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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
Model Answer
Subject Name: Electrical Estimation and Contracting 22627: EEC
Important Instructions to examiners:
1) The answers should be examined by key words and not as word-to-word as given in the model answer
2) The model answer and the answer written by candidate may vary but the examiner may try to assess the
understanding level of the candidate.
3) The language errors such as grammatical, spelling errors should not be given more Importance (Not
applicable for subject English and Communication Skills).
4) While assessing figures, examiner may give credit for principal components indicated in the figure. The
figures drawn by candidate and model answer may vary. The examiner may give credit for any equivalent
figure drawn.
5) Credits may be given step wise for numerical problems. In some cases, the assumed constant values may
vary and there may be some difference in the candidate’s answers and model answer.
6) In case of some questions credit may be given by judgement on part of examiner of relevant answer based
on candidate’s understanding.
7) For programming language papers, credit may be given to any other program based on equivalent concept.
8) As per the policy decision of Maharashtra State Government, teaching in English/Marathi and Bilingual
(English + Marathi) medium is introduced at first year of AICTE diploma Programme from academic year
2021-2022. Hence if the students in first year (first and second semesters) write answers in Marathi or
bilingual language (English +Marathi), the Examiner shall consider the same and assess the answer based
on matching of concepts with model answer.
Q. Marking
Q. Answer
No. Scheme
1. Attempt any FIVE of the following: 10 Marks
a) Draw the symbol for
i) Neutral link
ii) 5 Amp socket outlet 3 pin.
i) Neutral Link ii) 5 Amp Socket Outlet 3 pin:
1 Mark for
each of two
= 2 Marks

b) State the classification of electrical drawings.

Ans: 1 Mark for
Classification of Electrical Drawing: each of any
i) Wiring diagram two types
ii) Schematic diagram = 2 Marks
iii) Single line diagram

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
Model Answer
Subject Name: Electrical Estimation and Contracting 22627: EEC
c) Write two differences between non-industrial and industrial load.
Differences Between Non-Industrial and Industrial Load:
Sr. 1 Mark for
Basis Industrial Load Non-industrial Load
No. each of any
In industrial estate or MIDC In highly population density two points
1 Location = 2 Marks
area Residential / commercial area
2 Cost More Less
All precautions should be All safety precautions should be
3 Precautions
taken taken
Generally 3-ph, 433V AC Generally 1-ph, 230V AC supply is
4 Supply
supply is provided provided
5 Tariff Time-of-Day tariff Block rate tariff
d) List four factors determining selection of HT power cables.
Factors Determining Selection of HT Power Cables:
1. Current carrying capacity.
1 Mark for
2. Voltage regulation.
each of any
3. Short circuit rating
two factors
4. Cable construction.
= 2 Marks
5. Cable shield requirement
e) State the classification of outdoor installations.
Classification of Outdoor installations: 1 Mark for
1. Spotlights each of any
2. Flood Lights two types
3. Stadium and sports complex lighting = 2 Marks
4. Lighting for Hoarding / Advertisement
5. Garden Lights
f) State the meaning and purpose of annual maintenance estimate.
Annual Maintenance Estimate:
The annual repair cost estimate is also called as annual maintenance estimate which includes
1 Marks
the maintenance costs of the electrical equipment which will keep the electrical system in
safe condition.
Purpose of Annual Maintenance Estimate:
1. To know the cost to maintain higher quality of work. ½ Mark for
2. To plan the maintenance schedule for efficient & planned timelines. each of any
3. To prepare regular maintenance plans. two purposes
4. To prepare action plan for easy repair and maintenance. = 1 Mark

g) List four materials required for service connection.

