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The Babel Wager my hat and the storm-wind hit my face.

A woman stood before me in the rain,

The radio crackled. looking up at the sky. She wore the most
beautiful dress I had ever seen, and I watched
“I think we’re about done here. Let’s open
her for a moment. I knew that she was the
the chamber and bring everything back.”
one I loved.
“Not so fast, Smith,” I said, “Make sure we’ve
Then, she was gone again.
done our job right before we set this loose.
Every detail has to be right, and there’s “Did you do something, Matthews?”
nothing to be lost by making sure we’re
ready.” “We’re almost done. Keep going until it all
steadies down.”
One universal in human history: always
enough time, never enough caution. I wrote her name down on the notepad.
We weren’t supposed to try to bring people
When you deal with the sort of things we back; there was no way for the system to
deal with here, you learn on your feet. know who an individual was and recreate
Rewriting reality itself is a great idea, if you do them in the new world.
it right.
But that didn’t stop me.
But nobody ever does it right.

I stepped out into the rain, but my hat

kept it out of my eyes as I walked down the
street. Nobody else was outside; the streets
were empty.

As they should be, for now.

Here in the chamber, it was just the few of

us who’d gone in. The radio on my belt
crackled once in a while with a message from
the others, but I hadn’t seen them since the
experiment began.

Overnight we’d brought this whole thing

into being.

Something about it made me shudder.

There was a coldness to it, a chill that I
couldn’t shake.

We couldn’t leave until the work was done.

Circles inside squares inside circles.

Pyramids rising through the sky. As I went
further from the city center, the world lost its
definition. White, gray, and black played
together, hard edges and zoetrope motions
of half-formed trees swaying in a wind that I
couldn’t feel.

I took out my notepad and pencil. The

simulacrum was not complete.

I wrote a while, telling the universe what

should be there, until I felt the wind reach for

Credits If you’re entirely new to the concept of
tabletop roleplaying games, here’s a quick
crash course:
All text written by Kyle Willey of Loreshaper
Games. Created for the QuarantineJam. Tabletop roleplaying games are
predominantly an effort in storytelling.
Feel free to drop me a line at or join us on Discord! Because multiple people might not agree
on what would happen next, we create
All rights reserved.
distinct roles: the Game Master who helps
All photographic elements come from flesh out the setting, and several players who
Pixabay: control individual characters.

• cover photo by Free-Photos When something occurs that has an

uncertain outcome, the ten-sided die can
• page 1 and 2 photo by LUM3N be rolled to determine the result. It’s
unnecessary to roll for most actions, just ones
• page 3 and 4 photo by Tama66 where there is some danger or a character
only has one shot.
• page 5 and 6 photo by crispy-fotographie
In The Missive, the GM sets the difficulty
• page 7 and 8 photo by qimono for players, considers the strengths and
weaknesses of the characters, and then rolls
• page 9 and 10 photo by Pexels
in secret and may either narrate the result to
the whole group of players or reply to the
The cover image has been edited to
player attempting an action with a secret
remove a person, and each image has
received a brightness curve adjustment in
addition to being converted to grayscale. The As a player, your goal will be to write the
cover font is from the Montebello font family; story of the world inside the Chamber,
the interior fonts are Raleway for titles, putting things into it that make it better–and
Montserrat for all other text. pursuing your own personal agendas. You
will compete against time more than your
About This Game fellow players, however. The very act of
creating the world threatens to destabilize it.
This is a tabletop roleplaying game with You will keep secrets from your fellow players,
storytelling elements. Each player will take on but not the GM. This will let you craft an
the role of a character, with an additional interesting story. The goal of this game is not
person setting the scene for the other antagonistic; everyone wants to see the best
players’ characters. world come out of their actions.

The Missive requires least three people to Whether your character completes your
play: the Game Master and at least two secret goals or sacrifices them for the greater
players who will make characters. good is up to you.

To play, you will need at least one ten- First read “The Cataclysm,” “The World,”
sided die, or something to simulate a ten- “The Missive,” and “Characters” before moving
sided die. Only the Game Master will roll the to “Rules of Play.”
die. You also need some way to pass secret
messages between the Game Master Only the GM needs to read the “Game
(henceforth abbreviated to GM) and players; Master” section, which covers guidelines for
we suggest using internet-based messages running the game.
to avoid any chance of interception.

Although you do not need a character

sheet, you will need somewhere to write or
type up details about your character.

