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The British Journal of Radiology, 80 (2007), 469–475

Neutron contamination of 10 MV X-rays: its relevance to

treatment room door and maze design
1 2

Medical Physics Department, Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, St Thomas’ Hospital, London SE1 7EH and
Medical Physics Department, Royal Sussex County Hospital, Brighton, East Sussex BN2 5BE, UK

ABSTRACT. 10 MV X-rays produced by linear accelerators are commonly used in

radiotherapy. This paper demonstrates that neutron leakage cannot be neglected at 10
MV when direct access doors are used or when short mazes, typically less than 7 m in
length, are employed. Measurements and calculations were made in terms of the
operational quantities and personal and ambient dose equivalents, and the use of
neutron fluence or contentious issues, such as effective dose and radiation weighting
factors, were avoided. Neutron leakage from the head of an Elekta Precise linear
Received 22 February 2005
accelerator was measured and compared with published data. The neutron protection Revised 17 August 2006
afforded by a direct access door was considered and the use of borated polyethylene to Accepted 4 September
remove thermal neutrons was found to be unnecessary. Extensive measurements were 2006
made in two treatment room mazes using survey meters of the Andersson-Braun and
DOI: 10.1259/bjr/17350806
Leake type. Acceptable agreement was found between the individual instrument
readings and calculations. However, one meter unexpectedly appeared to both ’ 2007 The British Institute of
respond to photons and over-respond at high neutron dose rates. Radiology

Neutron dosimetry admits that ‘‘insufficient account was taken of the large
photon component that results in the human body when
The impression given by many publications [1] is that exposed to neutrons below 1 MeV’’ [4]. The resulting
the production of neutrons by clinical linear accelerators is difficulties have still not been fully resolved.
only relevant for machines producing X-rays of energy We deliberately avoid the use of radiation weighting
above 10 MV. factors as employed in the maze calculations of Institute of
This can lead to the false conclusion that neutrons are Physics and Engineering in Medicine (IPEM) 75 [5].
unimportant at 10 MV, so much so that at a recent Whenever possible in this publication we quote neutron
installation at St Thomas’ Hospital, London using a direct doses and perform calculations in terms of operational
access door with no maze, the door supplier initially quantities. Ambient dose equivalents H*(10) are relevant
suggested that no neutron protection would be necessary. to survey meter measurements and personal dose equiva-
Neutron dosimetry for radiation protection is difficult. lents Hp(10,0) to personal dosimeter badge measurements.
Terms and quantities relevant to radiation safety are set out The numerical relationship of H*(10) and Hp(10,0) is, to a
in the UK in the Approved Code of Practice of the Ionising good approximation, unity [6] and we use this simplifica-
Radiation Regulations (IRR) [2] and incorporate changes tion. IRR 1999 accepts that such measurements can be used
recommended by the International Commission on to demonstrate legal compliance with effective dose limits.
Radiological Protection (ICRP) in 1991 in Publication 60 [3]. Another area of complexity is the traditional use of
Changes to radiation factors present a particular problem neutron fluence for head leakage and room scatter calcula-
when comparing past measurements or using and adapt- tions as in IPEM 75 and NCRP 79 [7]. To convert fluence to
ing old methods of calculation. Changes to neutron quality ambient or personal dose equivalent [8] knowledge of the
factors introduced by ICRP Publication 60 were not large neutron spectrum is required. We do not have this knowl-
and a neutron survey meter calibrated, say, 20 years ago edge and have attempted to convert fluence calculations to
could retain the same calibration factor if calibration is dose equivalent calculations using information in NCRP 79.
performed to an accuracy of +/2 30% (Private commu- Using the dosimetric approach outlined above, this
nication, Thomas DJ, National Physical Laboratory (NPL) paper investigates neutron leakage when a Precise linear
2004). Even the calibration factor supplied by the NPL for accelerator (Elekta Ltd, Crawley, UK) is generating
the St Thomas’ meter used in this publication has not 10 MV X-rays and quantifies the effect for bunkers with
changed significantly with the introduction of IRR 1999. direct access doors and short mazes.
The impression that neutron effective dose has increased
substantially is given when calculations utilize radiation
weighting factors recommended by ICRP 60. However,
errors were made in estimating the new factors and ICRP
Materials – neutron dosimeters
Neutron personal dosimeter badges
Address correspondence to: Dr Peter Rudd, Medical Physics
Department, Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, St
Neutron monitoring badges were used in high dose
Thomas’ Hospital, Lambeth Palace Road, London SE1 7EH, UK. rate situations and to confirm doses estimated from
E-mail: survey meter readings in low dose rate areas [9].

