Diagnostic Worksheet 3 Class VII Term I AY 2023-24

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The Smart School

Topic: Introduction to Algebra

Diagnostic Worksheet – 3

Name: __________________ Class: VII Section: _____ Date: _______________

Q.1. Write the following as algebraic expressions.

i. The product of m and n added to their sum
ii. The quotient of a and b when a is divided by b, added to their product
iii. One third of x multiplied by the difference of 2p and 5q when 2p is less than 5q
Q.2. Simplify:
a) ab – [ bc – { ca + ab + ( bc – ca – ab )}]

b) If a = 1, b = - 2, c = 3, then evaluate the following.

𝑏𝑐+𝑐𝑎+𝑎𝑏 𝑐−𝑎
i. a + b + c ii. iii.
𝑎𝑏𝑐 𝑎−2𝑏

The Smart School WS3/TI/Class VII/Mathematics/AY 2023 – 24

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