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Psychology Board Practical Case Profile (Format)

Students need to prepare one case profile which will include an elaborative history and
information about the individual (case/subject), using both qualitative and quantitative
approaches. (This can include psychometric tests, interviews, observations, rating scales,
questionnaires, feedback, etc.)

Points to be noted:
1. You can make your case profile look attractive and colorful but remember to keep it
well-presented and not very jazzy.
2. It is supposed to be handwritten and not typed
3. The format below needs to be followed.
4. You can add your ideas or subheadings if needed.

Writing a case profile:

1. Cover page: This should include the case profile topic, your board roll number, and your batch
2. Title page : (1 page)

3. Certificate : (1 page)

4. Acknowledgement : (1 page)

5. Rationale: Reason for choosing this particular topic ( 10-15 lines or more)

6. What is a case Profile? (3-4 pages)

7. About the topic:

Somebody unfamiliar with your topic should have a good idea of what it's about having read
this. Write all the possible information about your topic. A detail of your project covering the
theories, research, studies, and experiments. The format of this section is totally up to you.
Always remember when we are writing about a topic we first have to describe and define the
meaning of it. Relate some relevant researchers studied that you can easily find in your
textbooks or on the internet.
I would suggest you use pictures, stories, case studies, famous instances, news articles, editorial
cuttings, or anything relevant to your topic. Psychology can be related and can be located in our
daily life.
The project should be as interactive and interesting to the reader. Originality, innovative
thinking, and practicality will be appreciated.

8. Method of research:
Write all possible methods of research in detail that can be included in a case profile like
observation, interview, survey, and psychological tests. In the end, write a paragraph stating the
methods that you have used in your case profile.

9. Detailed Case Profile:

A. Subject Profile (1 side)
- Name________________
- Age _____________
- Class_______________
- Occupation__________
- Education qualification_______
- Chief complaint ________________
(You can more details on your own)

B. Background information (1-2 pages)

Introduce your subject here. This has to be written in a paragraph form. Mention some
basic information about the subject.
My subject………. Is
She is …….. year old
She resides in ……
Her schooling…….
(basic outline of the subject)

C. Case Analysis
- Relating to birth
- Relating to development
- Relating to family
- Relating to the socio-economic condition
- Relating to physical and mental fitness
- Relating to emotionality and aggression
- Relating to personality adjustment
- Relating to hostility
- Relationship with family members
- Relationship with peers
- Educational History

D. Psychological tests
You can choose one or all 5 tests and conduct them on your subject. If you are selecting
tests online kindly check their reliability, validity, and norms.

E. Behavioral rating (optional)

You can take a behavioral rating scale from some online source or create one of your

F. Feedback (optional)
You can conduct feedback sessions with people who are close to your subjects i.e.
friends, parents, teachers, and neighbors. This is to gather more information.

G. Interviews (mandatory)
Interview sessions need to be conducted with your subject. Set up a convenient time
suitable for both of you. Interview sessions can be a combination of structured and
unstructured. Keep the interview sessions flexible and free-flowing. A minimum of 5-6
sessions should be conducted.

H. Observation (mandatory)
Here you will include your observations about your subject. both verbal and nonverbal
behaviors. While interviewing your subject be alert and observe the following things –
i.e. The room setup, the body language, behavior with you, eye contact, way to talking to
the parent, comfort level, hand movements, etc.……

I. Challenges faced by the subject (1-2 pages)

Here you can include the day-to-day issues your subject is facing. for example, if it is a
student's exam stress, family issues, time management, or peer pressure. If it is an
adult… financial management, time management, family issues…etc. the challenges
can be big or small depending on your case. Write in point form

J. Possible interventions (1-2 pages) Based on challenges faced by your subject write
possible suggestions that you can provide to your subject you can use material from
your textbook also. Write in point form
10. Conclusion:
The project's conclusions should list the things that have been learned as a result of the work
you have done. Your findings and experiences during the work can also be included here.

11. References:
Always mention the source from where you extract or copy information in the correct format.
This consists of a list of all the books, articles, manuals, etc. used in the project and referred to
in the report. You should provide enough information to allow the reader to find the source. A
weakness of many reports is inadequate citation of a source of information. It's easy to get this
right so there are no excuses. References need to be set out in "APA" style: Books: Family name,
first initial(s). (year) Title. Publisher. E.g.Gross, R. (1992). Psychology: The Science of Mind and
Behavior (2nd ed). Hodder and Staughton.

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