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Bar Council of India

All India Har Exart1ination - XV

24 11'-Jan-2021
[Set Code-DJ

1-- - - --·- · - -·. _

---- - -- --------- -----
=--=-1-· ·--·- .·- �,_;_=-=_·-_·-_·_-_·---__________
Name o/ the C��didat;

Roll Numbi,� .
Enrollment Number :
- .
is question paper)
(Kindly rer,d these instructions carefully before attempting th

• This Booklet contains 100 questions and each question carries 1 mark. .. .
• In case of any confusion in translation, kindly refer to the English version for clarif,ca(io�.
• Make sure that same Question Booklet Set code is mentioned on all the sheets of question paper,
in case of any change immediately inform the invigilato r.
• There is no negative marking.
• Durat ion of this exam is 3 hours only.
• Fill in your Roll number and Question Booklet set code v ery carefully, ·as the ans�er sheet will be
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• Only books and notes are allowed for this examination.
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• Make sure to get this question paper also signed by the invigilator this will be requ ired for any
,_ ___��if�������ro��

Invigilator's Signature

1. fndemnity cont r act is defined under/�� ffl«f �� �� �r.t�� �

mM�ft!l11 A���� mn � 3ftfrrU��
a) Section 124 of the Indian Contrac t Act/ � d) ;.ff of the above� �aft
3r.J1"l�$UTU124 5. Under t he Paten t Act which o f the follo wing are not
b) Section 67 of the Indian Contract Act/� patentable?���� f;!�ft.11 �
��zmd,'tUTU67 � lf,t.Hrr fu � � *?

c) Section 127 of the Indian Contract Act/� a) a metho d of agriculture or horticulture/�· m

��®UTU127 , � �
d) Section 128 of the Indian Contract Act/� bJ a presentation of information� <nt �
��ci\'tUTU128 c) topography of Integra ted circuits/��
2. Peek Vs Gu rney is a famous case related to/�
i1in1{��¢.t���-mmri d) Atrof the above��
6. Wo rld Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) has
a) Coercion/JliiH!Rfi
replaced pre-existlng/fctJU' � � �
b) Fraud�
c) Mistake of fac� ® mrcft
d) Mistake oflaw�di't� b) BIRPI/ BIRPI
3. .Pre Supreme Court invoked the principle of c) TPRM/TPRM
'Transformative Constitutionalism' in the case d ) �CT/ PCT
of��<);�-\� cm? q�4�if�ftc;J 7. �nuradha Bhasin Vs Union Of India on 10 January,
2020 relates to a challenge under Article 32 of the
���fc1,zrr? Constlt\Jtlon seeking issuance of an appropriate
a! Navtei Sin11h Johar Vs Union of India writ/� mfr-f ilifl1f lffel<1o1 n� 10
(2018)� �� � 3fu:J;
�- 2020l1i1'��$�32**
� � ftc (writ)�� c8I' Jmn'll'<Jiffii
b) Suresh Kumar Koushal Vs Naz Foundation
a) for setting aside orders'ofthe Government by
(20101Ajhr�c1l'h�ilc'im��c201O> which all modes of communication including
c) Naz Foundation Vs Government of NCT of Delhi, Internet have been shut down in J&K/lRiliR $
12009)/c'Jr;;nl� � • <,..,,�1;?1 l$r
3lJ �rltl) e.<Pcf;o11< q,Tc'l'f��3ltt
fficliR, �(2009)
d) Aruna Roy Vs Union of India, (2002)/� �
.rrrm � m �<2002 > ��mft'� ,.

b) for setting aside orders of the Government by··

4, The provisions of Indian Penal Code apply also to any which private property was sought to be
offence committed by/� �� $� acquired in J&K� $��it �e.<fbklit
��,ft3mTt1c);fiwifl'N17J.��ft1;� ���Jftt��it��c);
�lft�tmr�mrr�;;h J<Rl�JE,01��11m���
a) any citizen of India in any place without and c) for setting aside orders of the Govern ment by
beyond lndia;/ffit'cf 1t m � tR � afr � which J&K was constituted as a UT�<); 3"
QT� 4Tc:rr � afr � iil•l�<fi •, ,.
�it � e.<fctii11< �� ��-3'tt
b) any person on any ship or aircraft registered in·
<fiQ� �� Q��r� � �i
India wherever it may be� aft� ml d) for setting aside orders of the Government by
mra 1l �� ,rr�mffmmtR, � which Ladakh was separated. /lf«fiR <); 3"
��3fr� �it<ma<fc)i.t1<l1i<'ifT��i-rtflD'�
c) any person in any place without and beyond
India comm itting offence targeting a computer
8. �ection 66A of the Information Technology Act was
resource located in India. /W«" 1t 'll'T
3lm qt struck down under Art. 19(1) (a) read with Article 19
�ifl'�QT���aft�;;h (2) In the c.ise of/�Qi'Hilf�H'/[r/iff�
� "!'
l Review/ RJJftJ<h
rtk}j�W <li �{if
11#.mffi1;c;Tl9(1) (a) Jlk'
66A c) ExeIusIon of Judicia _ .,
�19(2) ,;;.JirPfa'.li/Tft.;rhlff.�flJrt/T <J�bQ,,tUT
a) Ju stice K
. s. Puttaswamy Vs Union of d) f;Jk)f the above/:J(Rtm
lndla�<)i. � ':Ji'llf<JIAI � � 13. <l'n and from commencement of the Hindu
Act, 2005, in a Joint Hindu
�� Succession (A::ndment) rring
Mitakshara law, confe
b) Kharak si"gh Vs State of U.P./� �� family governed by the . .
R new
status by subst ,tutln
on daughter coparCenarv .
� �� �
�3tRi;mr section for/fffin�ml'¥iITTT�
c) Govinda vs State of M.P.� ilc'lm � � )�, 2005
��- ��(��!Nvf
�T qi'
cf\'!' �3ffii �, <'lV Jfcj� Qfc?t:Pt
1Rlc1 � i)tr
d) Shreya SinghaI Vs Union of India/� ffimr 'Um$ �
9. Article 1 4S(3) of the Indian ConstltutiS?n states that ¢:
The minimum number of Judges who are to sit for .a1 Section 6/ � 6
the purp ose of deciding any case involving a b) section 10/ URT 10·
substantial question of law as to the interpretation c) Section H/ Qf{T 11
of this Constitution or for the purpose of hearing any
d) .section 13/ URT 13
refere nce under Article 143 shall be .... /�
14. Section 5 of Hindu Marriage Act relates to/�f<rcm;
145(3) ����it� A.(•11' �
��URTS���t: -·
-;;ir ��cm��$$�.�� t
a) Void marriages/��
����� aki��.
b) �oidable marriages/�� (<n$' lm')
'Q'.,rt� � 143 ��� �
c) Ceremonies of Hindu marriage/� � $
a) Twom, �
. dl ,l,6nditions of Hindu marriage�� cf\'!' �Rf
b) .ihree�
15. � marriage between a girl of 22 years marries her
c) FiveitITTT . maternal uncles' son of 23 years in accordance with
d) 1"1ne� the Special Marriage Act. Such marriage is/ftr�N
10. M.C. M·ehta Vs Union of India 1986 Shrlram food and .fmlif;�c);�22�ct't�c1iTfcmlf
Fertilisers case relates-to�.�- � il<'fm �
� � c); 23 ?f(t c); tt-� � i m ��
30to� 1986 iilRm � tis q,ft�1$'11:A fll'rfr � a) Valid� WIT
��� ', b). Voidable/� W1T
a) Olieum Gas feak/30ft:rtm �cJiT fTI:m:f- c) Void�� WTT
b) Ganga water cleaning/mTT �cf1t �
d) Valid only in north India� � ffl«'f 'al.�
c) Child labour,'<ITR 'llii
d) Bonded labour�3IT � 16. The principle of Res Judicata is dealt under Section -
1 J,. A. K. Kraipak Vs Union of India relates to/ Tt. <t;. � •• of CPC/l(�.-<IFQ � � � � �
i1illH Hr«r#u�f �URT----$��t
a) Likelihood of Bias/�;/i'/-� a) 9/9
b) 10/ 10
b) Delegated Legislation/ URJl<ll� !llilr,:r
c) 11/ 11
c) Administrative Discretion/ rn'"1'fii!f;,; fcretc1i d) 12/ 12
d) Notice/� 17, · Section 14 of the C.P.C. deals wlth/C.P.C. cf1t 'Um 14
l2. Judicial control of Delegated Leglslatton may be ����
exercised on the ground of/ URJl<llf.Jm fcJtn;:rc,;r a) Presumption as to decisions of
;:m'/jji/i f;rlflur �.HTflrr qrffiilff �7minT t tribunals/���;);���
_;,,( Doctrine of Ultravlres/� il'i7 � 'b) Presumption as to foreign judgments�ft
b) Malafides/Jf/iiflW$�R
_,.c)· Presumption as to Ju dgments of the lowe r
c) search �nd selzures,mmr 3ltt ii{ldi?;�fr
cou� �$�$�� �
dl p� bargaining� Jttnff�ao ;,fr
d) Presumptio n as to Judgments of High Cour t�
23. �curltV for good behaviour from habltual offenders
Hl\•Ui-44 .); �-ot.:p�; �1t � ls.dealt under/Jfm,rf �� 3r.:\lil"fflcl'cf:r
1a. A, residing in Delhi, publishes In Kolkata statemen t
s �ffl��i:
defamatory of B. B mav sue A/A, ��� llmf <1if
a) Section 109 ofCr.P.C./�� �
� � 8 fl m101f.!'Ucl' ;Jt1o1e,l�Q>F(q\ � 'Mi-i4\li:'fl
3fij9ITTT 109
���t;I B,A$��<ol�'t;
. /���cJiT
b) Section 110 ofCr.PC

