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GSA Office of Governmentwide Policy

Office of Real Property Management

Performance Measurement Division

Workspace Utilization and

Allocation Benchmark
U.S. General Services Administration
Office of Governmentwide Policy
Office of Real Property Management
Performance Measurement Division

Workspace Utilization and

Allocation Benchmark

July 2011

Note: Effective as of July 2012, the author has updated the workspace benchmark data.
Workspace Utilization and Allocation Benchmark


Research Analysis........................................................................................................9
Federal Workspace Policy and Regulations..............................................................13
The Emerging Workspace..........................................................................................15
Workspace Survey Results........................................................................................23
Workspace Allocation Results...................................................................................25
Workplace Snapshots
Benchmark #1: Business Services/Consulting ................................................27
Benchmark #2: Telecommunication ..................................................................28
Benchmark #3: Manufacturing ...........................................................................28
Benchmark #4: Domestic Government Organization ......................................29
Benchmark #5: International Government Organization .................................29
Benchmark #6: Academic Institution ................................................................30
Benchmark #7: Diversified Manufacturer ..........................................................30
Benchmark #8: Media Conglomerate ................................................................31
Benchmark #9: Business Services/Consulting ................................................31
Case studies: Today’s Innovative Workplace..........................................................32
Case Study #1: IBM Reduces Its Real Estate Footprint Through Telework...32
Case Study #2: Sabre’s Workplace Innovation.................................................34
Case Study #3: Herman Miller on Space Standards and Industry Trends.....35
Featured Article: “Take my desk — please”..............................................................37

Workspace Utilization and Allocation Benchmark


anaging and allocating office state that “Executive agencies must
workspace is a constant provide a quality workplace environment
challenge for both public and that supports program operations,
private organizations. This preserves the value of real property
challenge exists because assets, meets the needs of the occupant
organizations have to meet agencies, and provides child care
functional space demands using limited and physical fitness facilities in the
resources. When determining the best workplace when adequately justified.
way to forecast and allocate workspace An Executive agency must promote
and support knowledge workers, today’s maximum utilization of Federal
architects, designers, facilities and real workspace, consistent with mission
estate professionals, and workplace requirements, to maximize its value to
consultants must consider the following the Government.”2
When assigning and utilizing federal
• Space availability;
workspace, “Executive agencies must
• Energy costs;
provide assignment and utilization
• Operation and maintenance costs; services that will maximize the value
• Ever-changing mission requirements; of Federal real property resources and
• Security concerns; improve the productivity of the workers
• Emergency management planning; housed therein.”3
• Alternative workplace arrangements
(AWA); and With respect to the Code of Federal
• The new mobile workforce. Regulations, the General Services
Administration (GSA), Office of
Over the past decade, the Federal Governmentwide Policy (OGP) provides
government has moved away from strict additional guidance to promote
hierarchical space use standards based government-wide cost-effective, flexible
on pay grade or associate position. and quality workspace. This Workspace
The Federal government now follows Utilization and Allocation Benchmark
the Code of Federal Regulation’s publication presents a concise synopsis
(CFR) recommendations for space of workspace research findings and
planning based on organizational practical recommendations. OGP’s
needs1. Current workspace regulations

1 GPO Access, Code of Federal Regulations Main Page:

2 “Federal Management Regulation: Assignment and Utilization of Space,” Title 40 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 102-79.10
idx?c=ecfr&tpl=/ecfrbrowse/Title41/41cfr102-79_main_02.tpl. 3
3 “Federal Management Regulation: Assignment and Utilization of Space,” Title 40 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 102-79.15
Workspace Utilization and Allocation Benchmark

objective is to present this information In addition to providing useful

to the entire Federal community with recommendations, this 2011 Workspace
the hope that it leads to more informed Utilization and Allocation Benchmark
decision-making and better overall publication includes the GSA Office
utilization and allocation of office of Governmentwide Policy workspace
workspace. Many real estate managers benchmark and a feature article on
and facility managers are interested space planning methods used by an
in developing similar programs or internationally-known private sector firm.
extending existing programs in support This research review also includes ten
of real estate cost savings goals, arbitrarily selected benchmark studies
workspace consolidation plans and and three case studies. The case studies
GSA’s Zero Environmental Footprint explain how these organizations—which
(ZEF) initiatives. This publication shares range from information technology firms
challenges and best practices with to real estate corporations—utilize space
real estate professionals and facility planning to get the most out of their
managers across all industries. workplaces.

Workspace Utilization and Allocation Benchmark


he Federal government real estate services, media services and
is a collection of diverse manufacturing.
agencies with differing
In the summer of 2010, through the
missions. Therefore, the task
winter of 2011, GSA conducted
of developing or confirming
a workspace utilization survey,
a government-wide standard
analyzed data results, conducted
for office workspace use per person
Internet research, and held telephone
is a significant challenge and not the
interviews with several public and
premise of this benchmark publication.
private organizations. GSA attended
GSA presents this information to the
several leading industry workplace
entire Federal community with the
conferences to identify and gain insight
hope that it leads to a more effective,
into emerging contemporary trends,
efficient workspace environment that
practices, and standards in workspace
accommodates individual work styles
utilization and allocation.
and alternative workplace strategies to
reduce office workspace costs. GSA collected data to produce three
case studies and ten workplace
GSA developed this comprehensive
benchmarks, which explain each
study with our real property colleagues
organization’s workplace space usage in
to promote the most efficient and
greater detail.
optimal use of office workspace for both
Federal agencies and the private sector. GSA also reviewed numerous published
sources and other publicly available
A wide variety of public and private
information—including industry best
sector organizations are represented
practice publications, government-
in this study, including Federal
wide policy bulletins, press releases,
agencies, international sector
and industry surveys—to examine new
organizations, financial services,
government and private sector space
information technology, technology
allocation trends.
consulting, management consulting,

Workspace Utilization and Allocation Benchmark

Research Analysis

“Our customers are struggling with higher communication tools. Mobile phones,
real estate costs, so they’re looking for smart phones, BlackBerry devices and
ways to reduce the amount of gross square wireless networking have revolutionized
footage allotted to each person.” the workplace. As a result, many
Federal agencies and private
~ Cheri Bromberg, Steelcase application design specialist
organizations have turned to alternative
work environments to reduce workspace
This section outlines findings costs and optimize physical workspace.
of workspace use practices and Alternative work environments
trends based on GSA’s research including telework, hoteling stations
and contact with professional trade and desk sharing, are a major trend
organizations, private sector firms, in today’s real estate marketplace,
and Federal agencies, as well as and offer organizations flexibility and
national, international, state and local optimal workspace usage. Additionally,
governments. organizations have noted an increase
GSA found that the emphasis on of quantitative benefits with the use of
workplace space use trends has alternative work environments such as
changed tremendously since our initial increased productivity and enhanced
1997 Office Space Use Review: Current associate morale.
Practices and Emerging Trends and Organizations apply different space
our 2002 Space Use Update. Federal use measurements, which presented a
agencies and private challenge when comparing workplace
The workspace sector organizations space use for the many participating
benchmark average have been forced to organizations. For example, some
in this study is constantly reevaluate organizations measure workspace in
based primarily on their current workspace Rentable Square Feet (RSF), or the
a square foot per usage. Workplaces gross square footage minus vertical
person assessment. are now influenced by penetrations (such as stairwells and
an improving mobile elevator pipe shafts). Others measure
workforce and greater workspace by Usable Square Feet
use of instantaneous wireless (USF), or the sum of retail areas, office