Materials Required for Service Connection:
1. 2.5 Sqmm, 4 core Armored cable: (Size of cable depends on load & length of
cable depends on service connection)
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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
Model Answer
Subject Name: Electrical Estimation and Contracting 22627: EEC
2. Brick, soft sand for protection of cable.
3. If cable is laid across the public road then Cement pipe, DWC pipe or GI pipe is
required for better protection of cable ½ Mark for
4. Cable lug of required size. each of any
5. Cable Gland of required size. four material
6. Feeder piller or cable box or bus bar and cable end box. = 2 Marks
7. GI pipe of required size.
8. Cable bushing
9. 8 SWG G. I. Wire.
10. Clamps, saddles etc
11. As such all service connection material like main switch, MCB, Energy meter,
Neutral link, IC cut out, earthing set, nut, screws, and wooden board. etc
OR any Equivalent Answer
2. Attempt any THREE of the following: 12 Marks
a) Draw the wiring diagram and single line diagram for control of three lamps and one fan by
individual switches.
i) Wiring Diagram:

2 Marks for

ii) Single Line Diagram:

2 Marks for
Single line

b) A domestic installation is having following load.

i) 4 light points of 60 W.
ii) 3 light points of 100 W.
iii) 4 Fan points of 60 W.
iv) 4 Sockets of 6 Amp having 60 W.
v) 2 Sockets of 16 Amp having 2 KW.
Find the number of lighting and power sub circuit.
i) Lighting Sub- Circuit:
Total lighting load =(4×60)+(3×100)+(4×60)+(4×60) =1020 W 1 Mark
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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
Model Answer
Subject Name: Electrical Estimation and Contracting 22627: EEC
No. of lighting sub-circuit
sub-circuits 1 Mark
ii) Power Sub-Circuit:
Total Power Load = (2×2000) =4000 W 1 Mark
No. of power sub-circuit sub-circuits 1 Mark
c) Compare residential installation and commercial installation on the basis of load capacity,
type of supply, initial cost and type of load used.
Comparison Between Residential Installation and Commercial Installation:
Basis Residential Installation Commercial Installation
No. 1 Mark for
Load Less High each of four
1 points
Type of Generally single phase Generally 3 phase = 4 Marks
3 Initial Cost Low High
Type of Lighting load is more, power Power load is more, lighting
Load Used load is less. load is comparatively less.
d) Draw and label wiring diagram for 3-phase induction motor connected to supply with star-
delta starter.
Wiring Diagram For 3-Phase Induction Motor Connected To Supply With Star-Delta

4 Marks for
fully labeled

3 Marks for

3. Attempt any THREE of the following: 12 Marks

a) State the various types of contracts. Explain any one.
Types of Contracts:
1) Lump sum contract

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
Model Answer
Subject Name: Electrical Estimation and Contracting 22627: EEC
2) Item rate contract
3) Cost + % rate contract ½ Mark for
each of any
4) Target rate contract
four types
5) Material supply contract = 2 Marks
6) Labour contract
7) Sub contract
8) All in one contract
9) D.G.S. & D. rate contract
10) Cost plus (+) percentage variable rate contract
11) Cost plus (+) fluctuating fees rate contract
1) Lump sum contract:
 In this contract whenever both parties are known then project work is handed over from
party No.1 (Owner) to party No.2 (Contractor) for lump sum amount after the
discussion and work is completed.
 But if one of the or both parties are unknown then the quality of work may be reduced.
 The time period for completion may be delayed.
 The lump sum contract may be uneconomical for both parties. 2 Marks for
2) Item rate contract : explanation of
 This contract is more economical & advantages as compare to lump sum contract. any one type
 In this type of contract the whole project work is divided into number of various items of Contract
& each item is separately charged.
3) Cost + % rate contract:
 This type of contract is advantageous as compare to above two methods and it can be
used for medium & large size of project.
 In this type of contract the total material and labour cost is decided & according to the
fixed & rate of profit, margin of the contractor is decided & contract is handed over.
 Sometimes it may uneconomical for both parties.
4) Cost plus (+) percentage variable rate contract:
 It is similar to cost + percentage fixed rate contract. Only difference is that the profit
margin of the contractor is variable.
 It may change according to market condition i.e. why it is more economical for both
5) Material supply contract:
 In this contract the contractor supplies various types of materials required for project
work time to time as per requirements & specifications of party No.1 & billing is
6) Labour contract:
 In this type of contract, the various types of labours (skilled, unskilled, semiskilled
labour) are provided by the contractor to the party No.1 time to time for completion of
project work.
7) Target rate contract:
 In this type of contract, the target of quantity, quality and time period is decided by
party No.1 and then contract is handed over.

