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Chapter 1

Menulis surat menggunakan pedoman 5W + 1 H. Who, What, When, Where, Why dan How.

Who : kepada siapa pesan dikirim

What : Apa isi pesan

When : Memuat waktu isi pesan

Where : Dimana tempat isi pesan

Why : Kenapa pesan ini dibuat untuk penerima

How : Penerima harus apa setelah menerima pesan anda

Penugasan I

Membuat percakapan dengan orang yang baru dikenal. Buka percakapan dan memperkenalkan diri
anda !

Assalamualaikum. Good morning, Mister Santoso. I hope you are having a good day.


Beforehand, I’m sorry for I disrturbed your time.


I’m Nanda. I’m Technical Sales medicine and livestock equipment in Semarang. I have a lot of items
related to medicine and livestock equipment.


I have heard that you are the biggest cattle breeder in Semarang. So, you definitely need it.


After this I will immediately send a price list for my products.

Read it and ask if you are confused.

Thank You Mister Santoso, I hope you can try my product.


Okay Mister Santoso. that's the product I offer.

Please remember that I sell medicine and livestock equipment.

My product is good choice for your farm.

I will give you the best price.

If you interested with my product, you can call me by phone or find me on Indolivestock in Jakarta at
November 2024.

After this, I will give you my phone number.

Thanks for chatting mister Santoso.

Chapter 2

okay Mister Agus.

this is quite sad.

It's time for you to part with us.

You will move your assignment to the Temanggung government.

you have worked well and have taught us a lot of knowledge.

thank you for your dedication.

you have also helped me in my work.

I hope you feel at home and can work optimally there.

goodbye, Mr. Agus.

Chapter 3

Adisa : Good Morning, Nanda. How are you today? You look very tired. What’s

Nanda : Moorning, Adisa. Yes, today I feel tired because yesterday was very busy.

Adisa : What is your activities yesterday?

Nanda : In the morning, I already had problems with the motorbike. the chain broke,
even though I had to have a meeting immediately. So, I left the motorbike at the repair shop
and went to the office with Gojek

Adisa : That sounds really annoying bro.

Nanda : Of Cource bro. After that, when I arrived at the meeting place, I felt my
laptop at home. So, I had to tell my wife to deliver it.

Adisa : Tomorrow. You should first check in your bag what you need that day. Make

Nanda : yes bro. at the time, I forgot to check it. After that incident, I worked late
into the night.

Adisa : I am concered. I Hope you have a better day.

Nanda : thanks bro, you too.

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