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World History – Mains Question 02

1. Renaissance was not an event, but rather a process. Discuss. (10 Marks, 150 Words)

How to approach the Question:

❖ Introduction: Give a brief introduction that Renaissance was not an event, but rather a process within
20-30 words.
❖ Body: Elaborately describe that Renaissance was not an event, but rather a process within 80-90 words.
❖ Conclusion: Conclude the answer by highlighting that the Renaissance was not a singular event, rather
it was a process that shaped the course of Western civilization and laid the foundations for the modern
world within 20-30 words.

The Renaissance was indeed more than just a singular event; it was a complex and multifaceted process
that unfolded over several centuries, particularly in Europe, from the 14th to the 17th century. This
transformative period marked a revival of interest in classical learning, arts, and sciences, and it had profound
effects on various aspects of society, culture, and intellectual thought. Although the Renaissance was at its
peak between 1350 to 1550, it started to show its seeds during the Carolingian Movement in the 8th - 9th
century. It further gained momentum during the Humanistic Movement of the 12th century. It was at its peak
in the 14th to 16th century of the Renaissance.
Beginning of Renaissance: Carolingian Movement (8th - 9th century)
❖ Under this movement, the people of Europe wanted to protect their Roman culture from the frequent
attacks of the Germanic tribe, which tried to destroy ancient Roman civilization.
❖ In response to that, the people of Europe initiated self-defense in two ways. First, by protecting their
territory, and second by protecting their culture.
❖ In the name of protecting their culture, the people started the study of the Latin language again in Europe
to protect ancient knowledge. In this movement, writing work, artwork, architecture, jurisprudence, and
scriptural studies were started.
Renaissance gained Momentum: Humanistic Movement (12th century)
❖ In this movement, emphasis was given to understanding "human", his needs, and his problems,
instead of God. Humans became more important than God.
❖ In this period many universities were set up like Bologna University (Italy), Paris University
(France), Oxford University (UK), etc.
❖ Several kings like Roger Bacon of England, Peter of France etc. also supported this movement. They
propagated scientific thinking which was totally against the knowledge of the Church and helped people
to recognize their weaknesses so that they could be amended.
Renaissance at its Peak: Renaissance (14th - 16th century)
❖ According to European History, the Renaissance period lasted roughly from the 14th to 16th century and
particularly from 1350-1550. Renaissance was at its peak during this period.

❖ Generally, the History of Modern Europe started with the period of the Renaissance because in this period
the importance of the Church was diminished, people started thinking scientifically, the
development of language, new inventions, and discoveries, and the end of feudalism, was seen, etc.
In conclusion, the Renaissance was a dynamic and interconnected series of developments that unfolded over
time. It encompassed cultural, artistic, scientific, economic, and political changes, creating a rich tapestry of
intellectual and societal transformation. Rather than a singular event, it was a process that shaped the
course of Western civilization and laid the foundations for the modern world.


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