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
Model Answer
Subject Name: Electrical Estimation and Contracting 22627: EEC
8) Sub contract:
 In this type of contract the main contract is handed over from party No.1 to party No.2
to carry the project work.
 But latter on, the main contractor decides this project work in various number of items
& each item is separately handed over to another contractor. This is subcontractor.
 In the sub-contracting, quality of project work may be reduced.
9) All in one contract:
 It is the best contract among the all contracts. But time required to decide the all in one
contract is very large hence it unsuitable for medium size & large size of project.
10) D.G.S. &D. rate contract :
( Director of General Supplies or Disposal of central government contract):
 In this type of contract the total cost of project work is decided by the PWD (Public
work Department) of government & contract is handed over.
 This type of contract is compulsory for government organizations, semi government
organizations & government undertaking organizations.
11) Cost plus (+) fluctuating fees rate contract:
 In this contract, contractor fee is variable. The fluctuating fee is inversely proportional
to the actual cost of project.
 Higher the actual cost, lower will be the value of the fee that contractor receives and
Vice versa.

b) Write any four rules for residential installation.

Rules For Residential Installation:
1. Every installation is to be properly protected near the point of entry of supply cables by a
two-pole linked main switch and a fuse unit. In a two wire installation if one pole is
permanently earthed, no fuse, switch or circuit breaker is to be inserted in this pole. A 3-
pole switch and fuse unit is to be used in case of 3-ph supply. 1 Mark for
2. The conductors used are to be such that size of conductor should carry rated current and each of any
partial over load current safely. four rules
3. The conductors installed are to be safe in all respects. = 4 Marks
4. Every sub-circuit is to be connected to a distribution fuse board.
5. Every line (phase or positive) is to be protected by a fuse of suitable rating as per
6. A switch board is to be installed so that its bottom lies 1.25 to 1.5 meters above the
ground floor.
7. A plug and socket-outlets are to be of 3-pin type, the appropriate pin of socket being
connected permanently to the earthing system.
8. All incandescent lamps, unless otherwise required, are to be hung at a height of 2.5
meters above the floor level. And ceiling fans are to be hung 2.75 meters above the floor.
9. Lights and fans may be wired on a common circuit. Each sub-circuit is not to have more
than a total ten points of lights, fans and socket-outlets. The load on each sub-circuit is to
be restricted to 800 watts.
10. No fuse and switch is to be provided in earthed conductor.
11. Every circuit or apparatus is to be provided with a separate means of isolation such as a
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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
Model Answer
Subject Name: Electrical Estimation and Contracting 22627: EEC
12. All circuit or apparatus requiring attention are to be provided with means of access to it.
13. In any building, light and fan wiring and power wiring are to be kept separate.
14. In 3-Phase, 4-wire installation the load is to be distributed equally on all phases.
15. No additional load is to be connected to an existing installation unless it has been
ascertained that the installation can safely carry the additional load and that the earthing
arrangements are adequate.
16. Lamp holders used in bath rooms are to be constructed or shrouded in insulating
materials and fitted with protective shield and earth continuity conductor is not to be size
less than 7/0.915 mm.
17. The metal sheaths or conduits for all wiring and metal coverings of all consumer
apparatus or applications is to be properly earthed in order to avoid danger from
electrical shock due to leakage or failure of insulation.
18. Each sub-circuit is to be protected against excessive current (that may occur either due to
over load or due to failure of insulation) by fuse or automatic circuit breaker.
19. All light conductors are to be insulated or otherwise safe guarded to avoid danger. After
completion of work the installations are to be tested (the test are to be carried out as
described) before energization.
20. Earth Resistance: It should be very low for domestic installation and equal to or less
than 5 ohm to 8 ohm
c) State the design consideration in industrial installations.
Design Considerations in Industrial Installations:
1) Find out output power of every machine in watts.
(i) 1 HP = 735.5W
(ii) Assume power factor, if not given.
(iii) Assume efficiency, if not given.
2) Find out Input power of every machine by assuming the efficiency of every machine.