space, and common areas. Neither RSF workspace. When renovation of GSA’s
nor USF standards simply measure an Washington headquarters is completed
associate’s office or cubicle area, but in 2013, the building will accomodate
also include a portion of shared space— 4,500 workers — almost 2,000 more
such as conference rooms and hall than a year ago — because of shared
space—for each associate in a space work spaces and telecommuting.
use measurement. GSA Headquarter office will average
approximately 80 USF (92 RSF) per
Participating organizations also differed
person of workspace.
in their space per person reporting
method. Some organizations reported
a space per person standard based on
workers’ positions or functions, while Research Findings
others use a uniform, organization- 1. Many public and private
wide space per person designation. organizations focus on
Some organizations did not identify organizational mission, job function,
their measurement method, so GSA operation and maintenance costs,
tried to resolve the reporting issues by security, emergency management
working with participating organizations planning, alternative work
to generate and standardize comparable environment, wireless technology,
data. In most cases, GSA adjusted and workspace availability when
percentages between RSF and USF, planning and allocating workspace.
as agreed upon by the organization The majority of the 2011 participating
representative. organizations use a space per person
measure as the key performance
GSA’s headquarters Based on public sector metric for square footage allocation.
serve as a model data information of office
2. No significant differences between
workspace use trends,
by averaging government and private workspace
organizations were use trends were found. Private
allocating a prevailing sector survey respondents reported
80 USF (92 standard workspace an average space per person of 200
RSF) per person average of 190 Usable USF (230 RSF), with a median of 193
of collaborative Square Feet (218 Rentable USF (222 RSF) as compared to the
workspace. Square Feet) as the Federal benchmark of 190 USF (218
optimum workspace RSF). The greater space per person
per person. Organizations can most average in the private sector was
efficiently and effectively minimize their due to the nature of work performed
square foot usage by implementing by participating private sector
innovative workspace strategy, such as organizations. In cases where a
private sector organization used less
hoteling and teleworking.
space than a Federal organization,
GSA for example has been knocking telework and other flexible work
down walls, even dismantling cubicles arrangements were responsible for
to create a free-flowing layout that reducing the organization’s overall
encourages collaboration and reduces workspace needs.

Workspace Utilization and Allocation Benchmark

3. Facility managers have focused arrangements as essential and

on ways to use workspace more effective ways to protect an
efficiently as a means to reduce organization’s critical data, especially
overall space use costs by reducing in times of disaster. The threat of
the amount of space occupied. The terror attacks and natural disasters
initial wave of reductions in occupied draws a great deal of attention to
space focused on developing more the need for continuity of operations
efficient design standards. As a (COOP) strategies that include both
result of widespread application, the mobile work and telework. 6. In
typical office standard has declined calendar year 2009, 113,946 Federal
since the early 2000s from around 250 associates teleworked which was
square feet per workstation to around an increase of 11,046 associates as
190 square feet or less, a substantial compared to calendar year 2008.
reduction. The percentage of total teleworking
associates increased from 5.24
4. Facility managers have successfully
percent in 2008 to 5.72 percent
increased the number of associates
in 20094. In 2009, the number of
per workspace by focusing intently
associates who telework three or
on alternative workplace strategies.
more days per week increased from
New wireless technology has helped
13,365 to 18,716 associates. Increasing
the workforce become more mobile.
the strategic use of telework is a high
Organizations seek ways to reduce
priority for President Obama and
workspace allocation per person
Congress, as evidenced by passage
in order to reduce operation and
of the Telework Enhancement Act of
maintenance costs, and to improve
2010. The President and Congress
associate morale by limiting the need
have encouraged Federal agencies
for a daily commute.
to expand their use of telework to
5. Many facility managers now reduce their real estate footprint and
recognize wireless communication real estate costs.
advances in alternative work

4 United States Office of Personnel Management: Status of Telework in the Federal Government – Report to Congress, 2010.

Workspace Utilization and Allocation Benchmark

Federal Workspace
Policy And Regulations

s an industry leader in the GSA and the Office of Real Property
construction and management Management will assist other federal
of office workspace, GSA’s agencies in identifying workplace
space management policies strategies that will reduce their real
and regulations demonstrate estate footprint without sacrificing
the agency’s leadership in productivity.
addressing workplace quality issues
that influence the effectiveness and
productivity of the Federal workforce. GSA Public Buildings,
Property, and Works
The provisions of Chapter 33 of Subtitle
Presidential Memorandum --
II – Public Buildings and Works of Title
Disposing of Unneeded Federal
40 of the United States Code authorize
Real Estate
the Administrator of General Services
In June 2010, President Barack Obama to construct, repair, maintain, alter, and
issued a memorandum directing operate United States courthouses and
federal agencies to generate $3 billion other public buildings of the Federal
in cost savings by 2012 through space Government. In addition, 40 U.S.C. § 585
consolidation and the elimination of provides authority for the Administrator
unneeded real property while moving of General Services to lease privately
toward a clean energy economy. GSA owned space for Federal use. The
has taken the leadership role in achieving Administrator has delegated these
the President’s objective. GSA is authorities to the Commissioner of the
developing policies and procedures Public Buildings Service (PBS). All
for this new workplace strategy and is space occupied by GSA associates,
implementing systems to measure the whether leased or government-owned, is
actual use of real property. Under this acquired through PBS.
Presidential memorandum, GSA will
initiate new workplace strategy to assist
agencies to increase the utilization of
current facilities, improve space planning
methods when sizing future facilities,
and divest of unneeded property.

Assignment and Utilization of to maximize its government value. In
Workspace addition, executive agencies must
promote the optimum use of space
The most recent amendment to the
for each assignment at the minimum
Code of Federal Regulations, Title
cost to the government. Executive
41, Section 102-79, Assignment
agencies must also assign space based
and Utilization of Space, addresses
on mission requirements and provide
space allocation—specifically space
quality workspace that is delivered and
assignment and utilization—within the
occupied in a timely manner.
Federal government.
Public Law 106-346 Section 349 states
The amendment states that executive
that “each executive agency shall
agencies must provide a quality
establish a policy under which eligible
workplace environment that supports
associates of the agency may participate
program operations, preserves the
in telecommuting to the maximum extent
value of real property assets, meets the
possible without diminished associate
needs of tenant agencies, and provides
performance.” In response, GSA and
childcare and physical fitness facilities
the Office of Personnel Management
in the workplace when adequately
(OPM) have partnered as lead agencies
justified. An executive agency must
to facilitate full compliance with the law.
also promote maximum workspace—
consistent with mission requirements—

