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TEST NO 7 – stats and counting principle - Answers

1 James sells cups of coffee and cans of coke for Kwabhekilanga Learners and educators during lunch
time. The following table shows the number of sold cups of coffee and cans of coke in the first 10
days of June:

No. of cans of coke 166 152 144 138 130 124 119 112 105 96
No. of cups of 63 74 93 99 89 105 122 131 144 157


The correlation is ……

1.1 Mean number of cans sold is …. Mode

A 20,69 1
B 10 Enter number of cans per day
C 21,81 Shift
D 128,6 1
1.2 Standard deviation of the number of cans sold is …. Mode
A 20,69 1
B 21,81 Enter number of cans per day
C 128,6 Shift
D 102,7 1

1.3 Interquartile range of the number of cans is … 1

Q1= (10+1)=2 ,75
A 148 105+112
B 39,5 Q 1= =108 , 5
C 108,5
D 5,5 Q3= (10+1)=8 , 25
Q 1= =148

IQR=148−108 , 5=39 , 5

1.4 In how many days were the daily sales of cans below 128 , 6−20 ,69=107 , 91
one standard deviation?
Sales of 105 and 96 cans
A 1 day
B 2 days 2 days
C 3 days
D 4 days

1.5 Which one of the following is the correct equation of Mode

least squares regression line? 2
A y=280,98 – 1,35x Enter data scores
B y=-280,98 + 1,35x AC
C y=388,88 – 2,11x Shift
D y=-388,88 + 2,11x 1


A=280 , 98∧B=−1, 35
y=280 ,98 – 1 ,35 x

1.6 Estimate the number of cans of coke which can 50=280 , 98−1 , 35 x
possibly be sold if 50 cups of coffee were to be sold
under the same conditions influencing the sales. x=171 , 09

A 171 cans Therefore 171 cans

B 213 cans
C 198 cans
D 204 cans

1.7 Which ONE of the statements is correct about the data? Enter data scores
A Moderate positive correlation Shift
B Perfect negative correlation. 1
C weak positive correlation 5
D strong negative correlation 1


r =−0 , 97

strong negative correlation

2 On the 14th of June 2024, members of national assembly were sworn in. The table below shows the
ages of the parliamentarians who were present on that first day after the elections.

Age groups Number of

20< x ≤30 25
30< x ≤ 40 39
40 < x ≤ 50 62
50< x ≤60 81
60< x ≤70 53
70< x ≤80 27
80< x ≤ 90 9

The speaker of parliament observed thatk members of MKP were absent on that first day. It was
1 1
found that of k members of MKP who were absent are between the ages of 80 and 90, while of
4 3
them (k members of MKP who were absent) are between the ages of 70 and 80, and the rest of them
(absent MKP members) are between the ages of 60 and 70 . The estimated mean age of the
parliamentarians including MPK members who were absent is 55,2.

Calculate the number of MKP members who were absent on the first day.

Absent members of MKP between the ages of 80 and 90 = k
Absent members of MKP between the ages of 70 and 80 = k
1 1 5
Absent members of MKP between the ages of 60 and 70 =k- k − k= k
4 3 12
Total members who were present =296

55.2=(25 ×25)+(35× 39)+(45 × 62)+(55 ×81)+ ¿ ¿

325 85
55.2(296+ k )=625+1365+2790+ 4455+3445+ k +2025+25 k + 765+ k
12 4
325 85
16339.2+55 , 2 k=625+1365+ 2790+4455+ 3445+ k +2025+ 25 k +765+ k
12 4
−18,133333333 k =−869 , 2
k =48
∴ 48 members of MKP were absent on the first day.

