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A Teacher’s Prayer
Dear God,
As I step into the classroom today, guide me
with wisdom and patience. Help me to see each
student as a unique individual, full of potential
and deserving of my best efforts.
Grant me the ability to inspire and encourage,
to listen and understand. May I create a safe
and nurturing environment where every child
feels valued and respected.
Give me the strength to face challenges with
grace and perseverance, and the humility to
learn and grow alongside my students. Help me
to impart not just knowledge, but also kindness,
empathy, and integrity.
Bless my words and actions so they may uplift
and motivate. Let me be a source of positivity
and hope in the lives of my students.
Thank you for the privilege of teaching and for
the trust placed in me. May I always honor this
responsibility with love and dedication.
Philosophy of Education
Purpose of Education
Philosophers debate the ultimate goals of education, which can include the
development of critical thinking, the preparation for a successful career, the
fostering of moral and ethical values, and the promotion of civic

Nature of Learning
This examines how learning occurs and what it means to learn. Theories range
from behaviorism, which focuses on observable behaviors, to constructivism,
which emphasizes the learner’s active role in constructing knowledge.

Curriculum and Content

This area explores what should be taught in schools. Discussions include the
balance between core subjects (like math and science) and liberal arts, as
well as the inclusion of social and emotional learning.

Teaching Methods
This aspect looks at the most effective ways to teach. It covers approaches
like direct instruction, student-centered learning, and experiential education.

Role of the Teacher

Philosophers consider the role of teachers, ranging from authoritative figures
who impart knowledge to facilitators who guide students in their own learning

Educational Equality
This addresses issues of access and equity in education, advocating for
inclusive practices that ensure all students have the opportunity to succeed
regardless of their background.

Moral and Ethical Education

This focuses on how education can and should contribute to the moral
development of students, including the teaching of values and ethics.

Overall, the philosophy of education seeks to understand and improve the

educational process, aiming to create an optimal environment for learning
and personal growth.
As I reach the culmination of my journey as a fourth-year education student,
I find myself filled with immense gratitude for the support and guidance I have
received along the way. This portfolio is a testament to the collective efforts of
many individuals who have contributed to my academic and personal growth.
First and foremost, I would like to extend my deepest appreciation to my
professors. Your dedication to the art and science of teaching has been a source
of inspiration. Your insightful lectures, thoughtful feedback, and unwavering
commitment to excellence have significantly shaped my understanding of
education. I am particularly grateful for the opportunities to engage in
meaningful discussions and hands-on experiences, which have enriched my
learning and prepared me for a future in education.

I also want to acknowledge the invaluable support of my family. Mom, Dad,

and my siblings, your constant encouragement and belief in my potential have
been my pillars of strength. Your sacrifices and understanding have allowed me
to pursue my dreams without hesitation. To my extended family and friends, your
love and support have been equally cherished. Thank you for cheering me on and
being there through both the challenges and triumphs.
My heartfelt thanks go to my classmates and peers. The camaraderie and
collaboration we have shared have made this journey all the more enjoyable and
rewarding. Whether through group projects, study sessions, or simply sharing
experiences, your presence has made a significant impact on my academic life. I
have learned so much from each of you and am grateful for the friendships we
have built.

I would also like to express my gratitude to the administrative staff and

librarians who have provided essential support throughout my academic career.
Your assistance and dedication have ensured that I have had the resources and
environment needed to succeed. Furthermore, I acknowledge the mentors and
educators I have encountered during my practicum and teaching experiences.
Your guidance, constructive criticism, and encouragement have been
instrumental in my professional development. Thank you for opening your
classrooms and sharing your expertise with me.
Lastly, I extend my gratitude to all those who have contributed to my education in
ways both big and small. Each of you has played a part in shaping the educator I
aspire to become.

This portfolio represents not only my hard work and dedication but also the
collective efforts of an entire community. Thank you all for being an integral part
of my educational journey.

I am 22 years old and a 4th year college the bachelor of
secondary education major in English at Colegio de San
Francisco Javier,


Primary: Siibutad Central Elementary School

Secondary and Senior High: Sibutad National High School

Tertiary: Colegio de San Francisco Javier.


