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Make Pixels Dance: High-Dynamic Video Generation

Yan Zeng∗ Guoqiang Wei∗ Jiani Zheng

Jiaxin Zou Yang Wei Yuchen Zhang Hang Li

ByteDance Research

Equal Contribution
arXiv:2311.10982v1 [cs.CV] 18 Nov 2023

{zengyan.yanne, weiguoqiang.9, lihang.lh}

Figure 1. Generation results of PixelDance given text, first frame instruction highlighted in red box (and last frame instruction in green).
Six frames sampled from a 16-frame clip are displayed. Human faces presented in this paper are synthesized using text-to-image models.

Abstract tions and sophisticated visual effects poses a significant

challenge in the field of artificial intelligence. Unfortu-
nately, current state-of-the-art video generation methods,
Creating high-dynamic videos such as motion-rich ac-
primarily focusing on text-to-video generation, tend to pro- needs to significantly scale up. The use of image instruc-
duce video clips with minimal motions despite maintaining tions overcome these challenges together with text instruc-
high fidelity. We argue that relying solely on text instruc- tions. Given the three instructions in training, the model
tions is insufficient and suboptimal for video generation. is able to focus on learning the dynamics of video content,
In this paper, we introduce PixelDance, a novel approach and in inference the model can better generalize the learned
based on diffusion models that incorporates image instruc- dynamics knowledge to out-of-domain instructions.
tions for both the first and last frames in conjunction with Specifically, we present PixelDance, a latent diffusion
text instructions for video generation. Comprehensive ex- model based approach to video generation, conditioned
perimental results demonstrate that PixelDancetrained with on <text,first frame,last frame> instructions.
public data exhibits significantly better proficiency in syn- The text instruction is encoded by a pre-trained text en-
thesizing videos with complex scenes and intricate motions, coder and is integrated into the diffusion model with cross-
setting a new standard for video generation. attention. The image instructions are encoded with a pre-
trained VAE encoder [32] and concatenated with either
perturbed video latents or Gaussian noise as the input to
1. Introduction the diffusion model. In training, we use the (ground-
truth) first frame to enforce the model to strictly adhere to
Generating high-dynamic videos with motion-rich actions,
the instruction, maintaining continuity between consecutive
sophisticated visual effects, natural shot transitions, or com-
video clips. In inference, this instruction can be conve-
plex camera movements, has long been a lofty yet challeng-
niently obtained from T2I models [32] or directly provided
ing goal in the field of artificial intelligence. Unfortunately,
by users.
most existing video generation approaches focusing on text-
to-video generation [10, 22, 55] are still limited to synthe- Our approach is unique in its way of using the last frame
size simple scenes, and often falling short in terms of vi- instruction. We intentionally avoid encouraging the model
sual details and dynamic motions. Recent state-of-the-art to replicate the last frame instruction exactly since it is chal-
models have significantly enhanced text-to-video quality by lenging to provide a perfect last frame in inference, and the
incorporating an image input [11, 24, 43], which provides model should accommodate user-provided coarse drafts for
finer visual details for video generation. Despite the ad- guidance. Such kind of instruction can be readily created
vancements, the generated videos frequently exhibit limited by the user using basic image editing tools.
motions as shown in Figure 2. This issue becomes partic- To this end, we develop three techniques. First, in train-
ularly severe when the input images depict out-of-domain ing, the last frame instruction is randomly selected from the
content unseen in training data, indicating a key limitation last three (ground-truth) frames of a video clip. Second, we
of current technologies. introduce noise to the instruction to mitigate the reliance on
To generate high-dynamic videos, we propose a novel the instruction and promote the robustness of model. Third,
video generation approach that incorporates image instruc- we randomly drop the last frame instruction with a certain
tions for both the first and last frames of a video clip, in ad- probability, e.g. 25%, in training. Correspondingly, we pro-
dition to text instruction. The image instruction for the first pose a simple yet effective sampling strategy for inference.
frame depicts the major scene of the video clip. The image During the first τ denoising steps, the last frame instruc-
instruction for the last frame, which is optionally used in tion is utilized to guide video generation towards the desired
training and inference, delineates the ending of the clip and ending status. Then, during the remaining steps, the instruc-
provides additional control for generation. The image in- tion is dropped, allowing the model to generate more tem-
structions enable the model to construct intricate scenes and porally coherent video. The impact of last frame instruction
actions. Moreover, our approach can create longer videos, can be adjusted by τ .
in which case the model is applied multiple times and the Our model’s ability of leveraging image instructions en-
last frame of the preceding clip serves as the first frame in- ables more effective use of public video-text datasets, such
struction for the subsequent clip. as WebVid-10M [2] which only contains coarse-grained de-
The image instructions are more direct and accessible scriptions with loose correlation to videos [37], and lacks
compared to text instructions. We use ground-truth video of content in diverse styles (e.g., comics and cartoons).
frames as the instructions for training, which is easy to ob- Our model with only 1.5B parameters, trained mainly
