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PM 210-Philippine Administrative System


1. What is meant by Philippine Administrative System? Enumerate the various meaning

and synthesize to form your own definition. Provide an example using the public
institutions discussed in the class.

= Socio – political and economic environment system covers the Public Administration
relationship with its immediate public in contact, as well as the PA’s reactions to how it
is affected by the greater socio-political and economic environment within which it

= refers to a network of organizations with specific rules, goals, structures, resources

and programs. It includes the internal processes of and the interaction between and
among public organizations, which are constituted to implement, help, formulate,
monitor, or assess public policies.

= Synthesize definition. Is a field wherein the common goal of the leaders is to give economic,
effective and efficient public service to the common people who needs help in all aspects of
living and to ensure the delivery of service are equally distributed to the community and its


A potable water project to be given to a barangay, to ensure that the project is sustained and
well done or will have a long-term life span the Barangay Council should not interfere with the
contractor who will do the project, instead they should monitor the project without any
rewards or hesitation so that the project will be properly installed and that the integrity of the
Brgy, Council is well deserved.

2. Explain and elaborate at least 5 PAS theories that are relevant to present times especially
in the management of public institution (example Theories on Organization and
Management, Good Governance, New Public Service, Reengineering the Government,
Reinventing the Government, Weberian Theory of Bureaucracy, New Public
Management). Among these theory/ies, which best apply to your own
organization/agency. Elaborate and defend your response.

5 PAS theories

1. Organization and Management

- leadership that relates to or controls the interests of a common people, such as
the nation. It's tied to the government at the federal, state and local levels. They
aim to provide a service to the public and are funded by taxes. Public sector
organizations function in areas such as health, education, housing and social

2. Good Governance
- good public sector governance, including accountability, transparency/openness,
integrity, stewardship, leadership and efficiency.
- The fundamental function of good governance in the public sector is to ensure
that entities achieve their intended outcomes while acting in the public interest
at all times.

3. New Public Service

- is a newly developed theory for 21st-century citizen-focused public
administration. This work directly challenges the clientelism and rationalist
paradigm of the New Public Management.
- n anti-positivist, anti-technical, and anti-hierarchical reaction against traditional
public administration. A practiced theory in response to the ever changing needs
of the public and how institutions and administrations go about solving them.

4. Reengineering the Government

- is a technique based on a radical redesign of the structure of an organization to
improve its efficiency by optimizing processes and reducing costs.
- the aim of reengineering is to increase productivity while spending less, to
provide more services capable of competition, to decrease deficits, and to
improve the government's operations through giving incentives for better

5. Reinventing the Government

- It is in this light that when we speak today of the theme of "reinventing
government," the issue waters down eventually to "reinventing bureaucracy," or
for that matter, that of "reinventing public administration." Perhaps,
"reinventing" may be· viewed here as an unconventional term for a conventional
issue which- has cer~ain\y delighted us with, a growing and sometimes, glowing.
ensemble of labels such as "reform," ''reorganization,'' "restructuring," or even
"organization development." These approaches have had their respective
moments of passing epiphanies and which today are recycled into the stronger, •
more colorful and forceful label of "reinventing," 'as if to highlight the urgency
with which bureaucracies today must be rehabilitated and redeemed from the
morass of its predicament.

- All theories of the PAS are best applied to a public institution but since I can
only choose one, I would choose Good Governance since this is the process of
measuring how public institutions conduct public affairs and manage public
resources and guarantee the realization of human rights in a manner
essentially free of abuse and corruption and with due regard for the rule of law.
As public servants, we are expected to deliver efficient and effective Public
Service to our constituents there is no doubt about that without any reward or
incentives, in our institution our Chief Executive always remind us about “
Always Follow the Law” and always remind us about the Panunumpa ng
Lingkod Bayan.

3. With the COVID pandemic experienced by the country, how would you describe the
economy, efficiency and effectiveness of the Philippine Administrative System. Relate
your answer to the model of 3Es in the Public Administration. Provide a case using the
PIME method.

