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CLASS -9 HOMI BHABHA L-7,8 MM:40 TIME: 30 min. DT:23/12/2020

1. Biotic components of biosphere is not constituted by –

(a) Producers (b) Consumers (c) decomposer (d) air [1]
2. Major source of mineral in soil is the –
(a) Parent rock from which soil is covered (b) Plants (c) animals (d) bacteria[1]
3. One of the following factors does not lead to soil formation in nature
(a) the sun (b) water (c) wind (d) polythene bags [1]
4. The nitrogen molecules present in air can be converted into nitrates and nitritesby –
a) a biological process of nitrogen fixing bacteria present in soil
b) a biological process of carbon fixing factor present in soil
c) any of the industries manufacturing nitrogenous compounds.
d) The plants used as cereal crops in field [1]
5. Which one of these is not fossil fuel –
(a) coal (b) Petrol (c) Diesel (d) wood [1]
6. Which step is not involved in the carbon cycle?
(a) Photosynthesis (b) Transpiration (c) Respiration (d) Burning of fossil fuels. [1]
7. Total earth’s surface covered by water is
(a) 75% (b) 60% (c) 85% (d) 50% [1]
8. Growth of lichens on barren rocks is followed by the growth of
(a) Mosses (b) ferns (c) gymnosperms (d) Algae. [1]
9. If there were no atmosphere around the earth, the temperature of the earth will
(a) increase (b) go on decreasing
(c) Increase during day and decrease during night (d) be unaffected. [1]
10. The fertility of soil is lost due to
(a) Afforestation (b) crop rotation (c) Soil erosion (d) strip cropping [1]
11. Which organism cannot fix atmospheric Nitrogen?
(a) Rhizobium (b) Nostoc (c) Azotobactor (d) E. coli [1]
12. Harmful UV radiations coming from sun to earth are absorbed by –
(a) O2 (b) CO2 (c) NO2 (d) O3 [1]
13. Which substance is responsible for depletion of ozone layer?
(a) CO2 (b) CH4 (C) CFC’S (d) CO [1]
14. Which of the following statements does not give the correct definition in relation with ‘water
(a) The addition of undesirable substances from water bodies.
(b) The removal of desirable substances from water bodies.
(c)A change in pressure of water bodies.
(d) A change in temperature of the water bodies. [1]
15. Rainfall patterns depend on –
(a) The underground water table
(b) The number of water bodies in an area.
(c) The density pattern of human population in an area.
(d) The prevailing season in an area. [1]
16. The major component of air in Venus & Mars is –
(a) O2 (b) CO2 (c) NO2 (d) He [1]
17. Which of the following is present abundantly in air?
(a) Nitrogen (b) Oxygen (c) CO2 (d) Water [1]
18. The regions of earth from outside to inside is:-
(a) Core, mantle, and crust (b) Core, crust, and mantle
(c) crust, mental, and core (d) mantle, core, and crust [1]
19. Which layer is topmost layer from earth’s surface?
(a) Troposphere (b) Stratosphere (c) Mesosphere (d) Thermosphere [1]
20. The process by which O2 gets converted to CO2 is:-
(a) Photosynthesis (b) Breathing (c) Respiration (d) Both (a) and (b) [1]
21. A food chain always starts with
(a) respiration (b) photosynthesis (c) decay (d) nitrogen fixation [1]
22. Ozone layer is damaged by-
(a) methane (b) carbon-dioxide (c) sulphur dioxide (d) CFCs [1]
23. Which of the following limits the number of trophic levels in a food chain?
(a) water (b) polluted air (c) deficient food supply
(d) decrease in energy at higher trophic levels [1]
24. Which of the following is non-biodegradable-
(a) paper (b) wood (c) cloth (d) plastic [1]
25. Which of the following is not a terrestrial ecosystem-
(a) forest (b) desert (c) aquarium (d) grassland [1]
26. What will happen if deer is missing in the given food chain?
Grass → Deer → Tiger
(a) the population of tiger decreases and the population of grass increases
(b) the population of grass decreases
(c) tiger will start eating grass (d) the population of tiger increases [1]
27. The decomposers in an ecosystem-
(a) convert organic material to inorganic forms (b) convert inorganic material to simpler forms
(c) convert inorganic material into organic compound
(d) do not break down organic compound [1]
28. The second trophic level is always of-
(a) herbivores (b) autotrophs (c) carnivores (d) producers [1]
29. The percentage of solar radiation absorbed by all the green plants for the process of photosynthesis is
about- (a) 1% (b) 8% (c) 5% (d) 10% [1]
30. The ecosystem of earth is known as-
(A) biome (B) community (C) biosphere (D) association [1]
31. Which of the following constitute a food chain?
(A) Grass, goat and human (B) Goat, cow and elephant
(C) Grass fish and goat (D) Grass, wheat and mango [1]
32. Flow of energy in an ecosystem is always-
(A) Unidirectional (B) bidirectional (C) multidirectional (D) no specific direction. [1]
33. Which of the following limits the of trophic levels in a food chain-
(a) water (b) polluted (c) deficient food supply (d) decrease in energy at higher trophic levels[1]
34. In natural ecosystems, decomposers include-
(a) only bacteria and fungi (b) only microscopic animals
(c) herbivores and carnivores (d) both (b) and (c) [1]
35. All living organisms of the earth constitute a-
(a) biosphere (b) biotic community (c) biome (d) ecosystem [1]
36. The Indian Institute of Ecology and Environment, Delhi, was established in
a)1981 b)1980 c)1880 d)1990
37. Conversion of ammonia into a nitrite and then nitrate
a)Nitrification b)denitrification c)Ammonification d)none
38. In the process of obtaining nutrition, yeast cells convert the carbohydrates in that solution into
a) alcohol and carbon dioxide b) alcohol and carbon monoxide c) alcohol and oxygen
d)lactic acid and carbon dioxide.
39. A yeast, ___is usedto absorb the toxins released during the production of palm oil and the heavy
metals and minerals released in someother industrial processes
a)Yarrowia lipolytica b) Saccharomyces cereviceae c) Alcanivorax d)none
40. Find the odd one out:
a)ampicillin b)amoxicillin c) tetracycline d) gentamycin
41. who conducted important research on the toxin responsible for gas gangrene and the antitoxin
useful for treating it?
a) Van Ermengem b) Ida Bengston c) Alexander Fleming d)none
42. Identify the odd word out: a) Pneumonia b) diphtheria c) chicken pox d) cholera.
43. Identify the odd word out a. Lactobacilli b) rhizobia c) yeast d)clostridia.
44. Identify the odd word out a) Root rot b) rust (tambera) c) rubella d)mozaic.
45.Match the pairs.
‘A’ group ‘B’ group
1. Rhizobium a. Food poisoning
2. Clostridium b. Nitrogen fixation
3. Penicillium c. Bakery products
4. Yeast d. Production of antibiotics
a)1-b,2-a,3-d,4-c b) 1-b,2-c,3-d,4-a c) 1-c,2-a,3-d,4-c d) 1-b,2-d,3-a,4-c

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