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About this Assessment Manual

This Assessment Manual provides you with assessment information and the assessment
tasks you will be required to complete for this unit.

Why are assessment tasks important?

The assessment tasks are an important part of your course as they provide: an opportunity
for you to apply what you have learned; and feedback on your progress.

How will you be assessed?

To demonstrate competency in this unit, you must complete all of the assessment tasks
below. Your trainer and assessor will provide you with a due date for each assessment task
during the first class of the unit. Write the due dates down in the space provided. You will
also find information on due dates once you log in to the e-Learning platform.

Assessment Plan

Assessment Number Method of Assessment Due Date

Assessment Task 1 Short answer questions

Assessment Task 2 Portfolio & Roleplay

Assessment Task 3 Portfolio & Roleplay

What is required for successful completion?

To be assessed as 'Competent' for this unit, you must complete the above assessment tasks

Assessment Tasks

The information provided under each assessment task gives the assessor and the student:

• Instructions to outline the purpose of the assessment task and conditions to consider
when conducting the task (e.g. resources, place, submission requirements and
• Assessment context/scenario information.
• Activities/questions to be completed by the student.

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• An outline of the evidence to be submitted by the student - Evidence Submission

How to submit assessments

You must type your responses using MS Office Suite programs (or similar). Please note that
some assessment tasks require you to submit completed forms and templates. You will find
these forms and templates in a separate document named 'Appendices and templates'.

In some role-play scenarios, you may be required to work in a small group. If this is the case,
you will still be required to submit your assessment evidence individually, and your assessor
will still assess your performance separately.

Your assessor will check your assessment evidence before submission and provide interim
feedback on the unsatisfactory performance.

You must submit your assessment work via the e-Learning platform by the due date.

Assessment Submission Declaration

Before submitting your assessment work to your trainer and assessor for marking, you must
accept the following assessment submission declaration.

I declare that the evidence provided for this task is my own work; none of this work has been
completed by another person; I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other
student(s); I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts where applicable; I
understand that if I am found in breach of the Academic Misconduct Policy, disciplinary action may be
taken against me; and I know my assessment appeal rights.

The above declaration is an agreement from you that all the assessment evidence you
submit is your own work and that you understand the consequences of academic

Assessment Task and Unit Outcomes

Once the assessor marks your work, you will receive either a 'Satisfactory' or 'Not
Satisfactory' result for each assessment task.

If you receive a 'Satisfactory' result for all assessment tasks, you will receive a 'Competent'
result for this unit.

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Receive a 'Not Satisfactory' result for any of the tasks or miss any of the tasks. You will
receive a 'Not Competent' result for this unit.

Academic Misconduct and Referencing

You must provide your responses in your own words. You can refer to the unit's learner
guide or other sources. Still, you cannot copy sentences and paragraphs directly from these
sources. Suppose your responses are found to have been copied directly from the learner
guide or other sources. In that case, your result will be 'Not Satisfactory'.

You will still need to provide references of sources you relied upon to prepare your
assessment work.

You must also ensure that your assessment work must be current and relevant to the given
task and case study scenario.

You will be dealt with as per VIA Education's Academic Misconduct Policy if you are
engaged in academic misconduct involving plagiarism, cheating, or collusion. You can find
more details on this policy and referencing in the Student Handbook available on the VIA


VIA Education will give you a reattempt opportunity if you receive a 'Not Competent' (NC)
result for this unit. You will have two reattempt opportunities for each 'Not Satisfactory' task
during your course. Please note that each reattempt will be subject to a reassessment fee.
Please refer to the Student Handbook available on the VIA website to know more about the
reassessment process.

What can you do if you do not agree with the assessment outcomes (results)?

Suppose you disagree with the assessment outcome or believe mistreatment has happened
to you during the assessment process. In that case, you can appeal the decision using VIA
Education's Complaints and Appeals Policy (refer to the Complaints and Appeals policy in
the Student Handbook available on the VIA website).

The first step is to discuss the matter with your trainer and assessor. If you are still unhappy
with the outcome, you can request a review of your assessment by lodging a formal appeal.

Retaining copies of the submitted assessments

Please make sure you keep a copy of all work submitted.

