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ISTE Certification
Updated June, 2022


Note that the foundational expectation is that artifacts meet the ISTE Standards for Educators, which is to say, your artifacts should
reflect strong pedagogy and professionalism that makes thoughtful use of technology or digital resources.

Portfolio submitter (Please provide name, title, and a brief description of your primary role and responsibilities. Additionally,
if you serve in a position other than classroom teacher, describe who your “students” are within the context of your artifact):

Link to artifacts folder/space:

Link to reflection document/artifact:

ISTE Criteria Artifact(s) Links Contextualization of Artifact &

Standard Description of Implementation
Please use naming
convention Please provide 1 unique contextualization per each criterion.

1The educator reflects on Does not count against Insert the link to your reflection document here.
his/her application of the 9-14 artifacts. Please
ISTE standards and goals for introduce yourself in
using them in the future. reflection.


1. Learner 2. Set Trueb_Artifact 1 Artifact 1 demonstrates mastery of Standard 1.1/Criterion 2 setting

professional professional learning goals to explore and apply pedagogical approaches
learning goals. enabled by technology, as outlined in PSC-IT 1.1/ISTE-E 1a. My first goal
was to expand my participation in professional learning networks, and my
second goal was to design instruction that empowered students to curate
information and construct knowledge. To expand my knowledge and
participation in PLNs, I assessed the networks I was participating in and
looked for ways to expand my network outside of my curricular area. I
became active in the Georgia Association for Gifted Children (GAGC) and
was accepted to present a digital storytelling project to colleagues at a state
conference. I looked for ways to share projects ideas and technology
integration tips within grade level PLCs and vertical PLCs. To meet the
second goal of empowering students to curate information and construct
knowledge, I redesigned the argumentative writing unit to include an research
annotated bibliography and curated research organizer in MSWord, data
charts in Excel, and an infographic in Canva that presented information and
included a solution/call to action based on the research question.

This criterion is highlighted in the video from 0:26-3:37


3. Actively Trueb_Artifact 2 Artifact 2 demonstrates mastery of Standard 1.2, Criterion 3,

participate in a to pursue professional interests by creating and actively participating
local or global in local and global learning networks. Recent pursuits have focused on
digital network. select Facebook groups, the GaDOE Community, CTAE
Resources network and Microsoft Teams. The educators in Facebook groups
are eager to seek input into classroom strategies, to collaborate on instructional
design, to share resources, and to support each other. These groups have
developed into global communities as social media brings the world closer
together. The GaDoe community provides statewide collaboration in
academic areas that focus on the standards we teach. The CTEA
Resources network provides workshops for educators to network with
colleagues in the same CTAE pathways which has been important as I
transition from the English department to the CTAE department to teach
computer science.
4. Report Trueb_Artifact 3 Artifact 3 reflects mastery in Standard 1.3 Criterion 4 to stay current with
changes made to research that supports improved student learning outcomes, including findings
teaching practice from the learning sciences. Educational research attempts to discover cause
based on timely, and effect as researchers gather new data from primary or firsthand sources. I
research-based maintain an annotated bibliography of research published within the last 5
best practices. years to further my knowledge to revise my instructional practices. One
research study that affected my instructional practices focused on
the challenges and possibilities of middle school students assessing the
credibility of on-line resources. Based on the findings of the study, I revised
strategy from checklists and mnemonic devices to assess credibility with
my 7th and 8th grade students and designed instruction based
on multiliteracy theory and critical literacy theory that was student
focused and multimodal.


2. Leader 5. Promote a Trueb_Artifact 13 Artifact 13 reflects mastery of Standard 2.1 Criterion 5 to shape,
shared vision. advance and accelerate a shared vision for empowered learning with
technology by engaging with education stakeholders. I designed visual
representations of the seven critical elements ISTE identifies as essential to
technology use in schools. I evaluated peer-reviewed research
articles on Artificial Intelligence which is at the forefront of research and
discussion. To engage stakeholders, I used email and a survey to gather
thoughts on the activities that help promote student agency and how
they envisioned technology could empower students to state their
learning preferences and set goals. The data was shared back to stakeholders
through email, newsletters, and PLC presentations.
6. Advocate for Trueb_Artifact 3 Artifact 4 reflects mastery of Standard 2.2 and explains how I advocated for
equitable access. equitable access to educational technology, digital content and learning
opportunities to meet the diverse learning needs of all students in the Barrow
County Schools district. I created a grant proposal to create super-hot
spots to address the” homework gap” – the inability to complete homework
and extended assignments beyond instructional time. Currently, the district has
four Wi-Fi super-hotspots located at Apalachee High, Winder Barrow High,
Auburn Elementary and Bear Creek Middle schools to address connectivity
issues in the more populated areas. The focus of the grant proposal is
establishing super-hotspots in areas that do not have the infrastructure for
connectivity to ensure that all Barrow County Schools students’ equitable
access to online educational resources can extend their learning beyond the
classroom walls.