= The spread of the coronavirus COVID-19 led to a steep decline in economic activity
across the world. In the few months that the world has known Covid-19, there has been an
unprecedented volume of papers published related to this disease, and this holds not only for
the fields of medicine, immunology and microbiology, biochemistry, genetics and molecular 3
Several lists of policy responses related to COVID-19 have emerged. For example, COVID-19
policy measures from the European Systemic Risk Board (ESRB 2020) provides information on
the policy measures taken by Member States, EU institutions and national authorities. In
parallel, IMF (2020a), IMF (2020b) and OECD (2020) compile similar information for larger
number of countries. 3 biology, but also for social sciences (Haghani and Bliemer 2020).
Brodeur et al. (2020) bring one of the first surveys on available literature, focusing not only on
containment measures, but also policy reactions.

4. Describe and relate the planning process of NEDA to the budget process of DBM. How
would you evaluate the ongoing Budget process of the country. Are the legislators from
both Houses display integrity, equity, equality and compassion on the budget
deliberation of the different public institutions. Give your honest opinion.

= At the beginning of each Administration, the National Economic and Development

Authority (NEDA) steers and coordinates the consultative process and preparation of a
new medium-term Philippine Development Plan (PDP). The PDP serves as the
government's overall guide in development planning for six years.

= Budgeting for the national government involves four (4) distinct processes or
phases : budget preparation, budget authorization, budget execution and
accountability. While distinctly separate, these processes overlap in the
implementation during a budget year. Budget preparation for the next budget year
proceeds while government agencies are executing the budget for the current year
and at the same time engaged in budget accountability and review of the past year's
= If I were to evaluate the Budget Process of our country though it was a long process,
I would say that its how legislatures saw the need to a long process. No doubt about
that, we on our level whatever they give Circulars we have to follow or else we will be
liable if we are not going to follow. Public Servants are seems to be intelligent in
following the long process of Budget Preparation. If there is and easiest and shortest
Budget Preparation they should have done that before, we were get use to it.

= In some cases Yes, and in some cases no, because when I watch budget deliberations
on national televisions some representatives and senators argue with some budgets of
other agencies though that’s the usual situation I saw on televisions and if they belong
to same political parties or close friends “approve without thinking”.

5. Describe and illustrate the elements of good governance. How will you incorporate the
elements of good governance (transparency, accountability, rule of law, participation) in
each phase / process of the procurement process (to discourage graft and corruption
and red tape of local and national agencies) Elaborate

Illustration of the Elements of Good Governance:

Participation requires that all groups, particularly those most vulnerable, have direct or
representative access to the systems of government. This manifests as a strong civil society and
citizens with the freedom of association and expression.

Rule of Law is exemplified by impartial legal systems that protect the human rights and civil
liberties of all citizens, particularly minorities. This is indicated by an independent judicial
branch and a police force free from corruption.
Transparency means that citizens understand and have access to the means and manner in
which decisions are made, especially if they are directly affected by such decisions. This
information must be provided in an understandable and accessible format, typically translated
through the media.

Responsiveness simply involves that institutions respond to their stakeholders within a

reasonable time frame.

Consensus Oriented is demonstrated by an agenda that seeks to mediate between the many
different needs, perspectives, and expectations of a diverse citizenry. Decisions needs to be
made in a manner that reflects a deep understanding of the historical, cultural, and social
context of the community.

Equity and Inclusiveness depends on ensuring that all the members of a community feel
included and empowered to improve or maintain their well being, especially those individuals
and groups that are the most vulnerable.

Effectiveness and Efficiency is developed through the sustainable use of resources to meet the
needs of a society. Sustainability refers to both ensuring social investments carry through and
natural resources are maintained for future generations.

Accountability refers to institutions being ultimately accountable to the people and one
another. This includes government agencies, civil society, and the private sector all being
accountable to one another as well.

= In the procurement process of the Local Government Unit, the 4 elements

of Good governance I think is being observe otherwise If not the Chairman
and members of the Bids and Awards Committee should have been
administratively liable, might also cause for their dismissal from service.
So, I think the 4 elements of the Good governance exist in the procurement


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