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Chapter 9

Nanda : Excuse me. Can I sit in the empty seat behind you?
Adisa : Yes, you can
Nanda : Thank you sir. Are you waiting for your turn for treatment too?
Adisa : Yes, I am.
Nanda : Where you from ?
Adisa : I come form Leyangan, and where you from?
Nanda : oh, Leyangan near from here. I come from Langensari Sir. What’s your name?
Adisa : my name is Adisa, and you?
Nanda : my name is Nanda. When did ypu arrive here?
Adisa : about 8 o’clock.
Nanda : I am Sorry Adisa. Why do you look weak?
Adisa : Because I have Diabetus.
Nanda : Oh, I am sorry to hear that. I hope you can recover soon
Adisa : Thank you Nanda
Nanda : Who is the doctor?
Adisa : Doctor Sri Wahyuni.
Nanda : How did Doctor Sri Wahyuni treat you?
Adisa : Good. She took good.
Nanda : Oh, Alhamdulillah. Tengtong, Mrs Adisa. It’s your turn.
Adisa : oh yeah, thank Nanda. Nice to meet you.
Chapter 10

Nanda : Hi bro, Earlier on the Way I saw people eating pork. That’s Haram bro.
Adisa : Yeah, I know that. Who are they? And where did you see?
Nanda : Looks like they from that’s village. On Suratman street. What your opinion about
Adisa : I think that’s okay, but what’s wrong is that they eat ini Muslim villages.
Nanda : Why do they do that?
Adisa : I don’t know, that is Touchy bro.
Nanda : When did you know that pork is haram?
Adisa : When I was 17 years old
Nanda : How about you if they just get kicked out?
Adisa : Do not do it.
Chapter 11

Hi Buddy! I will emplain the directions when I go to office from my

home. Dispertanikap is my office is located in Letjen Suprapto street
and my home is located in Langensari. If we ride a motorbike, we go
west to the main road. After tha,t we turn back to the nort. Straight
through 2 traffic light. First traffic light is Undaris. And When you
arrived the second traffic light, you turn right. Go straight about 100
meter. To the left you will see my office.
Chapter 12

Hi Buddy, Do you like drinking coffee?

If yes, I have a favorite and recommended place for you.

The place is Arabica Café is located in East Ungaran.

The Café is open from 6 – 12 pm.

The Visitors are usually young people, student doin assignment and hanging

Many visitors because of the delicious coffee and comfortable place.

If you are from the city center, you just walk 5 minutes west and you will find
the café.

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