The Cataclysm commitment to the promise of a resurgent
civilization, incorporating the will of many
smaller societies into a larger bloc that
Accounts of what happened in the lead-up
promises security and safety within the
to the death of the world vary.
status quo. They are the glue that holds the
Some people say that there was a war, Unit together, but are often more interested
others a plague. All agree that there was an in the Unit itself rather than using its power
easier life in the days before the cataclysm. to better the world.
Ever since, the world has been different,
The New Tradition promises a better future
through their blend of religion and
In some places, generations have passed. technological advancement. They seek the
In others, the nightmare is fresh in living limits of their minds in meditation and
memory. studies and seek to live with a balance
between virtue and cunning. Their
The cataclysm took something from experiments have drawn the ire of their
everyone and shattered civilization. neighbors: the New Tradition considers no
study taboo, and they often leave their
But there is hope. neighbors to deal with the aftermath of their
decisions, leading to heated discussions
The worst of is over, and humanity has within the Unit’s leadership.
started to rebuild. At the dawn of the
recovery, people emerged to find that the air The Iron Meld value hard work and seek to
was safe and the water brought life instead of recover the relics of the past. They are
death, but the world was still barren. devoted to their work, but they do not have
the same interest as the New Tradition in
They knew the world would never recover study and scholarship. Instead, they
on its own. share their resources to build communities
centered on people. They are reaching the
limits of this barren world’s capacity, however.
The soil does not easily yield itself to farmers,
The World and their livestock are too slender to yield
enough meat or milk for hungry mouths.
The greatest loss was the connection
between humanity. That was restored first Combined in the Unit, these three factions
with couriers and smoke signals, and later have done their best to rebuild. The Unit’s
with wires and radios. towns boast stable and well-organized
The sickness that dwelt in the ruins passed
with the years; places that glowed deathly However, humanity cannot prosper in this
pale against the night sky or choked world. There are too many people, and not
passersby with clouds of gas lost their danger enough resources.
as people figured out how to survive.
The Acolytes are a radical political faction
But there remains a stillness. that has splintered from the Unit, turning
their eyes beyond the Unit’s borders. The Unit
The old texts talk of a different world, a slanders them, saying that they sabotage
place full of life. The new world has only supply chains and desecrate the temples of
vultures and serpents. It has lost its shine. the New Tradition.

Three groups have risen to prominence They live among the Unit in secret, their
and promised humanity a future outside the goals known only to themselves. Scapegoats
barren wastes. Combined, they form the Unit, and malcontents, the Acolytes are feared and
but each has their own agenda. loathed, and the dreadful hunt to try and
eradicate them has wearied the Unit and
The Sayerites trace their lineage back to called its values into question.
the first courier to map the wastes between
the great waters. They share a joint

The Missive Only one thing promises that the second
world can turn out better.
The Unit has found a technology in the The Missive.
deepest ruins that promises to save
humanity or destroy it. The chamber draws from what people put
into it, and the more that people write
The Chamber of Dreams has the potential down the more detailed the simulation
to rebuild reality itself, taking what is put into grows. However, nothing written can be
it and building a simulacrum of the universe. unwritten. Once a change is made, it is
Once the system runs and gets enough
information, the chamber will then use an This is how the first simulacrum died.
unknown force to bring the simulated world
into being. The Unit has a plan: sending in just a
handful of people to write the world into
The chamber’s very nature is disputed. existence. They will create a world that has
Some say that it’s a gateway to other everything they need to survive, a new home
dimensions and infinite parallel worlds. for humanity.
Others say it’s connected to an infinitely
complex computer, breaking those who Experts have observed three restrictions
enter down to nothing, letting them on what the Missive can create:
experience virtual reality, and then
reconstructing them when they leave. 1. Electronic devices created in the chamber
Nobody knows for sure. do not function properly unless they are
assembled from raw materials.
The chamber is a source of conflict within
2. Nothing can alter the fundamental laws of
the Unit. The Sayerites are hesitant to use it, physics permanently.
fearing that its mysterious power could
create a new cataclysm. The New Tradition 3. Any deliberate attempt to have the
sees it as a promised salvation from the simulacrum replicate a human being creates
broken world. Among the Iron Meld, a doppelganger who becomes hostile to
philosophy gives way to practicality: there will outsiders.
not be enough for everyone if something
radical is not done immediately. The Unit calls these “Forbidden Elements.”

