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REFLECTION: When breath becomes air – Paul Kalanithi.

Writer: Nguyen Linh Nhi.

Breathe is a sign of being alive. When people stop breathing, they die. And it is undeniable
that everyone’s life will end one day. Immortality seems to be something out of reach, so why do
we have to hang on to life in the face of death?
After reading an incredible piece of writing of Paul Kalanithi – [When breath becomes air],
I have a better understanding of death and the ways to confront it. The value of this book is
shown in how realistic it is about the life of a cancer patient, provoking our thoughts of what to
make life worth-living.
To begin with, let’s take a closer look at the content of the book. This writing is considered
as a short movie recording the writer’s life since he realized his illness until he died. During the
series of events, readers can witness the process of a doctor turning into a patient.
The story revolves around Paul, an excellent student at English Literature, who later
switched to medical school to discover human mind. As a neurosurgeon, he was outstanding at
his job, helping people and performing operations. Working in the hospital, Paul saw many
deaths, even a life beginning and ending in one day.
Then, his life was completely changed because of the stage-four lung cancer diagnosis. He
worked with great effort in a view to a bright future… just to realize that future would never
come. Since, he give more thought to his priotities in life which could make him live to the
fullest in his last few years.
[When breath becomes air] is sourly honest about vicissitudes in a cancer patient’s life.
There was no miracle. Paul had struggled with his excruciating pain throughout his remaining
lifetime. He surely regreted spending too much time on working, on sacrificing his both mental
and physical health for nothing but career. Therefore, he decided to truly live afterwards, finding
happiness in family and his passion for literature. Of course, mortality is irresistable and the
book ends with Paul’s peaceful death on the hospital bed.
To be honest, I admire Paul so much for his dedication and bravery. He found his interest
in exploring human mind and he dared to change his career path. Even when he faced with tragic
events, he soon regained his spirit.
While telling his own story, Paul Kalanithi repeatedly mentioned his values. So, what are
values? Values are something that we believe to be the most important in the way we live and
work. Paul’s values are his family, his love for literature and his passion for neurology.
I have never thought of this until I read his book. I start wondering about my values. I
think it is family, drawing and studying. Many people tell me that I am too young to think about
such kind of things, but [When breath becomes air] suggests death be an inelucable part of life
and it can come suddenly. What we should do is to spend every precious second in our life on
fulfilling our values, so there won’t be any regret when we close our eyes forever.
Also, thanks to Paul’s diary, I am more aware of the significance of health. We want to live
a worthwhile life, but first of all, we need to cherish our lifetime by improving our health.
In conclusion, Paul Kalanithi taught me the reasons why and how to make our life worth-
living through [When breath becomes air].

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