Workspace Utilization and Allocation Benchmark

The Emerging Workplace

“Companies aren’t just slashing real estate GSA responded to these changes
footprints. They’re looking for creative ways in a special way when it launched
to use the space they have and shifting some the WorkPlace 20·20 research and
work to home offices, third places, satellite development program. The focus of
offices and other spaces.” this effort was to help agencies realign
their work settings to support teams
~ Bud Klipa, General Manager, Steelcase
effectively at a time when organizational
structures, work styles, and technology
As today’s organizations face were evolving rapidly. Now the time has
unprecedented challenges, the current come for evaluation. How have those
practice of using alternative workplace projects performed? What lessons
arrangements can benefit organizations have been learned? To
in a variety of ways, including real estate answer these questions, “Mobility is a fact
cost savings, improved continuity of GSA commissioned an of life – how most
operations after a disaster, and flexible evaluation study, The people work today.
work arrangements that improve New Federal Workplace: A Federal workers
associate satisfaction and productivity. Report on the Performance are no exception.
Telework, hoteling, and desk sharing are of Six WorkPlace 20·20 Mobility helps
a few of the alternative office solutions Projects. federal agencies
that may reduce both office workspace The results of WorkPlace use real estate
demand and associated workspace 20·20 Projects Evaluation more effectively,
costs. Study led to GSA’s saving money and
recommendation to take reducing greenhouse
an integrated approach gas emissions.”
The New Federal Workplace to designing Federal
~ Robert A. Peck,
workplaces. GSA’s Commissioner, GSA Public
There have been recent dramatic recommendation means Buildings Service

changes in technology, business moving beyond the basic

practices, and the demographic profile square foot per person calculation
of the workforce. Team work has and integrating spatial, behavioral,
grown in importance, computer work and technical factors in workspace
takes precedence over paperwork, and design and space allocation. This
increased local mobility is now standard integrated approach leads to an effective
practice rather than the exception. workspace that balances the space

Workspace Utilization and Allocation Benchmark

needs of the occupying organization,

and supports both collaboration and Footprints Shrink, AWS Grows
individual work. Space allocation
should reflect the impact of mobility A survey of corporate real estate
and the need for interactions ranging professionals just completed for Steelcase
by CoreNet Global shows 63% expect their
from informal socializing to formal, company’s real estate portfolio to contract
scheduled meetings. As summarized this year. Only 12% expect it to grow, while
in this original study, design workplace 25% say it will remain the same.
strategies are integral components Meanwhile, more than two-thirds of
survey respondents (69%) say they have
which include designing space for a implemented alternative work strategies
mix of activities, engaging occupants (AWS) in the past year, with 73% saying the
in the design process, and designing reason was to reduce real estate. Strategies
they’re using include:
workplaces to support technology and
how people work today.5 • Home Offices on a fulltime
or part-time basis
• Hoteling or free address work
spaces (74%)
Leveraging Mobility • Mobile Work at multiple spaces (69%)
• Full-time Telecommuting from
Another key factor affecting today’s home (57%)
workplace is mobility. Due to advances • Satellite Offices (27%)
in mobile and networking technologies, The average net usable square feet per
sustainability concerns, and changing employee ranges broadly from one company
to the next. However, survey findings show
workforce demographics, many that 58% of companies allocate 200 square
associates are working with high feet or less per employee and 25% allocate
150 or less.
degrees of mobility, leading to low
actual utilization of physical office Square feet per employee
Less than 75 -- 3%
workspace. Associates are constantly 75-100 -- 4%
on the go - working at home, regional 100-125 -- 7%
offices, or with Federal partners located 125-150 -- 11%
150-175 -- 17%
across town or across the globe. In a 175-200 -- 17%
recent study of public and private sector 200-225 -- 23%
organizations conducted by GSA’s More than 250 -- 19%
Public Buildings Service (PBS) Applied The survey of 180 CoreNet members was
conducted during April 2009. The majority
Research Program, associates are of respondents are based in North America
working through many different means. (79%) with 9% in Europe, Middle East
Conducting head-down work at one’s and Africa, 7% in Asia-Pacific, and 3% in
Australia and New Zealand.
desk is no longer the primary way of
working. There has been a significant Source: CoreNet Global, “Reducing the Portfolio and
shift toward a more mobile workforce. Maximizing the Use of Existing Space”
(April 2009).
This swing impacts the office workplace
and the overall office workspace

5 For more information on this workplace resource, please contact Rob Obenreder of GSA’s Office of Applied Science at

Workspace Utilization and Allocation Benchmark

As stated in GSA’s research paper these drivers provide key considerations

entitled, Leveraging Mobility, Managing for the implementation and expansion of
Place: How Changing Work Styles Impact a mobility program.6
Real Estate and the Workplace, individual
head down work is performed in more
ways, locations, and schedules than Telework
ever before. Telework and other mobile
work patterns are gaining momentum in “Work is what you do,
both the public and private sector. It is not where you do it.”
clear that high-level Federal mandates,
~ President Barack Obama
widespread trends in the private sector,
and mobile work will continue to
grow. The larger the mobile workforce In today’s economy, many organizations
the more there will be underutilized are forced to downsize staff and reduce
office workspace. Studies show that or eliminate real property requirements
the average utilization for workspace wherever possible. This can lead to
in the U.S. and Europe between the associates having to give up their
hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. is 35 to office workspace and work virtually – or
50 percent; at any given time over half telework.
of all workspaces are not being used.
This presents the organization with the Telework, sometimes called
opportunity to eliminate underutilized telecommuting or flexiplace, is an
workspace to reduce cost or to grow innovative business solution that
its associate base without adding to enables associates to work productively
facilities. away from the traditional office setting.
Broadly speaking, anyone who works at
Real estate is the second largest home, at a client’s office, in a satellite
expense for most organizations, and office, telework center, or on the
facility managers can not afford to road, is teleworking. In fact, modern
waste space. Indeed, every organization technological advances have made
has a vested interest in optimizing the it easier to work anytime and in any
efficiency of its existing space and place. More and more organizations
increasing the return on its real estate around the world are using this tool
investment. Mobile work can lead to to increase productivity, recruit new
enormous savings in real estate costs, associates, lower staff turnover rate,
reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, save on overhead costs, respond to
and improvement of work-life balance. emergency situations, reduce traffic
Beginning with the current state of congestion, and improve their staff’s
mobility in the Federal government work-life balance. The WorldatWork
and the private sector, the Leveraging Telework Trendlines 2009, created using
Mobility paper examines mobility data from The Dieringer Research
through the lenses of business, people, Group Inc., indicates that the number
space, and environment. Together, of teleworkers who work at least one day
6 For more information on this workplace resource, please contact Patricia Cheng of GSA’s Office of Applied Research at

Workspace Utilization and Allocation Benchmark

per month from home or another remote as home-based with occasional visits
location increased from approximately to Raleigh. Over 200 qualified applicants
12.4 million in 2006 to 17.2 million in
• Reduced turnover: Because Telework
2008. The increase in the number of is regarded as an attractive work option;
telecommuters represents a two-year associates are less willing to explore
increase of 39 percent, and an increase work elsewhere. After implementing its
of 74 percent since 2005. In 2005, the Telework Program, Philadelphia-based
Cigna, a large health insurance provider,
number of associates who worked from experienced a 30 percent decrease in
home or another remote location at least turnover. In fact, research at Eli Lilly and
one day per month was approximately Company shows that associates who
9.9 million. telework are significantly more satisfied
with their direct supervisors, a key factor
This trend toward more associates in an associates’ intention to remain with
telecommuting is likely due to a their organizations.
combination of factors, including:
• Facility cost avoidance
• Productivity gains Telework Reduces
• Government mandates to increase Real Estate Costs
• The proliferation of high-speed and
Telework not only enables associate
wireless internet access flexibility, it has also helped many
• Concern over rising threat levels organizations to cut costs by saving
• Rising fuel and commuting costs workspace. Articles drawn from material
• Telework’s strategic value published by the Canadian Telework
• The trend by associates to embrace Association cited substantial savings
work-life balance concepts. through teleworking at several major
• Cisco: Cisco associates telework
two days per week and report higher
Other Telework benefits: productivity and improved timeliness
• Reduced absenteeism: Teleworkers during telework, which amounts to
can work from home to avoid dangerous annual savings of $277 million. Cisco’s
weather and traffic conditions. They report indicates that 91 percent of their
can also continue to work at home with associates state that telecommuting
illness or another ailment that may have is somewhat or very important to their
kept them away from the office to avoid overall satisfaction. Cisco teleworkers
transmitting disease to co-workers. prevented approximately 47,320 metric
According to the figures from the tons of greenhouse gas emissions from
National Center of Health Statistics, being released into the environment
American workers miss 20 million due to avoided travel. Associates report
workdays a year due to colds and 70 a fuel cost savings of $10.3 million per
million workdays because of flu. year.7
• Improved recruiting: Telework • Sun Microsystems: Nearly 19,000 Sun
enlarges the pool of available talent. The Microsystems associates; more than 56
State of North Carolina had difficulty percent of Sun’s workforce participate
filling their Raleigh-based vacancies in the company’s “iWork” Program and
until they re-advertised these positions work away from the office at least two