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Short answer questions


• The purpose of this task is to assess your knowledge relating to manage meetings.
• You must answer all eighteen (18) questions. Where applicable, a guide to the
length of your response for each question is provided next to each question.
• You must complete this task by the due date set by your trainer and assessor.
• You will need access to the following resources to complete this task:
o Learner Guide
o Class notes
o Computer with MS Office Suite (or similar) and internet access.
• You must provide your responses in your own words. You can refer to the Learner
Guide or other sources, but you are not allowed to copy sentences and/or
paragraphs directly from these sources. If your responses found to have been copied
directly from learner guide or other sources, your result for this task will be Not
• You will complete this task at home in your own time.
• You must submit evidence as per the ‘Evidence Submission Checklist’ by the due


1. Provide an explanation of each of the following meeting terminology. (in 10 to 20

words each)


Procedural motion


Conflict of interest

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2. Outline a meeting structure for a formal meeting. (in 40 to 50 words)

3. Outline a meeting structure for an informal meeting. (in 20 to 30 words)

4. Outline three (3) key arrangements that need to be made in preparation for a
meeting. (in 40 to 50 words)

5. Describe two (2) responsibilities of a chairperson prior to a meeting (in 40 to 60


6. Describe three (3) important aspects of a chairperson’s job during a meeting. (in 60
to 80 words)

7. Explain why it is important for a chairperson to monitor the participation of all those
involved in a meeting. (in 20 to 30 words)

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8. Explain how, in the role of a chairperson, you would manage someone who is
dominating the meeting. (in 30 to 40 words)

9. Explain how, in the role of a chairperson, you would manage someone who is too shy
to contribute to a meeting. (in 30 to 40 words)

10. Explain how, in the role of a chairperson, you would manage two people having a
private conversation within a meeting. (in 30 to 40 words)

11. Describe two (2) ways of conducting meetings. (in 40 to 50 words)

12. Describe three (3) advantages of face-to-face meetings and give one (1) example of
a workplace situation where this type of meeting may be used. (in 40 to 50 words)

13. Describe three (3) advantages of meetings held by teleconference or via web
conferencing and give one (1) example of a workplace situation where this type of
meeting may be used. (in 40 to 50 words)

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14. Describe the use of webcams for meetings, including a brief description of how to
use a webcam. (in 30 to 40 words)

15. Explain the purpose of an agenda and identify five (5) items that should be included
in an agenda. (in 40 to 50 words)

16. Explain the purpose of meeting minutes and list five (5) items that should be included
in meeting minutes. (in 40 to 50 words)

17. Explain the difference between informal meeting minutes and formal meeting
minutes. (in 40 to 60 words)

18. Access the Corporations Act 2001 from the Internet and identify the information from
the Act that relates to notices of meetings. Answer the following two (2) questions.
(in 10 to 20 words each)

a. To whom must a notice of meeting be provided?

b. Identify two (2) ways the notice of the meeting could be provided.

Evidence Submission Checklist

Evidence to be submitted Have I completed this?

Answers to all questions 

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Portfolio and Roleplay


• The purpose of this assessment task is to prepare for and conduct a formal
meeting as per the case study scenario information.
• You must complete this task by the due date set by your trainer and assessor.
• You will need access to the following resources to complete this task:
o Grow Management Consultants Case study information
o Appendices and templates provided by your assessor
o Business technology and office equipment including computer with MS Office
Suite (or similar) and internet access
o Space/technology for meetings and presentations
• You must provide your responses in your own words. You can refer to the Learner
Guide, Case Study Scenario or other sources when preparing evidence, but you are
not allowed to copy sentences and/or paragraphs directly from these sources. If
your responses are found to have been copied directly from learner guide, case
study scenario or other sources, your result for this task will be Not Satisfactory.
• You will complete the research and documentation type of activities at home in your
own time and the practical type (role-plays and presentations) activities in simulated
assessment environment under the assessor’s supervision.
• After completing the activities, you must submit evidence as per the ‘Evidence
Submission Checklist’ by the due date. For observation type activities, your assessor
records your performance using a checklist, so you do not need to submit anything
unless the activity asks you specifically.


You are the Operations Manager at Grow Management Consultants and are required to
develop an agenda and then chair a meeting on the company’s upcoming leadership

Carefully read the case study Grow Management Consultants (Appendix 1) and then
complete the following activities.

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1. Develop a meeting agenda

Review the Grow Management Consultants Meeting Policy and Procedures
(Appendix 2) and the Draft Conference Program (Appendix 3) and then develop an
agenda for the meeting, using the Meeting Agenda template (Appendix 4).

Your agenda must include:

• the date and time for the meeting.
• the duration of the meeting (30 minutes).
• items for discussion (refer to case study and meeting policy and procedure).