a) Only in Delhi�� 1t J,.jawf 110

>c) Section 111 ofCr.P.c.;i;?; � � <1iT
b) Only in Kolkatafi)icr <'f q,)1'14ii<'U 1t
c) in both the place of Delhi and Kolkata/� � 3foijafl"JT111
dl Nooe of the above� ��
q,)i,iQ\lc1I M�q{
dl either in Kolkata or in Delhi. 24. �i:tion 105 (H) ofCr.PC
. deals/� l0SH ifi1
/ttT � � 'll'T
� f.?IM�ftia �� � t;
.il\)!'14ile1I A
19. Which provision underCriminal procedure Code, a) Forfeiture of property in certain cases. /'<Jf3
1973 deals with the procedure to be adopted by the �il�<li)'��
Magistrate to record confessions and statements? b) N�.ti_c�of forfeiture of property/���-
,���. 1973 q,f� mm- ���
� t; � 3'Qm°JI diQ4c. ml f4'14il{)f$ c) Management of properties seized or
3h�ct<l'ir.fc);fi:lv �;;rrcrrt,7. forfeited� m ��if$ tiQRl<il q,1 wrvr
a) Section 162/� 162 d) Identifying unlawfully.c1cquired property/3flhl
b) Section 164/Qm 164· �� ' �����
':, ! . ; . . . - ..
c) Section 163� 163A 25. r
Ba to taking cognizance after lapse ·of the period of
. .
d) S�tion 165/'qTU 165 limitation - is dealt under�� <flt R int
20. �ach'ment of property of person absconding can be ��<li)-�1t�����
done under Sectlon'-:7 ofCr.P.C. / .�,�� c); �i� �Qfrl;mmt'nld\'1-�mui);
�cf;'r�_JIIQ<1Rl4i��- cffitoo .......
��� �� i a)• secti�n·i1s·�fCr. P.C./�U�niftc=n
a' ) 83/83 <fl't 'qTU 178,'
b) 82/U-
c) 85/85 bl.Aection 469 ofCr. P.C. /���
d) 8818'6 tr�469
21.. �agistrate may dispense with personal attendance c) Section 478 ofCr. P.C. /�qf/J;'lJT�
of accused under Section•··- ofCr.P.C/ JIIQ,(IRN;
��. 'lfi'tmu---;); 3@7re1 tRQf?;c �
d) Section 16i!'�fCr. P.C./� ��
3!Bt.:jif><li)' air.t...1a � ;);�� �
l!cl'ic'IT i
aJ 201/201
26., />ffecree-holder" means/"��• <liT �t
b) 204/204 a) any person in whose favour a decree. has been
c) 205/205 passed or an order capable of execution has
d) 200/200 been mader,mf aft�� tfa-1' if� ftsli'I'
22. Section 265A to 265L,Chapter XXIA of theCriminal � <flt � t; 'l1T f.?11Sq1ac1 � � "R$ �r
ProcedureCode deals with the concept of /�
� 1Tm t;
265A � � 26SL, � \Tft1;m mt;a'T, � XXIA lliT_ b) any person In whose favour a decree has been
��tmvrr�?,- passed or an order Incapable of execution has
a) Unlawful Assembly/Jhcf\1,J..fl � � ';;l"tRT � been made� aft�� qff 1l � �
bl Arrest without warrant/ftl;n'm 'fl, ni:i1h-11fl
. � ,tr-Ptril�tl!R��A�
i:n1ti cftt- "It t;- m �itQlc..., -� fillv lf� �r
. � �� ���f;t<I;��
� 'J'Rn' i �t:R�""" t-,
) any Citiz e
. ..
_-""' .....=-ri-A*tr<fi 3ftm'll'c);�
en in whose favour a decre has b �f <(>Vl
c cm C(>I -f1d1

p of eKecutlon has
· assed or an order capable �-��'t;-
bee n made
,rcmt' aft
..,1a1�<li � trfl � "Qqi
. n 256
of IPC/IPC cl>'t � 256 � � .
a) Sectio
� qJfu:r <1;t ;rt � "lll �!tQlc.<1 <); � �-� . f IP C /IP C cl>'t � 192 � �
b) Section 19 2 °
�T��� of lPC�/IP. Ccfit�195A��
c) Sectio . n 195A .
d) any corporation in whose favour a decree has Ccnr � 201 l); � ,
of rP C/IP
been p asse d or an order capable of �Kecution . .on 2 01
d)· Secti
. Indian Contract Act, wher e a
has been 'tnade,rcmt aft f.:m1f �- q� � � 30.. Under se 70 of th e
. :t� does anything for another person, or
person la
� QJfra <1lt � � llT �Wlc..-l <); � �ft'm' u � · him' not intending to do so
deI.iver5 anyth1ng to
h 0 ther person enjoys the
Sl$r�-rm� gratu,·tously and sue
27. ' of, the latter is bound to make
�oluntarily throwing or attempting�!? throw acid is benefit th ere
. former 1n resp ect of, or to
an offence punishable under/�'ttJHf�� compensation to the . . . .
done or delivered. This pnnc1ple
· tore, the th'ng
res 1 so .
l!T��<lil����<);.3rcmn'(!'ili" �·.;fi't � 70 c);
is known as/3fl./.cft.!f �
� 3fQ"11lt;"- �
aml'i� ��$f'ffir
�' �cmf
a) --S�&tion 326 B of the Indian Penal Code/�
� 3fi cl'i«tT t m � WCJ 3ft � t ffi � W �

b) Section 120 B of the Indian Penal Code/�­
���� 120 B
1J"Q' <lirn <);� �3fTcwlT � $ fi:rlJ' � i. �
c) Section 509 of the Indian Penal Code/��
a) A Contri!.��-o! Uberrimae fide/56'<i'ht1 �
d) Se<:.tion 295B of the Indian Penal Code/�
-�-�<ffr'UTU 295 B
b) Implied Agency/$L<'ll$s �
28. �,is at work with a hatchet; the hea·d flies off and
kills a man who is standing by. Here, If there was no c) Quantum meruit� cRftc'
want-of proper caution on the part of A, hls act Is/ d) Oe nova contract/!l' .=mi, Cf\l.-�<fl
"A" 1>�1-� �<mf_cliH'�'Pc'!Ti-1 ��cf;{
3l, _Agreement is/t!cfl$1'1dl <Rl'T�?
3sc'ft � � �i:rn;-�cm �t :kmm­ .
a) � promise or set of p�omises forming
�i1' �"A"<); oo��<l'tl <R"ff-� consideration to each.ath.l?r� � llT i:rn; �
r.r-.m- � 7.1m' � mt
•' I •