7 Marketwire, “Cisco Study Finds Telecommuting Significantly Increases Employee Productivity, Work-Life Flexibility and Job Satisfaction” (June 26, 2009). http://www.
Workspace Utilization and Allocation Benchmark

days per week. Sun’s “iWork” Program IBM

has yielded an annual savings of $86.7
million related to reduced real estate and About 25 percent of IBM’s 320,000
administrative expenses. worldwide workers telecommute from
• AT&T: AT&T reports that 90 percent home offices, saving $700 million in real
of its managers participate in the estate costs.9
teleworking program on some level. The
company reports annual savings of $15
million in real estate costs and estimates U.S. Patent and Trademark
an annual $150 million increase in Office
productive hours worked.
Even without telework, many of The telework and alternative work
today’s knowledge workers and their arrangements programs at the Patent
managers spend more than half their
time away from their offices because
and Trademark Office (PTO) have
of travel, meetings, illness, flexible enabled PTO to relinquish about three
work arrangements, etc. As the use of floors, or 47,000 square feet of office
telework increases, and with average workspace. The PTO allows lawyers to
teleworkers spending two or three days
per week away from the regular office,
reserve workspace in advance, which
the resulting empty office workspace can allows roughly five workers to share one
easily be used for desk sharing, hoteling, office. The PTO expects to save roughly
or other office workspace strategies. $1.5 million annually in office rental
costs as a result.10

Reducing or Nortel Networks

Eliminating Workspace
Many organizations have used Of Nortel’s 13,000 teleworkers, 4,000
alternative workspace arrangements no longer need dedicated office
to reduce or eliminate their office workspace in a Nortel building. Overall,
workspace footprint without sacrificing telecommuting allows the company to
productivity. save $20 million dollars a year on real
estate costs — the equivalent of two
20-story office buildings of 40,000 square
feet per floor.11
AT&T reported a savings of $3,000
per office, totaling approximately
$550 million per year, by eliminating
Hoteling and Desk Sharing
or consolidating office workspace
associates no longer needed.8 Investing in telework and mobile office
capabilities is only one component of
an office workspace efficiency plan.
With teleworkers spending two, three,
or in some instances four days per
8 Marketwire, “Cisco Study Finds Telecommuting Significantly Increases Employee Productivity, Work-Life Flexibility and Job Satisfaction” (June 26, 2009). http://www.
9 Canadian Telework Association/InnoVisions Canada: “Office Space and Innovative Office Strategies”
10 Government Executive, “Agency sees gains from telework initiative” (April 15, 2003).
11 Canadian Telework Association/InnoVisions Canada: “Office Space and Innovative Office Strategies”

Workspace Utilization and Allocation Benchmark

week away from their permanent office, organization located in New York City
many organizations are also offering has 334 workspaces in a facility made up
their associates a hoteling option. of 108 “permanently assigned” spaces
Hoteling allows associates who already and 226 shared workspaces. There are
telework to reserve office workspace 550 people who work “from” that office.
on an as needed So, the ratio for the shared space is
The cost of basis without being 2.4 associate to each workspace. This
accommodating permanently assigned to organization measured the actual
the average Federal a workstation. Hoteling utilization of the shared workspace and
associate typically is normally reserved found that the workspaces were utilized
runs $10,000 - for associates who do only 37 percent of the time. (Of the 226
$15,000 annually not have an assigned shared workspaces only 86 were in
per person. personal workspace, or use at any given time.) If they were to
Eliminating 100 those who are willing eliminate the 142 “vacant” spaces, they
workspaces can save to relinquish their could achieve a ratio of more than 5
assigned workspace. associates to every shared workspace.
an organization
This alternative (Even counting the assigned spaces the
over $1M a year.
workspace strategy can ratio would be nearly 3 associates to
~GSA Cost Per Person Model also eliminate the need every workspace.) And, they could save
for additional office nearly $1.5 million per year by shedding
workspace and may save the unused space.
the organization millions of dollars in
In another example, associates in the
real estate costs.
Department of the Treasury’s Inspector
In a traditional work environment General for Tax Administration
there is a 1-to-1 ratio of associates (TIGTA) office formed a cross-
to workspaces. With a hoteling/desk functional team which focused on two
sharing strategy there is at least an “n”- goals: First, expand TIGTA’s current
to-1 ratio of associates to workspaces. teleworking program. Second, reduce
The higher the value of “n”, the more workspace in offices that have a high
effective the workspace program will concentration of associates who
be with the prospect of yielding better telework more than two days per week.
workspace performance. With no loss
TIGTA’s solution was to offer a hoteling
in associate productivity, it stands to
program which allowed TIGTA to
reason that a 2:1 associate to workplace
reallocate workspace and accommodate
ratio is twice as efficient as a 1:1 ratio.
a greater number of associates in a
How high the ratio goes is defined by
smaller amount of workspace, ultimately
the nature of the organization, but from
reducing rent expenses by $100,000
GSA’s research, ratios of 5:1 to 7:1 are
annually. Under TIGTA’s hoteling
not uncommon.
program, associates are no longer
As an actual example: A high-tech assigned to a specific workspace.

Workspace Utilization and Allocation Benchmark

Instead, associates make a reservation real estate savings. Unfortunately, the

for the type of workspace they require technology of the day did not support
while in the office. TIGTA assigned a remote associates, and their productivity
reservation number to each work area declined. Today, however the shoe is
and work areas were then reconfigured on the other foot. The hoteling/desk
to support particular work tasks. sharing workplace is not the impetus for
change; rather, it is the result of change
As you recall, in the 1990s, hoteling/desk
in the form of new technology, increased
sharing was a concept that failed. Many
collaboration, real estate realities,
organizations pushed hoteling/desk
government initiatives, and sustainable
sharing onto their associates because
design and practices, among others.
they viewed it as a way to realize huge

Workspace Utilization and Allocation Benchmark

Workplace Survey Results

n June 2010 through January Netherlands, while the remaining 12
2011, GSA conducted telephone percent of respondents did not indicate
interviews and e-mail surveys the location of the organization.
with several public, private and
Of the 75 survey respondents, 35
international organizations to
percent were government organizations,
develop workspace benchmarks.
while 55 percent were private industry
GSA conducted a Workplace Utilization
and Allocation Survey to explore
• Of the 75 total respondent organizations,
workspace usage and allocation in the approximately 42 percent reported
federal government and private sector. having full-time teleworkers who are not
This exploratory survey received 75 total provided office workspace.
responses from both government and
private industry survey participants.
Approximately 79 percent of responses Combined Respondents
came from organizations in the United
States; three percent from Japan; Figure 1 shows a snapshot of all
three percent from Canada; 1.5 percent respondent organizations.
from Iceland; and 1.5 percent from The • Approximately 76 percent of the
respondent organizations provide