There is a secret that only a chosen few Anyone found to have added a Forbidden
know. Element to the chamber will be punished,
though the Unit has not announced specific
This chamber is actually the second. penalties for offenders.

In the days shortly after the cataclysm, the In addition, any change to the Missive
early Sayerites stumbled upon a very similar based on expedience (e.g. “There is no lion
device. They used it to create a world that trying to eat me!”) will be considered a
could give them everything they dreamed of. Forbidden Element.

They recreated the old world in its entirety, It is possible to lock the chamber’s systems
bringing back their loved ones and forming a down. Once locked, no amount of writing can
new world for them to experience together. modify the chamber; the world inside unfolds
as reality would.
But something went wrong. Only those
who entered the chamber could leave it. The The Missive is the route to paradise. It is
systems failed to replicate the consciousness the salvation of humanity.
of those who had gone before the Sayerites,
and the once-dead turned against the living. And you will be one of the ones to write it.
The survivors who made it out warned Explore the simulacrum until the Missive has
against the folly of their predecessors. grown to a point where the world can
support human settlement.

Characters 2. Post-Cataclysmic: The character gains +1
Spirit and +1 Splendor.
When you want to do something in the 3. Rebuilding: The character gains +1 Savvy, +1
chamber, you will rely on your character’s Splendor.
abilities. These are Strength, Spirit, Savvy, and
Splendor. Each ability starts at a basic rating Step 2: Faction
of 1, and may increase as you go through the
steps of character creation. Higher is better! To be invited to the chamber, the
character had to reach a position of influence
Characters also have a value called in one of the three factions of the Unit.
Integrity. This represents how well they are Choose which faction invited them, or if
handling their adventures in the chamber. they’re secretly an Acolyte. If they are an
Integrity starts at 3 and decreases when Acolyte, write which faction they infiltrated;
characters fail in dangerous situations. this is what you’ll tell other players if they ask.
However, characters aren’t just about 1. Sayerite: +1 to all except Splendor.
numbers and stats. You will give your
character a motive and tie them into the 2. New Tradition: +1 to all except Strength
world outside the chamber.
3. Iron Meld: +1 to all except Savvy
Who is Your Character?
4. Acolyte: +1 to all except Spirit
Your character is a part of a world very
different from our own. In game terms, they Step 3: Background
have attributes, but each of the attributes is
determined by narrative elements in their What did the character do before they
backstory. entered the chamber?

1. Villager: Worked the earth. +2 Spirit

The Attributes
2. Scholar: Studied the world. +2 Savvy
Strength measures a character’s physical
abilities, including their toughness and 3. Fighter: Fought the Battles. +2 Strength
agility, but not their fine motor skills (which
fall under Savvy). 4. Leader: Guided the flock. +2 Splendor
Spirit measures a character’s willpower, 5. Outlander: Wandered the wastes. +1
perceptiveness, and their ability to ensure Strength, +1 Savvy
that they write the Missive correctly.
6. Guardian: Protected the weak. +1 Strength,
Savvy measures a character’s intellect, fine +1 Spirit
motor skills, and their reaction speed.
7. Captain: Led the fighters. +1 Strength, +1
Splendor measures a character’s Splendor
interpersonal skills, their ability to interact
8. Scavenger: Looted the ruins. +1 Spirit, +1
with animals, and their luck. Savvy
Step 1: Generation 9. Trader: Provided the necessities: +1 Spirit,
+1 Splendor
Time passes differently after the
cataclysm. Some places have experienced 10. Tinkerer: Built the machines. +1 Savvy, +1
hundreds of years of changes while others Splendor
are still burning.

A character’s Generation marks them as

belonging to one of three eras:

1. Cataclysmic: The character gains +1

Strength and +1 Savvy.

Step 4: Aspirations Step 6: Final Points
Pick two things that your character wants Increase any three attributes by 1, to a limit
most: of 5. You may boost the same attribute more
than once.
1. Fortune: +1 Strength

2. Faith: +1 Spirit Rules of Play

3. Future: +1 Savvy When you want to attempt an action in
the game, you can announce your intentions
4. Family: +1 Splendor and the GM will resolve the events through a
When writing in the Missive, you can
double the bonus from your Aspiration. If you You want the GM to roll below your
can include a Forbidden Element, increase Attribute rating after they apply a modifier for
the bonus to +4. difficulty. Low difficulties give a positive
modifier, temporarily increasing your
Step 5: Flaw Attribute, while higher difficulties give a
negative modifier, temporarily decreasing
What is your character’s sin? your attribute. See the Difficulty Modifier
Table on Page 8 for examples.
1. Decadence: -1 Strength
The GM will tell you whether what you
2. Sloth: -1 Spirit
attempted succeeded or failed and narrate
3. Pride: -1 Savvy the outcome.