tain. In contrast, recent work has proposed the use of highly on WebVid-10M, achieves state-of-the-art performance on
descriptive text annotations [4] to better follow text instruc- multiple scenarios. First, given text instruction only, Pix-
tions. Providing detailed textual annotations to precisely de- elDance leverages T2I models to obtain the first frame in-
scribe both the frames and the motions of videos is not only struction to generate videos, reaching FVD scores of 381
costly to collect but also difficult to learn for the model. To and 242.8 on MSR-VTT [50] and UCF-101 [38] respec-
understand and follow complex text instructions, the model tively. With the text and first frame instructions (the first
frame instruction can also be provided by users), Pixel-
Dance is able to generate more motion-rich videos com-
pared to existing models. Second, PixelDance can generate
continuous video clips, outperforming existing long video
generation approaches [8, 16] in temporal consistency and
video quality. Third, the last frame instructions are shown to
be a critical component for creating intricate out-of-domain
videos with complex scenes and/or actions, as shown in
Figure 1. Overall, by actively interacting with PixelDance,
we create the first three-minute video with a clear storyline
at various complex scenes and characters hold consistent
across scenes.
Our contributions can be summarized as follows:
• We propose a novel video generation approach based on
diffusion model, PixelDance, which incorporates image
instructions for both the first and last frames in conjunc-
tion with text instruction. Figure 2. Videos generated by state-of-the-art video generation
• We develop training and inference techniques for Pixel- model [11], compared with our results given the same text prompts
and image conditions in Figure 1 and Figure 4.
Dance, which not only effectively enhances the quality of
generated videos, but also provides users with more con-
trol over the video generation process.
• Our model trained on public data demonstrates remark- sity to search for an appropriate reference video for editing
able performance in high-dynamic video generation with is time-consuming. Furthermore, this approach inherently
complex scenes and actions, setting a new standard for constrains the scope of creation, as it precludes the possi-
video generation. bility of synthesizing entirely novel content (e.g., a polar
bear walking on the Great Wall) that may not exist in any
2. Related Work reference video.
2.1. Video Generation
Video generation has long been an attractive and essential 2.2. Long Video Generation
research topic [8, 31, 42]. Previous studies have resorted to
different types of generative models such as GANs [12, 25, Long video generation is a more challenging task which re-
29, 39] and Transfomers with VQVAE [9, 23, 51]. Recently, quires seamless transitions between successive video clips
diffusion models have significantly advanced the progress and long-term consistency of the scene and characters.
of photorealistic text-to-image generation [3, 34], which ex- There are typically two approaches: 1) autoregressive meth-
hibit robustness superior to GANs and require fewer pa- ods [15, 22, 41] employ a sliding window to generate a new
rameters compared to transformer-based counterparts. La- clip conditioned on the previous clip. 2) hierarchical meth-
tent diffusion models [32] are proposed to reduce the com- ods [9, 15, 17, 53] generate sparse frames first, then inter-
putational burden by training a diffusion model in a com- polate intermediate frames. However, the autoregressive ap-
pressed lower-dimensional latent space. For video genera- proach is susceptible to quality degradation due to error cu-
tion, previous studies typically add temporal convolutional mulation over time. As for the hierarchical method, it needs
layers and temporal attention layers to the 2D UNet of a long videos for training, which are difficult to obtain due
pre-trained text-to-image diffusion models [10, 14, 16, 27, to frequent shot changes in online videos. Besides, gener-
37, 43, 45, 55]. Although these advancements have paved ating temporally coherent frames across larger time interval
the way for the generation of high-resolution videos through exacerbates the challenges, which often leads to low-quality
the integration of super-resolution modules [26], the videos initial frames, making it hard to achieve good results in later
produced are characterized by simple, minimal motions as stages of interpolation. In this paper, PixelDance generates
shown in Figure 2. continuous video clips in the auto-regressive way and ex-
Recently, the field of video editing has witnessed re- hibits superior performance in synthesizing long-term con-
markable progress [28, 52, 54], particularly in terms of sistent frames compared to existing models. Concurrently,
content modification while preserving the original structure we advocate for active user engagement with the genera-
and motion of the video, for example, modifying a cattle tion process, akin to a film director’s role, to ensure that the
to a cow [6, 48]. Despite these achievements, the neces- produced content closely aligns with the user’s expectation.
Image Instruction Injection We incorporate image in-
structions for both the first and last frames in conjunction
with text instruction. We utilize ground-truth video frames
as the instructions in training, which is easy to obtain. Given
the image instructions on the first and last frame, denoted as
{If irst , Ilast }, we first encode them into the input space of
diffusion models using VAE, result in {f f irst , f last } where
f ∈ RC×H×W . To inject the instructions without loss of the
temporal position information, the final image condition is
Figure 3. Illustration of the training procedure of PixelDance. The then constructed as:
original video clip and image instructions (in red and green boxes)
are encoded into z and cimage , which are then concatenated along
cimage = [f f irst , PADs, f last ] ∈ RF ×C×H×W , (1)
the channel dimension after perturbed with different noises.