Figure 1. All Respondent Organizations

Workspace Utilization and Allocation Benchmark

alternative workspace arrangements • Telework centers (8%)

(AWA). Reported AWA strategies • Desk sharing (12%)
• Approximately 15 percent of respondent
• Telework (70%) government organizations reported
• Hoteling (30%) having full-time teleworkers who are not
provided office workspace, as compared
• Virtual office (19%) to 59 percent of private industry
• Telework centers (12%) organizations that reported having full-
time teleworkers who are not provided
• Desk sharing (27%) office workspace.
• Hot desking (18%)
• Approximately 21 percent of the
respondent organizations do not provide
AWA. Private Industry Organizations
• Approximately 3 percent of the • More than 75 percent of the respondent
respondent organizations did not private industry organizations provide
indicate AWA status. AWA. AWA strategies reported by
private industry organizations include:
• Telework (68%)
• Hoteling (41%)
Government Organizations
• Approximately 76 percent of the • Virtual office (32%)
respondent government organizations • Telework centers (15%)
provide AWA. AWA strategies reported
by government organizations include: • Desk sharing (39%)

• Telework (77%) • Hot desking (29%)

• Hoteling (4%)

Workspace Utilization and Allocation Benchmark

Workplace Allocation Results

n the 2000s, facility mangers in Our findings indicate that there are
both the Federal government and numerous other contributing factors at
private sector typically thought play in the push to make the allocation
they needed 200 to 400 square feet of the workspace smaller and more
per person to build an effective communal. Many responders are
office workspace. Based on GSA emphasizing teamwork, and the new
research, today’s prevailing standard mobile workforces that are accustomed
workspace average is a little more than to working anywhere but at a desk are
190 USF square feet per person, and turning up their noses at the hierarchical
the space allocation could hit a mere 60 formality of the traditional workplace.
square feet in the next 5 years. In addition, familiar technologies such
as laptop computers, smart phones
As a continuous stream of GSA
and videoconferencing are finally
survey results and extensive research
beginning to affect the office workplace.
findings shows us, organizations have
Much like GSA’s Central Office, the
been gradually dialing back on office
new workplace is designed to squeeze
workspace allocation and grandness for
together workstations while setting
years. As trends in today’s workplace
aside a few rooms where associates can
environment, such as telework and desk
conduct meetings and rooms to have
sharing offer organizations flexibility and
private telephone conversations. Ideally,
optimal workspace usage. However the
GSA’s design creates a workplace that
general slowdown in economic activity
is more open, collaborative, and efficient
has accelerated the trend as sobered
while utilizing fewer square feet per
facility mangers are forced to let go of
their old workspace and try new ways
to use less space, increase operation
efficiency, and reduce overall workspace

Workspace Utilization and Allocation Benchmark

Figure 2. Typical Workspace Allocation

Position USF Configuratiuon

Executive 300 Private Office

Director 250 Private Office

Manager 200 Cubicle

Supervisor 120 Cubicle

Technical 80 Cubicle

Support Staff 80 Cubicle

Clerical 64 Cubicle

Calculating how much workspace an The participating responders

organization needs is not an exact reported that workspace allocation
science. The estimates provided is still somewhat dependent upon an
in Figure 2 are prevailing standard associate’s position in the organization.
workspace averages for an atypical However, most responders reported
allocation per staff position which we that their prevailing standard average
received from our research partners. workspace is between 175 and 200
These estimates can be individually square feet per person. The greatest
adjusted upward to provide a more amount of workspace at the executive
spacious workspace or can be adjusted levels (300 USF per person) and the
downward to provide a more efficient least amount of workspace at the
use of office workspace. support staff levels (64 USF per person).

Workspace Utilization and Allocation Benchmark

Workplace Snapshots

SA arbitrarily selected Two of the organizations focus on
and benchmarked ten manufacturing, two on business
organizations to present a services, one is a media conglomerate,
snapshot of the data received one is telecommunications and two are
from our workplace survey. business services and consulting.
Support space, circulation,
Participating benchmark organizations
collaborative space, amenities, storage,
also include – one domestic government
and other special spaces are all included
organization, one international
in the prevailing standard workspace per
government organization, one County
staff position average.
Government organization and one
Participating organizations include Academic Institution.
six private industry organizations.


This small, award-winning architectural design firm focuses on sustainable design. The firm
was surveyed at its studio location, which serves as its only corporate building.

Position USF Configuratiuon

Executive 40 Shared Workspace

Director 40 Shared Workspace

Manager 40 Shared Workspace

Supervisor 40 Shared Workspace

Technical 40 Shared Workspace

Support Staff 40 Shared Workspace

The firm reported that irrespective of the associate position, each associate works in the
same size shared workspace as all other associates. Therefore, from executive positions to
support staff positions, each associate works in a shared workspace configuration of 40 USF
per person. The firm does not offer alternative work arrangements for its associates.

Workspace Utilization and Allocation Benchmark


As a Corporate Real Estate (CRE) division for one of the world’s most well-known and
largest communications companies, this respondent CRE division focuses on strategic
planning, retail demographics and site selections, project management, facility and property
management, floor space planning, building security and real estate budget administration.

Position USF Configuratiuon

Executive 225 Private Office

Director 150 Private Office

Manager 90 Cubicle

Supervisor 65 Cubicle

Technical 65 Cubicle

Support Staff 65 Cubicle

The CRE division reported that workspace allocation is dependent upon an associate’s
position in the company. The division allocates the greatest amount of workspace at the
executive level (225 USF per person) and the least amount of workspace at the managerial,
technical, and support staff levels (65 USF per person). The CRE division offers alternative
workplace arrangements in the form of telework and telework centers.


This participant is the CRE division for a global corporation that focuses on the design,
production, and support of communications and aviation electronics for commercial and
government clients.

Position USF Configuratiuon

Executive 380 Private Office

Director 200 Private Office

Manager 120 Private Office

Supervisor 120 Private Office

Technical 120 Private Office

Support Staff 48 Cubicle

Junior Support Staff 48 Cubicle

Workspace allocation depends on an associate’s position in the company, as those at

higher-level positions receive more space. Executives work within the greatest amount of
space (380 USF per person), while managers, supervisors, and technicians all receive the
same amount of working space at 120 USF per person. This CRE division offers telework and
reported that a small percentage of its associates function as full-time teleworkers.

Workspace Utilization and Allocation Benchmark


This participant acts as a security division within the headquarters of a U.S. government
agency. The division reported that workspace allocation depends on an associate’s position
in the division, since those at higher-level positions receive more space.

Position USF Configuratiuon

Executive 400 Private Office

Director 300 Private Office

Manager 200 Private Office

Supervisor 120 Private Office

Technical 120 Private Office

Support Staff 80 Cubicle

Clerical 48 Cubicle

The majority of associates work in private offices. The security division reported that AWA
is offered in the form of telework and working from telework centers.


This facilities management division operates within an international government agency
focusing on public health. Workspace allocation depends on an associate’s position in the
organization, as those at higher-level positions receive more space.