A. 64
B. 48
C. 72
D. 56

A 64
B 48
C 72
D 56

3 Refer to the cumulative frequency curve below that represents the results of 80 pupils that wrote a test
out of 60 marks.
3.1 How many pupils got between 12 and 48 for the test? 74−10=64 Refer to the graph

A 64
B 74
C 10
D 36

3.2 What percentage of pupils got more than 60% for the 60
60 % of 60=60 × =36
Learners who got more than 36 = 80-69=21
A 25% 21
B 31% × 100=26 , 25 %
C 36%
D 26%

4 Consider the word: Mississippi

4.1 How many 7 letters words can be formed out of the

given word if:

4.1.1 Letters may be repeated.

A 823543 11×11× 11×11×11× 11×1=19487171

B 5040
C 19487171
D 3628800

4.1.2 Letters may not be repeated.

11×10 × 9 ×8 ×7 × 6 ×5=1663200 11×10 × 9 ×8 ×7 × 6 ×5=1663200

A 1663200 OR
B 19487171 11!
C 1336200
D 39916800

4.2 How many 11 letters words can be formed out of the 9!

given word if the word starts with M and ends with I.
3! × 4 ! × 2
Taking same letters as identical.
Since the word begins with M and I, M and I
are fixed at the beginning and end
A 39916800 respectively.
B 362880 We play around with only 9 letters.
C 15120 Since one I is fixed, only 3 i’s, 4 s’s and 2 p’s.
D 1260

4.3 How many 11 letters words can be formed out of the

given word, if each word begins with a vowel. Taking 4 ×10 !=14515200
same letters as different.
There are 4 vowels (i.e. i) which are treated as
A 3628800 different. One 1 is chosen out of possible 4
B 14515200 and remain with 10.
C 87091200
D 967680

5 3 South Africans, 2 Nigerians, 2 Brazilians and 4

Zimbabweans take flight from OR Tambo to Paris to
watch the 2024 Olympics.

5.1 In how many ways can the passengers of the given

nationality sit, if …

5.1.1 South Africans sit next to each other. 3 ! ×9 !=2177280

A 1088640 1 group of 3 South Africans + 8 passengers =9

B 241920
C 2177280
D 39916800

5.1.2 Zimbabweans and Nigerian mix and sit next to each

other. 6 ! × 6!=518400

A 241920 Total
B 576234
C 86400
D 518400

5.1.3 What is the probability that the passengers of the same 3! × 2× 2 ×4 ! ×4 !

nationality sit next to each other?
A 0,0001 4 means there 4 groups of passengers of
B 0,0002 different nationalities.
C 0,0003
4 0,0004

6 Consonants and odd numbers are used to create

password of 5 characters. 3 consonants and 2 odd

6.1.1 How many passwords can be created if letters

(consonant) may not be repeated and digits (odd 21 ×20 ×19 ×5 × 5=199500
numbers) may be repeated.
There are 21 consonants
A 312000 There are 5 odd number
B 159600
C 231525 21 ×20 ×19 repetition not permitted
D 199500 5 ×5 repetition permitted

6.1.2 If both letters and digits may not be repeated, determine

the number of letters (consonants) that can be added to 21 ×20 ×19 ×5 × 4=159600
the password so that minimum of 780 000 000 21 ×20 ×19 ×18 × 5× 4=2872800
passwords can be created, if only two odd numbers are 21 ×20 ×19 ×18 × 17× 5 ×4=48837600
used. 21 ×20 ×19 ×18 × 17× 16 ×5 × 4=781401600
781401600>780 000 000
B2 3 letters

7 Digits 0 to 9 are used to create 5 digits password under

the following conditions.
2 ×5 ×8 × 7× 6=3360
-Each password should be a number greater or equal to
40 000. For 5 digits number to be greater or equal to
-Each password should be an even number. 40 000, it should begin with numbers 4-9.
-Each password begins with a prime number. Therefore only 2 prime numbers between 4
-Digits may not be repeated. and 9 (i.e. 5 and 7).
For the number to be even number it should
A 3360 end with numbers one of 5 numbers (0,2,4,6 &
B 4032 8)
C 5040 2nd number is any number out of remaining 8.
D 2016 3rd number is any number out of remaining 7.
4th number is any number out of remaining 6.

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