where PADs ∈ R(F −2)×C×H×W . The condition cimage is

then concatenated with noised latent zt along the channel
3. Method
dimension, which is taken as the input of diffusion models.
Existing models in text-to-video [10, 22, 55] and image-to-
video generation [11, 24, 43] often produce videos charac- 3.2. Training and Inference
terized by simple and limited movements. In this paper, we
The training procedure is illustrated in Figure 3. For the first
attempt to enable the model to focus on learning the dynam-
frame instruction, we employ the ground-truth first frame
ics of video contents, to generate videos with rich motions.
for training, making the model adhere to the first frame in-
We present a novel approach that integrates image instruc-
struction strictly in inference. In contrast, we intentionally
tions for both the first and last frames in conjunction with
avoid encouraging the model to replicate the last frame in-
text instruction for video generation, and we effectively uti-
struction exactly. During inference, the ground-truth last
lize public video data for training. We will elaborate on the
frame is unavailable in advance, the model needs to accom-
model architecture in Sec. 3.1, and then introduce the train-
modate user-provided coarse drafts for guidance to gener-
ing and inference techniques tailored for our approach in
ate temporally coherent videos. To this end, we introduce
Sec. 3.2.
three techniques. First, we randomly select an image from
the last three ground-truth frames of a clip to serve as the
3.1. Model Architecture last frame instruction for training. Second, to promote ro-
bustness, we perturb the encoded latents cimage of image
Latent Diffusion Architecture We adopt latent diffusion instructions with noise.
model [32] for video generation. Latent diffusion model is
Third, during training, we randomly drop the last frame
trained to denoise from a perturbed input in the latent space
instruction with probability η, by replacing the correspond-
of a pre-trained VAE, in order to reduce the computational
ing latent with zeros. Correspondingly, we propose a sim-
burden. We take the widely used 2D UNet [33] as diffusion
ple yet effective inference technique. During inferene, in
model, which is constructed with a series of spatial down-
the first τ out of the total T denoising steps, the last frame
sampling layers followed by a series of spatial upsampling
instruction is applied to guide the video generation towards
layers with inserted skip connections. Specifically, it is built
desired ending status, and it is dropped in the subsequent
with two basic blocks, i.e., 2D convolution block and 2D at-
steps to generate more plausible and temporally consistent
tention block. We extend the 2D UNet to 3D variant with
inserting temporal layers [22], where 1D convolution layer
along temporal dimension after 2D convolution layer, and (
1D attention layer along temporal dimension following 2D x̂θ (zt , f f irst , f last , ctext ), if t < τ
x̃θ = . (2)
attention layer. The model can be trained jointly with im- x̂θ (zt , f f irst , ctext ), if τ ≤ t ≤ T
ages and videos to maintain high-fidelity generation ability
on spatial dimension. The 1D temporal operations are dis- τ determines the strength of model dependency on last
abled for image input. We use bi-directional self-attention frame instruction, adjusting τ will enable various applica-
in all temporal attention layers. We encode the text instruc- tions. For example, our model can generate high-dynamic
tion using a pre-trained CLIP text encoder [30], and the em- videos without last frame instruction (i.e., τ = 0). Addi-
bedding ctext is injected through cross-attention layers in tionally, we apply the classifier-free guidance [19] in infer-
the UNet with hidden states as queries and ctext as keys ence, which mixes the score estimates of the model condi-
and values. tioned on text prompts and without text prompts.
4. Experiments Table 2. Zero-shot T2V performance comparison on UCF-101.
All methods generate video with spatial resolution of 256×256.
4.1. Implementation Details Best in bold.
Following previous work, we train the video diffusion
model on WebVid-10M [2], which contains about 10M Method #data #params. IS(↑) FID(↓) FVD(↓)
short video clips with an average duration of 18 seconds, CogVideo (En) [23] 5.4M 15.5B 25.27 179.00 701.59
predominantly in the resolution of 336 × 596. Each video is MagicVideo [55] 10M - - 145.00 699.00
associated with a paired text which generally offers a coarse LVDM [16] 2M 1.2B - - 641.80
description weakly correlated with the video content. An- InternVid [46] 28M - 21.04 60.25 616.51
other nuisance issue of WebVid-10M lies in the watermarks Video-LDM [5] 10M 4.2B 33.45 - 550.61
placed on all videos, which leads to the watermark’s pres- ModelScope [43] 10M 1.7B - - 410.00
ence in all generated videos. Thus, we expand our training VideoFactory [44] - 2.0B - - 410.00
Make-A-Video [37] 20M 9.7B 33.00 - 367.23
data with other self-collected 500K watermark-free video
VidRD [13] 5.3M - 39.37 - 363.19
clips depicting real-world entities such as humans, animals,
Dysen-VDM [7] 10M - 35.57 - 325.42
objects, and landscapes, paired with coarse-grained textual
descriptions. Despite comprising only a modest propor- PixelDance 10M 1.5B 42.10 49.36 242.82
tion, we surprisingly find that combining this dataset with
WebVid-10M for training ensures that PixelDance is able
to generate watermark-free videos if the image instructions
are free of watermarks.
PixelDance is trained jointly on video-text dataset and
image-text dataset. For video data, we randomly sample 16
consecutive frames with 4 fps per video. Following previ-
ous work [21], we adopt LAION-400M [36] as image-text
dataset. Image-text data are utilized every 8 training iter-
ations. The weights of pre-trained text encoder and VAE
model are frozen during training. We employ DDPM [20]
with T = 1000 time steps for training. A noise corre-
sponding to 100 time steps is introduced to the image in-
structions cimage . We first train the model at resolution of
256×256, with batch size of 192 on 32 A100 GPUs for
200K iterations, which is utilized for quantitative evalua-
tions. This model is then finetuned for another 50K iter-
ations with higher resolution. We incorporate ϵ-prediction
[20] as training objective.