The British Journal of Radiology, June 2007 469

P J Rudd, D Prior and S Austin-Smith

The two types of badges employed were of the CR-39 As demonstrated by recent Monte Carlo calculations [11]
type. One difficulty in choosing a suitable badge is these meters can under-respond or over-respond by
determining the consequences of its energy response [6, almost an order of magnitude at certain energies and
10]. In order to determine the leakage rate from the X-ray beam directions. In their normal orientations H*(10) can
head polyallyldiglycol carbonate (PADC) badges were be overestimated by about a factor of 5 at approximately
obtained from the NRPB, Chilton, UK. The NRPB, now 5 keV and underestimated by a factor of 2.5 at 0.025 eV
the Radiation Protection Division of the Health for neutrons in thermal equilibrium with their surround-
Protection Agency, performed calculations to correct ings. However, corrections for NM2 meters in practical
the badge response for intrinsic sheet sensitivity, the spectra in the nuclear industry can be only of the order of
angle of incidence and the neutron spectrum. Luxel dose 15% [12]. Due to the paucity of relevant published
monitoring badges containing a Neutrak 144 neutron spectra no correction has been applied in this paper.
detector were obtained from Landauer Inc., Oxford, UK
for measuring photon and neutron doses within and
external to a treatment room as discussed below.
Landauer reported the doses from these badges in their Neutron head leakage
normal manner. The energy range of these badges is
quoted as ‘‘Thermal neutrons below 0.5 eV and fast Measurements
neutrons from 40 keV to 35 MeV’’. Badges have inherent PADC badges were placed at varying distances and
limitations when measuring low doses outside treatment positions in the isocentric plane and around the head of
rooms. The minimum reported dose for fast neutrons for Elekta 1 (serial number 105635) at St Thomas’ Hospital.
each of the two badges used in this study is quoted as
The collimation system was closed. The photon dose that
0.2 mSv and for Neutrak 144, for thermal neutrons,
would otherwise have been delivered to the isocentre
0.1 mSv.
was 100 Gy.

Neutron survey meters

Two NM2B survey meters (Thermo Electron Corpo-
The values of Hp(10,0) reported by the NRPB were
ration, Beenham, UK) of the generic Andersson-Braun
fitted to a (1/r2) relationship. Ignoring the constant term
type were used. Meter A was owned by St Thomas’
(attributed to room scatter), the leakage due to direct
Hospital and meter B was loaned by Elekta Ltd.
neutrons at 1 m from the target (identified as L(1) below)
These meters have high discrimination against
was of the order of 0.0045% Sv Gy21, i.e. 0.000045
photons but can be affected by large photon pulses
neutron Sv per photon Gy at the isocentre.
produced by linear accelerators. NM2B meters are fitted
with a circuit that monitors the presence of a high photon
pulse and then switches off the neutron detection circuit
while the X-ray pulse subsides. The slower neutrons then Neutron leakage and a direct access door
arrive at the monitor to be detected. This photon At St Thomas’, Elekta 3 (serial number 105742) was
response was partly investigated in this study. placed in a bunker constructed of LediteH blocks (Atomic
The dead-time of the survey instruments may result in International Ltd, Frederick, USA). A direct access door
neutrons not being detected in pulse fields [5]. For a of welded steel plates was to be provided with 20 cm of
Precise accelerator operating at 10 MV with a pulse lead and calculations were performed to determine the
repetition rate of 200 s21, NM2B meter readings above neutron shielding required.
65 mSv h21 should underestimate the true reading. Meter
A is regularly calibrated using a 252 Cf source at the NPL
and the meter response is quoted in terms of ambient
dose equivalent H*(10). Meter B had been calibrated by Theoretical calculations
the NRPB to an accuracy of +/2 30%.
The NPL also conducted measurements on our behalf Unattenuated dose at the door due to epithermal
using Harwell Model 0949 survey meters (Harwell neutrons
Instruments Ltd., Winfrith, UK) of the generic Leake We have converted Equation (13) of NCRP 79 to one in
type. terms of H*(10).
Both types of meter essentially count the number of
neutrons arriving at the detecting element. The different L(p)~L(1)  r12 (Eave =Edir )0:735 (1=r2 z4pW =S) ð1Þ
designs, e.g. the materials used to absorb neutrons on
their way to the detector, attempt to ensure that the
efficiency of neutron detection mimics the ambient dose where
equivalent to fluence correction curve. If this were L(p) is the H*(10) leakage at a position p per photon Gy
perfectly achieved, no correction for the neutron energy (Sv Gy21)
spectrum would need to be applied. The orientation of L(1) is the Hp(10,0) leakage due to direct neutrons at
the meters relative to the neutron beam can significantly 1 m (Sv Gy21)
alter their response. In consequence the NM2B meters r1 is the distance, at which L(1) was determined (1 m)
were used in the 90 degree (side-on) orientation and Eave is the average energy of both direct and scattered
Harwell meters in the 0 degree (straight-on) orientation. neutrons (MeV)