1 Mark for
each of any 4
3) Find out Input current of every machine relevant
(i) For 1-phase machine. points with
where, description
V = Input voltage = 4 Marks
cos Ø = power factor
I = Input current
(ii) For 3-phase machine

VL = Line voltage
IL = Line current or Input current
cos Ø = power factor

4) Find out size and core of cable required for every machine, size of cable is decided by
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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
Model Answer
Subject Name: Electrical Estimation and Contracting 22627: EEC
starting current, which is assumed two times Input current to sustain starting surge, overload,
momentary short circuit and future expansion.
5) Find out total Electrical load of given factory/industry.
6) Determine the Input current required for whole factory/industry.
P = √3 VL IL cos Ø
7) Determine the size & core of Input cable required for whole factory/industry. To decide
the size, the current is assumed two times rated Input current for future expansion, overload,
starting surge and momentary short circuit.
8) List out the material required for factory/industry electrification.
9) Make the estimation chart for material and labour charges also.
10) Find out total cost of estimation by assuming contingencies, changes and profit margin.
Design considerations in case of industrial installation:
(i) Input current of the motor
When motor is connected to the supply, it draws much more current than its rated current till
the motor comes up to rated speed. This is starting current of the motor.
The current rating of cables for supply to motor may be based upon the normal full load
current of motor, but the rating of fuse should be based upon the starting current.
(ii) Selection of size of cable
The cables shall have a current carrying capacity of not less than 150 % of the motor full load
current rating.
(iii) Selection of size of conduit
The required size of conduit depends on (a) no. of cables to be installed (b) the cross
sectional area of the cable and (c) the permissible conduit fill.
(iv) Determination of rating of fuse
The criteria for selecting the correct size of fuse for motor protection is that it may carry the
starting current safely.
Starting current = 1.5 x full load current
(v) Selection of starter
1. Induction motor of low rating ----Direct On Line starter
2. Induction motor of medium rating (upto 15 Hp) ----Star delta starter
3. Induction motor of high rating ----Auto transformer starter
4. Slip ring Induction motor of high rating---- Rotor resistance starter
5. DC series motor ---- two point starter
6. DC shunt/compound motors --- Three point starter/ Four point starter
(vi) Selection of rating of Main switch
The current rating of main switch is the starting current of one motor of highest rating plus
full load current of remaining motor.
(vii) Selection of rating of Distribution board
The specification of the distribution board is decided from the no. of circuits to be fed from
it. The voltage rating is decided by operating voltage of the circuits.
The current rating is the highest starting current of the circuits fed from it.
(viii) Type of supply required for every machine
 DC
 Single phase AC
 Three phase AC