Table 1. Zero-shot T2V performance comparison on MSR-VTT.

All methods generate video with spatial resolution of 256×256. Figure 4. Illustration of video generation conditioned on the text
Best in bold. and first frame instructions. Please refer to the Supplementary for
more examples.
Method #data #params. CLIPSIM(↑) FVD(↓)
CogVideo (En) [23] 5.4M 15.5B 0.2631 1294 4.2. Video Generation
MagicVideo [55] 10M - - 1290
LVDM [16] 2M 1.2B 0.2381 742 4.2.1 Quantitative Evaluation
Video-LDM [5] 10M 4.2B 0.2929 -
InternVid [46] 28M - 0.2951 -
We evaluate zero-shot video generation performance of our
ModelScope [43] 10M 1.7B 0.2939 550 PixelDance on MSR-VTT [50] and UCF-101 [38] datasets,
Make-A-Video [37] 20M 9.7B 0.3049 - following previous work [5, 16, 23, 55]. MSR-VTT is
Latent-Shift [1] 10M 1.5B 0.2773 - a video retrieval dataset with descriptions for each video,
VideoFactory [44] - 2.0B 0.3005 - while UCF-101 is an action recognition dataset with 101
action categories. To make a comparison with previous
PixelDance 10M 1.5B 0.3125 381 T2V approaches which are conditioned on text prompts
only, we also evaluate only with text instructions. Specif-
ically, we utilize off-the-shelf T2I Stable Diffusion V2.1
Figure 5. Illustration of complex video generation conditioned on
the text, first frame and last frame instructions. Please refer to the
Supplementary for more examples.