470 The British Journal of Radiology, June 2007

Neutrons at 10 MV, treatment room door and maze design

Edir is the average energy of the direct neutrons after Neutron shielding in the door
passing through the head shielding (MeV) From NCRP 79 the dose equivalent tenth value layer
r is the distance from the X-ray target (m) (TVL) for polyethylene is expected to be 7.15 cm for Eave
S is the internal surface area of the treatment room equal to 0.28 MeV. Unlike photons, it is not clear what
(m2) oblique incidence correction is necessary; therefore, no
W is a dimensionless constant attempt has been made to make such a correction. In
W normally has a value of 5.4. But when we consider order to reduce the transmitted H*(10) to 0.5 mSv per
an opening, we have assumed only half the room annum, 19.9 cm of polyethylene would be required.
scattered neutrons are travelling in the direction out of Atomic International actually installed 22.5 cm of poly-
the treatment room; in such a case we have used a value ethylene to fully fill the void in the door. Calculation
of 2.7. This simple assumption possibly leads to an therefore suggests that the transmitted H*(10) should be
overestimation by a factor of 2 or p in the scattered 0.21 mSv per annum and the instantaneous H*(10) rate,
neutron contribution to the dose [13, 14]. The term 1.25 mSv h21. The attenuation of the steel facing of the
involving the ratio Eave/Edir is needed to convert from a door can be ignored and that of 20 cm of lead is minimal;
fluence based equation. if we used a TVL of 80 cm [15] the instantaneous H*(10)
The power factor 0.735 results from Figure 31a of rate would be reduced to 0.7 mSv h21.
NCRP 79 and is applicable to spectra with average
neutron energies below 1.0 MeV. No account is taken Unattenuated dose at the door due to thermal
here of the effects of ICRP 60 on the accuracy of Figure neutrons
31a. Thermal neutrons scattered in the room are considered
Eave/Edir is derived from Equation (2) which is a separately in NCRP 79. McGinley et al [16] provide an
reformulation of Equation (14) of NCRP 79 to amplify the estimate of the thermal neutron fluence. We derive
effect of selecting different values of W. Equation (3).

Eave =Edir ~(Sz0:24W 4pr2 )=(SzW 4pr2 ) ð2Þ TR~L(1)r12 (Ft =Fdir )  (Y  4p=S) ð3Þ

