonesian diplomat(s) who are
posted to Indonesian missions in the Pacific)
• Endorsed by current manager/supervisor;
• Committed to preparing and implementing an Award Project, a small group development
project, as part of the course.
• Have a professional working proficiency in English. The course will be delivered in English.

All applications MUST be submitted online by Thursday, 20 June 2024 at 11.59 pm WIB at the latest

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