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
Model Answer
Subject Name: Electrical Estimation and Contracting 22627: EEC
(ix) Earthing type and its size.
 Pipe earthing
 Plate earthing
 Chemical earthing
d) List any eight electrical equipment required in HT (11kv) substation.
Electrical Equipment Required in HT (11kv) Substation:
i) Busbar: - Bus bar is common conductor to which incoming & outgoing lines are
connected. It is generally made from ACSR conductor. Cross section of conductor depends
on current. In Substation, there are three bus bar:
1) Incoming bus bar (33kV/66kV)
2) Station bus bar (11 kV) 3) Outgoing bus bar (11kV)
ii) Power Transformer:- Its function is to step down the incoming voltage (Secondary
transmission) to outgoing voltage (Primary distribution) without change in frequency. ½ Mark for
iii) Auxiliary Transformer: - Its function is to step down the input voltage (11 kV) to Each of any
distribution voltage (3-ph, 4wire, 440V) to give supply to control room, area lighting, staff eight
quarters etc. equipment
iv) Lighting Arrester: - It is provided for protection of substation, transformer against = 4 Marks
lightning stroke.
v) Earth switch: - It is used for safety purpose. It is closed during maintenance to discharge
vi) Isolator: - Its function is to isolate the circuit whenever required. e.g at the time of
vii) Circuit Breaker: - It is protective device. It open or break the circuit whenever there is
fault & protect the equipment.
viii) Relay: It senses the fault & gives signal to tripping circuit of C.B to open.
ix) Instrumental Transformer (CT & PT):- C.T & P.T are used for measurement of
electrical quantities and also for protection purpose.
x) Horn Gap Fuse: - It is provided to primary side of transformer for protection against
over current.
xi) Control Room: - It is constructed near to switchyard in which control panel is installed
from which various circuits are controlled by operator.
xii) Control Panel: - Control panel consists of different types of relays to detect different
types of faults.
xiii) PLCC (Power Line Carrier Communication):- It is used for direct communication
between substations to generating station also between two major substations. For this
purpose same transmission line carries communication signal.
xiv) Series Reactor: - To limit the short circuit current.
xv) Shunt Reactor: - It draws lagging KVAR to control voltage of transmission line.
xvi) Series Capacitor: - It supplies reactive power in KVAR
xvii) Shunt Capacitor: - For power factor improvement.
4. Attempt any THREE of the following: 12 Marks
a) State the design considerations (any eight) of electrical installation system for commercial
Design Considerations of Electrical Installation System for Commercial Buildings:
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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
Model Answer
Subject Name: Electrical Estimation and Contracting 22627: EEC
1) Find out the type of load and total electrical load for the given commercial installation.
2) Differentiate this total electrical load in lighting load and power load.
3) Make the no. of lighting sub circuit for lighting load.

½ Mark for
OR each of any
eight design
= 4 Marks
4) Make the no. of power sub circuits for power load.


5) Find out total power consumption of every lighting and power sub circuits.
6) Find out rated Input current for every lighting and power sub circuit.
P=VI cos P = Input power for every sub circuit
V = voltage = 230 V , I = Input current for every sub circuit
7) Determine the size of wire required for every sub circuit by considering overload,
starting surge and future expansion.
8) Draw the single line diagram.
9) Mark the batten / conduit on plan layout.
10) Find out the total length of batten / conduit required for every sub circuit and whole
commercial installation.
11) Find out the total length and size of wire required for every sub circuit.
12) List out the material required for whole commercial installation.
13) Find out cost of material and labour in estimation chart.
14) Find out the total cost of estimation with profit margin and contingencies charges.
15) Find out per point charges.
16) Draw the circuit diagram.
b) Draw the wiring diagram for the residential load shown in Fig. No. 1

MB-Main Board
PS- Power Socket
Assume one socket on each switch board.

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
Model Answer
Subject Name: Electrical Estimation and Contracting 22627: EEC

4 Marks for

c) Distinguish between overhead and underground distribution line (any four points)
Distinguish Between Overhead and Underground Distribution Line:
Sr. Overhead Distribution Underground Distribution
No. Line Line 1 Mark for
1 Public safety Less More each of any
2 Initial cost Less More four points
3 Flexibility. More Less = 4 Marks
4 Chances of Faults More Less
4 Appearance Poor Good
Fault location Easy to detect and repairs Difficult to detect and
and repairs repairs
7 Useful life Less More
8 Maintenance cost More Less
d) Prepare a complete estimation and costing for HT (11kv) overhead line to be used for
industry purpose.
Note: Credits should be given to step wise solution. In some cases, the assumed constant
values may vary and there may be some difference in the candidate’s answers and
model answer.
Assuming Length of line = 1 km , Average Span = 120 m

1 Mark

Length of 6/1 x 2.59 mm conductor required =

1 Mark
Weight of ACSR conductor assuming 128 kg/km length of conductor,
List of material required and cost is given below:
Description of Material With Complete Quantity Rate per Amount
Specifications Required Item (Rs)