�ifflt7T�"A"c);00�.1l<IT- tR
a) An Offence of murder� <lil� ;m.:JT b) en.forceable by law�gmarl_��
�I C)··· enforceable contract/� m �.
b) An offence of Culpable homicidefit-t $•Oc.c1c1
�cliT3{trotT11'1e'!T� d) Un enforceable by la:.V� ID'U ��

c) Not an offence/3l'tR'N � ;m.:JT � I -�
32. Under the land Acquisition
d) An Offence of causing grievous hurt� m?: Act, the eKpression
"land" in�ludes/a:@t � ��.Qcfl <)i �;
� cliT � ;m.:JT ;;inmr I
29,. A, with the intention of causing Z to be co_nvicted of
� "31Pr" � -HfRi� t
a criminal conspiracy, writes a letter in lmit,tion of a) benefits to arise out oT
land/� *
Z's handwriting, purporting to be addressed to an �<'11'3f
accomplice In such criminal conspiracy, and puts the
,b) th ngs attached to
let ter in a place which hlricnows that the officers of '. 'the earthflI�* �

the police are likely to search - A has committed an c) things permanently
fas tened to any thing
. to the
offence under/ A, z <ITT� mf�m c); fffir � earth�
;,n � � �
� 3fi���t��� �
� $ � �. Z <n'J �<lllc1l cffr � 1l, �
311QURM � c); c1R � � � c); i:rn; m� � d) All of the above� �aft

33. Temporary occupation of waste or arable land, a) Power of the Courts to engage experts/ftlfl)lr,m
procedure when diffe rence as to compensatio n
� ffl� � � l1iT r<ti<llc➔m <1if �
exists is provided under� m �
mTI? 3lf)t Q'{ bl Establishment of Special Coun/ftl�°'rr( r414,1Nli
�ll'it;;IT.��� t-'tiJl)tm $
cl Expeditious disposal of case/� <1iT ��
a) Section 32 of Land Acquisition Act/I��

mt�4"' �um 32
d) Specific perfor mance with regard to
b) Section 30 of und Acquisition Act/��
contracts/��� 1t ftlfm
mt�4il �� 30 37. In which of the followin� case the offence of sedition
c) Section 35 of Land Acquisition Act/�� was ln issue/f.)J.o1ft:lffl!c11t1"<o'tomf��
��4il �� 35 �ttkiRra°t;:
di Section 31 of Land Acquisition Act/�� al Queen Empress Vs Bal Gangadhar Tilak�
��4il �� 31 �ilraml'M�
3-4. X, Y, Zjointly promise to pay A an amount of Rs. b) Niharendu Dutt Mazumdar Vs Emper�r/�f,il«;
S0.000/- Subsequently X, Y became untraceab le. can � "'""'141< "� 'Q'1=Q'{{
A compel Z to pay?/ X, Y, Z � � 50,000 /.
c) Kedar Nath singh Vs State of Bihar � � �
X, Y � � � °t;. � A � m c); fi:tq Z cl\i �mm�
d) · All of the above/3°CR'@i mft
���i , 38. �iberate and malicious acts, intended to outrage
a) A can, under Section 43 para 1/A, cum 43 reliRious feelinRs of any class by insulting its religion
qfh,3� 1 c); Cffi' � � � or religious beliefs. - is an offence under/:.,,icii(.$,t<fi<
bl A can under Section 49 para 1/A, CURT 49 Qfh&. m c;tnc1.-11q_ll'\ �. � 3t�lf f�;�fuft cm�
1 $ � cfit �?; •� � � jl QAl<'IJt<'lc:fi fr.r.lQ'm°t lJiT � cJil$
c) A cannot and will have to wait till X, Y become � aft�� �.mcl\i � �i.
tr�ceable/A m � � �. X JlR Y $ � f.).foift:lftl<9 ���cum��¥ i
���$TT. ;,)_ .itction 295/cum 295
d) Z can be compelled only for one third/Z cl\i � b) Section 29SA/qm 295A
�tft:tq����i c) Section 26SA/'llm 265A
35. -Delivery of goods by one person to another for some
d) Section 276/cum 276
purpose upon a contract that they shall, when the
purpose is accomplished, be returned or disposed of 39.. .Lk18er Section 29 of Cr.P.C. The Court of a C�ief
according to the directions of the person delivering Judicial Magistrate may pass any sentence
them. This process is termed as� ��WU: authorized by law except/ .,IIQ{IRrc,i ,;ifl,;tjr �.
� 'Um 29 ��. � ,..,,U�c:fi iirJlt{c:. c8I'
'roll' c); fi:tq � � fflT � cl\i � cf;t ftc-flufl,
�ftl;�lf'FJ� �.����� ��ml�� 3ft �cl\i cnftn
3liJ'ffll �
$�It$ 'lll \;IQEltil � I � ?lil�f;.�.
�ZR��i a) A sentence of death���
a) Agency� b) Imprisonment for life/� ct\i<i<ll�
b) &ailment/� 9- I mprisonment for a term exceeding se11en years.

c) Guarantee/11l'm
/fl'Tc1' ri � � � � c); � c:fiFU<l.FH
d) All of the above/3llmti �
dl Contingency/lliclifl.J1ilic1i
40. Provision regarding filing of suits by an alie n under
36. Section 14A inserted by the THE SPECIFI C RELI EF
(AMENDMENT) ACT, 2018, relates to/ the Code of Civil procedure is dealt under/.-tiJl�<li
fl�lti?II !AMENDMENT) .lffllf.ili'1, 2018 Qi 1'1Um ����'C?'Qi�frmTlj<li4.RT�

� <fit 1T1ff QRT 14A � Qftlft �f; � t ant Jl �� � � f.'tcreT � t

a} Section 21A/tmT 21A
. the strike does not per se spell
b ) Se ction 1 � 15 45 · "Mere 11egallty".of stice Krishna
Iyer. Name the case·
unjust!f lablllty Ju

c) Sec tion 218� 21B

=r::r<RJ'11f;f;rt/fJ(ff a?" J{'ff'R' JIRli<llJ.uf �
'<><N <$Tif!HiRT{
rfft' llircft ;!: �F"JfZll?'.
d) Section 3 +-
8 /W<T 83
41. An Order tate Vs Its workmen/ iTt; Amf
1908 as Per ued
by court under Civil Procedure Code a) Chandramalal Es
order XXI, rule 46, for recovery of
amount due to ju dRment creditor - is known crFtci!r111Tn,q;i/i14cticfl
bl Associated ce ment ltd., Vs Their
as��� 1908, � fc!lm:J 46 � 3{$r
workmen/ (R{)ffl< t°s
1 #t#c �{)/es RrH i1iT,f
XXI � ��ml'���ftl;m�i
����ifilITTTT����� Vs Gujarat Steel Tubes
. c) .Gd)arat Steel Tubes
�: Rft'N PF'��
Mazdoor Sabha/,prmr
a ) IT Ord er/�� Rfm'��NHT
b) Garnishee Order/11.ftQfi �r d) Indian General Navigation of Railway Co. Ltd., Vs
c) Decree Holder order��<l'iT 3{$1 . Their workmen/ tr;ru ci;rre:ft �{)/es $ HT7?f/7r
d ) � Order�<l'iT :H$r · ;;,;:rrr;r ;rcl'mtr;r, �:Rf;#ilil7I' cR'i1 cfl71
42. Section 88 read with Order XXXV of the Code of Civil 46. A workman aggrieved by the order of
Proced ure, 1908 deals withtff:ifc«;r � �� ....................................... may directly make an
application to the labour court or tribunal for
�r XXXV � Qm 88, 1908 RlJ.cif<:lnlla A 'R adjudication of the dispute and the court/tribunal is
fcm:m�� empowered to adjudicate such dispute as it had
al fnterpl eader suit/3ic1<ll�<.1 � been referred to it by the appropriate
government�q\14<1'ic'n ....................................... c);
b) Interlocutory Order/Jic1,M,)<.1 �I
c) Restitution Order� 3{$1 �r"R����c);�c);ft:rtr �

d ) Attachment Order/Jlcji-1• .-J<l'i J{T?Qf iA.11<.lli-lll <IT� 1.ln � � �� �

43. The national consumer dispute redressal commission ll I � cm � � c); � cm
3ft< A.II41i-l
-was constituted in the year/��� �mq;r�i<Rl'ifcl;���
I?!clHo1 3fl<IT3T <l'iT m5of<J� � f<om � � mr��mrrt;
a) 1988/1988 a) Dismissal, discharge and
b) 1998/1998 retrenchment/iilu/FHP1', � ��
c) 1999/1999
d) V¥.17/1997 b) Dismissai; disch;rge, �etrenchment or otherwise
44. What is the limitation period applicable to the three termi�ation of servlcei•lti.l'l@Jh, �- �<IT
forums in entertaining a complaint under The
Consumer Protection Act,1986� � .3fii-<I'� � � �
�.1986cl, ���m.lcflcl't c) 'Oischarge simpliciter exclusiveiy� � �

mif'q{����lRl'Tt? ��
a) 3 years from the date on which the cause of d) Dismissal and retrenchment exclusively���
action has arisen,'31l' n1i'ror � 3 <lit f;m �
t�� ��
<ITT � c/'iT ffiUr � f.3!T �
47. 11s major means/�'li<'Hl'iT�i
b) 5 years from the date on which the cause of
action has arisen,'31l' � °8" 5 <lit� <1'rt'ra a) Act of God/3t"J'T<Jr.; ml�� m·
<ITT� c/'iT ffiUr � sJfT � b) Act of Individual� ID'U ftJ;m JTllT cfITTl
c) 4 years from the date on which the cause of c) Act of othetpa rty/� tJ� mt R JTllT �
action has arisen/311 nrt'n:l °8" 4 c7'6' � i'ITfror d) Act of plaintiff/� mt� JTllT '1ml'
<ITT� c/'iT ffiUr � s3fr � 48. According to Classical doctrine of Act of State in law

d} 2 years from the date on which the cause of of Torts means�������

action has arisen,'31l' nrt'n:l � 2 � � � 1); � � u;r � i
;.m � c/'iT coR'OT � f3fr � a) an act of the sovereign Pow er of a country, that
cannot be challenged, controlled or Interfered


with by municipal courts/ftlilft �I if.'t fflnj Qlfi!t; cl Dur d1•11 of �iroof �s to own,•,�h ip/f< <); l'l'.f
<J;T V<1i 31�. � <=13HQl�4il W.rnnl i:m 1t � 4il �
�-�m�W'.1����� d) Proof of guitl. /.}fQTI'U � UJIT17T
b) an act of the Jud iciary of a countr y, I hat carrnot
52. Ji((ctlOJl 113 (A) of lhc Evl denr.,i /\ct deal� with/ffl�<I'
be challenged, controlled or interfered with by
��<lill �!Um 113A f<f;lm��
municipal courts� � �
I .=mll� <J;T
ii) Presumption as to abetment of murder/rrlll
� ffl, � ;TTR � Hll <ll i-Flil iITTT �.
b) Presumption as to rape and abetment of suicide
cl an act of t he soverelsn powe r of a country, that
by a woman��$ <lr-11�1< )ft°{�
can be chal lensed . controlled or interfered with
ffi'IT <J;T
by municipal courts/fc1ilft �I�� �$�4\T�
c) Presumption as to abetment of kidnap of a
� �. �a�l<Ql�4il .-41<lli-t4l ml
girl��� ����4\T �
�.�m����� d) Presumption as to abetment of suicide by a
d) .f)lene ;f the above����� married woman� ftl<11fl;R � �
49. :iK1orts, all persons who a id, or counsel, or direct or
1 Jilc-11�?-1• ���r<m �
join in the committal of a wronsful act, are known
1'fie Supreme Court has legalised living wills and
as��- mn-� ��mrnm$�� passive euthanasia subject to certain conditions in
� ����?;. �t�f;. ��?; the case of/ 1JdtH ilitt-itPf� ;f� �rnfiii
a) Abettors /3ft4ilc'l<lll'tl
b) Joint tortfeasors� � �
;rvt;:,;;f!fc«:r illft'lR{J/tr f.'!t�4 $r;./J)J[<-j W tJw

a) Aruna Ramachandra Shanbaug Vs Union c?f India

c) Tort holders/ift� (2011)/JRroi'T � f/'filZl17T iT,;T7r Hm1 #£1
d) Tort holders in commori/ift � � 4irnif (2011)
b) CoJ))fl'llfn cause Vs Union of India,. (2�18) S sec 1.
so. A is accused of wasing war against the Government
of India by taking part in an armed insurrection in ; wm:r m iT,;T7r mrrr#rJ, r2018J s scc1.
which property is destroyed, troops are attacked, c) Gian Kaur Vs State of Punjab (1996)/ fir.m;r fli'ft
and goals are broken open. The occurrence of these
iTrfl7{ rr.;rriT �(1996)
facts is relevant, as forming part of the general
transaction, though A may not have been present at d) D Chenna Jagadeeswar Vs State of A.P.
all of them. - under which section of the India (1988)/��,w.rrr,;, ;m,mr�
E�idence Act. / A Q"{ mi<!I' � � m«'I' m<1iR $ (1988)
S4. Article 310 of the Constitution mentions
t �tn prc;IT � �t �"Ha-��� a) Doctrine of Immunities and Instrumentalities
with reference to civil servants�� i);
��l-'Q'� Qltlf71<lit;, � A 3<,<'!'��� � 1' �lffiU3l't �< 3Q4i<on i1iT �
� � �t; . �� m«i ma-� �f.h,11 b) Doctrine of legitimate expectation with reference
z8I' � Qm c); � � t to civil servants��<); �-A�
a) Section 12/tmT 12 3'Qffll1il�
b) Section 6/UITI 6 c) Doctrine of natural justice with refer ence to civil

c) Section 3/UITI 3 servants��<);� j Qt<{i�cti �

d) Section 5/URT 5
d) Doctrine of pleasure with reference to civil
51. �ion 110 ol the Evidence Act deals wlth/ftlt�
servants is� mrQ\'t l)i � 1' ctil lfl'I
Jifllf.)Zl'1 <-nt tmT 110 � � �

a) Documentary Evidence/a@1il:;t ftlt'l7
S5. Right to know the antecedents of the can didates in
b) Exclusion ol Oral Evidence/� mt� l1iT
the election flow from/'cfoiltr � � 31.Jflacll-U i);
a) Article 19 (l)(a)/�
19 (ll(a)

j �m-�'tr �
b.l "ttrticle he r Sin gh vs State of Pun ab/
20/� 20 cl .81iams
c) Article
13/� 13 �rfJ(fd1¢

al Pradesh Vs Tara Dutta/
d) l\rticle 14/� 14 d) State of Himach
56· <n the fJ'ifT'71fRT c';ffT
Preamble of the Indian Constitution, the {?.JliiJR' �'
exp re ssion • er A owes 8 rupees 10,000
'liberty' is followed by the wor
ds/ 59. The quest·1on Is , wheth
wing statemen�are relevant
��dltuh'li<kll i ·�· � � Which of the follo
�"% i lf<ll A, B qi)
m� under Evidence Act;
ma-<1 � � �
c); ��1'7ui'l' it� lli't.m �Ii?:��
a) Of status and opportunity� 3ttl � � 10,000 � <1iT � i I
b) Of thou
ght. expression, belief, faith and ;l ��<TI� ll1'1ifJ14i �?
wo rship �.�.�.� Ji\"{ C to lend him money, �
a) The facts that A asked
� fi:n_r �
�� c'l'Uf ;;¢( A � C <1>1 � � �
c) Assu ring the dignity of the individual� <flt s presence and hearing- "I
b) D said to c in A'
murr � )IT� aclT advise you not to trust A,
for he owes B 10,000
d) Justice, social economic and political/�.
�IJll�<h � 3lh ,(1-:iicf!RM
n;ff ���mmr�����t
5 7, The Plea Bargaining is applicable only in respect of.
those offences for which punishment of c) A went away without making any answer/
impri sonment is up to a period of/"Plea Bargaining"
d) � of the above���
<hl,(l<IH'l ��� 3fctRl ......... �c,qii- 60. ·so much of s�ch information, whether it amounts to
a) 7years./7� a confession or not, as relates distinctly to the fact
b) l0years/10 � thereby discovered by the police may be proved