Sherly Bahiniting Juguilon


Pablo Delana Juguilon



Email Adventure Hiking
Instagram Studying
@naikyj Movies

Facebook Playing Instruments

@naikybahintingjuguilon Playing Badminton
Bachelor of Secondary
Education (BSEd) Program
The Bachelor of Secondary Education (BSEd) program is designed to train future
teachers for high school. This program gives students the knowledge and skills
they need to be effective and inspiring educators.
The BSEd curriculum covers important topics such as how students learn, how to
create lesson plans, and how to manage a classroom. Students also take
specialized courses in subjects like English, and Math, so they can become
experts in the subject they will teach.
A key part of the BSEd program is hands-on learning. Students spend time
observing and teaching in real classrooms. This practical experience helps them
apply what they learn and gain confidence in their teaching abilities.
The program also focuses on developing important qualities in future teachers,
like empathy, honesty, and a love for learning. Students are encouraged to reflect
on their teaching and always look for ways to improve.
Graduates of the BSEd program are ready to start their careers as high school
teachers. They have the skills and confidence to make a positive impact on their
students' lives. The Bachelor of Secondary Education program is committed to
providing high-quality teacher training.
Internship Opportunity:
Become a Classroom
Are you interested in learning what it's like to be a teacher? Do you enjoy working
with kids and want to make a positive difference in their lives? Then our
Classroom Helper internship might be just what you're looking for!
As a Classroom Helper intern, you'll get to work alongside experienced teachers
in real classrooms. You'll help with all sorts of fun activities, like preparing lesson
materials, assisting students with their work, and even leading small group
activities. You'll also have the chance to observe how teachers manage their
classrooms and engage with students.
This internship is perfect for anyone who wants to explore a career in education.
Whether you're considering becoming a teacher or just want to see what it's like
to work in a school, this internship will give you valuable hands-on experience and
insights into the world of education.
No previous experience is required – just bring your enthusiasm and willingness to
learn! This internship is open to high school students, college students, and
anyone else who has a passion for working with kids.
So if you're ready to dive into the exciting world of education and make a
difference in the lives of young learners, apply for our Classroom Helper
internship today!
Special moments
Special moments
Special moments
Special moments
A day filled with excitement and joy kick-started as I got up. Following my usual
routine, I fixed breakfast and packed lunch before heading to Rizal National High
School. The thought of seeing my students eager to learn always lifts my spirits.
Their greetings fuel my energy for the day.
The opening of the canteen, where I spend time, brings happiness. Handling
money there exercises my math skills. I also cherish building bonds with fellow
teachers. Once classes begin, I prepare visual aids to engage my students. This
week, I observe them closely, identifying strengths and areas needing
improvement. I consider their different learning styles, aiming to bring out the
best in each. Each class section presents unique challenges. The teacher's
approach depends on the students' knowledge levels and abilities. Despite
differences, most students actively participate and grasp concepts easily. Some
excel in writing, while others shine in verbal discussions. Giving my all during the
first week drains me. The government-provided pens seem insufficient compared
to the effort teachers put in. Managing various behaviors, from good to
challenging, proves demanding. Some students lack seriousness about attending
At day's end, the kind words from students uplift me. Though compliments about
my appearance make me shy, I maintain professionalism. I strive to set a good
example for my students. Reflecting on my journey, I once doubted becoming a
teacher. Now, I embrace the profession for its intrinsic rewards—nurturing
knowledge and unlocking potentials in every student, making my heart swell with
As I continue my duties this week, I find myself feeling a mix of tiredness and
fulfillment. Some behaviors start surfacing among the students. Many struggle
with short attention spans and easily get distracted, yet this often adds a sense
of camaraderie to the class. However, there are times when my hormones,
particularly during my period, get the best of me, leading to moments of
impatience and sermons at the end of class. I understand that scolding them isn't
the best approach, considering their developmental stage. I make sure to
apologize and discuss with them why their behavior matters.
Being a teacher means more than just imparting academic knowledge; it's also
about instilling good manners and morals. I make it a point to inquire about the
reasons behind students' frequent absences. Hearing about their struggles, like
needing to help their parents earn money for food, breaks my heart. To lift their
spirits, I often crack jokes, even if they might sound silly. I want my students to
leave my class not only with textbook knowledge but also with life lessons.
Every student's behavior reflects their background and family dynamics. I
encounter students who lack basic school supplies like paper and pens. When
possible, I provide them with what they need, asking only for their promise to
study diligently. Though my body aches at the end of each day, I'm still in the
adjustment phase. However, seeing the smiles on my students' faces as they bid
me farewell eases any discomfort, reminding me why I chose this profession in the
first place.
During the third week of my teaching journey, my cooperating teacher was
absent as her husband required surgery. Though I still feel a bit timid around her,
I'm honored that she entrusted me to handle the four sections for the entire third
Despite the challenges, I find joy in fulfilling my teaching responsibilities.
However, managing student behavior proves to be a test. Some students engage
in disruptive behavior, which I see as an opportunity to impart important lessons.
For instance, when they misuse their cellphones during class, I confiscate them. If
they're not paying attention, I implement strategies like making them stand until
they can answer a question or allowing their peers to assist them. Dealing with
students who lack focus is another hurdle. I employ various tactics, such as
seating them closer to me or gently redirecting their attention back to the lesson.
For those who prefer loitering outside, I enforce a closed-door policy unless
absolutely necessary. Initially, this strategy proves effective in maintaining order.
Flexibility is key in handling unforeseen circumstances. Once, while pasting a
visual aid on the board, I caught a student brandishing a bolo towards
classmates, sending my heart racing with fear. In such moments, quick thinking
and decisive action are crucial to maintain a safe learning environment.
Teaching feels akin to mothering a group of forty children daily. It requires
constant attention, encouragement, and discipline. By capturing their interest and
acknowledging their efforts, I strive to foster a positive relationship with my
students, believing that a student's love for a subject often begins with their
admiration for the teacher.