Position USF Configuratiuon

Executive 105 Private Office

Director 75 Private Office

Manager 60 Private Office

Supervisor 52 Cubicle

Technical 52 Cubicle

Support Staff 52 Cubicle

This international government agency does not offer alternative work arrangements to its

Workspace Utilization and Allocation Benchmark


This participant acts as an academic institution on a significant campus setting. Workplace
benchmark data is similar to three other data sources from similar sized Midwest academic

Position USF Configuratiuon

President 400 Private Office

Vice President 300 Private Office

Dean 240 Private Office

Department Chair 160 Private Office

Administrative Manager 100-160 Shared Office

or Cubicle
Support Staff 64-100 Shared Office
or Cubicle
Student Staff 30-64 Shared Office
or Cubicle
The square footage ranges are provided to accommodate the varying programmatic needs
of these positions across the University. The institution reported that an associate may be
assigned an office on the upper end of the range to accommodate frequent meetings with
multiple individuals.


This Fortune 200 manufacturing firm conducts business across the aerospace and
information technology solutions industries. The firm was surveyed on its corporate
headquarters space, which is comprised entirely of operations staff. At headquarters,
workspace allocation is dependent upon an associate’s position in the company.

Position USF Configuratiuon

Executive/Senior Vice President 400 Private Office

Vice President 300 Private Office

Director 225 Private Office

Manager 150 Private Office

Support Staff 56 Cubicle

According to senior management, the average USF per associate at the manager and
support staff in most divisions are very low for two reasons:
(1) management supports the use of teleworking and desk sharing by associates; and
(2) the flat organizational model of this firm dictates that there is less need for the
larger offices.

Workspace Utilization and Allocation Benchmark


This Fortune 100 media conglomerate works with a wide variety of media ranging from
television to the internet. Workspace allocation depends on an associate’s position in the
company; those at higher-level positions receive more workspace.

Position USF Configuratiuon

Senior Executives 225 Office

Executives 150 Office

Managers 64 Cubicle

Staff 64 Cubicle

Three subcategories exist within the senior executive and executive levels; each subcategory
has the same allotment workspace, but different interior finishes and furniture packages.
Although the office size for the managers and staff is the same (64 USF), managers and staff
receive different furniture packages.


This leading management consulting firm provides strategic and technical solutions to
both commercial and government clients. Workspace allocation depends on an associate’s
position in the company; those at higher-level positions receive more space.

Position USF Configuratiuon

Office &
Senior Vice President 400 Conference Space
Vice President 280 Office

Principal/Senior Associate 140 Office

Associate & below 70 Shared Office

The firm estimates that 35 percent of its workforce teleworks on a consistent basis, but
teleworking does not save space costs since offices are still guaranteed to all associates –
even those dedicated to a client site. Although the office sizes for the principals and senior
associates are the same (140 USF), staff at the two positions receive different furniture
packages. Vice presidents and senior vice presidents travel frequently, so the firm uses their
offices as conference space when they are away.

Workspace Utilization and Allocation Benchmark

Case Studies:
Today’s Innovative Workplace

n today’s constantly changing pilot a workable solution.
workplace, organizations must
The office first developed a cross-
find ways to remain competitive
functional research team of marketing,
and to keep up with rapid
finance, technology, human capital,
technological advances and
and real estate specialists, as well as
developments in business
IBM clients. Through field research
environments. Learning to utilize
techniques and focus groups, the team
the workplace as a strategic tool
found that staff was willing to share
can help meet these objectives. The
space in the home office if they were
following case study participants—
given the technology necessary to
who are major players in the IT, real
support their customers while in the
estate, furniture, and management
field. Since staff indicated that they
consulting industries—demonstrate
did not necessarily require cubicles or
how to use resources when redefining
desks at the IBM home office, the team
the workplace as a dynamic, mobile
explored a variety of new real estate
designs. Ultimately, the team settled
on a mixed use design consisting of
multiple collaboration office spaces
Case Study #1: IBM Reduces designed only for management. This
Its Real Estate Footprint design, which initially centered on a 4:1
Through Telework staff-to-desk ratio, was based on the
fact that staff was spending the majority
When IBM’s Norfolk, Virginia office
of their work week at client sites. The
assessed its levels of client satisfaction,
mixed use design provided a flexible
staff satisfaction, and productivity, it had
office environment for staff to return to
no idea that the findings would lead to
as needed.
a dramatic reduction in its real estate
footprint. Assessment results showed After announcing the pilot, the cross-
that both IBM’s clients and staff wanted functional team developed and delivered
work arrangements that allowed them a carefully-designed communications
to collaborate at client sites on a daily campaign. Its key message was that
basis. To accommodate this finding, this pilot was a move towards mobile
the Norfolk office embarked on an eight work—working at customer sites or
month process designed to identify and

Workspace Utilization and Allocation Benchmark

in other remote offices as needed— IBM implemented an international

and not simply a work-from-home rollout of telework and mobile work
program. A behavioral psychologist programs in 1996 – the same work
helped the office prepare for the programs are still offered today and
cultural shift that would result from mobile work and telework have become
this new work arrangement. Managers a global work arrangement for IBM.
and staff were encouraged to discuss To support its mobile work programs,
potential frustrations with the new IBM hired a global mobility officer who
work arrangement in cultural training leads a cross-functional team that works
sessions. to design specific mobility programs
for the company’s various regions.
Feedback from clients, staff, and
When designing programs, the team
management on the mixed use design
employs an 80/20 rule, which states that
was very positive.
80 percent of IBM’s support standards
Modeling Norfolk’s pilot, IBM must be used worldwide, while 20
implemented the same pilot program at percent may be adapted to suit the local
four additional offices throughout the geography, business unit, and work
U.S. before implementing the mobile culture of a specific region.
work program at all of its sales offices
Today, 39 percent of IBM’s
in 1995. IBM used its lessons learned
300,000-member worldwide staff works
from three years of pilot programs to
in some type of a remote environment
implement the nationwide program in
and the 4:1 staff-to-desk ratio has been
only two weeks. Under the program,
gradually increased to an average of
IBM’s entire national field workforce—
totaling 10,000 associates—gave up its
dedicated workspaces. The nationwide Over the past ten years, IBM has realized
program saved IBM a total of two million over one billion dollars in global real
square feet (SF) of office space by estate savings. While IBM does not have
eliminating 7500 workspaces in 1995 – figures on its real estate savings in Asia
resulting in approximately $100 million in Pacific and Latin America, it reports that
annual U.S. savings. alternative work arrangements save IBM
$100 million annually in Europe. The
Following the national rollout, IBM
savings realized in the U.S. and Europe
headquarters staff started to request the
is used for continued investments in
option of telework and alternative work
leading-edge technical support for
environments. In response, IBM started
worldwide staff. In addition, IBM’s
alternative work environment programs
mobile quality-of-life benefits have
at offices with expiring leases. Offices
proven instrumental in retaining and
were deemed suitable for telework and
supporting both a maturing workforce
mobile work arrangements by examining
and a younger generation of associates.
the number of staff, current use of
space, and ratio of those who would
Workspace Utilization and Allocation Benchmark

Case Study #2: Sabre’s of square-feet allocated per position.