[32] to obtain the first frame instructions, and generate

videos given the text and first frame instructions. Following Figure 6. First two rows: text instruction helps enhance the cross-
previous work [7, 44], we randomly select one prompt per frame consistency of key elements like the black hat and red bow
example to generate 2990 videos in total for evaluate, and tie of the polar bear. Last row: natural shot transition.
report the Fréchet Video Distance (FVD) [40] and CLIP-
similarity (CLIPSIM) [47] on MSR-VTT dataset. For UCF-
101 dataset, we construct descriptive text prompts per cat- described succinctly and precisely with text. Nonetheless,
egory and generate about 10K videos, and compare with the text prompt plays a vital role of specifying various mo-
previous works in terms of the widely-used Inception Score tions, including but not limited to body movements, facial
(IS) [35], Fréchet Inception Distance (FID) [18] and FVD, expressions, object movements, and visual effects (first two
following previous work [7, 44]. Both FID and FVD mea- rows of Figure 4). Besides, it allows for manipulating cam-
sure the distribution distance between generated videos and era movements with specific prompts like ”zoom in/out,”
the ground-truth data. IS assesses the quality of generated ”rotate,” and ”close-up,” as demonstrated in the last row of
videos and CLIPSIM estimates the similarity between the Figure 4. Moreover, the text instruction helps to hold the
generated videos and corresponding texts. cross-frame consistency of specified key elements, such as
Zero-short evaluation results on MSR-VTT and UCF- the detailed descriptions of characters (polar bear in Fig-
101 are presented in Table 1 and Table 2, respectively. Com- ure 6).
pared to other T2V approaches on the MSR-VTT, Pixel- The first frame instruction significantly improves the
Dance achieves state-of-the-art result in terms of FVD and video quality by providing finer visual details. Moreover,
CLIPSIM, demonstrating its remarkable ability to generate it is key to generate multiple consecutive video clips. With
high-quality videos with better alignment to text prompts. the text and first frame instructions, PixelDance is able to
Notably, PixelDance achieves an FVD score of 381, which generate more motion-rich videos (Figure 4 and Figure 6)
substantially surpasses the previous state-of-the-art Mod- compared to existing models.
elScope [43], with an FVD of 550. On UCF-101 bench- The last frame instruction, delineating the concluding
mark, PixelDance outperforms other models across various status of a video clip, provides an additional control on
metrics, including IS, FID and FVD. video generation. This instruction is instrumental for syn-
thesizing intricate motions, and becomes particularly cru-
cial for out-of-domain video generation as depicted in the
4.2.2 Qualitative Analysis first two samples in Figure 1 and Figure 5. Furthermore,
Effectiveness of Each Instruction Our video generation we can generate a natural shot transition using last frame
approach incorporates three distinct instructions: text, first instruction (last sample of Figure 6).
frame, and last frame instruction. In this section, we will
probe deeply into the influence of each instruction on the Strength of Last Frame Guidance To make the model
quality of generated videos. work well with user-provided drafts, even if they are some-
In PixelDance, the text instruction could be concise, con- what imprecise, we intentionally avoid encouraging the
sidering that the first frame instruction has delivered the model replicate the last frame instruction exactly, with the
objects/characters and scenes, which are challenging to be proposed techniques detailed in Sec. 3. As shown in
Figure 7. Illustration of the effectiveness of the proposed tech-
niques (τ = 25) to avoid replicating the last frame instruction.
Figure 8. FVD comparison for long video generation (1024
frames) on UCF-101. AR: auto-regressive. Hi: hierarchical. The
the Figure 7, without our techniques, the generated video construction of long video with PixelDance is in an autoregressive
abruptly ends in the given last frame instruction exactly. In manner.
contrast, with our proposed methods, the generated video is
more fluent and temporally consistent.
ther instruction results in a significant deterioration in video
quality. Notably, even though the evaluation does not incor-
Generalization to Out-of-Domain Image Instructions
porate the last frame instruction, model trained with this in-
Despite the notable lack of training videos in non-realistic
struction (➁) outperforms the model trained without it (➃).
styles (e.g., science fictions, comics, and cartoons), Pix-
This observation reveals that relying solely on the <text,
elDance demonstrates a remarkable capability to generate
first frame> for video generation poses substantial
high-quality videos in these out-of-domain categories. This
challenges due to the significant diversity of video content.
generalizability can be attributed to that our approach fo-
In contrast, incorporating all three instructions enhances
cuses on learning dynamics and ensuring temporal consis-
PixelDance’s capacity to model motion dynamics and hold
tency, given the image instructions. As PixelDance learns
temporal consistency.
the underlying principles of motions in real world, it can
generalize across various stylistic domains of image instruc- 4.4. Long Video Generation
4.4.1 Quantitative Evaluation
4.3. Ablation Study
As aforementioned, PixelDance is trained to strictly ad-
here to the first frame instruction, in order to generate long
Table 3. Ablation study results on UCF-101.
videos, where the last frame from preceding clip is used as
the first frame instruction for generating the subsequent clip.
Method FID(↓) FVD(↓)
To evaluate PixelDance’s capability of long video genera-
➀ T2V baseline 59.35 450.58 tion, we follow the previous work [8, 16] and generate 512
➁ PixelDance 49.36 242.82 videos with 1024 frames on UCF-101 datasets, under the
➂ PixelDance w/o ctext 51.26 375.79 zero-shot setting detailed in Sec. 4.2.1. We report the FVD
➃ PixelDance w/o f last 49.45 339.08 of every 16 frames extracted side-by-side from the synthe-
sized videos. The results, as shown in Figure 8, show that
PixelDance demonstrates lower FVD scores and smoother
To evaluate the key components of PixelDance, we con- temporal variations, compared with auto-regressive models,
duct a quantitative ablation study on the UCF-101 dataset TATS-AR [8] and LVDM-AR [16], and the hierarchical ap-
following the zero-shot evaluation setting in Sec. 4.2.1. proach LVDM-Hi. Please refer to the Supplementary for
First, we provide a T2V baseline (➀) for comparison visual comparisons.
trained on the same dataset. We further analyze the ef-
fectiveness of instructions employed in our model. Given 4.4.2 Qualitative Analysis
the indispensable nature of the first frame instruction for
the generation of continuous video clips, our ablation fo- Recognizing that most real-world long videos (e.g., videos
cuses on the text instruction (➂) and the last frame instruc- or films on YouTube) comprise numerous shots rather than a
tion (➃). The experimental results indicate that omitting ei- single continuous shot, this qualitative analysis focuses on
Figure 9. Illustration of PixelDance handling intricate shot compositions consisting of two continuous video clips, in which case the last
frame of the Clip #1 serves as the first frame instruction for Clip #2.