The following staff will be attending the meeting:

• You (Operations Manager)
• Administration Project Officer (your assessor)
• Senior Management Consultant (Bob Downs)
• Marketing Manager (Jack Steel)

2. Identify leadership topics

Prior to the meeting, identify two (2) topics for the leadership conference using the
report Global Human Capital Trends 2020:

PDF copy of the article has been provided if you have issues with accessing the
above website.

Make notes (handwritten or typed) on two topics to speak on each topic at the
meeting. Your notes must include:
• The proposed conference topic title
• A summary of the content to be discussed.

You will need to speak for 1-2 minutes on each of your leadership topics. Use the
following example to guide you in developing your ideas and making notes.
Ethics and the future of work- From “could we” to “how should we”

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Ethical concerns are front and centre for today’s organisation as the nature of work,
the workforce and the workplace rapidly evolve. Talk about the four factors that was
driving the importance of ethics, legal and regulatory requirements, rapid adoption of
AI in the workplace, changes in the workforce composition, and pressure from
external stakeholders. These drivers are shaping a number of specific ethical
challenges related to the future of work, which can suggest an actionable agenda for
addressing these issues. Organizations are the least prepared to handle ethical
dilemmas in areas where humans and technology intersect.

3. Write an email to staff inviting them to attend the meeting.

Ensure that your email includes the date of the meeting within the body of the email
to show that you understand the designated timelines as set out in the Meeting Policy
and Procedures (Appendix 2).
Your assessor will advise you of the date and time for the meeting.

4. Conduct the meeting

Role play Scenario

You are the Operations Manager at Grow Management Consultants, and you are required to
conduct the meeting in the role of the Chair. The purpose of this meeting is to meet with the team
to present your two leadership topics (1 to 2 minutes each). Review the Meeting Policy and
Procedures to make sure that you understand and can apply the Chair’s role and responsibilities.


You will play the role of Operations Manager and the role of the Chairperson during the meeting.

Your assessor will play the role of Administration Project Officer and at least two other students will
play the role of team members. Each student roleplaying a staff member will be briefed by your
assessor to research and make notes on a topic for the conference for discussion.

Your assessor will prepare the environment for the meeting.

Before attending the meeting, ask the Administration and Project Officer (your assessor) to take
notes of the meeting so that you can prepare the minutes following the meeting. Provide
instructions for note taking as per the meeting policy and procedure. You will be assessed on this.
The Administration and Project Officer will write up their notes and provide them to you following
the meeting. Note that you should also take your own brief notes so that you can check that all the
meeting content was covered.

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The meeting starts when you invite team members to the meeting. Chair the meeting in accordance
with the company’s meeting policy and procedures for face to face meetings, as well as meeting
legal and ethical requirements.

During the meeting:

• Introduce yourself and welcome everyone.

• Ensure everyone has a copy of the agenda and draft conference program.

• State the purpose of the meeting.

• Advise the timeframe for the meeting.

• Encourage all team members to contribute.

• Keep to the time frame as set out in the agenda e.g. wrapping up the discussion when the
time limit for the agenda item is reached.

• Go through each of the agenda items in order.

• Keep on track by ensuring everyone sticks to the agenda.

• Respect everyone’s view and using active listening techniques.

• Ensure the meeting starts and ends according to the time in the agenda.

• Promote ethical behaviour by responding to attendees issues appropriately

• Participate in verbal exchanges using appropriate style, tone and vocabulary for audience,
context and purpose

• Listen for specific information during meetings

• Ask questions and listens to responses to clarify understanding

Meeting should take no more than 15 minutes.

5. Prepare meeting minutes

Prepare meeting minutes using the Meeting Minutes (Appendix 5) template and
finalise the Conference Program (Appendix 3) template.
Review the notes of the meeting provided by the minute taker (your assessor) and
then prepare detailed meeting minutes based on the notes provided, and using the
Meeting Minutes Template.
You are required to check that the minute taker has taken a true and accurate record
of the meeting, as well as proof reading for any spelling and grammar mistakes. So
that you can be assessed on this.
Write the conference program according to the ideas finalised at the meeting. This
will show that you have correctly reported on the outcomes of the meeting.

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6. Write email to staff.
The email should include a brief summary of the outcomes of the meeting (3 to 4
points) and direct the recipient to read the attached meeting minutes.
The minutes must be sent to staff within the designated timelines as specified in the
Meeting Policy and Procedures (Appendix 2).

7. Take a screenshot of your folder and files.

You should create a folder and save all documents associated with the meeting
under this folder. This will demonstrate that you can save meeting documents
according to the company’s requirement.

Evidence Submission Checklist

Evidence to be submitted Have I completed this?