Week four has arrived, and Ma’am Dayani is back. Her return brings a mix of
emotions—I'm happy for her presence yet nervous about being in her company. To
ease my nerves, I keep myself occupied. I prepare numerous activities for my
students, including short stories for reading practice, which also serve as a source
for our upcoming spelling bee. The enthusiasm for the spelling bee among all the
sections is palpable, making it easier for me to manage the class as they are all
eager to participate and improve their spelling and vocabulary skills.

Before delving into our main lesson, I kickstart each class with the spelling bee.
The anticipation in their eyes for a perfect score is evident, motivating me to
make the activity engaging. Additionally, I craft supplementary activities related
to our lesson to keep every student actively involved and focused. Group work is a
common practice, whether it's pairing students up or forming small groups,
depending on the topic at hand.

Navigating through broad topics presents its own set of challenges. However, I'm
fortunate to find resources at the Tambayan, where materials abound, providing
me with inspiration and ideas to enrich my lessons. Teaching proves to be an
adventure filled with challenges, but it's also incredibly rewarding. Each day
brings new opportunities to learn and grow alongside my students, making the
journey as a teacher both thrilling and fulfilling.
In week five, a breakthrough occurs as I finally manage to memorize the
distinctive characteristics of each student. Initially, understanding both my lesson
plans and my students' behaviors posed a challenge. However, with time, I've
learned to navigate smoothly and effectively.

I've come to realize that no matter how well-prepared my lesson is, managing
student behavior is paramount. At times, I find it necessary to rearrange seating
arrangements, separating disruptive students to minimize distractions.
Occasionally, I even adapt my own demeanor, adopting a more playful approach
to maintain their attention and avoid hurting their feelings. Building rapport with
my students is key—I engage them in heartfelt conversations and offer genuine
praise to foster a positive classroom environment. Recording scores can
sometimes be disheartening, especially when a student performs poorly. Yet,
rather than dwell on disappointment, I use such instances as opportunities for
reflection and improvement. Privately discussing their performance allows me to
understand their challenges better and provide timely support. I remind myself
that setbacks are part of the learning process, and I remain committed to my
ongoing growth as an educator.

Each day presents new lessons and challenges, but I embrace them as vital steps
in my journey. As I continue to learn and evolve, I remind myself that every
experience—both positive and challenging—is a valuable part of my training as a
Week six brings a new challenge as Ma’am Dayani tasks me with compiling
questions for the upcoming third quarter exam. With confidence, I organize the
questions into categories—24 easy, 12 average, and 4 difficult. Initially, I rely
solely on statements for each question, neglecting the importance of Higher
Order Thinking Skills (HOTS). Despite feeling ashamed, Ma’am Dayani proves
understanding and supportive, guiding me towards becoming a more effective
student teacher.
Reflecting on past classes, I assess areas for improvement to inform my strategy
for the week ahead. Consulting with my students, I discover their preference for
active learning. Recognizing the needs of this new generation of students, who
thrive on movement, I dedicate time to researching classroom strategies and
educational games to incorporate into our lessons. Implementing these strategies
challenges me but also brings joy, even amidst the demands of managing a large
class of over 40 students. Establishing clear rules becomes essential to maintain
order and focus during our activities. Despite the exhaustion that accompanies
each day, I press on, determined to deliver engaging lessons. The enthusiastic
greetings from students upon entering their classrooms and their anticipation for
daily activities serve as reminders of the impact I have on their learning

Though taxing, the process of crafting visual aids and activities becomes a labor
of love. Observing my dedication, other teachers inquire about class
demonstrations, recognizing my commitment to creating dynamic learning
environments. Ma’am Dayani’s praise for my efforts boosts my confidence,
validating my passion for enhancing student engagement through creative
teaching methods.
Navigating the diverse behaviours of students presents a continual challenge, yet one that
I embrace wholeheartedly. Across the four sections I teach, I encounter a myriad of needs
and personalities, requiring careful attention and understanding. Despite the struggles, I
find immense joy and fulfilment in each interaction with my students. Witnessing their
curiosity and enthusiasm for learning fills me with profound happiness and purpose
My affinity for teaching is deeply rooted in my fondness for children, perhaps stemming
from my own experiences as a high school student. Each day, I am grateful for the
opportunity to guide and inspire young minds.
Moreover, I've welcomed the chance to expand my skills, from delivering comprehensive
lessons to handling assessments such as exams and grade computation, including
mastering the Table of Specification (TOS). The physical toll of teaching is palpable - the
fatigue, the strain on the voice - yet it only serves to reinforce my commitment.

Having Mrs. Dayani J. Villanueva as my mentor teacher was a great opportunity. She
taught me important things, like using Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) in making exam
questions and creating a Table of Specification (TOS). She also gave me advice on how to
manage my class effectively.
Through my experiences at Rizal National High School, I've connected with other teachers
who shared their insights. They emphasized the importance of helping students who come
from disadvantaged backgrounds. As someone who has experienced similar struggles, I
feel a deep sense of compassion towards these students. It motivates me to be dedicated
and compassionate in my role as a teacher, and to encourage them to pursue their

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