ation capabilities, we have successfully synthesized a three-

minute video that not only tells a coherent story but also
maintains a consistent portrayal of the main character.

4.5. More Applications

Sketch Instruction Our proposed approach can be ex-
tended to other types of image instructions, such as se-
mantic maps, image sketches, human poses, and bounding
boxes. To demonstrate this, we take the image sketch as an
example and finetune PixelDance with image sketch [49]
as the last frame instruction. The results are shown in the
first two rows of Figure 10, exhibiting that a simple sketch
image is able to guide the video generation process.

Zero-shot Video Editing PixelDance is able to perform

video editing without any training, achieved by transform-
Figure 10. Illustration of video generation with sketch image as ing the video editing task into an image editing task. As
last frame instruction (first two examples), and PixelDance for shown in the last example in Figure 10, by editing the
zero-shot video editing (c). first frame and the last frame of the provided video, Pixel-
Dance generates a temporally consistent video aligned with
user expectation on video editing.
PixelDance’s capabilities of generating a composite shot.
This is formed by stringing together multiple continuous 5. Conclusion
video clips that are temporally consistent. Figure 9 il-
lustrates the capability of PixelDance to handle intricate In this paper, we proposed a novel video generation ap-
shot compositions involving complex camera movements proach based on diffusion models, PixelDance, which in-
(in Arctic scenes), smooth animation effects (polar bear ap- corporates image instructions for both the first and last
pears in a hot air balloon over the Great Wall), and precise frames in conjunction with text instruction. We developed
control over the trajectory of a rocket. These instances ex- training and inference techniques tailored for this approach.
emplify how users interact with PixelDance to craft desired PixelDance trained mainly on WebVid-10M exhibited ex-
video sequences. Leveraging PixelDance’s advanced gener- ceptional proficiency in synthesizing videos with complex
scenes and actions, setting a new standard in video genera- Long video generation with time-agnostic vqgan and time-
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A noise prior for video diffusion models. In Proceedings
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