We have used the following information. The distance, r, where

to the centre of the door opening is approximately 4 m TR is the H*(10) leakage due to thermal neutrons (Sv
and the internal surface area, S, of the room is Gy21)
approximately 182 m2. A value of Edir of 0.65 MeV for Ft is the fluence to H*(10) conversion factor for thermal
10 MV X-rays as suggested by NCRP 79 was used. To neutrons of average energy 0.025eV (Sv m2)
calculate instantaneous H*(10) rates and annual H*(10) at Fdir is the fluence to H*(10) conversion factor for the
the treatment room door we need further information. direct neutrons (Sv m2)
The Elekta 3 bunker design assumes a high tension (ht) Y is a dimensionless constant
on time at 10 MV of 167 hours per annum at 500 monitor Y normally has a value of 1.26 for a closed concrete
units per minute. This ht on time results from the room. For an opening, we again make the simple and
delivery of traditional treatments at St Thomas’ using a possibly incorrect assumption that only half the room
motorized wedge. The photon dose consistent with our scattered neutrons travel in the direction out of the room.
definition of head leakage becomes effectively 50 kGy In such a case we have used a value of 0.63. The ratio (Ft/
per annum. Fdir ) is of the order of (1/19.1) [8]. For Elekta 3, H*(10)
Table 1 provides the results of two sets of calculations, with the door closed equates to 10.2 mSv and with it
on the inside of the closed door and at the open door. open 5.1 mSv.
The closed door calculation is simply provided to give an
estimate of the dose that would be received by a
monitoring badge on the inside surface of the door. Thermal neutron shielding in the door
It is common practice to incorporate boron into
The open door calculation allows us to estimate the
polyethylene to absorb thermal neutrons but is this
amount of neutron shielding required in the treatment
always necessary? Relative to boron, pure polyethylene
is a poor absorber of neutrons. The cross-section of
hydrogen is only 0.33 barns for thermal neutrons. This
would suggest that in a distance of 22.5 cm only half of
Table 1. Neutron dose calculations applicable to in-room the thermal neutrons are captured. A transmitted H*(10)
dose monitoring and door protection for the Elekta 3 bunker of 2.6 mSv per annum equates to an instantaneous
at St Thomas’ Hospital H*(10) rate of 15.5 mSv h21. This would be unacceptable.
However, various references [17, 18] state that thermal
Parameter Inside closed door At open door
neutrons diffuse only a few centimetres in tissue before
Average energy of 0.23 0.28 being captured by a hydrogen nucleus. Moreover, the
neutrons (MeV) fall off of dose equivalent with depth for thermal
26 26
Neutron (Sv. photon 9.1 * 10 6.0 * 10 neutrons indicates a TVL of approximately 13 cm for
Gy21) tissue [17]. Polyethylene has a very similar hydrogen
Annual H*(10) (mSv) 455 300 content to tissue so if this TVL is used the H*(10) rate due
Instantaneous 2724 1796
to thermal neutrons outside a 22.5 cm polyethylene door
H*(10) rate (mSv h21)
would be of the order of only 0.54 mSv h21.

The British Journal of Radiology, June 2007 471

P J Rudd, D Prior and S Austin-Smith

a poor attenuator of thermal neutrons. This conclusion was

also supported by Luxel neutron dose monitoring badges
placed outside the door at floor and waist level. The
reporting threshold dose for thermal neutrons of
100 mSv was not exceeded in a 3 month monitoring period.
Badges were also placed in the treatment room either
side of the door. The badges were left in place for 21
treatment days and the total ht on time was recorded as
27.3 h. These badges registered a fast neutron Hp(10,0) of
7.9 and 13.8 mSv, an average of 10.9 mSv. If we assume
that ht on time at 10 MV was 50% of the total, then the
projected annual dose would be 132 mSv compared with
455 mSv calculated above. The poor agreement may be
due to many factors not least that we did not record the
actual beam on time at 10 MV. However, the thermal
neutron dose was recorded as 0.5 and 0.9 mSv, an
average of 0.7 mSv. This implies an annual dose of
8.5 mSv, in good agreement with the value of 10.2 mSv
calculated above.
The door provided by Atomic International exceeded
our protection requirements. The H*(10) rate for photons
at 10 MV was measured outside the treatment room door
as 1 mSv h21 giving a total value of 1.5 mSv h21 for both
Figure 1. The bunker at Royal Sussex County Hospital.
photons and neutrons. Ignoring the contribution from
Primary barriers (stippled) are of higher density concrete 6 MV photons, the annual H*(10) is expected to be
(see text). 0.25 mSv with 100% occupancy. This is well below the
level we would normally accept at a room entrance,
Measurements and results 1.5 mSv with 100% occupancy.