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
Model Answer
Subject Name: Electrical Estimation and Contracting 22627: EEC
1. Steel poles, 11 m long 9 8000 72000/-
2. Cross arms 100 mm x 100 mm x 1.5 m long 9 1500 13500/-
3. Top insulator brackets 9 150 1350/-
4. Earth wire clamps 9 70 630/-
5. 11 kV pin insulators complete with pins 27 500 13500/-
6. 6/1 x 2.59 mm ACSR conductor 3060 m 180 per
(392 kg) Kg
7. GI wire 8 SWG 1020 m 270 per 2 Mark
(102 Kg) Kg
8. Binding wire of aluminium for fixing conductors
over insulators @ 200 gms at each insulator for 27 5.4 Kg 300 1620/-
9.11 kV lightning arresters complete 1 set 5400 5400/-
10. Earthing sets complete 3 set 3200 9600/-
11. Danger plates 11 kV with clamps 9 no 100 900/-
12. Pole foundation (muffs) 9 no 2200 19800/-
13.Others(Sundries to complete the job such as
bolts, nuts, washers, thimbles, painting of iron - 7000
parts, soldering etc)
Total 243400/-
Storage and Transportation Charges 5% 12170/-
Labour Charges 10% 24340/-
Contingencies 1% 2434/-
Total 282344/-
e) Explain street light pole structure with diagram.
Street Light Pole Structure:
1) Steel tubular pole on the street are erected for lighting of
streets. Distance from road ends: 1.5 m 2 Marks for
2) Base of pole: Base of Pole is made of Concrete. diagram
3) Base plate: Base Plate made of mild steel (30 cm x 30 cm x 1
cm) which is used to support pole 2 Marks for
4) Terminal box: Terminal box contain fuse, neutral link and earth explanation
cable. Wires from terminal box to run through pipe for street
light connection.
5) Lamp: Different types of electrical sources are used as lamps.
e.g. Mercury Vapour Lamp, Sodium vapour lamp, LED lamps
5 Attempt any TWO of the following: 12 Marks
5 a) Design electrical installation scheme (Layout and wiring diagram) of industrial unit having
three phase load of 50 KW floor mill. Also prepare the list of materials required.
(NOTE: Dimensions of Industrial unit are not specified, so one can assume it.
Examiners are advised to award marks for any assumption and stepwise solution)
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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
Model Answer
Subject Name: Electrical Estimation and Contracting 22627: EEC
i) Layout Diagram:

2 Marks for

OR Any Equivalent Diagram

ii) Wiring Diagram
2 Marks for

iii) Material Required:

Sr. No. Material Quantity

½ Mark each
1 120 A Busbar with neutral link 01 of any four
2 Energy Meter (3 Phase) 01 material
= 2 Marks
3 32mm PVC conduit 1.5mm thickness 20 pipes
4 Main Board Switch 01
5 ICTP (450 V, 120 A) 01
6 Star-Delta starter 01
7 Saddles 01 box
8 PVC Tap 05
9 Screw (03 inch length) 30 nos

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
Model Answer
Subject Name: Electrical Estimation and Contracting 22627: EEC
5 b) State the different methods of cable termination for HT (11KV) line. Explain any one
method in details.
Methods of Cable Termination For HT (11KV) Line:
1. Heat Shrink ½ Mark for
2. Lug Termination each of any
3. Claw type termination four methods
4. Spade termination = 2 Marks
5. Crimping

1) Heat shrink:
Heat shrink cable terminations can be used for LV-MV-HV power cables present indoors
and outdoors. Indoors, these cable terminations connect to substation switchgear,
transformers and insulated cable boxes. Outdoors, they are used in overhead and
underground distribution lines.
 High-quality heat shrink cable terminations have excellent strength 4 Marks for
 They are highly resistant to chemicals, solvents, and extreme temperatures explanation of
 Highly quality cable terminations do not crack, melt or get displaced when applied any one
properly Method
 The flexibility of heat shrink cable terminations allow them to be used in cases where
cables have to be bundled together.
2) Lug Termination:
 Strip conductor to insertion depth
 Conductor ends must be cleaned before termination
 Insert conductor fully into cable lug or ferrule
 Using the appropriate crimping tool crimp lug onto conductor
Lug is used to terminate stranded conductors only. It is made of tinned copper tubing pressed
into different shapes and sizes, and is crimped onto the conductor. Hand crimping tools
usually accommodate several lug sizes in a fixed head, which is obtainable with indent, oval,
hexagon crimp type dies. For larger lugs, hydraulic crimping machines with capacities from
5 tons upwards are used.
3) Claw type termination:
Prysmian Claw Cleats (Aluminium Cable Clamps) are two piece, single fixing LUL
approved cable cleats providing cable support and protection against all weather conditions
in industrial or outdoor areas with operating temperatures -60°C to +105°C.
Prysmian claw cable cleats with single bolt fixing are suitable for supporting cables with
10mm to 51mm outer sheath diameter forming part of the Prysmian BICON range of single
way cable cleats.
Epoxy coated claw cleats are available for heavy industrial and hazardous area locations
where higher levels of corrosion protection is required.
 Cable cleats suitable for cleating cables with diameters 10 to 51mm
 Claw cleats are manufactured from aluminium alloy
 Can be stacked to a maximum of three on a single fixing
 Can be used for all types of cable routes
 Plain finish – for normal industrial areas or outdoor unpolluted areas
 Epoxy coated versions available for harsher environments