4. Wrath: -1 Splendor Consequences of Failure

When writing in the Missive, you can When a player attempts an action, and the
temporarily turn the penalty from your Flaw result is greater than the sum of their
into a bonus. A Forbidden Element upgrades attribute and the situational modifier, the
this bonus to +4. attempt goes awry. This does not mean that
it fails: the character may succeed but
Voluntarily invoking a flaw when taking an accidentally cause trouble, creating a Hazard
action (giving a further -1) returns a point of (more on Hazards in a moment).
Integrity if the action is successful. Integrity
cannot exceed the maximum of 3. Besides the potential to fail or create a
Hazard, a failure on a roll of 9 or 10 requires a
second roll at the same difficulty.

Note: Aspirations and Flaws If this second roll is also a failure, the
character loses Integrity.
A character can only boost rolls by writing
in the Missive if they have an appropriate Writing in the Missive
Aspiration or Flaw for the attribute (Strength,
Spirit, Savvy, or Splendor) they are rolling. When your character writes in the Missive,
describe what you want to add to the
It is recommended that a character environment in a brief sentence, like the
choose Aspirations and Flaws that belong to following:
different attributes.
The city was full of buildings with glowing
Getting the bonus from an Aspiration or lights in their windows.
Flaw (beyond the initial attribute change)
requires writing in the Missive. The GM may You can announce what you have written,
ask for clarifications about what links what or send it in a note to the GM. They will
you wrote to a relevant Aspiration or Flaw. narrate the changes to the simulacrum at a
later point.

Difficulty Modifier Table
Mod. Level Examples
+6 Trivial Driving along mountain roads, operating simple machinery.
+4 Easy Building a makeshift shelter, carrying a pack for long distances.
+2 Average Starting a fire with tools in the rain. Applying first aid properly.
+1 Difficult Shooting a charging bear. Writing a distinctly advantageous situation
in the Missive without adding a Forbidden Element or phenomena.
0 Hard Free-climbing a sheer cliff. Doing complex mathematics.
-2 Challenging Convincing an enemy to do a favor for you.
-4 Expert Creating a complex machine with the Missive.
-5 Unbelievable Bringing someone back to life through the Missive.
-6 Impossible Warping reality. Throwing something to the moon.

Each piece of scenery in the Missive gives a If your character is secretly an Acolyte,
+1 or -1 bonus/penalty to actions; for instance, mention this in the message to your GM.
being in a city with bright lights may give a
bonus to a Savvy test to see things while Then introduce your character to the rest
giving a penalty on Strength checks to avoid of the players; make sure you introduce an
being spotted by others. Acolyte as belonging to the faction they’re
impersonating; don’t give away their secret
If your writing involves a Forbidden identity. Do not reveal your character’s
Element, you gain a +2 on your next roll (or +4 Aspirations and Flaws.
if it ties to a Flaw or Aspiration).
The GM will send the players of an Acolyte
Note that phenomena resembling character special instructions via secret
Forbidden Elements (like complex machinery message when they see fit.
or embodied personalities) may
spontaneously manifest in the chamber. Secret Actions
This is desirable; if the simulacrum is When something happens that requires a
complex enough to simulate reality, it will be player to communicate their intent with the
complex enough to live in. However, the GM–whether or not they are writing in the
deliberate creation of Forbidden Elements Missive–they may use a secret message to
comes back to haunt those foolish enough to communicate this to the GM instead of
play God. announcing it to the group.

Depending on what you write in the This can be helpful when resolving the
Missive, the GM may make a Spirit roll to consequence of a Forbidden Element before
determine if something unexpected the character’s actions are exposed, or if
happens. characters split from each other and the GM
wants to provide narrative distance by
Distinctly negative events, called Hazards, limiting the spread of information.
impose a -1 penalty to all actions that they
would logically impede, and never provide a Integrity
If a character fails on both an initial action
Starting the Game and a second roll, they lose Integrity.