Workspace Innovation But as a travel technology company, a
healthy percentage of Sabre’s associates
The following case is extracted from Sabre traveled on business, leaving their desks
Holdings Case Study.12 empty. Dean Sanderson, Sabre’s Vice
President of Corporate Real Estate at
The Sabre Holdings Flexible Workspace
the time, realized that if there was a
Program (Flexspace) is an alternative,
way to increase utilization of the space,
flexible space model where only a
real estate costs could be dramatically
percentage of cubicles were assigned
reduced. But could it be done?
and others remained available for
“flexible use.” Sabre was able to achieve In 2006, Sabre was allocating about 350
significant savings within 18-months, square-feet per employee, well in line
reducing global real estate costs by with industry standards at the time,
25 percent and ultimately created a although companies were beginning
sustainable enterprise transformation for to look for ways to reduce that figure
value beyond the bottom line. to 250 square feet. Even by traditional
measures, the company had too much
The seeds for Sabre’s Flexspace program
space. Its five headquarters buildings
were actually planted in 2000, as the
had 4,000 seats, but housed around
company began planning for its new
3,000 employees. After reviewing
corporate headquarters in Southlake,
approximately six months of badge
Texas. The travel technology firm,
data from security checkpoints across
with more than 9,000 associates in 59
campus, Sanderson confirmed what
countries was moving from being a
he and his real estate team had already
mainframe computer-driven company
speculated: employees were frequently
with a corporate culture rooted in
out of the office, and on average, only
traditional hardwall offices to a more
60% to 65% of them were actually in the
agile technology firm poised for growth.
office on any given day. Taking into
As executives strategized plans for
account offsite meetings, vacation and
Sabre’s new headquarters, they decided
sick time, even employees who didn’t
to look at things from the perspective
travel and considered themselves daily
of how they wanted associates to work
on-site workers could easily be absent
to what building materials they wanted
from their desks for one month out of the
to use. Efficiency and flexibility would
be important, both in terms of how
associates would approach their work If Sabre was going to fold its five
and how the building would operate. headquarters offices into the two LEED-
certified buildings, it would have to
Traditionally, gauging real estate
plan for 1.35 employees per cubicle
performance means measuring real
— a significant increase from the 0.81
estate costs per employee. It is simply
employees per cubicle the company had
calculated by multiplying a building’s
in 2006. Cubicles which varied in size
total cost per square-feet by the number
depending upon an associates’ position
12 Sabre Holdings Case Study (2011)
Workspace Utilization and Allocation Benchmark

and level within the company would have deep headcount reductions. “Ten million
be reconfigured into a standard size dollars is worth 100 jobs, when you
and outfitted with the same technology, consider all the costs,” Miller said.
so that associates could expect the
The goal wasn’t to change the way
same environment wherever they were
people scheduled their work, but to more
physically placed to work. Executives
closely match the number of employees
too, who were the only associates with
with the way they were already using the
hardwall offices in the new headquarters
space, fitting the anticipated campus
building, would have to move to cubicles
population of 3,000 employees into 2,200
to make room for the additional meeting
space required.
Implementing a workplace
The figures were compelling. Flexspace
transformation strategy like Flexspace
would reduce Sabre’s headquarters
can provide meaningful corporate
buildings from 1.04 million square
savings that go far beyond the bottom
feet, to 470,000 square
line, and should be considered as part
Sabre reduced feet, slashing annual
of any modern corporate real estate
its headquarters operational expenses
program. For Sabre, Flexspace was
footprint by by $10 million within
a corporate real estate strategy that
55%, from 1.04 three years. In addition
slashed existing operating expenses by
million square- to operational savings
25%, offered a template for reducing the
feet to 470,000 and lease expense, the
cost of future real estate expansions,
square-feet, and company would be able
and accomplished significant gains in
consolidating from to generate additional reducing its environmental footprint.
cash by selling the
five buildings to
other building it owned.
two. Cost per employee at
headquarters would Case Study #3: Herman Miller
be cut in half, and the program would On Space Standards And
reduce global real estate costs per Industry Trends
person by more than 25%. Herman Miller, Inc. (HMI), a global
Mark Miller, Sabre’s CFO, says the provider of office furniture and office
program was significant because design services, has observed that
there are few things a company can companies appear to be paying more
do to quickly eliminate $10 million attention to “human value” when
in expenses. By pushing for greater making space allocation decisions. As
utilization of Sabre’s office space, the a result, there seems to be much more
company was extracting more value focus on matching human needs with
out of its real estate assets. The cost economic considerations. Therefore,
savings which helped the company organizations seem to move away
to avoid less appealing cost-cutting from hierarchical space planning
measures which are often necessary and more towards use of space that
during weak economic cycles, such as provides the best possible benefit for

Workspace Utilization and Allocation Benchmark

knowledge workers. Currently, 48 (6x8) HMI currently recommends the following

SF per person is the lowest workspace office space allocation measurements
allocation for knowledge workers that for an office that houses 100 to 120
HMI typically sees in the marketplace. associates:
Unlike the RSF and USF metrics • Six private offices, at 120 SF per person
discussed earlier in this document, this • One 200 SF file room
allocation does not include common • Two to four 50 SF phone rooms
areas and only accounts for dedicated • One 150-200 SF break room
workspace. However, HMI is seeing • Two 36 SF touch down areas
workspace allocations as low as 36 • Two 120 SF conference rooms
(6x6) or 25 (5x5) SF per person for call • Two 144 SF conference rooms
center environments, since call center • One 288 SF conference room
associates do not have the same storage • One 200 SF reception area
and collaboration needs as knowledge • Two 48 SF collaboration spaces
As companies reduce individual
HMI has also observed an increasing workspace, HMI has observed that
number of companies using telework to group shared space has increased. In
both reduce their real estate footprint fact, HMI believes that over the next
and increase space allocation efficiency. five years, there will be a move towards
HMI has observed that, traditionally, 50/50 allocation of office space between
many companies have been slow to individual and group needs. According
reinvent their work environments. For to HMI, space allocation standards—
example, companies with telework such as GSA’s workspace benchmark
programs often sent staff to work from average 195 USF per person—are
home instead of redesigning their reasonable, provided that planners
office space. In light of this trend, HMI incorporate the right elements in design.
has been working with companies to In other words, space planners should
redesign office space that allows for a consider issues—such as associates’
reduced space per person allocation. Its functional requirements and needs
new “My Studio Environment” design for collaborative space—when making
includes a workspace with translucent allocation decisions.
sliding doors—which transmit light,
block sound, and provide privacy—and
sliding walls.

Workspace Utilization and Allocation Benchmark

Featured Article:
Take My Desk — Please
The following article appears in the CFO Magazine24.

By rethinking office design, companies are informal meetings, and there are
cutting real estate costs by nearly half. scattered café areas that look remarkably
like the local Starbucks. Associates,
Don Durfee, Research Editor, CFO Magazine
equipped with wireless laptops,
Blackberries, and cell phones, are free
Remember 1999, when big companies to work wherever they wish. Some
rushed to imitate the dot-coms by companies are taking the idea further,
crafting hip workplaces? Suddenly, combining new thinking on office space
relaxed dress codes, refrigerators full of with an endorsement of telecommuting
Diet Coke and Snickers bars, and dogs or the establishment of smaller, more
in the halls made the corporate life seem modest regional offices that associates
a little less corporate. can drop in to as needed.

