ข้อสอบกลางภาค ภาคเรียนที่1 ชั้น1ปี2566

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ข้อสอบวัดผลกลางภาค ภาคเรียนที่ 1

ปี การศึกษา 2567 วิชาภาษาอังกฤษพื้นฐาน

รหัส อ 21101 ระดับชั้นมัธยมศึกษาปี ที่ 1
จำนวน 20 ข้อ 20 คะแนน
เวลา 30 นาที
ผู้ออกข้อสอบ นางสาวแสงเดือน พรหมสุขันธ์
Directions: Circle the best answer.
1. We use these ____ to cut papers 4. You can draw a better line with a?
or cards? a) Meter
a) Ruler b) Stick
b) Scissors c) Ruler
c) Knife d) Glasses
d) Sharpener 5. The TV plug is connected to the?
2. I need to fasten this note to the a) Switch
notice board. Do you have any? b) Socket
a) Pin c) Bulb
b) Pens d) remote
c) Paper clip 6. What are they doing?
d) Punch a) Laughing
3. I always carry a ______to note my b) Eating
ideas c) Greeting
a) Paper d) Handshake
b) Sticky note
c) Notebook
7. What is he doing?
d) Laptop
a) Playing Game
b) Homework
c) Eating
d) Sleeping

8. What are these students doing? 13. ______ may I go to the toilet
a) Talking please?
b) Watching movie a) What’s up?
c) Singing the Anthem b) Excuse me
d) Playing together c) Can
d) Hello
9. We use___ to switch on the Tv
14. You want someone to take a
a) Switch
photo of you. What will you say?
b) Smart phone
a) Can you take a photo of me?
c) Hands
b) Can I take a photo?
d) Remote
c) Do you want a photo?
d) Can you take a photo of you?
10. _____ is used to keep the class 15. The teacher is speaking very
clean quietly; the student
a) Towel a) Do not understand
b) Broom b) Cannot listen to him
c) Trash c) Cannot hear her
d) Vacuum d) Sitting down
16. What is the color of the flag Of
11. _____this is used to keep waste
a) Red, white, blue, white, blue
such as plastic and paper
b) Red, white, blue, white, red
a) Dirt
c) White, red, blue, red, white
b) Trash Can
d) Red, blue, white, red, white
c) Basket
d) Bucket
17. What is the capital city of
12. ____ it is used for the posting a) Sakon Nakhon
messages and information b) Bangkok
a) Whiteboard c) Phuket
b) Notice board d) Chiang Mai
c) Black board
d) Green board

18. Which is correct ________.


a) Where do you come from?

b) Where are you from?
c) Where you come from
d) Come from

19. Which country is your English

teacher from?
a) Cambodia
b) Cameroon
c) Africa
d) China
20. What is the name of your English
Foreign Teacher?
a) Mr. Ray
b) Mr. Lay
c) Mr. Rey
d) Mr. Roy

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