c) llyears/11 � under��� il"f' mfl ::;tlc-14ilft, mt�

c:t1 � �ears/14 ri ",.l.i-tc11.i1 4,) u!JNIfac1 <li«fr � m <l't't. � f<I; tffera
58. "From a plain reading of Section 195 Cr.PC. it is oomm-r:rUf � ��. � icn'lo�<flt
manifest that it comes into operation at the stage :;rr �t;
when the Court intends to take cognizance of an
offence under Section 190(1) Cr PC.; and it has a) Section 25 of the Evidence Act/mt� �
nothing to do with the statutory power of the police ��2S
to investigate into an F.I.R. which discloses a
b) Section 26 of the Evidence Act/mt� �
cognizable offence.... In other words, the statutory
power of the Police to investigate under the Code is -�'i.TTn.26
not in any way controlled or circumscribed c) �ttion 27 of the Evidence Act/ID� �
by Section 195 Cr.PC." - This was held by the
Supreme Court in the case ofRft� �� 195
d) Section 29 of the Evidence Act/ID��
c:,q3Jm3'1WclQ����ffitrm�� �
t;fc:I;" � � � �� 3flcIT� Jl<l ,,-<U4i<-FQ 61. When the Court has to form an opinion upon a point
��$1'�190(l)l);�3m'T'U�� of foreign law or of scienc e, or
.. , art, or as to ·1dentity
��im����Qrftl;� 0 f han dwntmg or finger impressions the opinio ns
upon that point of persons
� �-ac!T � i ;;n �� 3fQ1ru � � specially ;killed in such
foreign law science or art
urrcrri. zyt Q� �. � � � :;im � l); �
, or in questions as to
1 en 1.1ty of h'andwrlting or 1.
mger impressions are
qn:m-� � Qrftl; ftl;'lfl' � � � mTI 1952 relevant facts. - this is unde ..•.....•... ...... of
r the
Evidence Act0,ir r-lii<l!c-l<l en) � fl � m
��mr�m���k-trm Q
ftraror, m � � � � m �@�
� � .t t.mnrrAA � � RI. m � c);

a) Nalini Vs State of Tamilnadu/;rt;:r,t; iTifT1T -o.rm � � � � � � mr � � i. en�

� Ql" f<n� � � g;�rn � � �
?f{)ll'tr/1§ (r.;7/ � cni fll�'rfl
� � trR ftreQfl �. � m <MfT ·m � 41
b) Raj Singh v� State I( J 998)1/ n-:;, flir iTifT1T �
1(1998 ) �mm�� ;l g;�rn �- � u1,Hf31<h �

.Jl'Tifl� 1-��m� �!);um----· llflnm;r3fll);ftw�m 3'ffltUr llttftte1fl1<�

a) �ctlon 42/� 42
a) section 3 of the Advocate Act, 1961/�
b) Section 4S/� 45 �fil.i11, 1961 ifil' um 3
c) Section SO/� 50 b) Section 7 (1) (b) of the Advocate Act,
d) Sectio n ss� 55 1961/3'ftmfiT �<l11', 1951 d!t mu 1 (11 (ifl'l
62 .. Xintentionally and falsely leads B to believ e that c) section 17 of the Advocate Act, 1961/3'ft«@;r
certain land belongs to A, and thereby induces B to Jffllfil.i11, 1961 � um 11
buy and pay for it. The land afterwards becom es the
prope rty of A, and A seeks to set aside the sale on d) Section 18 of the Advocate Act, 1961/JfflrcraiT
the ground that, at the time of the sale, he had n o J@fil<lll, 1961 � � 18
title. He will not be allowed to prove his want of title. 66. ;.<"cording to Sec. 49 of the Advocate Act of 1961 the
• Which Section of the Evidence Act is applicable? /A bar Council of India has power to make
� lft°{ �� 8� t ftl'.\lrn' hctr� rules/��1961®�49��.
��ilil����ffiqfB�� iITT' ifil3�<'I 3IT'fi ��trm � f.!nm � cl\T
-��lltt��m�fi:tv� �i�
�i. itre;Jt� Acilt�ilvf�i 3ftt A� a) qualifications for membership of a Bar Council
for such
��U<Ji�i<llttmt�lr.R<f. m� and the disqualifications
membership/ilR 4\13�1'1 � fl�f<lcil � �
� .:rt;'t �- � � $lf ,Rl�ctilitl � �
� Jftt� f1C:f<le1I �fiw Jlll,•<le1I
-�m <l'i� ��tt-�­ bl the class or cateRorv of persons entitled to be
� �f.!l.i" lfi't m � mu � i1 enrolled as advocates/:mtc@;r3't � l>Q' 1l
;>, Section 92/URT 92 c1111ifc1ie1 � � cq�dl ilil tlir <ll �
b) Section 124/mTI 124 c) the standards of legal education to be observed
bv universities in India and the inspection of
c) Section 115/URT 115
universities for that purpose. /m«f i
d) Section 101/QTU 101
fb�r.i<i1i-idl � � Wlffl <l'i � lftl �
63. The Arbitratio n Act 1996 repeals�
ffl'lf cb..� fb"lrci<lI<'Idi� f.!ltltf!JT��
.11ftfil<l.t1 1996 f.!rt@� �
d) �f the above,'3'Q'(rai � -
a) The Arbitration Act, 1940, � �fil<l.JI,
1940 . 67., fndla, that is Bharat, shall be a�, �fc1iffl«Jt
bl The Arbitration (Protocol and Convention) A�t, t?'qi.
1937� 1tilclcrili-1 �- . �Jil') a) Federation of States� <Tfi
:,iftifil<l'1, 1937 b) q_uasi federal�� <Tf i
c) the Foreign Awards (Recognition and c) Union of states�ilillftl'�
Enforcement) Act, 1961. /�fl Cj<f<liFI. (�
d) Unitary state of a special type� ftr.l)"rf i;m;R c1iT
lln� 31Rlfil.i11, 1961
QctilfJ!cl\ Uf �
'E!.). .-ff' of the above,13'Cmifi d 6B. In M.C. Mehta Vs. Union of India, AIR 19B7 SC1086
64. 'f'arliament may by law esta�lish Administrative (Sri Ram Fertilizers case) the court held that/ "'1t
Tribunals under .•••••.....•....••• of the
Constitution��� ....,.••�� 1!1r. ?ft RFnT iTilT'HHmf Hf1, AlR 1987 SC l086 ( -,ft
1;11� r<ll<llillcl\,tul �lf?lrf 111'{ � f;
. m, l/if!rtf$,iNI � N�;t 'llr;lli71RT�
al �rticle 323B/� 323B fl,;
a) �e of toxic gas the enterprise is strictly
b) Article 323A/�.323 A and absolutely liable to compensate all those
c) Article 233/� 233 who are affected by the accident and such
d) Article 323/� 323 liability Is not subject to any of the exceptions
65. fhe Bar Council of India has to lay down the which operate vis-a-vis the tortlous principle of
standards of professional conduct and etiquette for strict llablllty./5<11.:itcri .)';l �� � �
the Advocates under/il'R cl\15�<'i J/tt1i � $ fiw � � lftl !{ft�� 5iH�lll"'J f;, ;;il'

nment/� 3ft 'llT

�- �
����d;'t���mf<t=rstr'f;I Injurious to enviro
����a<latfl�� �� �$
� �� � � � �t'll<IG / �- ;;rr
Q4\.F(l1f � fc:l"C1' �4il<<li � m � �
f,t ·-
��$!�� i1 d) any solid, liquid p re in such concentration as
or tend to be, injurious to
b) In escap may be,
e of a dangerous ·animal the owner is q
strictly and absolutely liable to compensate all environme nt� 9ft o1lr llT ��� i
thos e who are affected by the accident and such
� �iillcli / �. ;m Q�q{Of � �
liab ilit y is not subject to any of the exceptions