Measurements outside the Elekta 3 treatment room door

made with the meter A indicated H*(10) rates of the order
Maze design and neutron leakage
of 0.5 mSv h21. Because of the energy dependence of the
meter the true reading could be in the range 0.1 to Calculations and measurements have been performed
1.25 mSv h21 but might be expected to be close to that for an Elekta Precise linear accelerator (serial number
displayed. The measurement is in good agreement with 105802) installation at the Royal Sussex County Hospital
the epithermal neutron calculation of 1.25 mSv h21 for (Figure 1) and Elekta 4 (serial number 105959) installa-
polyethylene only, and 0.7 mSv h21 when the lead tion at St Thomas’ (Figure 2). The scale depicted in each
attenuation is also considered. There is no evidence for figure is in millimetres. The Royal Sussex County bunker
the higher dose rates that were predicted if polyethylene is is constructed of concrete of density 2350 kg m23 except

Figure 2. The Elekta 4 bunker at St

Thomas’ Hospital. Shaded areas
show lining of steel plates (see text).

472 The British Journal of Radiology, June 2007

Neutrons at 10 MV, treatment room door and maze design

for the primary barriers, shaded in Figure 1, which are of 2.2 cm depth at the isocentre in a 10 cm square field.
density 3500 kg m23. The Elekta 4 bunker is constructed Table 2 compares measurements and calculated values.
of concrete of density 2350 kg m23. Vertical primary Repeat readings, made by interchanging the survey
barriers, shaded in Figure 2, and approximately one- meters, suggest that the values were reasonably repro-
third of the surface area of the treatment room ceiling are ducible at each position. Measurement 1A was made
lined with steel plates. The Elekta 4 maze is fitted with a with a 6 MV beam and indicates that meter A appears
door of 4 mm lead, 36 mm MDF and 8 mm plywood to to respond to photons. This was unexpected.
reduce the annual photon H*(10) to below 1 mSv. Both Measurements 1, at 10 MV, indicated meter A readings
bunkers are dry lined with plasterboard. much higher than both meter B readings and the
calculated values. The apparent ability of meter A to
detect photons at 6 MV would not explain such a large
Calculations discrepancy. At positions further along the maze meter A
again appears to over-read but with decreasing effect.
We have used a slightly modified version of the For measurements in the range 1 to 30 mSv h21, meter
original Kersey method [5, 19]. A reads 14% higher on average than the Elekta meter.
The ratio of measured/calculated H*(10) was of the
H(di)~DRL(1)106 (r12 =R2 )(Sm=So)1=10(1z(di3)=5) ð4Þ order of 0.9 for meter A and 0.8 for meter B. The accuracy
of the measurements at position 7 is affected by the
resolution of the digital scale. Calculation and measure-
ment indicate that, at the end of the maze, the annual
H(di) is the H*(10) rate at position di in the
value of H*(10) would be of the order of only 0.1 mSv for
maze (mSv h21)
neutrons. Had the maze been 7 m long the neutron
di is the distance along the maze (m)
H*(10) dose could have been of the order of 1 to 1.5 mSv,
DR is the photon dose rate at the isocentre (Gy h21) dependent on using the measured or calculated values.
L(1) and r1 are as above (Sv Gy21 and m)
R is the distance from the isocentre to the maze
entrance (m)
Sm is the minimum cross-section of the maze (m2) Measurements at St Thomas’ Hospital
So is a an area constant (6 m2) Measurements were generally made with the same
106 is a constant to convert Sv to mSv conditions as at the Royal Sussex County Hospital but
We have assumed that below a di value of 3 m the limited studies were made to determine the effect of fully
attenuation term becomes 1/10(di/3). The distances R and di opening the multileaf collimator (MLC)/jaw system and
have been measured in accordance with Figures 1 and 2 gantry angle. Initially measurements were made using
which are consistent with the diagrams shown in IPEM 75. meter A. Dr David Thomas of the National Physical
The values of Sm and R at the Royal Sussex County bunker Laboratory, Teddington kindly agreed to perform some
and the Elekta 4 bunker at St Thomas’ are, respectively, independent neutron measurements with two Harwell
4.1 m2, 4.1 m and 5.4 m2 and 7.1 m. Calculated values are Model 0949 survey meters. At the NPL visit meter A
shown in Tables 2 and 3. No allowance was made for the measurements were made only at the maze entrance.
presence of the door in the Elekta 4 maze.

