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Appendix 1 – Case Study Grow Management Consultants

Grow Management Consultants is a small consultancy company specialising in leadership

development services.

Staff employed at Grow Management Consultants include the CEO (Paul Burns), Operations
Manager (you), a Senior Management Consultant (Bob Downs), Marketing Manager (Jack
Steel) and an Administration/Project Officer (Sally Smith).

There are also two management consultant contractors (Jane Simms and Leander Duval)
who work from the office at least 2 days a week each. All the management consultants travel
extensively across Australia visiting clients.

Each year the company runs a Leadership Conference. This year’s conference will be held
in October 2020 and planning has commenced. The theme of the conference this year is
Leadership Conference 2020: Leading in the twenty first century and the idea is to have talks
and workshops on the latest trends in, and techniques for, leadership.

You (the Operations Manager) have developed a preliminary conference program that
shows the overall format and timing for the conference.

However, you have decided to call a formal meeting to:

 Discuss your own ideas for conference topics.

 Seek ideas for conference topics from staff for each of the allocated spots in the

 Arrange a suitable schedule of meetings to ensure that plans for the conference are
regularly discussed and actioned.

 Allocate roles and responsibilities regarding organising and running the conference,

 Identifying and organizing a venue for approximately 100 people,

 Organising catering for approximately 100 people

 Identifying suitable speakers

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 Organising travel and accommodation for speakers

 Developing and printing marketing material

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Appendix 2 – Grow Management Consultants Meeting Policy & Procedures


The purpose of this policy and procedures is to ensure that all meetings are organized and
conducted effectively, and according to established procedures.


Grow Management Consultants convenes a range of meetings including regular staff

meetings, meetings to discuss specific projects or issues, management meetings and client
meetings. Such meetings are considered to be formal meetings. This policy and procedures
covers both formal and informal meetings.

This policy and procedures applies to all staff with responsibility for organizing meetings at
Grow Management Consultants.

Code of conduct

The Grow Management Consultants meeting code of conduct is as follows:

 Everyone is expected to be on time for the meeting.

 Meetings must be entered into all staff calendars to ensure that they are not
 Mobile phones must be turned off in meetings.
 Laptops may only be used during the meeting to make notes or to refer to relevant
sources of information.
 Everyone’s point of view must be respected.

Meeting agenda

The purpose of an agenda for a formal meeting is to inform the staff of when and where the
meeting will be, as well as what will be discussed and done at the meeting.

The person organizing the meeting must develop the agenda.

The Grow Consultants Meeting Agenda Template must be used ensuring that:

 Each agenda item is numbered

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 Each agenda item is allocated an amount of time e.g. 9.00 am – 9.15 am and that
this is enough time for the item to be discussed.
 There is a short summary of what will be discussed under each agenda item.

Agendas must be saved according to the subject of the meeting and the date of the meeting.
The agenda will be saved in a specific project file (e.g. Conference Folder YEAR folder or
under a general folder such as Marketing Materials or such as staff meetings).

Agendas must be sent by email to each meeting participant at least three working days prior
to the meeting.

Notice of meeting

The following procedures should be followed for formal meetings only.

A notice of meeting must be sent to all staff at least ten working days prior to the meeting,
except in the case of emergency meetings. This notice must be sent by the person
organizing the meeting.

The notice should be addressed to participating staff members and must be sent via email. It
must identify:

 The type of meeting (for example, face to face or teleconference)

 The purpose of the meeting and any additional requirements
 The place, date and time of the meeting.
 Advice that the agenda will be forwarded within three working days of the meeting.

Where a staff member is required to attend a meeting, but is interstate visiting clients,
teleconference arrangements should be made for that staff member in order that they can
attend the meeting. Staff members are to be advised that they will be contacted via Skype,
and that they must make themselves available on Skype at the appointed time.

Staff members who are unable to attend are expected to respond via email advising that
they are unable to attend.

The notice of the meeting should also be used to remind staff of the Grow Management
Consultants meeting code of conduct as follows:

 Everyone is expected to be on time for the meeting.

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 Meetings must be entered into all staff calendars to ensure that they are not
 Mobile phones must be turned off in meetings.
 Laptops may only be used during the meeting to make notes or to refer to relevant
sources of information.
 Everyone’s point of view must be respected.

The notice does not need to refer to each of the above points, but staff should be reminded
to review this code within the Meeting Policy and Procedures.

For informal meetings, a notice of meeting should be sent in the form of an email at least two
working days prior to the meeting. The notice should include the date, time and duration of
the meeting, as well as a summary of the meeting and key items that will be discussed. This
replaces the need for a formal agenda. Thus, the following section on Meeting agenda’s
does not apply to informal meetings.