Which operate vis-a-vis the tortious principle of t,lj;li:Jil«fi � 'llT � �
strict liability./ tJiff{ciIi:Ji .:,lfcicR" <m � 3<1" 70. tikt{ional Green Tribunal cannot exer cise Its
o/ cfi
Jurisdiction with reference t �� 31'R! {Uf
fflft���<);fi:l,:r���q_tt­ .
���$!��� ���
� � 3tHal4i �:;i)' � llli't<c1l<h·�c,; ¢,
� � ll �s°C' i I 3IR � �$t qi{�
Act,1972/cli-4,,lhr (m-a'f'Or)
�- ;;rr�m*i:JioR�<); �) Wildlife (Protection)
3fF<l1<1rf1 � <oT �� i, � 3ft
b) .Scheduled Tribes and Other Tradition al Forest
� <); � � f; I Dwellers (Recol'!nition of Forest Rights} Act,
c) In escape of toxic gas, the enterprise is strictly
2006/�� � Q'!' � �l'rl'c; � �
liable to compensate all those who are affected
by the accident and such liability is subject to any (cr.=r���i�. 2006
· c) ffie Public Liability Insurance Act,
ac@i'.fmr �.
of the exceptions which operate vis:a-vis the
t_ort·lous principle of strict liability� 3<1" 1991/fttJ;,i�<ti 1991
mfrq;)'�mc);n:ro-�tJtRg_tt­ d) both A & ef<W=i't A & 8
�� 31-Hal./l"i �- ;;rr��<);fTilmd;'t 71. � attempt to acquire sensitive informatipn such as
usernames, passwords, and credit card details (and
3<1" mfr�<);� i � �� � *� sometimes, indirectly,money) by masquerading as a
trustworthy entity in an electronic communication -
is known as/$1'i�l�<li ��'t:!'<fi ��
� i); 3lr41illfl �<of���I
d) A company or a corporation is not a state and $�*�<lR"'c), 3q:ii,Jtcoc1I iORT<im, �
hence not liable for leak ott-o�ic gas affecting the 3tll � i:Jir! fmRor-(� �-?li'Jft, �II'!'��­
health of the people/ {171;";i;Q';ff"l/Tf,;m1rr:re,; �<);�� ��I'm ;:;fl.-ii:filft Wll me);�
�"l/T��'!Jlfr�iW7!f'<S�l/it cm. c);��� ;;mui.: ·
f!HTflrc:r<R"if cll7fr��ilifh:rrcrilift:ltr a) f>fiarmlng/��-
JrM!14'4f{!;t b) Smishing/�r��
69. According to Environmental Protection Act, 1986,
.c) Phishing/rnw-"l/To,rr.:r,_
'e.nyironmental pollutant' means/ Qll\.:HOI � .
d) Didling/$M¼;lf;,q;;m;,��
,rttF.1<111, 1986 <);"{,·Q41<HOI �• � 72. Under Section 82 of the Indian Penal C ode,no· th'1ng
�t; 1s. an offence which Is done by 0
• � ch1.Id und er the age
a) any solid, liquid or gaseous substance present in
- •
such concentration as may be, or tend to be,
helpful to environment� � tml', � 'll'f
� � ;,l � � f}i<41ae: I �. ;;IT
a) 14 years/14 �­
Q'lncl{OI i); � � � 'll'f �� �
� '7 years/07�
b) only gaseous substance present . in such
concentration as may be, or tend to be, Injurious c) 18 years/18 �
to environment� � <); � / � Jt d) 21 years/21 �
� '1n ���;;IT <31 Qll 1cl{Ot l);- flw
1 73. R. V. Oudlev & Stephen stand
,� � s for the principle
that/31T{ <ft'� .,,.�
ffF.f<liH4i p 'llT p � � "'-'floi�
c) -,PY solid, liquid or gaseous substance present In f:
,such concentration as may be, or tend to be,
a) Killi ng an innoceiit life to save hi� own I� not a
b) D.C. Wadhwa Vs State of Bihar, AIR 1987 SC
de fen c(' ann necessitv cannot be olraded as a
579/� . .ft. l1VcllT � � mtr, AIR 1987 SC
defence against murder /.wr.:fi � i':TQ� i), �
� � � � � 311rm1m � t 3lh r-c=m c) Neeraja Choudhari Vs State of Madhya Pradesh
AIH t984SCl099/� tl't'l.rtt � � ��
� � Jllm� � f'Q iJl �� .HQ)� e'I�
��� �!?I AIR 1984SC1099
bl �cessitv can be pleaded as a defence agalnM d) Chamell Singh V<:. State of UP AIR 1996,
murder , killi11A an innocent life to save his own sc1 .os11.:rni:fl f#pr.:ffJf 11.,tft. AIR 1996, SC1051
may become� � tR � � 76. 1/-J)'!(!re a leg al wrong or a leg al injury Is caused to a
� �c);�3l��;;;r�i. person or to a determinate class of persons by
reason of violation of any constitutional or legal right
����i)i���hf��� or any burden is Imposed in co111ravent ion of any
mcm����i constitutional or legal provis ion or without authority
of law or any such legal wrong or legal injury or
c) Killing out of mercy is a defence and neces5ity
illegal burden Is threatened and such person or
cannot be pleaded as a defence aRainst murder.
determinate class of persons by reasons of poverty,
/fttm�l);�������Jttl helplessness or disability or socially or economically
c=nft�i��i[.mJi);ft:ro�� disadvanta ged position unable to approach the coort
for relief, any member of public can maintain an
��;;ii� application for an appropriate direction, order or
d) Nooe-of the above,1'5'Q'Um � � � writ in the High Court under Article 226 and in c.ase
74. ™·utility of Public Interest Litigation/� any breach of fundamental rights of such persons or
determinate class of persons, in this court under
� cfil 5Qlilfll<1I i Article 32 seeking judicial redress for the legal wrong
a) Liberalised locus standi/5c.1flq,r1 � � or legal injury caused to such person or determinate
class of persons. " - Justice Bhagwati in the case of/
b) The proceedings are Non-Adversarial�-�
Qil�cll� �fcf;lfi�'llT��'llT�
requirements �<);3R,iQc1 �qiflVT��<1>1'llT�
c) Procedural are
liberalized/Qftl;<11Mcfi ��,,IT q;r 5c.lflq,r1 ���� ���'lll�m?<lil'
�;;ii.;r <1iRUT 'il'1'c'fT t'<IT � � � 'llT �
d) All of the above/3tmm mft - �'<IT·� bi�� f:raiy "llT � � �
7S. The petitioner, a profe·ssor of political science who c);3R;iQo1 ����-����mrc:r
had done substantial research and deeply interested '<IT��m���urcrni:m��
in ensuring proper implementation of the
constitutional provisions, challenged the practice '<IT�. 31,Rt,14r1I_� Pcl<tii-iiJl<1I .QT .fl1'11Qcli qy
followed by the state of Bihar in repromulgating a � �� tift@-rom c); � cR ��t'<r1 � ��
number of ordinances without getting the approval
of the legislature. The court held that the petitioner m;oc)i' ��qi]'� 1Jlc1rn �,.
a s a member of public has 'sufficient interest' to �c)i' �aft� c)i' � � rn � t.
maintain a petition under Article 32 - This relates to � 226 <);�� r<ll<ll\'lll A��
the c.ase of/41Rl4iicficff, :t1;:,iJIQ � c)i' �
�Qrr, 3'$r '<IT� 3ftl � ..4fi),4' cl>�
·,;nm.���c)j-� �!); 5M'illc141 t<1�<1f clicn\'lliT�
clilcnrfl<1o1 � �fil�cil �l);�trlltRqJ\v�
qrlftl��TTJra�.�f1lm�mr� �mra '<IT�� c)i' � � �
��am��� 31UTitqr't � f.m=rr
� 1fm� 41 C:<1�qj � � �!1ilcll�-·
�����:c!r1 ��11ra1ft)i
41Rlcrilcr\i'ff � � � � c)i' � � � 32 a) Yeoples Union for Democratic Rights Vs Union of
l}; � �.,., � m � � ·trlltR mtcliT{' India�� q;t� �11,biftcli � �
�1�1lT11r!l� ITT«fm:r
a) Pa£Pr.1nand Katara Vs Union of India · AIR 1989, b) Ashok Kumar Pandey Vs State of west
·sc 2039/QU11;.ic; l1imT i1vfT1I' � 3lTTri � 8engal/lf�lmi � QT! i1rfrn �1 iit I I);�
· AIR 1989, SC 2039
..- (111)3tlm (iv)� (v) cilf1'.R<1f,
c) S, P, Gu lm. en. 'Jm � (I) Q':mcf (ii) ('!It'''
pta Vs UlliOII of indi�/
rr1v1.. Jltt
. � (vii) 3f'<A<'llqfrt
(v,) "'
�� urase ( 111) 1 n dus. try ('1v )
d) Janat ��� d) (I) HoneS!Y (ii) co uence, fvl) Jud11ment and Ml)'
a Oat Vs H. S. ChowdhMy/ seriousness (v � (.
) Eloa
. ..
�-lffi hi / (I ) ,,,,., ... " , i) � (111)3'<Jm (iv)
� Fell ows P·
77 of fillse
Imp osition of compensatory costs In respect ,(vi)� 3lh- (vii)
Jj3frrnr �(v)
or vexatious c dealt under� 'lfT
latn1s or defences Is
� c:rm � im<1 <); � � 1,1ffi_q3a; � q;r 81. �lnlmum
� number of
Dl(ectors in a Public

