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Infrastructure Facilities in Pahalgam

Recreational Eco Pilgrimage

Adventure Tourism

S. No . Name of the Scheme Physical Status

1. Completion / Finalization of spill over works to the

Dev. of villages surrounding tune of Rs 60.00 lacs
Pahalgam 2. 7 No works ( Lanes, drains and culverts) taken up
during 2015-16 are near completion.
Illumination works at various Street lightening etc (has created more than 1000 street
2 locations and parks in
light poles)
1. Fencing/Face lifting of Abshar park, Renovation of
Development / fencing of viewing decks in Lavender park, Culvert restored in
Parks Island park Km 4th, including other development works
of various parks completed.
1. Beautification of bus stand by way of const. of Devri
parapets completed.
Beautification of main Market 2. Const. of RCC culverts near Taj market and gas agency
Pgm completed.
3. Dev. Of land stretch near petrol pump and Hospital
completed by way of landscaping etc.

1. Balance works of hut by way of Kitchen/ bathroom

5 Const. of 2 roomed hut at Pgm fittings ,finishing’s near completion , electrification

1. Bio-remediation of accumulated solid Waste carried

6 Solid Waste Mgmt
2. Supply of 150 No of wheel driven bins.
3. Provision for sanitation works carried out by PDA in
view of Hartal of M.C employees
Fencing of State Land along 1. Fencing of state land along Aru road completed
Aru Road. except, painting work.

1. Dev. Of Island
2. Installation of Rides
3. Const. of Tree House
8 Up gradation of Beetab Valley
4. Const. of check wall
5. Landscaping/Catch water drains
6. Dev of ATV Track around the betaab park from
Frislana to Manipal
9 Promotion and publicity 1. Signage, roadmaps, publicity etc

10 Creation/Dev. of Tentage 1 Spots at different locations along aru road and abshar
facilities (camping site) park are being developed for pitching of tents
11 Dev. of Infrastructure for
1. ATV along with snow plow and trolley procured
Adventure Tourism facilities
1 Finishing touches of 6 No's huts, and Club building.
12 Dev. and expansion of Golf
2 Maintenance Works
3 Dev of cart path and water supply etc
6 No Huts at Golf Course
Estt Cost:- 432.00 Lacs
Expenditure:- 432.00 Lacs

Lidder Valley Golf Course Pahalgam Estt.

Viewing Deck At Beetab Cost:Rs 432.00 Lacs
Estt. Cost: 228.00 Lacs
Expenditure:- 228.00 Lacs Expd.:.: RS 432.00 lacs

Newly Constructed Shopping Complex Estt.

Cost:Rs352.00 lacs

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