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Name of Student: RANJAY T.


MAED 212: Design & Evaluation of Instructional Media

Title: An Examination of the Design Methodologies and Evaluations of Novice Instructional Designers

The case study "A Case Study of the Design Practices and Judgments of Novice Instructional
Designers" explores the design methodologies and evaluations of novice instructional designers. The
study looks at how these designers approach the instructional design process, come to judgments,
and use their expertise in actual situations. Examining their design processes, the experiences they
have while designing, their comments on these experiences, and their subsequent application of what
they have learnt are all included in the content. It delves into the approaches used by novices, their
evaluation criteria, and the challenges they face during the design process. The study aims to shed
light on the experiences of novice instructional designers and provide insights into how they can be
better supported in their professional development.

My Experience:
As an aspiring teacher instructional designer, I found this case study particularly intriguing and
relevant to my own journey. I have recently started delving into instructional design for my students as
a 21st century teacher, and it has been a thrilling yet challenging experience. Like the novices in the
study, I have encountered various hurdles in creating effective instructional materials. Understanding
the design methodologies and judgments of novices has given me reassurance that I am not alone in
facing these obstacles.

My Reflection:
The case study highlighted the importance of providing proper guidance and mentorship to
novice instructional designers. Learning about the various design methodologies used by novices
made me realize that while there are established models, novices tend to rely on their creativity and
intuition, often resulting in unique and innovative approaches. However, this creativity may also lead
to overlooking certain essential aspects of instructional design, which is where mentorship and
support become crucial. Moreover, the study emphasized the significance of evaluating instructional
materials effectively. Novices often struggle with the assessment process, and I can relate to this
challenge. It made me realize the necessity of adopting systematic evaluation techniques to ensure
the quality and effectiveness of my instructional materials to cater to the learners needs.

My Application:
I intend to apply the lessons learned to my own instructional design practices. Firstly, I will
actively seek mentorship and feedback from experienced teacher instructional designers to gain
valuable guidance and improve my design methodologies. I believe that having an experienced
mentor can help me navigate the challenges more effectively and enhance the overall quality of my
work. Secondly, I will adopt a more structured and systematic approach to evaluating my instructional
materials. I plan to research established evaluation frameworks and integrate them into my design
process. This will enable me to identify and address any shortcomings in my designs and make
necessary improvements to ensure better learning outcomes for the learners.

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