Most of that funky aesthetic disappeared

faster than you can say “New Economy,”
but one facet is making a quiet Empty Desks
comeback: the open office arrangement. The concept is not new; as Sandy
Motivated more by a desire to save Apgar, a partner with The Boston
money on real estate than to please Consulting Group’s (BCG) real estate
finicky associates, companies including practice, says, “Over the years, many
Motorola, Ernst & Young, and Cisco companies have touched on this topic
Systems report that they have cut real but not gone much further. They run into
estate costs significantly by adopting significant resistance, especially from
“alternative workplace” designs. Cisco, midlevel managers, and interest wanes.”
for example, has seen 37 to 40 percent
savings from its new approach. But there are reasons to believe that
this time things may play out differently.
Capital One Financial Services Corp. A recent Gallup poll commissioned by
has made the concept a key part of its CoreNet Global, a corporate real estate
“Future of Work” initiative by swapping association, found that 20 percent of
traditional offices and cubicles for a large companies expect to have between
mixture of unassigned desks, sofas, 25 and 50 percent of their associates
and conference spaces. The company’s working in unassigned spaces in
cafeteria is designed to accommodate 2012, and by 2020 the majority of large

Workspace Utilization and Allocation Benchmark

companies are expected to have adopted the time. “Some people were using
the practice to some extent. their offices only 5 percent of the time,”
Schuyler says. By eliminating most
The primary driver is economy: as
dedicated workspaces (administrative
managers work their way down the
assistants got to keep their own
list of cost-cutting opportunities, real
desks), the company has sharply
estate emerges as an attractive target.
reduced its needs. A building that once
At most companies, property-related
accommodated 650 associates, for
costs are second only to salaries and
example, now serves 1,200. Schuyler
benefits. Some companies have already
declines to say how much the company
pared such expenses, typically by
has saved, but real estate professionals
consolidating partly vacant buildings and
say that such actions can produce
either selling or subletting what’s left.
savings of up to 40 percent.
Alternative workplaces offer an
Another factor pushing companies to
opportunity for deeper cuts because
reconsider office space is the widening
they represent a shift from thinking
gap between what workers need and
about occupancy (how many people
what workplaces provide. At one time,
a building can accommodate if each
office associates labored primarily in
worker is assigned a specific seat) to
solitude; today, they spend two-thirds
utilization (how many people actually
of their time collaborating, according
use a building or office at any given
to Gartner. But offices are still set
time). “Companies are starting to realize
up for the old style of work. “In most
that instead of being satisfied that their
companies, you find that conference
building is 95 percent occupied they
rooms are overbooked while offices and
should instead be worried that it’s only
cubicles are empty,” says Mark Golan,
40 percent utilized, because people are
Cisco’s vice president of worldwide real
often out of the office,” says Prentice
estate and the chairman of CoreNet. “It’s
Knight, (former) CEO of CoreNet Global.
insane. Not only is it wasteful, it doesn’t
Matt Schuyler, Capital One’s executive suit the needs of your workforce.”
vice president of human resources (he
Like Capital One, Cisco’s response
also oversees real estate), says he was
has been to turn the old design on its
“startled” by just how true that was after
head by making the office a home away
his team and the company’s finance
from home. “You don’t go home to a
department surveyed how office space
cubicle,” Golan says; “you move around
was being used and calculated how
the house depending on what you’re
much could be saved by reorganizing.
doing.” When Cisco’s associates aren’t
on the road (they’re on the road about
20 percent of the time), they usually work
Double Occupancy together, so the space was reconfigured
Research showed that associates were to provide open areas where associates
working somewhere other than their can have quick, informal meetings,
offices and cubicles more than half while work teams can gather in a range

Workspace Utilization and Allocation Benchmark

of small and large conference rooms Full-service real estate providers have
outfitted with video-conferencing geared up to help companies make the
equipment and digital whiteboards. transition. Such firms as Jones Lang
When associates need what Capital LaSalle and Trammell Crow Co. now
One refers to as “heads-down quiet guide companies through the process,
space” they can move to a library, where from space planning to implementation.
conversation is minimal and cell phones Even furniture makers have joined the
must stay on vibrate mode. act. “A decade ago, if you wanted a
mobile furniture system, you had to have
The goal is to augment the savings on
it custom-built,” says Knight. Now, most
real estate with enhanced productivity.
components are available out of the box.
Measuring productivity is never easy;
as Cisco’s Golan notes, “It’s hard to Building the new space is only half the
isolate the effect that any one variable effort, though — companies also need
has on worker output.” But he says that to persuade associates to embrace it.
a pilot project in the company’s call An office still conveys status for many,
centers resulted in “very significant” and some managers are uncomfortable
improvements. Capital One attempts with direct reports working at home or
to crack the productivity code through in ever-changing corners of the office.
worker surveys, and says that three- Associates may simply wonder where
quarters of associates surveyed say they are supposed to stash all their stuff.
they are now working as productively
Capital One addresses those and similar
as possible, while just over half say that
issues by launching a needs assessment
group productivity is up. The company
that examines how work gets done in
also found a 24 to 31 percent reduction
each unit. (To date, eight units of the
in the time needed to get input from
company totaling about 2,000 associates
managers and peers, which it says leads
have moved to the new system, with
to faster decisions.
some of the biggest groups slated to
make the move next year.) The design
of each space varies depending on the
Making It Work needs of the people who use it. For
example, in IT much of the work is done
The good news is that alternative
on a project basis, with teams forming
workplaces are much easier to set up
and then disbanding once projects are
than in years past. For many knowledge
completed. So the company created
workers, work is almost synonymous
“agile project rooms,” with movable
with Internet access. Now that laptop
walls, electronic whiteboards, and even
computers are powerful and inexpensive,
careful control over the thermostat,
wireless networks proliferating, and
because with all that gear and people in
various conferencing technologies
one place, the temperature can climb to
maturing, “office space” can be created
uncomfortable levels.
virtually by using the tools that workers
would be supplied with anyway. Associates are given the option of
“going mobile,” and about 80 percent

Workspace Utilization and Allocation Benchmark

choose to do so. They receive six to since added glass walls that extend to
eight weeks of training on everything the ceiling.
from how to be productive while working
Executives at companies that have made
in virtual teams to how to use new
the move to alternative workplaces
equipment, to how to manage their own
agree that the change-management
piles of paperwork when they no longer
issues require a lot of attention. One
have dedicated desks. (Hint: forget
financial services firm in New York jump-
hard copies and instead embrace the
started its process by giving managers
“paperless office.”)
a reduced amount of office space and
Flexibility is essential. There are big left it to them to decide whether to stick
differences between what suits the with the traditional office layout, which
sales staff, who travel a lot, and the would result in a cramped cubicle hell,
engineers, who are more office-bound or adopt a more inviting, open plan that
and have more gear. Companies may allowed for some growth possibilities
also discover that some seemingly good — assuming associates shared the
ideas don’t work. Hewlett-Packard, space. As Chris Howe of BCG notes,
for example, which is in the midst of a “It doesn’t force anyone to do things a
four-year overhaul of its hundreds of certain way, but it does make the trade-
buildings worldwide, found that newly offs very clear.”
created small project rooms, enclosed
by low partitions, were too noisy. It has

Workspace Utilization and Allocation Benchmark


Acronym Definition

AWA Alternative Work Arrangements

BCG Boston Consulting Group
CFR Code of Federal Regulations
COOP Continuity of Operations
CRE Corporate Real Estate
GSA General Services Administration
HMI Herman Miller, Inc.
IBM International Business Machines
OGP Office of Govermentwide Policy
OPM Office of Personnel Management
PBS Public Buildings Service
PTO Patent and Trademark Office
RSF Rentable Square Feet
SF Square Feet
TIGTA Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration
USF Usable Square Feet
ZEF Zero Environmental Footprint

Smarter Solutions

July 2011

GSA Office of Governmentwide Policy

Office of Real Property Management
Performance Measurement Division

U.S. General Services Administration

1800 F Street, NW
Washington, DC 20405

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