Meeting agenda 

Leadership notes 

Email to staff inviting to attend the meeting 

Meeting minutes 

Conference program 

Email to staff notifying the meeting outcome 

Screenshot of folder and files 

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Portfolio & Roleplay


• The purpose of this assessment task is to conduct an informal meeting as per the
case study scenario information.
• You must complete this task by the due date set by your trainer and assessor.
• You will need access to the following resources to complete this task:
o Scenario Information
o Business technology and office equipment including computer with MS Office
Suite (or similar) and internet access
o Space/technology to conduct meetings/presentations
• You must provide your responses in your own words. You can refer to the Learner
Guide, Case Study Scenario or other sources when preparing evidence, but you are
not allowed to copy sentences and/or paragraphs directly from these sources. If
your responses are found to have been copied directly from learner guide, case
study scenario or other sources, your result for this task will be Not Satisfactory.
• You will complete the research and documentation type of activities at home in your
own time and the practical type (role-plays and presentations) activities in a
simulated assessment environment under the assessor’s supervision.
• After completing the activities, you must submit evidence as per the ‘Evidence
Submission Checklist’ by the due date. For observation type activities, your assessor
records your performance using a checklist, so you do not need to submit anything
unless the activity asks you specifically.


Grow Management Consultants has recently implemented a work-life balance policy. The
policy includes a new initiative to hold a quarterly social event for all staff.

You are the Operations Manager at Grow Management Consultants and have decided to
have an informal meeting with your staff to seek their ideas on social activities and to
discuss timing (e.g. which days of the week work best, and what time).

Note that the policy states that a maximum budget of $500 per activity may be allocated and
that activities may be held on Friday afternoons or after 5 pm on any other day of the week.

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You should follow the Grow Management Consultants Meetings Policy and Procedures for
informal meetings.

Complete the following activities.


1. Develop a meeting agenda

The agenda should conform to the Meeting Policy and Procedures (Appendix 2). It
should clearly show the date and time for the meeting, as well as the items for
discussion as per the scenario information and meeting policy and procedure. Note
that the meeting will last for about 15 minutes.
Your assessor will advise you of the date and time for the meeting.
Assume that the following staff will be attending the meeting:
• You (Operations Manager)
• Administration Project Officer (Sally Smith – roleplayed by assessor)
• Senior Management Consultant (Bob Downs)
• Marketing Manager (Jack Steel)

Use the Meeting Agenda (Appendix 4) template to guide your work.

2. Write email to staff who will attend meeting

The email should confirm the meeting arrangements and include an outline of the

3. Conduct the meeting

Role play Scenario

You are required to run an informal meeting with the staff (roleplayed by your assessor and two
other students). Review the Meeting Policy and Procedures to make sure that you understand the
role and responsibilities of the Chair for an informal meeting, as well as the requirements for
minutes. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss ideas and develop a schedule of social activities
for upcoming month.


Your assessor will play the role of Administration/Project Officer and other two students will play the
role of staff and you will play the role of Operations Manager at Grow Management Consultant.

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Each student roleplaying a staff member will be briefed by the assessor to research and make
notes on their ideas for social activities to share at the meeting.

Your assessor will prepare the environment for the meeting.

Before attending the meeting, you will need to research ideas for social activities. Make notes on
two (2) ideas to take these notes to use at the meeting. Ensure you have pen and paper to prepare
some notes that you will use to record the meeting outcomes.

The meeting starts when you invite team members to the meeting. Chair the meeting in accordance
with the company’s meeting policy and procedures for face to face meetings, as well as meeting
legal and ethical requirements.

During the meeting:

• Introduce the meeting by stating the purpose of the meeting

• Encourage all team members to contribute

• Follow requirements as outlined in the meeting policy and procedure

• Ensure that the meeting is kept to time and focused on the specified purpose

• Share your own ideas for social activities

• Seek the ideas from the staff team

• Facilitate a consensus on the best day and time for the social activities

• Participate in verbal exchanges using appropriate style, tone and vocabulary for audience,
context and purpose

• Listen for specific information during meetings

• Ask questions and listens to responses to clarify understanding

Close the meeting by thanking the participants for attending.

Meeting should take no more than 15 minutes.

4. Report on meeting outcomes

Assume that you have agreed on all of the social activities discussed at the meeting,
as well as the time that the activities will be conducted.

Write an email to the staff (your assessor) that briefly details the meeting outcomes
and lists the social activities agreed on, as well as the agreed times.

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Evidence Submission Checklist

Evidence to be submitted Have I completed this?

Meeting agenda 

Email to staff who will attend the meeting 

Email to staff on meeting outcomes 

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