Measurements at Royal Sussex County Hospital The nominal 10 MV photon dose rate at the isocentre was
Measurements were made using meters A and B. The 450 monitor units per minute; this equates to 270 Gy h21.
meters were placed side by side in the maze. At certain Table 3 compares measured and calculated values. We
positions the meters were interchanged and the readings present only the average results of the two NPL meters.
repeated. The digital scale of the meter was read on the Measurement 1A was made with the 6 MV beam and again
999.9 mSv h21 setting, which involved 34 s measuring demonstrates that meter A appears to respond to photons.
periods. A member of staff was present in the maze to Measurements at positions 1 to 3 in the range 9 to
operate the start button on the monitors but otherwise 73 mSv h21 indicated that meter A reads 20% lower on
retired close to the maze entrance whilst the beam was average than the NPL meters and the ratio of measured/
running. The gantry was pointed vertically down and the calculated H*(10) was of the order of 1.59 for meter A and
collimator system closed down to produce a minimal size 2.03 for the NPL meters. The raised value of the ratio for
field. Consequently personal doses were kept very low. measurement 4 might be indicative of backscatter of
Measurements were made along the centre of the maze at neutrons from the door and the reduction for measure-
approximately 1.2 m above floor level. An attempt was ments 5 and 5A suggests neutron attenuation by the door
made to determine if the X-ray pulse affected monitor by a factor of approximately 2. Further readings were made
readings by running the beam at 6 MV. at the control desk side of the treatment door with meter A
to determine the effect of opening the collimator system
and gantry angle. With the gantry vertical and with the
field opened to a 40 cm square the NM2B reading was
reduced from 1.7 to 1.4 mSv h21; a reduction would be
The nominal photon dose rate at the isocentre was 400 expected since the collimation system contributes neutrons
monitor units per minute; this equates to 240 Gy h21 at when in the photon beam path. Directing a 40 cm square

The British Journal of Radiology, June 2007 473

P J Rudd, D Prior and S Austin-Smith

Table 2. Comparison of measured and calculated H*(10) rates in the maze at the Royal Sussex County Hospital.
Measurement di (m) Measured (mSv h21) Calc (mSv h21) Measurement/calculation

Meter A Meter B A/B Meter A Meter B

1A 1.22 33.5 0.1

1A repeat 1.22 29.7 0.2
1 1.22 521.3 148.5 3.51 177.5 2.94 0.84
1 repeat 1.22 555.1 143.6 3.87 177.5 3.13 0.81
2 2.24 123.7 71.4 1.73 81.1 1.52 0.88
2 repeat 2.24 122.8 75.7 1.62 81.1 1.51 0.93
3 4.61 27.3 20.7 1.32 21.6 1.27 0.96
3 repeat 4.61 26.8 25.8 1.04 21.6 1.24 1.20
4 6.97 6.4 4.9 1.31 7.3 0.88 0.67
4 repeat 6.97 5.9 5.0 1.18 7.3 0.81 0.69
5 8.98 1.4 1.4 1.00 2.9 0.49 0.49
6 10.95 0.9 0.9 1.00 1.2 0.77 0.77
7 12.96 0.1 0.3 0.33 0.5 0.22 0.65
Repeat measurements included interchanging the meters.

