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Application Tutorial 1.


Fundamentals and Application of CFD

Master’s DegreeDegree
Numerical Simulation in Engineering
Simulation with Ansys with Ansys
in Engineering
© 2023 Ansys, Inc.
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid - Ansys 12th EDITION
This workshop is the first contact with sketching in SpaceClaim. It will be also a useful approximation to
the Pull Tool to learn effectively how to create 3D bodies in SCDM. The workshop begins creating a
new part using a non-dimensioned image to start.

The objective of this workshop is to create a new geometry without respecting any given dimensions.
It is started by creating sketches using the Sketch Creation Tools. The Pull Tool is then used to create 3D
geometry from the sketch.

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Project Startup
Create the Project
• Start Workbench or, if Workbench is already open, click New to
create a new project.

• Expand Component Systems and drag and drop a Geometry

component system into the Project Schematic.

• Double click on the Geometry cell (A2) to start SpaceClaim.

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Tools Needed
Tools needed in this Workshop:

Sketch Creation Tools Pull Tool

Orient Tools

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Orient Tools
Spin, Pan & Zoom
Before we will start sketching, we have to learn the Orient Tools.
• In the Design Toolbar select Cylinder option.
• Select the origin as starting point as in the image.
• Draw the main axis of the cylinder in any direction with any dimension and click LMB
and set the diameter in this way too following the sequence shown in the images

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Orient Tools
Spin, Pan & Zoom
• Now go to Design Toolbar and click the Select Option.

• Now we will check the Orient Tools:

• Spin: Click on the Spin Option in the Toolbar (or MMB) and slice the mouse in
different ways.
• Pan: Click on the Pan Option in the Toolbar (or MMB+Ctrl) and play again with
the mouse over the cylinder.
• Zoom: Click on the Zoom Option in the Toolbar (or MMB+Shift or Scroll the
MMB) and move up and down the mouse.
Once learnt this introduction, delete or undo the cylinder
and we will start sketching.

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Sketch Creation (1)
Create a Sketch
• To sketch in the XY Plane, select New Sketch Plane and
click on the Z-axis or in the upper right hand corner of the

• In addition, by clicking on the Plan View icon it is possible

to view a heads up display on this plane.

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Sketch Creation (2)
Other equivalent form to create a sketch
• Select the Sketching Mode either by using shortcut ‘K’ or pressing the button (1) in the picture below.
• Select the XZ plane to sketch on by clicking when oriented in that plane.
• Click on the Plan View to sketch, or you can use the keyboard shortcut ‘V’.

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Sketching in SpaceClaim
• Create 2 rectangles like the ones shown below using the ‘rectangle’ sketch tool or the keyboard shortcut ‘R’.

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Pulling the sketch
• Click on the Pull tool in the Design toolbar or use the keyboard shortcut ‘P’.
• Select the two faces and “Pull” the box in the + y-direction to make it a 3D cube.
• Click on the Home view button or use the keyboard shortcut ‘H’.

Notice: After clicking on ‘Pull’ the mode turns automatically to 3D. Spin the view
with the cursor or click on Trimetic to move the view into 3D.

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Creating Simple Bracket (1)
• By choosing Select first, click on the upper surface of the volume obtained and then click on the rectangle
sketch creation tool.
Notice the mode turns automatically to sketching. Use Plan View again.

• Draw the following sketches:

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Creating Bracket (2)
• Select the inner circles and the small rectangle using the Ctrl key, then click on the ‘pull’ tool.
• Pull in the – y-direction to create holes.
• Select the surfaces between the small and the big circles and pull in the + y-direction to add material.

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Creating Bracket (3)
• Select the surface behind the two cylinders and click on the line tool or use the keyboard shortcut ‘L’. Use
Plan View again to set the sketching plane.

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Creating Bracket (4)
1. Use the line tool or the keyboard shortcut ‘L’ to create the 2 lines shown below. It is possible to equal their
length by using the cursor.
2. Use the Three-Point-Arc to draw the Arc between the upper points.
3. Use the Offset function to offset the created sketch by selecting the three new components simultaneously
with the Ctrl key.

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Creating Bracket (5)
• Pull the created sketch in the + Z direction to add material.

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Creating Rounds (1)
• Select the two edges of the upper cylinders surfaces and pull to create rounds .

Notice: The default Pull option is set to Round for edges.

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Creating Rounds (2)
• Repeat the same actions with the 4 following edges using the Ctrl key.

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Creating Chamfers
• Select the 9 following edges using the Ctrl key or double clicking on any of these edges. Click on the Pull Tool
and change the Pull Options to ‘Chamfer’ to create Chamfers .

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Saving the project
Save the file as AT01.2a.scdoc in the desired folder and Exit SpaceClaim.

In this workshop we have learned how to create sketches in SpaceClaim and how to pull these
sketches without following any given dimensions.
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