At the start of the game, you will send a If they have no Integrity remaining, they
message to the GM with your character have two choices:
creation choices laid out and your four
attributes (e.g. “Tomas is a Post-cataclysm 1. They may write in the Missive and add a
Forbidden Element to save themselves
Sayerite Villager seeking Fortune and Family,
held back by Sloth; Strength 4, Spirit 4, Savvy 2. Their character leaves play.
3, Splendor 4”).
Writing in the Missive to prevent death or
departure only works once.

Example of Play wrong.”

Let’s look at an example of play following Sarah (Note): I touch the sigil.
K, Sarah, and Rick. K is the GM, Sarah is
playing Tomas, the Sayerite Villager, and Rick K (Note to Sarah): A man’s soft voice
is playing Rel, an Iron Meld Captain who is echoes in your head: “The chamber is an
secretly an Acolyte. offense to what we seek.” If you choose, you
can create a Hazard in exchange for
K: “You leave the chamber and step out Integrity later on.
into the formless void. Both of you should
write in the Missive.” K: “Rel hears something growling in the
darkness. How do you want to handle this,
Sarah (Note): The wind blows softly Rick?”
through the trees.
Rick: “Can I see what it is?”
Rick (Note): A waterfall rumbles over cliffs
in the distance. K: “Not in this situation.”

K: “The void around you takes shape. You Rick (Note): Can I make light with the
are standing in a grove full of cherry trees Missive?
with brilliant pink blossoms. You hear a dull
K: It would require a Spirit check.
roar of crashing water coming from a white
cascade that pours over nearby cliffs. Rick (Note): Let’s do it.
Indeterminate birds float lazily in the sky
above you.” K (Roll): Rel’s Spirit is 4, and the task is
Difficult (+1). The result is 9. Because this is an
Sarah: “Do I see anything of interest?” Integrity or Hazard risk, he rolls again: 6.
K (Roll): Tomas’ Savvy is 3, and the task is K: “You manage to light up the caverns,
Easy (+4). He rolls a d10 against 7. The result is but the whirling lights turn out to come from
6. a swarm of insects that leave a resounding
ringing in your ears, disorienting you. Then
K: “You see a dove watching you from one
the wolf in the shadows lunges at you.”
of the cherry trees. “
Rick: “Can I calm it with Splendor?”
Rick: “I’m going to approach it.”
K (Roll): Rel’s Splendor is 5, and the task is
K: “As you approach, it startles and flies
Average (+2). There is a -1 penalty from the
toward the waterfall. It passes through the
Hazard. The roll is a 4.
water into a cave that you weren’t able to
see.” K: “You calm the wolf. It flickers in the cave,
which is not yet fully defined, and disappears
Sarah: “I’m going to try to enter the cave.”
into nothingness.”
K: “You pass through the water without
Sarah: “Perhaps it’s time we go deeper?”
issue. The cavern is well-lit by glowing
mushrooms, and a spiraling staircase leads Rick: “Or we could just go outside.”
down into a seemingly endless expanse.”
K: “What’ll it be?”
K (Note to Sarah): You see the red sigil of
the Acolytes glint off of one of the rocks to Sarah: “We’ll go outside.”
your right as you enter, but the mark
vanishes in a split second. K: “You exit the cave into a thunderstorm.
Passing through the water, you see the
Rick: “I’m going to head down into the chamber entrance glistening in the rain and
darkness.” flashing with reflections of lightning.

Sarah: “Here; take a rope, and I’ll stay at the “What do you do next?”
entrance to pull you back if anything goes