field to a man size phantom positioned at the isocentre loaded. Atomic International supplied 22.5 cm of poly-
yielded NM2B readings in the range of 0.7 to 2.3 mSv h21 ethylene, sufficient to fill the void in the door. The
depending on gantry angle. The variation with gantry angle instantaneous neutron H*(10) rate outside the door was
was not expected, since neutron emission from the head is in good agreement with that calculated. Such agreement
often assumed to be reasonably symmetric. The average may have been fortuitous. It would of course have
reading was, perhaps fortuitously, close to that at the been interesting to determine how the dose rate varied
vertical gantry angle position. If we use the NPL reading of with the thickness of polyethylene, but this was not
2.3 mSv h21, the anticipated annual H*(10) dose equivalent practicable. Boron loaded polyethylene was not used and
due to neutrons is 0.43 mSv. The photon H*(10) has been this appeared to have had no detrimental impact.
determined to be of the order of 0.93 mSv. The total annual Information on the ability of pure polyethylene to
H*(10) is therefore expected to be 1.35 mSv; this is within the attenuate thermal neutrons appears to be contradictory.
design criteria of 1.5 mSv for 100% occupancy. Meter A appeared to produce erroneous results in
fields where neutron H*(10) rates are higher than
100 mSv h21. The fact that it responds to 6 MV photon
Discussion and conclusions fields suggests the delay circuit designed to eliminate the
fast photon pulse is not working correctly. At dose rates
IPEM 75 quotes a value of L(1) of 0.002% Sv Gy21, encountered at the end of real mazes, meter A agreed
based on data applicable to accelerators produced by with the other three meters to better than 26%. This gives
Varian, Palo Alto, USA. The Elekta Precise Planning a modicum of confidence in the use of the St Thomas’
Guide quoted a neutron dose equivalent of 0.03% meter. However, NM2B and Leake type meters have
Sv Gy21, a factor of seven times that measured. This similar energy responses and could be under-or over-
value appears to be consistent with Table 6.1 in IPEM 75 estimating the true H*(10) rates. It is unlikely that all the
which depicts neutron leakage limits if a radiation neutrons are thermalized in typical mazes and therefore
weighting factor of 10 is used. In subsequent correspon- it is unlikely that our results significantly underestimate
dence with Elekta Ltd this was revised downwards to dose rates. Equation (4) appears to predict measured
0.01% Sv Gy21. We used our measured value of 0.0045% H*(10) doses within a factor of approximately 2. Neutron
Sv Gy21 for calculations. H*(10) rates along mazes of the order of 7 m or less in
Calculation of neutron shielding in the direct entry length are not insignificant if the aim is to reduce total
room door suggested that we use 20 cm of polyethylene photon and neutron dose to the order of 1.5 mSv per
and tradition dictated that 25 mm of this be boron annum at 100% occupancy.

Table 3. Comparison of measured and calculated H*(10) rates in the maze of the Elekta 4 bunker at St Thomas’ Hospital
Measurement di (m) Measured (mSv h21) Calc (mSv h21) Measurement/calculation

Meter A NPL A/NPL Meter A NPL

1A 2.00 0.6 0.16

1 2.00 54.7 73.0 0.75 34.8 1.57 2.10
2 3.50 21.9 14.1 1.56
3 5.50 9.2 11.0 0.84 5.6 1.64 1.96
4 7.17 5.4 2.6 2.08
5 7.69 1.7 2.1 0.81
5A 7.69 1.8 2.3 0.74 2.1 0.83 1.12
NPL, National Physical Laboratory survey meter readings, average of two instruments.

474 The British Journal of Radiology, June 2007

Neutrons at 10 MV, treatment room door and maze design

Neutron dosimetry for radiation protection is dose equivalent quantities for neutrons. Journal of the ICRU;
fraught with difficulties. This paper does not purport Volume 1 No 3. Ashford, UK: Nuclear Technology
to be a definitive text on the subject. However, it Publishing, 2001.
indicates that neutron doses cannot be neglected when 7. US National Council on Radiation Protection and
considering the safety of direct access doors or short Measurements. Neutron contamination from medical elec-
tron accelerators, NCRP Report 79. Bethesda, MD, 1984.
mazes at 10 MV.
8. International Commission on Radiological Protection.
Conversion coefficients for use in radiological protection
against external radiation. ICRP Publication 74. Oxford, UK:
Acknowledgments Pergamon, 1996.
9. Powell NL, Newing A, Bullen MA, Sims C, Leaton SF. A
We are grateful for the loan of the NM2B survey meter radiation safety survey on a Clinac-20 linear accelerator.
from Elekta Ltd, Crawley. We are indebted to Dr. David Phys Med Biol 1987;32:707–18.
Thomas, NPL, Teddington for the measurements per- 10. Tanner RJ, Thomas DJ, Bartlett DT, Hager LG, Horwood N,
formed at St Thomas’ and Dr R. Tanner, NRPB, Chilton Taylor GC. Effect of the energy dependence of neutron
for the analysis of the PADC neutron badge results. personal dosemeters routinely used in the UK on the
Angela Daynes of Guy’s and St Thomas’ ably assisted in accuracy of dose estimation, Report NRPB-W25. Chilton,
the measurements made on Elekta 4, Tony Greener UK: National Radiological Protection Board, 2002.
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