� fc:lQctzir JITffi � �lfvrtql<J\lc1:f

a) Section 33. of CPC� � � <nt um r<j_ffr1'1 � � '#;
33� � f/3
b, Section 3SA �f CPC � � � 'Um b) 10/10
3SA c) 12/12
mu 30 dj S/ 5 .
c) Section 30 of CPC � � mt;m a n to another
82_ 11.n associate company, in rel tio
d) Section 35\,f CPC � � � � 35 tt�W•ft �. � �
company, meansflr<7i
7S.. Which provision under the Code of Civil Procedure
deals with substituted service of summons upon the t the comp any has a
defen dantJ;n,1fN, � � $ � � m � a ·company in which tha o
significant influence , but whic•h is a subsidiary
�offia1� CR�c1:f��t company of the. com pany having such influence
a y/Qi1i �
� .t and includes a Joint venture comp n
a) er.s R.19A/O.S R.19A � � � � lfiT Jlt,c-4C(in QlTT?f �
b) 0.5 R.19/0.S R.19
c) 0.5 R.20/O.5 R.20
t. � ��cir'(1?1) � � i. �
dl o.g R.21/0.5 R.21 °QmQ':i:rrn�illtt����
79, Among other things, the Function of Bar council of �� M i
India Includes laying down standards of professional b) a company in which that other company has a
conduct and etiquette for advocates. - Under which significant influence,' but which is not a subsidiary
section of theAdvocatesAct/� i!Tffii); 3fiimJT, iffi company of the company h'aving such influence
and Includes a Joint venture company��
i:nl3�i-1 3fi'tf; � cfTT 4il�•,IOIIcfJ A' 3ffmra;y3U i);
� inm 3ITTW7T ��� 1ITcii1\' Qnfm;ri. �� ���l"Q-q; 11e,c-< mi<:r

� � 31Rl�q11 � fijqJ um c); � t �i.���-�c);-���cnt

al Section 7/1Jm7 - ���tlft{�ll<li�3-cm

b) Section 8/Vm 8 ��rrfmrt

c) a company in which that other company has a
c) Section /
9 Qm 9
significant influence, but which Is not a subsidiary
d) Section 6/Qm 6 company of the company having such influence
80. Accordinl7. to Justice A
' bbot Parry' what are the and do,s not Include a Joint venture
"Seven Lamps of Advocacy"./.-414� 1..iilk tl"ft '$ companyf"'1i��� 3fNJ��
�-,,��ffl<'f�"Q'qft � #1('.c-<lq;_a\ VWJ'lf � t � � � ��
a) (I) Honesty (II ) Courage (iii) professionalism (iv) �����
Wit (v) Eloquence. /vi) Jud11ment and (vii)
Fellowship./ (I) �'11ii!C:lfl (ii)� (Ill)
d) a company In which that other co, .
mpa ny has fuII
�icJ«iRl<l>rll (iv) ijft" (v) cJ11hir11, (vi)� 3ltt shares, and is a subsidia ry comp
any of the
(vii) ;t�r1,q_fR company having such Influenc
e and Includes a
Joint v enture companyfmli �
bl (i) Honesty (11) Courage (Iii) Industry (Iv) Wit (v) _ ��
Eloauence. (vi) Jud2ment and (vii) Fellowship./ �
{I) $#llo1c;1fl (ii)� {iii)3"0m (Iv)� (v)
c11fh1111, (vi)� 3/tT (vii)�
"_'i4t l1itlift ��������

�3-.mcfil«ftq�* ·.
c) (I) influence (ii) Courage (iii) Industry (Iv) Wit (v)
Eloquence, (vi) Judgment and (vii} Fellowship./
structure capital company or
83. Section 66A of Informati on Technolo Rv Act was held a) Issued by any Jnfra
unconstitutlonal In the case of� Q'tm� Infrastructure capital fund or public sector
J<Rll';\lM iflt � 66 A i1>°l fbm � � � company or scheduled ank on or after the 1st
kl< �
day or June, 2005;� � $11il�•
���- � c:rr $rllilf'iff.ll � � c:rr �
a) Justice IC. S. Puita swamv Vs Union of
lndia/;jifRf! l);.�. q�U-OIJ(I irnm 3mnm7 �ci;q.:ftmq�tt.1;mr,�,2oosc);�
b) MP Sharma Vs Satish Chandra�. tft. �� <1J3"fl$���:rcTT�;
ay fit is
b) in respect of which no p ment and bene
received or receivable before maturity or
c) Shreya Singha! Vs Union of lndia/�ffitn;r redemption from infrastructure capltill. compa y
or infrastructu re capita l fund or public sector
d) <.aRan Harsh Sharma Vs the State of company or scheduled bank/� ffl ;#
Maharashtra� pt �rffl ilc'Jm � UiNJ - < � cj;Q;ft cTT $rllil�<kl< �
84. A Teacher is not a workman within the purvi ew of q;sm� ��m���a
Industrial Disputes Act, held in the case of/f!q; q�Qckln• c:rr ���emf :iprc,Tif m "<'fl1f
fmrcl;, Jtt<ilfJlq; � JfftQ4Jj c)i 00-� Clim mr.��i,
mmro"'"°''���, w����11m cl '\IJhich the Central Government may, by
a) The Workmen Vs GreavesCotton & Co. Ltd. & notification in the Official Gazette, specify in this
Ors�or.:im�<li'rZil' �� �f.ti�s-"Qci behalf. /;;fr�� flr<m, m<1iTft � ;#
� �ij_ilc-11 .:m� (1;(" ��
bl John Joseph Khokar Vs Bhadange B. S. & ors/;;rri!' d) f'J,I en "the above,'31mm m1t
��.r.:l"m�ift.Qlf.�� 87, Provisions relating to GST are inserted in the
c) A Sundarambal Vs Government of Constitution by/GST � .tiiiRra
Qftl1't � 1t
Goa/��Miliifi<'f .r.:l"l7f 1ffiJT t!r<m � � cfi't mt i
d) Dinesh Sharma and Ors. Vs State of Bihar�T a) TheConstitution (one hundred and first) Act
2016� (�qq:l't t:?<1i c!T) � 2016
�rm�� ilc'Jm��
.. b). � Constitution (one hundred and second) Act
85. According to Factories Act/<lii<&litI $ 2016� IV<1> � en clT) � 2016
� c) TheConstitution (eighty fourth) Act
a) "child" means a person who has not completed 2016� � <lT) .ifftf.hl,R"2016
his fifteenth year of age;/ "�" c1iT mt
<lit� d) The Constitution (seventy seven) Act
��3fQc'ft'�ridlt3!Tlj��� 2 � (�<IT)� 2016
�t: 88. �its by indigent persons is dealt under/.lfm
b) "liHl'fd" means a person who has not completed a:il$41 IITTT �• f;\J.c-ifi:lnllc1 � c); cff<1"
his fourteenth year of age/"ilt:U" lJiT 3ft dlt
� � � 3fQc'ft' � ridlt 3l1lj � �
a) Order 44 of C.P.C�-afs);c:rr � (� )
��i- - lf11'Qm44
cl ...child" means a person who has �ot comple ted
his eighteenth year of age/"� t1iT rt tdlt b) Orcfer 33 ofC.P.C�offmrr�(�)
Qc1i � � 3ft1.fl' � ri dlt 3!T'j � 4\'tQm 33
WT��� c) Order 5S of C.P.C�offmrr � (�)
d) "child " means a person who has not com pleted if\'J'�ss
his shcteenth year of age/"�' lJiT � i dlt (.'<1i" d) Order 22 of C.P.C�offmrr
� (�)
� � 3ftl'ifl #IHt,cfl Zllt if:r 3l1lj � � � lf11'� 22
�i 89" Res geStae, Relevancy of
facts forming part of same
86. Accordl nl( to I ncome Tax Act "zero coupon bond" transaction Is dealt under
/Res gestae, � �-�
means a bond /Jmlllil 31�f.l•M $ � "llJrl c1iT � � � <"urr
dlt qi'ff P,q;c-1, � �
��;,;r�ffl1iRi'itit:r f.lqel41;;n'nr�
a) Sectio
n 6 of the Evidence Act/ID«� �ffl1m � Jf'Clrt � ili m� � � i � q;r
��6 �
b) Sectio n c) Inheritance of the self-acquired agricultural land
17 of the Evidence Act/ffl� Jr�
� � c1:t
l#;'t � 17 of her deceased husband/� �­
c) Se ction � � ijflr � 3cHIRllril<
18 of Ihe Evidence Act/fflR �
��18 d) All of the above� �
d) Section 94. !ectlon 25 of the Hindu Marriaie Act Provides
20 of the Evidence Act/mR .Nftlf.l<111
for�� <!°Jf cftt
JJRlf;) um
25 CJ;T Q'R1\mf i-
�20 /il'i:m c1:t �
90· 'l"he defin
ition of 'money' under GST law does not a) Custody of the Children
inclu der-;nC!fll'I <1>"f<lC, � "�" � �
$ ;:t � b) P-1"manent alimony and maintenance�
q��t �<ti114
-� ffi'1' 31R
� letter of Credi� Jl'l'q; � - c) Maintenance Pendente lite/Hii«lllc7 Pendente
b) Currency held for numismatic valuePJW � � lite
� JII41Qc1 "ffe d) Division of matrimonial propertyfit<Jl�cri �
c) Pay order/ *� 9S.. l(°Hindu wife had been living with he r children and
d) J.c.aveler cheque�mli
91. -tl'nder Article 279A GST Counci all the children had been brought up by her without
l is constituted any assistance and help from th e hus band many
by/� 279A i);� ;,ft(!fl� ��ml vears. The wife was entitled to separate residence
���i and maintenance under/f[lfi�Q'a't �oRml);
a) Prime Minister and his Council of Minlsters,'tltl'r.'T ����Jttl��imlfl1il'TIITIIT?f�
7m 3'rr� Ji�Qfhc: SJ<U'r����-_Jrtmqfi!t$��
b) Res�ctive Governors of the State/� �fJ4c11 � <fit <°t't �- Q(;ft � � J«iT2T firora
llRH�H <i.r4QIi-1 ltt<<&;Allclcftt�i
'c) The Presldentj,(l�Qfi!I a). �ctlon 18 (2) (f) of Hindu Adoptions and
d) A collective body of Union and States/ml 3ftt Maintenance Act/� Gt'fc1i 3ftl HlH<lll<l
�<1il'�l�cri� �f.l411 � � 18 (2) (f)
b) Section 18 (2) Cd) of Hindu Adoptions and
92. . �e definition of Contract is defined under/lr.jiiv
Maintenance Act� � 3ftl -<<lH<lll<l
<1:t Qfhmu Qf\>t1�c1 41'!' 111ft i
31RJf.?1<1A cflt 'Um 18 (2) (d
a) Section 2(a) of the Indian Contract Act. /� )
c) Section 18 12) (a) of Hindu Ado
� 3t�f.hM 4lr ptions and
2 (a) ;l Maintenance Act� �
� Hi<till<l
.l2J _5ection 2(h) of the Indian Contract Act. /�
lfftlf.l41!' � t1RT 18 (2) (a
� .;t�f.l<111 $tum2 (h)1f d) Section 18 (2) Ii!) o Hin
f du Adoptions and
c) Secti on 2(d) of the Indian Contract Act. /� Maintenance Act�
Gt'fc1i � <Ul<till<l
� 3t�f.l<M J1t um � c1\'t um
2 (di ;l 13 (2J 18>
d) Section 2(g) of the Indian Contract Act. /� 96.. Requisites of a valid ado
ption·. n� adoption shall be
valid unless- (I) the erso
3r-jift1lt�f.l<11111lt um2 (gJ 1t n n has_ the capacity,
and also the right, t� ta k e
�pt g (11) the person
93. The Hindu Succession (Amendment) Act (HSAA)2005
provides for women:�3n<1ftltn1< (�qfl1r.J
giving In adoption has th
person adopted is capab� �i:c
� t y to do so; (iii) the
adoption·' and (iv) the a g ta k en in_
Jffl1fi½411' (HSAA)2005 �lit i); � � � dOption Is ma de
compliance with the othe In
t: r condition s mentione
this Chapter. - mentione d in
a) coparcenary rights at par with men;/�� d underArcli
fflU � ��
3r.jml: � �� � � 1'TNJ $
a,;Mcii I({ lfftnm: � � � nifi.
. b! 'Inheritance rights In agricultural land fro (I)���,,,,__ "'"41ff'I��

parents at par with her brothers;/.MQ.\

m her
� 3ft (Ii) *; ���

� ��

e ar � 00
3ltt (Iv) � 3n.lITTf � 3�fil1<1 � �f"1 l); a) ..-document signed by th P ties;
31cjQliilii A��mnt;1 -��� · �mrrnr� c:-@1� ��i b) an exchange of let ters,
telex, telegrams or other
nica tion which provide a
a) Section 6 of Hindu Adop tions and Miilntenan
ce means of telecommu
$�q:" ��
Act��� <l<l<&IQ � ��rm 6 record of the agreement;/
b)_,...81fction 8 of Hindu Adoptions and Maintenance 'ftml $ tA, �. �i;flm" 'll'1 e;_nhm <);'
Act�� �<tlH&IU �f.:lu;i, � tnu 8 31rlf � � _mzyr.� ;;il fl't'7ffil c,,l
c) Section 12 of H_lndu Adoptions and Maintenance
Act��� {Ul{t!IIQ � <f?t � 12 of c laim and defence
c) an exchange of statements
d) Section 10 of Hindu Adopt ons and Maintenance e
In which the existence of th agreement is
A� Jn< HiH:&IU � <f?t � 10 alleged by one party and not denied by the
97. M"cording to the Muslim women(protectl on of right other.� 3ltt .rmzJ <);' �� 11i1i �­
son marriage) act, 2019, any pronouncement of ,;re-r.:r � ff't¢� <1iT � 11i1i Q'ffl' 00
talaq as defined under the Act by a Muslim husband
upon his wife, by words, either spoken or written or ���t;3l'R"�OO��
in electronic form or in any other manner fc1im � i I
whatsoever, shall be/ the Muslim women( protectlon
d) All,dtthe above��� 3fl"
of right son marriage) act, 2019 $ �. � n
100. W�er of right to object deviance from arbitratio
�mr�Qr.ft'��c);�� 'agreement is mentioned under --- of the
�m!'���$�'ilil 3t.ill·M, ��� �ti�
Arbitration and Conciliation Act,'Jrt.,Zlfllictl :ff11"$i
� � m $�<k;;lf.:I4i "''tf if� 3r.=lJ � � �<ffqfclmrrr��cfftW:<1if�
� t � � m err �Jtn��;.fft�'aRT$'�
�idmrci;T���t - �.rm?;:
bl Cognizable���� a) Section 7/1/:lm 7
c) compoundable/.fiq,-,j.{IQ b) Section 4/'URT 4
d) All of the above,/3'Qmfi ll'� c) Section 20/'tlm 20
98. J:Re UNCITRAL Model Law and Rules do not become d) �n 22/'URT 22
part of the Arbitration Act so as to become an aid to
construe the provisions of the Act. - held in the case
of/UNOTRAL � tffl'¥ Jltt � 3=1't�
31ftf.:lll'1 �� ift,'ti, � ��
� ijft mi�cPJi� � f�"Q"(!"cfl .fl(.Illc1I ilil' � I
a) Union of India Vs East Coast Boat Builders and
Engineers Ltd., j�Q.-l Jl'tq; � � �
�-fn1k � � $;,ft�ll� fc:l�es
b) Union of lndia\is M.C. MehtaJl@lll<i 3ITlfi �
--� inr:�. �
c) Tata Press Ltd Vs Union of lndia/llcT � fc:1!1its
d) Union of India vs Indian change Chrome
ltd� m����m
a(. According to Secti on 7(4) of th e Arbitration and
Conciliation Act, an arbitration agreement Is In
writing if It is contained in-/JlUTf
iffl UTtT 7(4) $ Jr,Jlm'. iraT �Ml�Ji t."l1i �
� � �� l1l- fi:fftlm �

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