To meet the requirement of the WHS Act, the chair of the meeting is required to conduct a
short hazard inspection prior to the meeting to ensure the space is safe. Any hazards must
be removed.


Grow Management Consultants has a strict code of ethics. Meeting participants must not
promote any ideas related to self-interest or conflict of interest.

Meeting arrangements

Informal meetings should be held in a participating staff member’s office. No catering is

required for informal meetings.

All formal meetings are to be held in the Boardroom, which can seat up to 10 people.

Meetings will generally be up to around an hour. However, for longer meetings, those
expected to last longer than 2 hours, refreshments should be organised. Depending on the
time of day this might be breakfast, morning tea, lunch or afternoon tea.

A maximum cost of $10 per person is allowable for morning or afternoon tea or $15 for
breakfast or lunch.

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All catering is to be organized through Crave Catering.

For client meetings involving more than 20 people, a venue will need to be organized. See

There will need to be a projector and screen for power point presentations.

Travel to the venue should be organised for all staff. Organise taxis through:


A formal meeting must have a chairperson to chair the proceedings. This will usually be the
person who organizes the meeting and sends out the agenda.

The chairperson is required to control the meeting procedures and has the task of:

 nominating or requesting a staff member to take notes of the meeting so the minutes
can be prepared;
 making sure proper notice is given and that there is an agenda, listing all items that
need to be covered;
 Introducing the meeting, including, welcoming, stating purpose of meeting, advising
of meeting time frame and encouraging all to participate.
 checking (and, usually, signing) the minutes of previous meetings if applicable:
 keeping time (to ensure the meeting gets through its business in the allocated time);
 dealing with the order of business;
 facilitating discussion through encouraging all to participate;
 keeping order by focussing only on agenda items;
 ensuring everyone has an opportunity to speak;
 limiting the amount of time each staff member can have to speak on a matter; and
 making sure that decisions are reached on issues that are discussed and that
everyone understands what the decisions are; and
 declaring the meeting closed.

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For informal meetings, the person organizing the meeting will still act as the chair albeit on a
much more informal basis.


It is essential to keep accurate minutes of all formal meetings as follows:

 At the outset of a meeting, the Chair is to nominate or request a staff member to take
notes of the meeting to develop the formal meeting minutes following the meeting.
The Chair is also required to take notes, but these will be brief dot points to have a
record of the meeting contents. They will generally be handwritten dot points.
 A laptop and the Meeting Minutes Template is to be provided to the staff member
taking the notes of the meeting. The notes can be written in the meeting minutes
template or into a Word document.
 The staff member should be advised that notes of the meeting must be saved
according to the subject of the meeting and the date and saved in a specific project
file or under existing files.
 The staff member should be advised to note down the key points of the meeting.
 The notes must be provided to the chair following the meeting to develop the formal
meeting minutes.
 Meeting minutes must be developed by the Chair following the meeting as follows:
o It is important that the minutes record any resolutions or decisions made at a
o Minutes should be as brief as possible without jeopardising accuracy and
o Attendances and any apologies must be noted. This is usually done at the
beginning of a meeting, although if people leave early or arrive late, keep a
note of this in the minutes.
 Meeting minutes must be saved according to the subject of the meeting and the date
of the meeting. The meeting minutes will be saved in a specific project file (e.g.
Conference Folder YEAR folder or under a general folder such as Marketing
Materials or such as staff meetings).
 Minutes must be provided by the minute taker to the Chair within two (2) working
days of the meeting.

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 Minutes will be distributed via email by the Chair to all attendees within five (5)
working days of meeting.

For informal meetings, a record of the meeting should be sent via email summarising the key
outcomes of the meeting.

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Appendix 3 – Conference Program

Leadership Conference 2020: Leading in the twenty-first century


9.30 am to 5.00 pm

9 – 9.30 am: Conference Welcome

General Welcome CEO, Grow Management Consultants

Welcome to Country Traditional Custodian


Keynote Speaker: CEO of Grow Management Consultants

10.30 – 11 am: Morning Tea and networking opportunity



12.30 to 1.30: Lunch



3 – 3.30 pm: Afternoon Tea and Networking opportunity



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Appendix 4 – Meeting Agenda template

Meeting Date:

Meeting Time/duration:

Meeting Location:



Please bring &/or read:

Agenda Items Time Allocated

1 Welcome and apologies 2 minutes

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Appendix 5 – Meeting Minutes template






Item Description

Meeting purpose

Item discussed


Item discussed


4 Meeting close:

5 Next meeting:

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