7. Model new Trueb_Artifact 5 Artifact 5 reflects mastery of Standard 2.3 to model the identification,
resources or tools. exploration, evaluation, curation, and adoption to new resources and tools
for learning. I created a digital tool evaluation rubric that guides the
reviewer to consider product integration, student data privacy, ease of use
and navigation, curricular instruction components, support for all learners,
and data collection and reporting as well as the hardware requirements and
cost. As an early adopter team member, I explored and
evaluated Microsoft Teams when it was initially introduced in the district,
and most recently in the early implementation of Canvas. I keep a curated
list of resources I evaluated and implemented in my 7th and 8th grade
ELA classroom instruction which is shared with colleagues at building
and district level PLCs. I also create newsletters in Smore that are shared
with colleagues, students, parents, and other stakeholders that
highlight new tools and resources.
3. Citizen 8. Implement Trueb_Artifact 6 Artifact 6 reflects mastery of Standard 3.1 in the creation of experiences for
learning learners that provided the opportunity to make positive, socially responsible
experiences for contributions and exhibit empathetic behavior online that builds relationship
students to be and community. My 7th and 8th grade Advanced Content Language Arts,
empathetic and students participate in online classroom discussions, project-based
socially learning and book clubs which makes it imperative they develop the skills
responsible. to contribute responsibly and empathetically. Students participated in
activities that included scenarios related to digital events with the purpose of
developing those skills. To extend the experience, students created
infographics to share socially responsible vocabulary and strategies.

This criterion is highlighted in the video from 0:13-3:21.


9. Promote student Trueb_Artifact 7 Artifact 7 demonstrates mastery of Standard 3.2, Criterion 9 to establish a
behaviors that culture that promotes curiosity and critical examination of online
encourage curiosity resources and fosters digital literacy and media fluency. As part of an
as they critically integrated research unit with Social Studies, my 8th grade Language
identify/examine Arts students chose a research topic relevant to the Restoration period in
online resources. Georgia, wrote a case study and created a museum artifact. The introductory
activity was the critical examination of information articles which were
not factually credible, based on the CARS method, Resulting discussion
focused on the need to evaluate information in depth when
conducting digital research. In the second activity, students analyzed
digital information for evidence of bias based on language, multiple
perspectives, recognition of complexity, and factors in opposition.
10. Mentor students Trueb_Artifact 6 Artifact 6 reflects mastery of Standard 3.3 Criterion 10, mentoring of
in safe, ethical, and students in the safe, ethical, and legal use of digital information, including
legal use, including intellectual property. I teach 7th and 8th grade Language Arts, and research-
intellectual based writing is a strong focus. At the beginning of our first research-based
property. assignment, we completed three experiences that teach the safe, ethical
and legal use of resources through video, group discussions and
brainstorming ways to avoid plagiarism. During research, I mentor
students in the process of looking at licensing and usage rights with the
understanding that they might have to settle for an image that is not there
first choice.

This criterion is highlighted in the video from 3:23-6:12.


11. Model Trueb_Artifact 6 Artifact 6 reflects mastery of Standard 3.4 Criterion 11, modeling and
responsible use, promoting the management of personal data and digital identity to protect
including protection student privacy. I teach 7th and 8th grade in a 1:1 environment which has
of digital identity increased the need to model the protection of digital identity and personal
and personal data. data to help my students navigate the online world. To promote the
understanding and management of personal data, I designed an activity
titled "Are you a Digital Bigfoot?" in which students identify the size of
their own digital footprint. In the activity "Safe, Secure and
Savvy!" students analyze the security settings in their web browser, phones
apps and social media outlets. I model the importance of digital identity
and student privacy when using digital tools that have been properly
vetted by the technology department and adding an authorization code to
view the class website and newsletters.

This criterion is highlighted in the video from 6:13- 9:08.

4. 12. Collaborate Trueb_Artifact 8 Artifact 8 demonstrates mastery of ISTE Standard 4.1 Criterion
with another 12 dedicating planning time to collaborate with colleagues to
Collaborator educator. create authentic learning experiences that leverage technology. As part of
the coursework for Technology, Teaching and Engaged Learning,
I created an engaged learning project for 8th Grade Language Arts
students that leveraged technology. The planning and revision stages
included collaboration with colleagues in class discussion, in building
level PLCs, and at the District level. These collaborations offered insight
into revisions to ensure the project was engaging and authentic.