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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
Model Answer
Subject Name: Electrical Estimation and Contracting 22627: EEC
 Packing pieces to be used where required
4) Spade termination
Spade lug terminals are used to dress and terminate a conductor to a termination point or post
with a mechanically secure, "partially captured" connection. The "partially captured" feature
allows the terminal to be removed from a termination post without completely removing the
compression nut (as is required with ring lugs). This security feature may be beneficial in
moderate vibration environments where there is a requirement for the termination to be
5) Crimping
Crimping is a totally different wire termination method. This was used to replace soldering
techniques. In this method, the connection is made using a crimping tool. The insulation of
the conductor is manually un-stripped and it is connected with the contact of the cable
assembly. Though the physical exertion is very high in this type of termination, it also offers
very reliable connectivity.
5 c) i) State the type of tender.
ii) State the aim of public lighting installation.
Types of Tender:
i) Open Tender 1 Mark for
ii) Selective Tender each of any
iii) Serial Tender three types
= 3 Marks
iv) Negotiated Tender
v) Term Tender
vi) Informal Tender
vii) Unbalanced Tender
viii) Single Tender
ix) Spot Tender
Aim of Public Lighting Installation:
i) To improve the visibility to facilitate the flow of traffic. 1 Mark for
ii) Reduce accidents. each of any
iii) To enhance the appearance of road at night. three aims
iv) Prevention of crime. = 3 Marks
v) Business promotions.
vi) Obstacle visible at public places.
6 Attempt any TWO of the following: 12 Marks
6 a) A 16m x 8m class room having R.C.C. ceiling at a height of 4m is to be provided with
following electric fittings.
Fluorescent tube 40W → 9 Nos.
Ceiling Fans 50W → 4 Nos.
Plug points 100W→ 2 Nos.
Draw single line diagram showing the position of switches and fittings. Prepare the list of
material required for class room wiring.
(NOTE: Examiners are advised to observe the assumptions made by students. Answers
may vary depending upon the assumptions made. The credit should be given to the
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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
Model Answer
Subject Name: Electrical Estimation and Contracting 22627: EEC
process followed to solve the problem)
1. Switch Board at the height of 1.5 m from ground level.
2. Conduit runs at the height of 3.5 m.
3. Main Board (MB) is at the height of 1.75 m
4. Tube T1 at the height of conduit run i.e. 3.5 m. Other all tubes at height of ceiling
5. Plug point present in each Switchboard.

2 Marks for

i) Total Load:
09 Fluorescent tubes each of 40 W =09x40= 360 W
04 Fans each of 50 W = 04x50 = 200 W
02 No. of 5 Amp Sockets = 02 x 100 = 200W
L & F Total=760 W
ii) No. of Sub circuits:
Total no. of L & F points 15 and wattage 760 W
As per no. of points 15/10 = 1.5means 2 sub circuits
As per wattage 760/800 = 0.95 means 1 sub circuits
So for L & F there will be 2 sub circuits
Sub circuit No. and Tube Fan 5 A Socket
Switch boards
L & F sub circuit No. T1,T2,T3,T4,T5, F1,F2 S1
I – SB1
L & F sub circuit No. T6,T7,T8,T9 F3,F4 S2
II – SB2

iii)Calculation of length of casing capping:

EM to DB = 1m (H)
DB to SB1 = 1.75 (Vup) +4+2(Vdown)=7.75 m
SB1 to (T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, F1, F2) = 0.75(H)+0.5 (V up) +6+3x(1.75x2)+3+2 = 22.75m
SB1 to SB2 = 7.25(H)+2 (Vdown) = 9.25m
SB2 to (T6, T7, T8, T9, F3, F4) = 0.5 (Vup)+ 6+ 3x(1.75x2) = 17m
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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
Model Answer
Subject Name: Electrical Estimation and Contracting 22627: EEC
Total Length of casing capping = 1+7.75+22.75+9.25+17=57.75 58
Consider 10% wastage, Total Length of casing capping = 58+5.8= 63.8 64m
Using thumb rule,
Total length of Phase & neutral wire (1.5 mm2) for lighting sub-circuit,
= 3 times length of casing capping + 10% extra
= 3 (58) + 10% = 174 + 17.4 = m 192 m 1 Mark
Material Required:
Sr. No. Particulars Specification Quantity
1 Energy Meter 1 phase 01
2 MCB 10 A/16 A 01
3 Switch Board 12 modular 02
4 PVC casing capping 1"(inch) 65 m
5 Wire 1.5 sq. mm 192m
6 Wire 2.5 sq. mm 2m
7 Switches One way 15
8 Socket 6A 02 ½ Mark for
9 Fan Dimmer --- 04 each of any
10 Ceiling Rose -- 13 six materials
11 Junction Box -- 13 = 3 Marks
12 Nut bolt / screw 25/8 and 35/8 02 box
13 Grip -- 03 Box
14 Wooden board -- 02

6 b) Explain Erection inspection and testing of industrial installation as per part 1 section 13 of
NEC 2011.
i) Erection:
 For the erection of the electrical installation, good workmanship by suitably qualified
personnel and the use of proper materials shall be ensured
 The characteristics of the electrical equipment, as determined in accordance with Part
1/Section 12 shall not be impaired in the process of erection.
 Protective conductors and neutral conductors shall be identifiable at least at their
terminations by colouring or other means. 3 Marks
 Connections between conductors and between conductors and other electrical
equipment shall be made in such a way that safe and reliable contacts are ensured.
 All electrical equipment shall be installed in such a manner that the designed cooling
conditions are not impaired.
 All electrical equipment likely to cause high temperatures or electric arcs shall be
placed or guarded so as to eliminate the risk of ignition of flammable materials.
 Several Indian Standards exist on installation of specific electrical equipment. These
shall be adhered to during erection of the installation
 All the installation before energize must be tested as per IS to prevent the accident to
persons or equipment’s during testing.
ii) Inspection:
 Visual inspection must be done to verify as per the code of section all selected and 1 Mark
erected are correctly, no any damage, inspect all as per the IS.
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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)
Model Answer
Subject Name: Electrical Estimation and Contracting 22627: EEC
iii) Testing:
1. Continuity of ring final circuit conductors
2. Continuity of protective conductors
3. Testing earth electrode resistance
4. Testing insulation resistance 2 Marks
5. Insulation of nearer built assemblies
6. Protection by electric separation
7. Insulation of non-conducting floors and walls
8. Polarity testing
9. Earth fault loop impedance
10. Operation of fault operated devices
11. Operation of residual current devices.

6 c) i) Enlist different on-off control equipment used in street light installation.

ii) State any six names of sources used in street light installation.
1) On-Off Control Equipment Used in Street Light Installation:
1) Relay 1 Mark for
2) MCB each of any
3) Photo resistor three
4) LDR Sensor. equipment
2) Sources Used In Street Light Installation: = 3 Marks
1) Incandescent lamps
2) Mercury vapour lamps
3) Sodium vapour lamps ½ Mark for
4) Fluorescent tubes each of any
5) LEDs six sources
6) Metal Halide Lamps = 3 Marks
7) Low pressure sodium vapour lamps.
8) High pressure sodium vapour lamp

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