Game Master to the story as the chamber tries to
extrapolate from the elements already in the
Running a game of The Missive is intended
to be low-prep; players contribute the lion’s The most recent things are the most
share of the setting and story, though you important for this. You can draw a diagram of
can add your own elements. the world the players have created if it helps
you remember, but remember that
However, you need organization when
retreading old ground is a path to stagnation.
playing to keep track of everyone’s characters
and contributions to the world, and it helps to You want to avoid having a game where
think about how to play before jumping in. the players are at each other’s throats. There
are a few things you can do to create this
Rule 0: Play for Fun environment:
Secret messages bog down play if handled 1. Make clear what expectations are, and
poorly. I suggest doing as much play as remind everyone that things are going to be
possible digitally, using both a form of instant happening beyond the players’ control. Not
messaging and something like Trello, a every bad thing is deliberate sabotage from a
player; it may be a consequence of failure or
virtual tabletop, or other note-keeping app to the GM’s invention to move things forward.
record all the elements of the Missive and
relevant information about each character 2. Set barriers for appropriate content and
being played. policies for confrontations between player
characters. You will probably see some in-
In addition, because you roll all the dice, universe conflict between characters, but it
you can be as picky with should not turn into out-of-game disputes
between players.
difficulty calculations as you want to be. Any
action that threatens a player’s character 3. Be fair to people. Don’t twist their words.
with loss of Integrity or creates a Hazard Err on asking for clarification and details if
should be fairly rolled, but if you want to you’re not 100% certain you’re interpreting a
move the story forward you can skip a roll or secret message properly.
two. 9s and 10s are almost always failures on
anything worth rolling; if there is no chance Players can do as much communication as
of failure, skip the roll. they desire in-character or out-of-character
regarding their goals and intentions, but
Being precise with difficulty is also not when writing in the Missive only a secret
worth spending a lot of time on rolls and message bears fruit. Have players send you a
slowing the game down for the players or secret message even if they state their intent
missing notes. Failure doesn’t exhaust openly.
options. The resource economy is an excuse
to let things fail and be tried again, since Phenomena and Fragments
repeated failures are likely to generate
Hazards or cost Integrity. The goal of the players is to flesh out the
world inside the chamber to create a living
If a rule is giving you problems, then space for their people.
change it or ignore it. Just make sure you’re
consistent when you do so. As they do this, they will find that it is not
necessarily as simple a task as they would
Social Mediation hope.

The Missive is predominantly a storytelling You define the boundaries of the world.
game, and as a result one should think about
how the world unfolds around the players as As characters leave the Missive’s contents
the central driver of dramatic tension. behind, the world becomes a nebulous void;
solid ground beneath their feet holds no
Because players keep secrets from each color or distinct shapes, strange shadows
other during play, you have leeway to move in the sky.
mediate and narrate. Add your own elements

They can write to add things to the world, Handling Death
bringing definition.
Let players know when they lose Integrity
Where written statements contradict, via secret note.
phenomena erupt. This may be something
relatively innocuous–like a transition from When a character’s Integrity runs out,
night to day as one steps through a doorway– three things can happen. Losing Integrity
to something outlandish and potentially and having a character removed from play
hazardous like floating islands. doesn’t always mean a physical death; the
chamber can erase people from existence if
Phenomena are more fun if they’re things they lose Integrity in other ways, or they may
that can be explored. A zone where gravity exit the chamber in a spat with the other
works differently offers lots of room for character.
exploration, and you can have players push
their boundaries. 1. The player makes a new character who
enters the chamber and play continues.
Fragments occur when players write
enough in the Missive. This is where the 2. The player controls a fragment (of their
character, or a new character) from within
world of the chamber is well-defined enough the world, no longer able to write the Missive
to create things that have their own agency. but able to help or hinder other players’
This potentially includes people who will have characters.
their own motivations and goals.
3. The game ends on a dramatic note.
The Acolytes’ Goals
Use your discretion to determine the best
The Acolytes have little overarching course of action. Fragments can have
structure, but they share one goal: they do whatever attributes you determine; they are
not believe that the Unit should settle the typically stronger than normal people.
world of the chamber.
Give the players a chance to have a say in
How this works is up to you; you can send what happens but don’t let them dictate it.
your Acolyte players (if there are any) a
message about this, giving them more Ending the Game
Ultimately, there is no hard and fast rule
The motives behind the Acolytes’ agenda for when the game ends.
are not immediately obvious, even to their
agents. You can choose any of the following, The goal of the players is to explore the
blend more than one of them together, or chamber and use the Missive to create a
make up your own reasons. second home for human life inside the
• The Acolytes want the second Chamber of
Dreams to themselves. When someone returns to the chamber
entrance and finalizes the Missive, the game
• The Acolytes fear (rightly or not) the power ends.
of the chamber.
An exception to this would be if there were
• The Acolytes are escaped fragments from
the first chamber who blame the Unit for a catastrophe in the chamber and other
the problems in their world. characters needed to escape back to reality,
though you could leave off on a cliffhanger.
• The Acolytes want to redirect the Unit’s
attention to reality and pursue the lands You can then narrate an epilogue
beyond the great waters. describing what happens to the chamber
after the events of the game if you so desire.
• The Acolytes will destroy humanity to spite
the Unit.


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