This criterion is highlighted in the video from 0:16-3:12


13. Co-learn with Trueb_Artifact 1 Artifact 1 demonstrates mastery of Standard 4.2 Criterion 13, collaboration
students about a and co-learning with students to discover and use new digital
new digital tool. resources and diagnose and troubleshoot technology issues. Our District
created Canva Education accounts for all faculty and students which
offered extended resources beyond Canva Pro. Students and
I collaborated on the new options and decided that a podcast was the new
application they wanted to learn —a project based assessment for the
Literary Non-Fiction Book Clubs unit was redesigned to the creation of a
podcast. We collaborated through discussion channels and a shared
resource document to gather ideas and identify the instructional
videos and tutorials. Trouble shooting techniques focused on sound
recordings that did not save properly and after observation and analysis, a
list of audio recording resources outside of Canva was generated to import
audio. Self-assessment reflection affirmed that students felt confident in
their ability to effectively design podcasts.

This criterion is highlighted in the video from 3:39- 7:18

14. Facilitate Trueb_Artifact 8 Artifact 8 demonstrates mastery of ISTE Standard 4.3 Criterion 14 using
students’ virtual collaborative tools to expand students' authentic, real-world learning
meetings with experiences by engaging virtually with experts, teams and students, locally
experts or students. and globally. Establishing a partnership with experts can help students
make accessible connections with positive career models, develop self-
confidence, and refine collaboration and communication skills. As Brand
Specialists in an Engaged Learning Project, It All Ads Up!, my 8th grade
Language Arts students assume the roles of media planner, content
producer, copywriter, and web designer/3d creator. Virtual meetings with
an advertising agency marketing specialist and a company that
provides promotional designs and products enhanced student
learning in the processes of designing an ad campaign focused on a social
issue and a call to action.

This criterion is highlighted in the video from 3:13-4:46


15. Demonstrate Trueb_Artifact 8 Artifact 8 reflects mastery of Standard 4.4, Criterion 15 to demonstrate
effective cultural competency when communicating with students, parents and
communication colleagues and to interact with them as collaborators in student learning.
with all students’ The first two days of school, my 7th and 8th grade classes
supporters. collaborated on the classroom expectations based on our CATS Creed
which is incorporated into the syllabus. Parents are encouraged to serve
as project mentors and share their knowledge. As facilitator of the gifted
and advanced content services in the building, I use filters in Infinite
Campus to determine the preferential home language to ensure documents
are translated into the appropriate languages and use Language Line when
a district interpreter is not available. Remind is the
recognized communication tool for students and parents,
inbox messaging in Canvas is available for peer-to-peer communication for
students and faculty, and mentoring all create an environment of co-
collaborative learning.

This criterion is highlighted in the video from 4:48 - 7:48

5. Designer 16. Accommodate Trueb_Artifact 9 Artifact 9 reflects mastery of Standard 5.1, Criterion 16 to use technology
learner differences. to create, adapt, and personalize learning experiences that foster
independent learning and accommodate learner differences. Interactive
instruction is created in Canva and Curipod to establish mastery paths in
Canvas for my 7th grade language arts students. In the Historical Fiction
Unit of Study, students research the background of the text using Search
Coach to create curated lists and have the option of taking notes in
their preferred format — concept maps, bulleted notes or sketch notes -
- with a digital tool of choice. Each book club creates its own nightly
reading schedule, which also includes a rotation of the leaders of digital
Socratic seminar discussion conducted in Canvas. Each book club has a
OneNote Classroom Notebook which is used for sharing insights and peer

This criterion is highlighted in the video from 0:17-2:43


17. Align to content Trueb_Artifact 8 Artifact 8 reflects mastery of Standard 5.2, Criterion 17 to design authentic
area standards. learning activities that align with content area standards and use digital
tools and resources to maximize active, deep learning. Working as a design
team in an advertising firm, my 7th grade Language Arts students create
an advertising campaign that addresses a specific current social issue and
offers a path of change. This project is authentic and meaningful as students
address real world issues in a professional role. Standards in Language
Arts, Social Studies and Math are integrated into cross-curricular
learning. Digital tools include Tinkercad, Jotforms, Audacity,
Canva, and Mindcraft are integrated in the unit to create learning that is
rigorous in both depth and breadth.

This criterion is highlighted in the video from 7:49-10:23

18. Design a digital Trueb_Artifact 10 Artifact 10 reflects mastery of Standard 5.3 Criterion 18 to explore and to
learning apply instructional principles to create digital learning environments that
environment. engage and support learning. I used universal design principles to create
a digital learning environment on my classroom website for my 8th
grade Language Arts students. The first module of our literature study
contained the tasks to understand the elements of an allegory and apply
them to select pieces of text. Content was offered in varied formats,
student could progress at their own pace, and student voice and
choice were incorporated the final assessment.


6. Facilitator 19. Facilitate and Trueb_Artifact 9 Artifact 9 reflects mastery of Standard 6.1 Criterion 19 to foster a culture in
guide learning as which students take ownership of their learning goals and outcomes in both
students take independent and group settings. Creating a supporting environment,
ownership of their monitoring learning and building self-awareness fosters a culture in which
learning goals. my 7th and 8th grade Language Arts students thrive. Reflection is part
of the ownership process as students monitor
learning, celebrate achievements and revise goals. Initial and on-
going Collaborative conferences to develop action steps and achievement
indicators assist in the development of student agency as students achieve
and then revise academic goals.

This criterion is highlighted in the video from 2:43-5:27

20. Manage the use Trueb_Artifact 11 Artifact 11 reflects mastery of Standard 6.2, Criterion 20, to manage the use
of technology for of technology in a non-traditional setting. As part of an extended day
learning in a program, I coached a team of 6th and 7th grade students from four
nontraditional different middle schools in the First Lego League Masterpiece! Challenge.
classroom setting. Our sessions totaled four hours per week and were at the
district makerspace. As a team, we decided on a set of technology use
rules in the makerspace that assured everyone knew the expectations. I
facilitated the building of autonomous robots and programming in
Lego Spike block codes.

This criterion is highlighted in the video from 0:11 -2:45


21. Create Trueb_Artifact 11 Artifact 11 reflects mastery of Standard 6.3 Criterion 21 to create
opportunities for opportunities for students to use a design process and/or computational
students to use a thinking. Part of the First Lego League challenge for my 6th and 7th grade
design process team was to complete fourteen challenges on the competition table. In
and/or teams, students completed decomposition to break down each challenge
computational into manageable subproblems. They then looked for recognizable
thinking. patterns that would help them streamline functions as they
designed algorithms for coding. Using engineering notebooks, students
kept track of evaluations and refinements to perfect mission control code to
facilitate a successful performance on the challenge table.

This criterion is highlighted in the video from 2:46-4:57

22. Model and Trueb_Artifact 11 Artifact 11 reflects mastery of Standard 6.4 Criterion 22 to model and
nurture creativity. nurture creativity. As part of the First Lego League Challenge, my team
of 6th and 7th grade students had to identify a specific problem that
related to sharing hobbies and interests and then design and create a
solution. Students used technology to research their hobbies and to identify
roadblocks to others enjoying the same hobby while also researching
technologies that could be used in a solution. As a facilitator in the process,
I encouraged discussion that went beyond normal expectations to help them
find creative ways to design their solution.

This criterion is highlighted in the video from 4:57-7:16.


7. Analyst 23. Provide Trueb_Artifact 9 Artifact 9 reflects mastery in Standard 7.1, Criterion 23 to
alternative ways for provide alternate ways for students to show competency and reflect on
students to show their learning using technology. Interactive instruction provides multi-
competency. modal opportunities for my 7th and 8th grade Language Arts students
to reflect on instructional concepts and assess their understanding. OneNote
Classroom notebook is integrated into our LMS and used for notetaking,
concept and mind maps as well as weekly reflections. During assessment
design conferences, choice boards that provide concepts for alternate
assessments are discussed, however, students are free to propose a different
assessment concept which is then matched to the standards. Rubrics are
designed in the initial conference to ensure the alternate assessments meet
the standards addressed in the assessment.

This criterion is highlighted in the video from 5:30-8:30

24. Use assessment Trueb_Artifact 12 Artifact 12 reflects mastery of Standard 7.2 Criterion 24 to use assessment
data to inform and data to inform and guide instruction based on individual student needs. As
guide instruction part of the Language Arts Units of Study (UoS), my 7th and 8th grade
based on individual students participate in formative assessments including dialectical
student needs. journals, Socratic seminars, and creative projects as well as district
wide benchmark assessments. While the UoS program is designed to
facilitate literary understanding through discussion, it does not
incorporate any structed writing which was evidenced by benchmark
results. A gradual release model was implemented to help students focus
routinely on writing and literary understanding was implemented in
individualized learning paths.

This criterion is highlighted in the video from 0:08-3:08


25. Provide Trueb_Artifact 12 Artifact 12 reflects mastery of Standard 7.3 Criterion 25 to provide
opportunities for opportunities for students to reflect on their own learning data. NWEA
students to reflect MAP is administered three times a year in Math, Reading, and Language to
on their own my 7th and 8th grade ELA students as well as District Language Arts
learning data. Reading Benchmark assessments and writing assessments that mirror the
GMAS End of Grade assessments. Individual results for each District
benchmark are shared back to the students for discussion and self-
evaluation as are the writing assessments. For each administration of
NWEA MAP, students reflect on their achievement levels and set personal
goals based on their individual data which is shared with
parents during student growth conferences.

This criterion is highlighted in the video from 3:08-5:40


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